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_ . �,,.�,.- . <br /> �' ^,.. I ��# , ,�. I`�� 1:'..-_. _ <br /> .—_ _��..�� <br /> _�`_��.�-��`�s.�n� , ' <br /> �.�. . <br /> --- Barowr d�sipn�t�s by notba to LendK. My notic�to L�nd�r thall b� yN�n by 11nt aMu mW toZ�'s�d� _ — a�ny � <br /> oth�r adtkKS Und�r dM{pnNu by notla to QarowK. My notic�providd br In d�is�ourky In�trummt sh�M b�d�n�d to hw�bNn <br /> .,��� piwn to BonowK or L�ndu wh�n yN«t��provid�d h thb p�n{�raph• � <br /> . g_.�i!i�.,`�� 16. �O�MIffIH� L�W sW�►abllfly. Th{s S�ouiNy In��rumint thtA I�povMn�d by t��l l�w�nd th�kw of th�ju�l�datbn k1 <br /> ' whioh th�P►opwty M loc�td. k�th�w�nt th�t�r►y provlsion or cl�uN ol ihb 8�ourlty In�trumrnt ar th�Nob conlNde with�ppNc�bN <br /> ' , ,. �, yw,wah oonAbt sMll not aM�t othu provbbm af thi�8�wrily Inswmmt a th�Nob whtch�n t»qN�n�Ihot wMbout th�conMoUnp <br /> .. ''."..�.��`.".. . p�ovlsion. To thls end the provisbne of thh 3aairttyr In�trument�nd the Note�n d�aNnd to b�sw�rabw. _._._ <br /> . :,.:,`� • .`�..�. 16. BOrrowr�'s COpy. 8orrowr sh�N b�yM�n on�contorm�d eopy ot th�Not�and ot thts 8�curky In�Uwn�►t. � <br /> ,:.��.-�.:f�; . <br /> — ,;�:.,,+:.,�� � ��� -•- 17. Tramhr ot tlN Proputy or a B�nNlcl�t Int�n�t in Borrow�r. �t ar ar.ny pat ot ch�Prop.r�y a any int«.a <br /> --�..�z�.0,a�,,.,• _ �•,:tr�ati <br /> �_.�, in M Is sotd or tnnshrt�d(or N a b�fMof�l InSKat h BoROw�b soid a traanslrnd and Bortow�r is not a n�tural pwsonl wUhout L�nd- <br /> —��a�- �►'�pdor wdtqn cont�nt, l�ndr may��t fts optlon,nquk�Ynrn�dt�b payment N tuN of�1 sums s�cund by this S�cwity In�trum�nt. <br /> �4 �� ...... � . :. I� <br /> . .; _.� Howw�r,thla option shaN not b�ucKCta�d by Und�r H�xrds�is prohfbk�d by t�drai Mw a ot th�d�t�of thta S�curity instrum�nt. <br /> - �-��-- „ . . If L�nd�r�cerdtn thle optlon.Lend�r sh�N qiw Borrow�r�otic�ot aeuf�don. Th�notia shall provid�a p�tlod ot not Iws th�n 90 !- <br /> .---� %tifsni:w.�l.ctit.�s I d r <br /> _�;.� •►� -- , • d�ys ttom th�d�t�th�natica i� ddiv�nd or m�N�d withln which Borrowor must p�y all sums��cursd by this S�curity Instrum�nt. M <br /> ��. BorrowK ta4s to pay th�s�sums ptior to th�axpiraUon of thls pNiod,L�nder m�y irrvoke ufy nm�dl�i p�rmltt�d by thia S�auity Instru• <br /> ,... <br /> 1; ' mrnt without furth�r noUcs or d�nd on Borrow�r. <br /> . ,- "'=.i.�.::.,`o�..,.:..�, <br /> 18. Borrow�r's RipM to R�Inst�t�. it Borrowx m..ts esrt�in condttions. Borrowet shaN h�v�th.�ipht to ha��ntorcwnw►t <br /> � '' ' " ' of this 8�cuiity Instrum�nt diseontlnu�d at�ny tkn�prlor to th�wr{I�r oi:(�) S daya(or wah othK p�riod as appik,�bl�taw may sp�dy <br /> i (or r�InsLtwn�nt) b�foro s�i�of tht Propwty purownt to any powK ot saM confakud k►thls S«xirtty Instrum�nt; or (b)�nUy ot�Judpmmt <br /> . entorciny this S�wrlty InsUummt. Thoss condiUons u�thU Borrowar. {a)payc Land�aC sums whieh thon would bt due undu thla -- - <br /> i Sseurfty Inttrum�nt�nd th�Note as fl�o�cceleraUon had oceurt�d; (b) cuns any dtfauA ot any othx eovonants or aprwm�nts;(o)paya�II -•--- <br /> expenaes Incurrad In enforelny this S�curiry Instrument,inciudk►p,but not Wnited to,nason�bk attom�ys'tea�:and(d)Lk�such adlon _ <br /> �s Lander rtwy re�aonaby roquka to�ssun that the Ilen of this Securfty Imtrument,Lender'a riphts in th�Property and Bortowar's obNpa• ` <br /> tio�to pay the aums aecured by thia Sacurity Instrumant shall continw unchanp�d. Upon reinatat�rnent by Borrow�r,thls S�curUy —_ <br /> Inatrument�nd the obiiqatbns aecured hareby ah�A rematn lully eitecth�e�s if no accdenNan had occurnd. Howwor,this rlyht to rMnat�tt �-_ <br /> sh�li not appiy in the caae ot�cc�iention under parayraph 17. �_ <br /> . 19. Sd�of Not�; Chan�s of Loan S�rvie�r. Tha Note or a p�rtlal Intenat in the Note(topether with this Security <br /> tnaVument)m�y bo soid one or more tim�s without pdor notice to 8ortower. A sate may result In a change In tho�ntky(known as the _ <br /> ' 'Lwn 8«vicar')that collaets monthly payments due under the Note�nd tNs Seeuriry(natrument. There atao may be one or ma�ehanp�s oi <br /> th�Lo�n Servlcer unroiat�d tn a wN of tha Not�. It there I�a chanqe of thQ Loan 3ervksr, 8orrowsr wW be yNran wdtten noUce ot the chanpe �`� <br /> = . - in.cwrctw�c:wii�i�r��r+ph 14 abavs and�pplicable la:Y. The nodce wiN�tnte the name+�n�i,�ddr��ot tlw nwv Loan 3«vic�r and th� , <br /> . �ddress to which paymsnts ahould ba rt�de. The noticQ will aiso conWin�ny other Intomiation required by applic�bi�Iaw. �.t� <br /> 20. Haz�rdous Substancea. Borrower ah�ll not cause w permft the proaence, use,disposat,atoraqe,or releas�of�ny Hwrdou� �.M. <br /> aubatances on or in the Rroperty. BoRUwer shdl not do,nor alow anyone ets�to do, anythinq attectin9 tho PropMy that la in vIol�Uon of <br /> any Environmental Law. The precediny two sentences ahaA not appiy to the presence, u�e, or storaye on the Property of amali quanWi�s of �„ <br /> H�zardous subat�ncea that are yenerally recoynized to be appropriate to nomul residonWl uses and to maintenance of the Property. �5_ <br /> � ,. Bortower shall promptly gNe Lender wdtten nutice oi eny Inveatigetlon.clakn,demand,tawsuit or other action by any govemmentol or �.- <br /> � � reyulatory�yency or private porty Involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentai Law ot wh�h BoROwer has rctual <br /> !�; knowiedye. It Borrower leams,or is notNied by any govemmentol or regu4tory authority.that any removal or other remedfatbn at any Hwrdous �"- <br /> � Subst�nu a H�ct f n�t he Property la neceasary, Borrow e r a h�l l p r o m p t l y t a k e a l l n e c e s s e ry r e m e d i a l a c t l o n a i n a c c o r d a n c e ti v H h E n v i r o n m e n t e i L a w. �- <br /> � ' As u�ed In thia paragraph 20,'Hazardous Substances'are those substances defined as toxic or herardnus substances by EnvkonmenWl � <br /> Law and the toliowln�aubatances:yasoUne,keroaene.other flemmable or toxic petraieum praducts,tox(c pesticides and herbicidea,votaUle _. <br /> � soHents,materlats contatnNg asbestos or tormaldehyde, and radloactive rrNterlais. As used in this parayraph 20, 'EnWronmentai Law' � <br /> � ' maans tederai laws and Iews ot the jurisdictlon where the Property ia bcated ihat relate to heaith, sefety or envkonment�i protQCtlon. <br /> I NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Elorrower and Lender turther caven�nt and agree es tollows: <br /> 21. Acceleration; Ramedlos. Lender shall givo notice to Borrowor prior to accelaratlon followlnq <br /> i Borrowor'a braach of any covonant or agreement in thia Sacurity Instrument (but not p�ior to accelsratlon <br /> � , undsr parapr�ph 17 unless applicabte taw provido�othanrri�e). Tho notice stwll spocify: (a)the defauit; (b) <br /> . tho action requirad to cure the defauit; (c) a date, not lesa than 30 day�from the data tha notico is yivon to <br /> Borrowe�, by which tho default must bo curad;and (d)that failurQ to cure the dofault on or bofora ths data � <br /> , apocifiod tn the notica msy resuit tn accoteration of th� sums aocured by this Sacurity Instrumont and sab � <br /> of tho Proporty. The notice shali further info�m Borrower of tho right to rainstate aftor accelaration and <br /> tho rfpht to bring a court action to aasert the non-oxistance of a defautt or any othor dofenso of Borrowar <br /> • to accQlor�tion a�d �ala. If the defauit is not cu�od on or before the date apocifiod in tha nMica, L�nd�r <br /> •£ + at tt�option may require tmmadiato payment in fuii of all sums socured by tht� Socurity instrum�nt without <br /> . � fu�thor damand and may invoko tho power of sale and any othvr ramedies permitted by applicablo <br /> , . law. Lender ahall be entitled to aoilect all expensas incurred in pursuing the ramedies proridnd in this <br /> � paragraph 21, inciuding, but not limitvd to, reasonable attorneys' feos and costs of ttt�o avldonco. <br /> , If tho power of sale is invokad, Trustoo sholl rocord a notice of datautt in each county in which any p�rt <br /> , of tho Property is locatod and shal� mail copies of such notice in tho mannor p�escribed by�pplicabte taw <br /> to Borrowor �nd to the other po�sons prescrib�d by applicable law. Aiter thQ time required by applfcable <br /> law, T►ustoo ahali givQ pubUc notice of sate to the persons and in the manner proscribed by applicable law. <br /> .� Trustoa. without demand on Borrowor, shatl sall tha Property at public auction to tho highest biddar at tha <br /> � time and place and undar tho to�ms dasignated in tha notico of salo in one or mor�parcels and tn any ordor <br /> ��.. r.�.�*.. d�*�rmin�a_ Truatoo mav uostnon� sate of ail or anv aarcol of the Proporty by publtc annou�cvmant <br /> � 1 tt tha tim� and placo of any praviou�ly schedulod �al�. Landor or its dQ�tpnoo may purchae� th� Proparty <br /> ; ! at any sal�. <br /> ' � Upon rocNpt of paymQ�t of tha price bid.Truste�shtll dativor to th� purcha�er Trustea's dood <br /> �' � conv�yinp th� Proporty. Tho r�cit�is in tha Trustoa's de�d shNt ba prima facfo �vid��co of th�truth <br /> . of th� sttt�ments made thsrsin. Trustoe shstl �pply tha proco�d�of thQ salo in the followieg ord�r: <br /> ' � (i) to ali coNs and oxp�nsos of oxorcising tho powe�of 9alo, and tho �ato, inctuding tho paymant of tho <br /> � Trust��'s foa4 actuNly incurr�d, not to Qxc��d 3.00096 of th� principal amount of tho notQ at th� timo <br /> of tha d�claration of datault, and raasonsblo attornoya'fo�s as p�rmitt�d by law; (b) to all sums s�cur�d <br /> br thi� S�curity Instrum�nt; and (c) �ny excosa to th�ponon or parsons laqa�ly ontitivd to it. <br /> '�sr�i� Ca9��oT 5 Fom►3028 8/80 <br /> � - - - ---- - -- _. _. - <br />