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.. . : . ._ <br /> �r'�, � " o-.�-�� <br /> _ _,� . <br /> - -_ �.�. ' ��.�... --- <br /> - — toxh wd�nw�r oou�d naac h toraw,n.a tn.Prop.ny«wh«wi..m.t.�y Mp�t 4n.Mn cn.t.n tyy u�.s.o�y�a�'tin,�.ns��.nar• <br /> ..oud�y 9or►ow.r m.y ou•r wa►.d.auu:�nd nr,nn....prov�a.a in pi.�nph � owww en..cdon a a�o..arq a b. <br /> �' d�n�ss�d wNh�tuNnp tA�t�b L�ndK'�yood WIF� dN�trninaUon�prwudn faNitun ot dw 8orrowrr's Intwst In th�Prapwty a atha rr�W - <br /> ,�= r�.rn,«��a u,.w.n cr�.i.a ay tni.s.o�,r�y�,.�t o��.�,a.r•...e�y�ni.�t. eoR�►,.►.n.� .�w w h d.n�,M K eoROw.►,d�+n�in. <br /> ��PP��P��w•p�w rt�t«ioly f�w or inaocurat�in(�wtlon a it�t«n�nu to Unda(or faWd to provid�L�nd�r wlth�ny rtwdaMl <br /> ' ,,,; inlorrn�ibn) In conn�cfbn wNh th�b�n wid�nad by th�Not�,IndutNnp.but not 1nrt�d to� npr�ntatbn�oonowninp Barow�'s 000up�nt,y al <br /> " :'�,.,;;;,��.,:,;;��,:� th�f'ropeRy as�p�incipnl nsldance. H thle 9earity Inshument is on�leanehAld.9ortow�►eh�K cornply with N!th�provbions of th�IMw. _ <br /> ���"•. . M BorrowK�cquk�s fM Uq�ta th�Rrop��lyuhotd and th�iM 1MI�sh�l no►m�rp�wtl�sa L�d�r�Orws to th�mwp�►in wdtlnp. <br /> ' -- .�.,�,_.,._...",�_s.,. 7. Prot�ctton of I.�nd�r's Qi1pMs U tlw Prop�rly. It Borrowu 1�Ys u p«tam th� eov�«rMna conhin�d <br /> -- �'r��'�-^�:.,�,�,,y' In this 9�curiry instrummt,u thrn fs�MpH p�nc«dk�p th�t may�IpnNlanty att�cl L�ndK's�iphts in th�Pro{�rty(wch as a procNdkiy <br /> h banfwptcy,prob�t�,la cond�nwUon or forf�itun or to antorc�{�ws or nyut�Uans),th�n Undr m�y do and p�y 1or what�vu is n�awy <br /> —�-���t�;�.�;:,;•� to prot�ct th�valu�of th�Proprty and Lrnd�r's riphts In the PropKty. L�n�Mr's�tdio+u rr�y Indud�paylnp�ny�ums s�cund by a A�n whlcti <br /> __� _ �•=-�.—�_':.��=-��' hts prlorky ovar thts 3ecurlly In�trunt�nt.�PPMrin�In couR.WY„9 rwsonaW�attomsyP f«s�nd�ntuk�p on th�Prop�rty to m�k�np�ks. _- <br /> - ';._,F;�,•.�.�v:�.;�i Nthcniyh L�nd�r m�y tak��dkx�und�r lhis panpraph 7,Land�r do�s not hav�to do �o, <br /> � My�mwnts disbun�d by L�ndK und�►this panpnph 7 shaA b�come�dditiawl d�bt ot sortowr:�cur�d by this Saarity Mstrumrnt <br /> � „;:;,,Ei:n,�„_�;;i �������d UndK apra to othu tKnu ot paymsnt,tha�amounta shaM bwr htwat irom fh�dat�of dabun�wnt at th� -- <br /> �� ' Not�nU and shall be payaWe,wkh intKat,upon notic�hom Landr to Bortower nquntinp payrrMnt. <br /> � �,_ _ . 8. IAort� Inwranc�. N L�nd�r requk�d morty�ye inwnnu as a condition ot m�Wnp th�lan sscurod by this S�curfly Instrum�nt, <br /> � 8u►uwK sh�M pay th�pnmiums requk�d to m�N�tain th�morty��e inwancQ In allwt. If, tu any nason,th�mortqty�fnwranc�covwaqt <br /> - rpuk�d by L�nder i�pan or ce�sas to t»in eH�ct,Bortowu shait pay Ih�prwnium4 raquked to otsto4�covaaya�ubs�tantt�Uy YquNalmt to!ht <br /> E mortyay�Insurance previousfy in Mbct,at a co�t substanti�4y equlvalant to the cott to BoROwr of the morty�ye inaurance pnviousty k►Nbct, - <br /> from an aFtematt mortyays insurx approved by L�ndsr. If substanifalt�equlvaient mortq�qe inaurance eover+i�e la not avail�bit,Borrow�r sh�!pay =- <br /> to Lendu wch month a sum equal to onttwelfth of the yeady mortqape inaunnca premlum bainy poid by Borrow�►when tho Insuranu covetaqa �. <br /> I�psed or ce�sed to be in effsct. Lend�r wiN acc�pt,un�nd ratak�thoa�paym�nt�a�a toas roa�rve In Yw of mortp�ps insuranu. Loss rarv� <br /> � payments may no lonper be requked,at tha opUon of Lender,H mort9ape fnaunnce coveraye Qn the amaunt and ior tha p�riod lhat Und�► <br /> requkee)provided by an insurw�pprovsd by L�ndu ayaln becomas available�nd b obtainQd. Borrower ahall pay the prwnlumt rpuked to _- <br /> tn�k�Wn mortyaqa insurance In affsct,or to provide a loas reterve,untN th�nquk�nt tor mortyaye inaunnca ands In accordmc�wkh any <br /> ,, wrirtten aprssment bNw�en Borrow�r and Lender or�ppiicabk law. <br /> 8. Insp�Ctlon. Lender a fts aqent rtwy mak�rwsonabte�ntrfea upon and inap�ctions of th�P�operly. L�nd�r shap yN�Borrowr <br /> notice�t the time oi w pdor to an inspacUon apecityk�y re�sonable caute for thQ Inspeclion. - <br /> -:- : -- - i 0. CBiitiatiiii:t�8ii. 7he praceads ot any award or clakn far dama9�,direat or consequeseNel. ht tonnzcllnn w!!h eny�end_wnnnikM+ <br /> or other takkiq of any part ot the Ropaty,or fa conveymce in Ileu of condamnatbn. ue hareby�ssipned and ahall bt pald to tond�t. --_ <br /> In the event ot�total Uking of tha Prope►ty,the proceeda shaA be applied to ihe aums secured by this 3ewrfty Inatrumant,wh�chK ar not ��' <br /> lhen dua,with any excess paid to Borrower. In th�event of a p�rtial taklnq of the Property in whkh the fak rrwrket vaiue of the Propsrty " <br /> knmad4lely betore the t�kinq ia equai to or 9re�ter than the amount of the suma aecured by thfs Security Insttument tmm�di�tely betore tho taWnp, <br /> unleaa Bortower and Landw othe►wisa�yreQ in writinp,the sums aecured by this Securiry Inswment shall be reduced by the�mount ot the __ <br /> � pracet+d�mulUplied by the followinq fraction: (a)the total amount of sums secured Immediately before the takinq, dNided by(b)thQ f�k m�rket •�= <br /> fd <br /> �. <br /> vaiue of the Property immedlately betore the teking. Any baance shell be pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlal takiny of lhe Propaty in E'•� <br /> �.'►" <br /> which the talr market value of tfie Propcxty immediately betore the teking is less tlun the Amount of the sums secured knmedktely bNwa th� <br /> •► Ukinq,unloss Borcower and Lender otherwise apree In wrltinq or untesa appAcabie yw olhervvise providas,the proc�eds shaA ba�pplled . <br /> I .+ to tha auma seeured by this Seeurity Inst�ument whmher or not thQ sums are then du�. , <br /> If the Property is abondoned by Borrower, or if.ofter not�e by Lender to BoROwer ihat the condemnor oNers to make�n award or satU� <br /> a claim for dartwyes,Borrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dntQ the notice Is gwen.Lender la autho�ized to coAact <br /> � and apply the proceeds,at Its opUon,either to restoratlon or repair ot the Property or to the sums secured by this SQCUrity Instrumsnt, gE <br /> � whethe�or not then due. " . <br /> � � Unkss Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in writiny, any applicatlon of proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or postpone the due � <br /> Idate of the monthty poyments referted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such paymente. � <br /> 11. Borrowo� Not Reloasad; Forebes�rance By Londor Not a Waivor. Extetision ot the time for payment or modlftC�tlon � _ <br /> of amorlizotion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest o/8ortowet sh�ll not i <br /> operatt to releese the Ilabflity oi the oriyinal Bonower or Bortower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence � <br /> proceedinys ayalnat any successor in Interest a refuse to extend tlme for payment o�Whenvise modity amoht�ation ot the aums aecured <br /> by thls Security Instrument by renson ot any demand made by the oriyinal Borrower or Borrower's successora In intwast. My torbetnnca <br /> I by Lend�r in exercising any r(ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preciude the exercise oi any �ght or remedy. <br /> ':. 12. Succos�ora and Assigns Bound; Joint and Soveral Liabitity;Co-signa��. The covenents and ayreements ot <br /> � I this Secu�ity Instrument sh�ll bind and bene6t the successors and assigns oi Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of paragraph <br /> , � � 17. Borrowar's covenants and ayreements ahall be Joint and severa�. My Horrower who co�siyns this Securfty Instrume�t but doea not <br /> }: axecute the Nots: (a)is co-signing this Securily Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant and convey that Bonower's interest In the Property <br /> • under lhe terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personalty obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:and(C) <br /> , �praes that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to extend,modify, torbear or make a�y occommodatlona with tayard to the terms of <br /> . this Security insirument or the Note without thet Borrower's consent. <br /> i <br /> 13. Loan Cbargos. It the loan secured by this Security Insirument is subject to a aw which sets maximum ban charyea, and <br /> that I�w ia finaily interpreted so that the Interest or other�oan charges collected or to be collected in connection wfth the loan exceed <br /> � � the permitted limits.then: (a) ony such loan chuge shaA be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce the charge to the pertnitted <br /> L Wnit: and (b)�ny sums atre�dy coUected hom Bortawer which exceQded permtted I�mits will be retunded to Bonower. Lender may choose <br /> ���.,.r.en�R rw(und 6v rwdurJnn thQ DtlnCloal owed under the Note or bv makina t direct aavment to Bortower. B a re(und reduces prin- <br /> � ��reductbn will be treated qa a part(al prep�yment without any prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> ' 14. NOtICYf. My notice to Bortow�x provided for in this Security Instrummt shall 6e given by dHivering it or by malliny ft by first <br /> r <br /> ' `� c�ss m�G unless�ppAcable law requkas use of another method The notice shail be drected to the Property Address or any other eddress <br /> � jt . <br /> i <br /> � ���9,� c�o� ,�,s Form 3028 9/90 <br /> , � <br /> i <br /> . <br /> � ' <br /> � � --- --- <br />