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__ ___ _ _ ... <br /> . —� <br /> ��• i I i* � '�INir.n..,.. . �' ' �' -"- <br /> - _.,__�� <br /> _ - _ � . <br /> - � 94- so�s <br /> NMh J�donwnt could rawlt In lahkun of th�Prop�y or olb«wip nMqr1�NY knWk th�IMn a�tW by thh S�ourity In�kunrwM or L�nd�'� — <br /> Nourky ht�nst. 6orrowr m�y ax�weh�ddMlt �nd nYid�t��u ptovW�d In p�rapraph 1A, by ausMp th�aatlon or proowdnp to b� <br /> — dismi�s�d wkh��uWq th�t. N L�ndK's qood Wth dMrrnYwtbn,pnolud�s 1orNlhu� of th�Bor►owr9 InUrMt h th�Prap�rry a olh�►rtwt�rW <br /> '.�'"?•=�•-.. kn�irnwri of th� Nn cr�t�d by thk S�ai�ity Marurrnnt a L�ndK's s�auky Mt�r�at. Borrow�r�hsN atw b�h dMwk M Ba►owK.duikig tM <br /> :•' t:;.;• :. -�? lo�n�pplkation proc�t�.9�v�matMirtly fNa�a Ywcauratt Inir.rtrwtlon or stat«n�nts to Undu (a taN�d to provid�L�ndrr witb�ny nwt«W <br /> *�'`�'.-`''?��`�`�`� intomwUon)in conn�dian whh th�loan widmc�d by th�Not�,indudinq, but not INnil�d ta, npnsmlatiom concMnhp Barowar'�ocarp�ncy of <br /> . . . . " lho Roparty as n p�lnclptl��sldenu. tf thie Secwlty Inatnrment la on�Ie�aaheld,6orrow�r eh�N oomply wilh�N th�provfslons of th�Iws�. � <br /> - �'�- ' ` '' r,}. ` H BoROw�r acquins Iw IMI�to th�P►op�ty,tfi�Irs�hold and th�1M tiG��hall not m�rq�uniat Unda apt«s to th�m�ry�r In wridnp. <br /> '�""`�_�'.„-`' 7. Prot�ction of L.�nd�r's Rlphts in t1N Prop�rty. If eorrow�r 1�11�to pMam th�cov�nt��nd�qrw�rnnts conWn�d <br /> -'� " In this 3�curtty instrum�nt,or th��Is�Ipd prooNdfnp th�t m� a oparty(wch a�a prooMdk�p <br /> _,.�., .. . -. Y {pnlAcan�N�M�ct Undu's dyM�h th�Pr <br /> , , , •.;"•a�. <br /> —� In b�niwptcy.probat�, tor cond�rmatlon ot tortequre or to�nfwu I�ws w n{�ul�tbm),th�n L�ndv may do and p�y�fu wh�twK is n�ass�ty <br /> ''�� i. '�. •, .. to prot�ct the vatu�of th�Prop�rty and L�ndK'a�phU(n tht Prop�rty. l�nde's acUons may Includa p�ylnA�ny wms t�au�d by►a Nm whloh <br /> ��_•� haa pdority over this 8eartty�nsUumant,�pparinp in coun, paying rM�onabl��ttom�ys'1Ma and�nt�rYip on th�Rrop«ty to m�k�npNn. �. . _ <br /> .�.�,.k s..s.4..; <br /> _„R,�:��x . . Althouph L�nd�►may take actlon undet this p�rap�ph 7. Und�r das not ha�to do so. <br /> ���• ,,�.,.;• . , .�-:�� My amounts dishun�d by L�ndK undr thla pan�aph 7�hall b�com�additlona�d�bt of BortowK aeund by this S�eudty Instrurtw�t. <br /> �."�; � Unins 8ortowu and L�ndK�prN to othar t�rtnt ot p�ymnt,th�s�artiounts shaN bNr intenst from ih�d�t�of dkbun�n�nt at tht <br /> � ,. . — <br /> Note rato and thall b�p�yabk,wbh inhr�et,upon noUc�kom L�ndar to Bonower requ�sUnq paymmt. �.. <br /> � 8. MOrtpaq�Inwranc�. it L�nd�r requk�d morlpaq�in�urance as�wndlUon of makG�p fhs tan s�cund by thk S�auity Instrumrnt, �"` <br /> r BoROwer shall pay th�pramiums nquk�d to mainbir�ihs mortq�pe k►aur�nce in stt�ct. 11,tor any rwson,tho mortpay�Insur�nco cov�ye <br />, F , requkad by Lender I�psee or ce�ses to be In eNul, Bonower shoU pQy the prerr�luma raquked to obtaEn cover+pe wbstantially BquhraNnt to tht -- <br /> matpaqe inauranc�pravloualy In Nfeat,at a cost�ubstantidiy aqulvaient to the coat to Borrower of the morty�pe inaurance prsviously in Nf�ct, Y• <br /> " � iram an alt�nat� mortpape inturer�pprovad by Lndr. It aubtt�Mi�lly aqulval�nt mortqape insurance cov�ye is not a�ilabN, Borrawv eh�M pay �� _ <br /> to Lender wch month a sum eqwi to ons-twelfth of the yearly mortyap�inauranca premfum beinp paid by Borrowr whm th�Inw�na cov�rap� � <br /> kpssd or eeaaed to b�In efhct. Lender wW acapt,usa md rataln these pYym�nts aa a ioa: r�aerve In Ileu of mortpa� Inwranc�. Loss ra�v� ���' <br /> � paymanta may no lonqer be nquirad, at tha option ot Lendsr,It mortyape Inaumr.ce coveraye(in the amount md for th�pedod that UndK <br /> ' � . raqukos)provid�d by an Insurx approved by Lender�pain becomos avdiable�nd is obteined. BoROwer ahaU pay the prKrYums nquk�d to � <br /> malnta(n mortqtye Insunnce h ett�ct, or to�rovidt a bss resxve,unUl the nqukanent tw mottpape Inauanc�ands In�ccordanc�with any -- <br /> w�itten apreemant belwNn Bortoww and Lender a ppplicabte law. <br /> 9. Insp�ction. Lenckt or Rs aqent may make reaaonebie entries upon and inepections of tha Property. Undw thdl yiw BoROwK <br /> noUee at the time ot or pdor to an Inapeotbn specifyin0 rwsonabte cause(a the inapection. <br /> - - it3. C�riiid�ii.iil�tl8ii. The pracsads at:.ny a:lard or elslm far damages,dirt�ct or cen�equsnt4al,in �onnectlon wlih eny�n�l�!mnetNm _ <br /> . � or other taWny of any put of the Proporty,or tor conveyance In lieu oi condemnaGon,are hereby assigned and shtil be paW to Londer. F - <br /> In the avent ot a toUl taking af the Property,ihe proceed�ahaA bQ appAed to the sums aecured by thla Secudty Inatrument,wheth�or not '__ <br /> . then due,with any exceea pdd to Borrower. In ihe event oi a parli�l Uking ot the Properly in which the f�k maHcet vaiue of the Propsrty �r�: <br /> • immed(ately before th�Ukiny Is equal to or preater then the amount of ihe sums secured by thls Security Instmment {mmedl�tsly betore the ttWnp, ' <br /> � uniess BoROwer and Lende�othawice ayree In wrking, the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument ahaq be reduced by the amount of the --- <br /> � � proceeds multiplied by lhe toMowinp fracUon:(a)the total amount of sums secured Imnedietety betore the teklnp, dNided by(b) th�hk muket <br /> value of ihe Property Immedktely before the taking. My boiance shetl he peld to Borrower. In the event oi a paAlat taking of ths Propsrty In <br /> 5 I <br /> � � whlch the ioir rtwr{cet value ot the Property immedi�teiy belore the takiny is Iess thon the amount of the aums secured inxnediatey before tho �.__. <br /> � � taking,untess Bortower md Lender othervvlse ayree In writiny or uniesa appAcabie law otharwlse provldes,thQ proceedo ahd bo�pplled <br /> •; � 1 to tha sums aecured by this Secudly Instrument whether a not tha suma are then due. <br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Bortower,or If, aRer notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor otles to make an aw�rd or aettie ! <br /> a claim tor dartwges,Borrower fails to�espond to Lender withln 30 days after the date the notice is given.Lender Is author�ed to coliact ; <br /> and apply the proceeds,at Ita optbn,elther to restoration or repeir of the Property or to the sums secured by this 3ecudty Instrument, ;� <br /> � <br /> wh�ther or not then due. <br /> Uniesa Lender and Bonower otherwise agree In writing.any appUcallon of proceeds to principal ahall not extend or postpona tho duQ � <br /> date ot the monthty payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenis. <br /> � 11. Borrower Not Re1Q�sod; Forebear�nco By Londo�Not a Waivar. Extension of the time for payment or modlffcaUon : <br /> ot amort(zation oi the sums aecured by this Secutlly Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In intereal oi BoROwer ahaN not � <br /> operate to reiease the II�bllity of th�original Borrower or Bortower's successors In Interest. Lender shaA not be �equirw!to commance � <br /> proceedinys ayainst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend time lor payment or otherwise modily amortitation of the eums aecured <br /> by ihis Security insirument by reason of any denund made by the oriqinnl Bortower w Bortower's successors in interest. My torbeannco , <br /> � by Lender In exercising eny right or remedy shail not be a waaer of or preciude the exerclse of any right or remedy. <br /> �, 12. 5uccosaor�and A�signs 8ound; Jaint and SevQral Liability; Caaigno�e. The covenants and agreements ot <br /> • . - this Securi�y Instrument ahall bind ond be�efit the s uccesaors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the provislo�s of paragraph <br /> � � 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shail be joht and severet. Any Borrower who co•signs thls Securtry insirument but does not . <br /> _.. ' execute the Note: (a)is co-signiny th(s Securiry Instnxnent oniy to moAgage,grant and convey that Bortower's Interest In the Property <br /> � . under the tertns of this Secudry Instrument: (b) Is n o►perso�ally oblfgated to pay the sums secured by this Securiry Insirument:�nd (c) <br /> • ayrees that Lender and any other Borrower rtwy�gree to extend,modiy, torbear or make o�y eceommodotlons with reptrd to the tertns ot <br /> � this Secutiry Insttument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's consent. <br /> 1�. LOAH Chargos. N the toan secured by this Security Instrument Is subject to a law which sets moximum loan charyes. and <br /> � that Iaw Is firnWyr Interpreted so that thv fnterest ar olher ban charges collected or to be collected in connectlon with the loan exceQd <br /> � the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge ohali be reduced by the amount necessary lo reduce the charge to ihe permitted <br /> limit:and(b)any sums aire,�dy callected irom Barnwer which exceeded permitted limits wYl be retunded to BaROwer. 4ender cnay choose <br /> • �Y_ .,,..,.�.�tii. ..r..�a ti....ri���H� fhn nr;nr.inat nw�d under the Note or bv meklno a direct pavment to Bortower. If a relund reduces pt4i- <br /> ' I cipat.the reduction wfli be treated as a peAlal prepaymenl without any prepayment chorge under the Note. <br /> � 14. NOtiCOS. M �otice to [3orcower rorided tor In this Securi Instrument sheN be ven b ddiverin it or b meliin it b first <br /> t Y P �Y 9' Y 9 � Y 9 Y <br /> t � ct�ss mall unieaa applicobie sw requlres use of another method. The notice shaN be dlrected to the Property Address or any other address <br /> f,� <br /> i � <br /> t� i <br /> C � <br /> ��7Ht� P�ge 3 0�5 Form 3028 9/80 <br /> _ <br /> t I <br />