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<br /> UPIIFORMi COVENAHTS. Hatowu�rM L�ndor covww►t�nd aqn�e�loliow�: ��T" ��i�7�7Ci
<br /> 1. P�ynNe!of Prt�ipd �nd IntK�h P�t1t�nd l.aM ChKq��. eon�owr sha�l promp�l�p�y wMn dw qM
<br /> — � P�k�of and IMwst on th�d�bt�dmad bI►th�Nob�nd�ny pnp�ynwK�nd Mt�clwpN du�undu th�Nott.
<br /> 2. Funds 1or T�xa�nd (nw►anw. 6ubJ�a w.ppMo�bi��.w«a.wrNUn w.w.r byr�..nar� BoROw.r thar p�y u L�nd�► on
<br /> ih�drY�«Y P��+�n dw und�t 1M Nob�tx►tY Ih�Not�N p�fd h fuN.�sum ('Fundt')br. (�) Y�uN W�a and uws�rwnts wMoh
<br /> '` may aWin pdodty ovo►ihls S�cwky Instrwrwnt u�I{�n on th�Prap�Ayt(b)Y�h���WY�U Q►G►o�d nnts an th�P►a�ty,
<br /> . M�nY:(a� Y�Y �►d a p'�p'�Y hwrrnc�pr�rtYwrw:�d}Y�arN tlaod inwrance prantumy,If any; (e)Y��Y�9�0�N�unno� pr�ns, . --
<br /> �� k any;�nd(Q u►Y�P�Y+��Barowa fo UndK.h aecad�nc�wkh th�provisbnt oS p�npraiph 8,h INU ot th�p�ymmt al moApap�
<br /> •.r^-....,.;L.-.:::7c.:�v�i
<br /> �-�-,:= -:..._�:.a�.rri �^�� �^�. Thn�M«nt w cawd 'Escrow Ibnu'. Und�r m�y.�t any 1Nn�� coll�t and hoid Funds h�n�rta�xit not to ocp�d
<br /> _---=.�:�:'^•�s•� th��drt�m�mount a Nnd�r!a a f�d�dy ni�t�d mortp�p�ton rn�y nquks ta�ow�r's�saow�ccount undw th�bcMrN Rw
<br /> -�--=_�-��wya.,_�..� EaLt�S�ttMrnmt Roc�N Act ot 1071 a ar�nd�d from Wn�to thN.12 U.S.C.�2601 �t sp.('RESPA•). uni�s�inotl��►Mw tIW�ppli�s to r
<br /> s'��'��'-.-.��-.L_• th�Fund�sNs a Nss�r Nnount. It w�Lwidu mry.�t any tkn�.coll�et aid hoid Funds in rn amount not to �xcMd th�t�aw amouni L�ndr
<br /> -` — ° �-'�.,`.� —� may atkrnt�th�rnount ot Funds dw on th�bads of cun�nt data�nd nason�bi�ntknatN of�xpmdituns ot fuqu�Escrow It�nr a othrwis� �__
<br /> -- ,..�:. �.��,_�..���,zta
<br /> �Y: 4�.r�..:�y.f h�ccatd�nc�wflh ap�bl�Y�w.
<br /> ��`.' -• .. - . . Th�Funds sh�ll 1»hMd in�n In�tltutlon whos�d�posltt u�Inwr�d by a f�d�rN ap�ncy.InsWmnt�lity, ot�ntity(Indudlnp L�ndsr M L�ndr
<br /> ---_-°-�v--��' ... ':u, I�wch an In�dwtbn) ar h any F��I Hom�Lan 8ank. L�ndr�hall apply th�Funds to p�y th� E�ow It�ms. Lendr m�y n�l ctwp� —
<br /> - �'..,. ..: . ..¢�,. . BorrowK for holdNy and q�pyk�0 th�Funds,�nnutWy an�ytlnp the etc►ow account or vrltytnp th� E�crow It«ns, unl�ts Und�t Wys 8on'o►v�►
<br /> -� :�:�-', ":';a '. :•••,.��" Intanst on th�Funds and appWc�bl�I�w p�rmlts Lmder to mtk�such a Chi►y�. HOWMtK.LMIdK�iNy I�qUkY 80ROWK i0�y t Ot1O-lYll! CIIWQt
<br /> tor an k�d�pand�nt rwl�tat�t�x r�porth9 savlc�us�d by L�nd�r In connectlon wqh thlt loan, unl�u appNcabla law prov(du othwwlst. UnNss
<br /> � . . an ap►Nmant Is m�de ar appNCaW�kw rpukes intenat to bt pald,Lender shaN�ot b�nqulrad to p�y Borcower�ny Interoet at �mtnqi ot�th• . -
<br /> Funds. 8orrow�r md Und�r m�y ayrM fn writh0�hOWNK,that IntK�at eh�ll t»pdd on th�Funds. Lend�r sh�ll yNe to Borrowr,wkhout
<br /> �• , •• '� ch�ry�,an annual�acountl�p of the Funds showlnq cr�dit�and dabU�to the Funds and th�puryos�for whlch Mch d�btt to th� Fundt
<br /> ; • was tn�d�. Th�Funds�r�pbdp�d�s addidonal aecurity 1or aW sums aecured by thla S�cudty Instrument
<br /> If th�Funda hdd by Lendar�xcMd th�amounts pertdtt�d to b�hekl by�ppllable yw, LendK shaQ account to Bortow�t for the �was
<br /> Funds h aecardanc�wqh th�rpuk�n�nt�o}appYcable kw. If th�amount ot the Funds held by Lender at any ttme Is not aufAra�nt to pay th� �,.;.
<br /> Esctow Items whn due,Lendsr may so notNy Borrower fn w�fUnp, and, In auch caa�Bortow�r atw�l p�y to Lender ths unount nseasary to m�k� _
<br /> up ths d�flclency. Bortower ahall m�k�up th�deIIcll�ncy In no mon than twelvt monthy payments, �t Under's aola dlar,�etlor►.
<br /> Upon payment In tuY of�A sums sscur�d by thls Sacurity tnotrum�nt,Lenda shaH prompty re(und to 8or►ower any Funda hdd by Lrider. It
<br /> und�r paraqraph 21, Lender shaN acquka a sql th�PropeAy, Lender,prlor to ths acquialNon or ade of th�PropNty,sh�ll�pply any Funds hdd �
<br /> by Lendsr at the Ilme ot acqulaiGon or sak as a uedit ay�k►st the aums aecured by th(a 3acurity tnaWmsnt. ---
<br /> -- --- "� ��"- ` 3.Appiicadon of €�aym�nts. Unkas appiicabie I�w providu�vii�iawise,�ii paymante reratrod by icndcr undar para�hs 1 en�!2
<br /> shaA bs apptled:frst, to any prepayment charyea du�under the Note: aecond,to amounts Wryable under p�raqraph 2;thkd,to Intr�st duo; _
<br /> fourth,to prindpd due;and kst,to�ny late charyea due under the Note. o_
<br /> 4. Charg��; UYtts. Bwrower ahall pay�II taxes.assessments,choryes,fnes ond imposltiona attributabte to the Property whlch may �
<br /> attaln prlorlty over thls Security Instrument,and Ieasehold payments or grou�d re�ts,If any. Bortower ah�I pay theae obNyaUons In the mannw
<br /> o er shall them on tlme direct to the peroon owed payment. Bortower ahaY �.'
<br /> � � provlded I�paraqnph 2,or It not pald In that manner. Borr w pay N
<br /> ' promptly fumlah to Lendar all noUces of�mounts to be pald under thls perayraph. It BaRawer m�kes these paymonts dlrecty,Borrowu
<br /> ;. ahall promptly tumish to Lender recelpts evldenclny the payments.
<br /> 3 Borrowe►shaY promptly dlacharye any Aen wh�h has priority over thls Securfty Instrument unless Borrowcv:(a)eyreaa In writlnq to the p�y-
<br /> t•� ment oi the obllq�qon aecured by the Oen In e manner acceptable to Lender: (b) contests in good taith the IIQn by,or datcynds apalnst enforc«nent i
<br /> '� � of the Uen In.�egN p►oceedlnys whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the eniorcement oT the Aen; or(c)securea hom th�hokler of the �
<br /> � Nan en ayreement satls(�ctory to Lender subordinating the Nen to thfs 3ecurity Instrument. If lender determines that any part of th�Prope�ty Is
<br /> aubject ta a tien whlch may attaln prlorlty over thls Securlry lnstrument. Lender may qlv�i Borrower a notice Identily(ny the Ilen. Bortowa thaM i
<br /> eaUsty the Ilen or takQ one or more ot the actlans set torth ebove within 10 days ot the giving o1 notwe.
<br /> . 5. Hu�rd or Proporty I��uranco. Borrower shaN keap the improvements now exlstfng or hereafler etected on the Property(naured ;
<br /> ayalnst Ioas by Ike, huerds Includad within the term 'extended coveraye'and any other hazards.Including tloods or Oooding,tor which Lendv
<br /> requlres tnsunnce. '�hls Insurance ahall be malnt+lned In the emounts and tor the periods that 4ender requlres. The Insurance cartkr providhy
<br /> the insurance sh�N be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lnnder's opproval which shaN not be unreason�bly wlthheld. If BoROwer faYs to mainttki
<br /> cover�ge desuibod above. Lendar rtwy,at Lendera optlon,obtaln coveraye to protect Lender's riphts In the Property in accard�nc�with ,
<br /> paragnph 7.
<br /> � AA Insurance pollcles and renewals shall be occepteble to the Lender and shell include n standard mortgage clause. Lender sheM hove the
<br /> �Iyht to hold the polfcles and renewats. If Lender requires, Bortower s1iaA promptly give to Lender all receipts of pald premiums and renewal
<br /> noUces. In the event of Ioss. Borrower ahatl 9Ne prompt natice to the insurance cartier and Lender. Lender rtwy make proot ot lasa If not mtde
<br /> . promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unless Lender a�d Bottower otherwlse agree in writing.inswance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair oi the Property Gmaged.H
<br /> � � the restoratlon or repalr is economlcally fenaible and Lender's security is aot lessened. If the restoralion or repalr Is not economiuly fe�afbk
<br /> . or Lender's security would be Iessened.the Insura�ce prxeeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thfs Security Instrument,whether or not
<br /> � then due,wlth any excess pald to Borrower. 11 Bonower nbandons the Propertyr.ar does not answer wilhin 30 days a notice from Lender th�t the
<br /> ` Inaurance cartier has otlered to serile a Galm,then Lender may collect the insurence proceeds. Lender cnay use the proceeds to repalr or restore
<br /> , I the Roperty or to pay aums secured by thls Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 30•day perlod wlll beyk�when the notice Is pNen.
<br /> � Untess Lender and Bortower otherwlse egree In writing, any appucation of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> ot the monthly p�yments reterred to in parayraph t and 2 or change the amount of the p�yments. It under peragraph 21 the Property Is
<br /> � acqulrQd by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance poAcles and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property p�or to the acqufsitlon
<br /> i sh�ll pasa to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> w �_�_.����.. n��.......�t..w �I�iw��n�ww� �nd Drnf�rflnn nf*h0 p�eeoet.,:Borrowor': Loan Auollcation:
<br /> V� VVYY���v�t • •��������v��� ���M�����..�..�� �.'� .
<br /> � I Loawholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Praperty os BoROwer's principal residence withln sixty d�ys after the executlon of
<br /> S � thls Security InsWment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bortower's principal resldence br at le�st one yEVr after the date of
<br /> ' � � occupancy. unless Lender otherwlse ayrees In writing, whlch consent shall not be unreasonably withhNd.or unless extenuating circumsunces exlst
<br /> •i I whlch are beyond Bortower's control. Borrower shell not destroy.damage or impair the Property. albw the Property to deteriorate.or comrryt
<br /> ' I wastt on the Prop�ty. Bortowar shau be in defautt if any forfeiture�ction or proceeding, whether civil or criminal.Is bequn that fn Lender's good
<br /> `s
<br /> i
<br /> � ao2ei nm �a�,i O.iQr 2 oe S Forrn 3028 9/90
<br /> � ' -
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