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. � •' �eJ- <br /> 1 �.�• � �M' 1.• ��� • •�•' . r�'� _ <br /> ���.tir <br />. - —+r� <br /> �,��� • � • —"_—_ <br /> - - 94- �.o�s <br /> - eort�ww anlprMt«byr undK. My noaa to L�ndo.N.N a piwn by lrse a.w m.Y to I.�nd.r�..ddn...tac.d iMnn or.ny <br /> othr atldna L�feMr dKlpMt� by�olio�to Bortowrr. My nodw provid�d for h thk S�auky In�kwmnt�h�M b�dMnNd W hw�bNn <br /> - �t�.rv 9NM►to 9orrowrr a Lond�r wh�n phr�n u pravkNd Yt lhit pwpnph. <br /> ' ::;,,,;S.�,r:,.;a.: <br /> 15. Dov�minp; 8swr�bllky. Thp Saurity Mstrum�t shaN b�yov�n�d by 1�d�ni i�w�nd th�kw W th�Jurladiatbn b <br /> �y,�,�is�,. whkb th�Ropaty a bat�d. in th� wmt thal my provMbn or dwa of thls 3�cu�ity Inst�umrnt a th�Not�conAk;t�with�bM <br /> � ...,. law,such conllcd�h�N not�fl�ct dhK provblon�ot this S�cwity Insuummt or th�Not�whkh can b�pN�n Nf�at wqhout th�conlMdkt� � <br /> "� •� ptovision. To this�nd the provislons of ihM S�cu+ity In�Wmrnt and tlu Not��ut d�du�d to b�s�vwaW�. <br /> . ��Q�'�'-,��'� 1�. BorroVwr's Copy. Borrow�►nhaM tN 01r�n on•confam�d copy ot ths Not��nd ot thls S�aitity inttrurtNnt. - <br /> �y 7 ,i, <br /> - � 17. Tnnshr a�th�Prop�rty or a B�n�fiol�l Int�r��t In Borrowu. It eq a any paK of ths P►opwty or�r►y htrat <br /> -- �..r .�... •�. <br /> '-�1—�.k M k Is so►d or trand�rt�d(a N a brnddd Interst h Bortowr la�old or Vanat�nd and BortowK is not a natun�p�non)wRhout L�nd- <br /> _��,'��'-K.� � . :s :,� �r's prbr wrfltm eons�►t,L�nd�r mty,�t itt opUon,requin fmmedl�te paymmt In lull of�I► sum�a�curod by thia 9�curiry In�Wmmt. <br /> .�� HowwK,thfe option shaN not ba aKdnd by Und�r H�xKdte it prohibitod by 1��kw as of the date of thla S�autty Inatrum�n� <br /> '�;�Y'"-'�- •• -••M- If Lmd�r�x�rdi�s thls opUon,Lender�haU piw Bortower notic�of accdwation. Ths noUc�sh�N provid�a pwiod oi not Iss�than 30 <br /> ,�"•"f*`' ,. . •. days from th�d�t�th�notic�is d�Nverod or m�Wd withh which Borroww must p�y aA sum�socund by thls 3ocurity instrum�nt. It <br /> L Bortowx taGe to p�y thsse sums prlor to th�axplratlon of thlt pe�lod, Und�r may Invok�any r�n�dl�s pertnkt�d by this 8�auity Instru• _ <br /> -�""���� • mMd without 1urth�r notk�w dwtrnd an BorrowK. <br /> — A . <br /> „ , 18. Bo►�ow�r's Ri�ht to R�In�tat�. If Bortoww mMts cataki condiGom.Bortoww ahtU haw ths dpht to haw�ntoreem�nt <br /> of thta 3scurUy inttrument dtseontinued�t �ny tkne prlor ta the earli�r oF. (a)5 days (or tuch other pxbd a��ppMcabN iaw may�p�dty <br /> tor reinttatemmt)betoro sale of the Propedy purounnt to any power of eele conidnsd In thb 3�cudiy Inatrument;or (b)�ntry of a Judqm�nt _. <br /> enlorGnp tnit Security Inauummt. Thoae ca►ditbns are that BoROw�r:(a)p�ya Lander a4 auma which then wouid be due under thia _ <br /> Sacurity Inatniment and the Note at(f no acceleniUon had occurred; (b)curee any def�utt oi any other cownants or apreemrnts;(c) paya�II <br /> expenaes inwrred In eniaeinp thte Sewrity hstrument, inetudhp, but not Iknited to,re�sonobi��ttomeys'fees; and(d)takea auah acUon <br /> aa Lend�r may re��onabiy requke to aswre that the Aen oi thia Sew�ity Inst�ument, Lendar'�riqhts In th�Property�nd Bortowar's obYpa- <br /> tion to pay the suma secured by thia Sewdry Inetrument shall continue unchanyed. Upon relnat�tement by BoROwQr,thic Security =_ <br /> Inahument�nd th�obliy�tlona secured hxeby shail remah iully aflsaUve as it no acaNxaUon lud occurrod. Howwor,this tlpht to nhstat� <br /> • shW �ot apply in the caee of accalsratlon under panyraph 17. _ <br /> 19. SaIY Of NOt�; Chanpo of Loan S�nriCY�. Tha Note or a p�rtlai interast in ihe Note(toyether with this 3ecurHy <br /> InaWment) rtwy be sotd one or more Gmea without prior notice to Borrowar. A sde m�y resuit In �chnnge in the enUty (known aa th� <br /> 'Lan Servic�r') th�t collects monthiy p�ymmte duo under tho Note and this S�curiry Inatrument. There atso may be one or mon chanya of �.;_: <br /> __. ih�1�n.^+wvk:w unralatad to a sale d the Note. If thMe Is a chmge ot the Loan SMVICer,Barowu wlll be glvYn wrilten noUc�ot th�ehanp� S^` <br /> in tccwd�nce with porapraph t4 above and appllcabte bw. The notice wiM state the name�nd oddresa o1 the new Loan 3wleer and th� <br /> address to which peymanta ahouid be mad�. The notiee wfp also conUin any other intwmatbn requked by appNabN law. <br /> 20. Haardous Substances. 8arower shall not c�use or permit the prosence, use,dlapoaal, atoraqe,or rNease o1�ny Huudous �- <br /> subttences on or In the Propedy. Bortower shali not do,nw allow anyone eise to do,anythlny eflectinq the Properly thAt is in vb�tlor► of <br /> any Envkonmentai Law. The precedi�9 Nvo sentences ahatl not apply to the preaence,use,or atorage on the Property of smtA quantkNs ot �, <br /> • H�zardoua subatances that are yeneraAy recognlzed to be approprlete to normal residentlai uses and to malntenonce of the Property. <br /> ` Bortower ahaH promptly yive Lender wrlllen notice of any Investigatlon,cleim,demend, lawsuit or other action by my povwnmsnMl or _ <br /> ` requ�atory apeney or pdwte party InvoNing the Property and any Hazerdous Subatence or Emfronmental Law of which Bortowsr has�ctud <br /> y,• knowledqe. Ii Bortower leoma,or is noli(fed by any govemmental or repuletory authoriry,thot eny removat or other remediation oi�ny Hwrdow <br /> � Substance attectinp the Property i�necess�ry. Bortower shall prompliy take all necesa�ry remedal aclfona in accordance with E�vkonm�nta�Law. <br /> • As used In this parapraph 20,'Haurdous Substances" ore those aubstances deMed as tozic or hazardous aubstances by Envkonment�i <br /> � Law and the fotlowing aubstances:gasoline,kerosene, other tlamrrable or tox�peUoieum products,toxic pasticfdu and herbkid�s,vol�tGe <br /> � soNenis,materiais contalning asbestos or formaidehyde,ond radioactive materiels. As used In thls peragraph 20,'Envkonmentat Law' _ <br /> me�na federal lawa and kws of the judadiction where ths Property is located thet retate to health, aafety or envkonmantai proleeUon. �'� <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lender further covenant and ayree as loltows: <br /> • 21. Acceleration; Ramadies. Londer shall give notico to Borrower prior to accelQration following <br /> � Borrowar's breach of any covena�t or agroamant in this Security Instrument (but not p►lor to accaloration <br /> under paragraph 17 unless appiicable law providoa otherwiae). The noticQ shail �pecify: (a)the dQfault; (b) <br /> the action raquirod to cure the default; (c) a datQ, not less than 30 daya from the dato tho notic� is�ivan to <br /> Bo�rowor, by which tho defautt must be curad; and (d) that iailure to cure the default on or bafora ths dat� � <br /> . specifled in thQ notico may result in accoleration of the sum� socured by this 5ocurity In�trum�nt and salo � <br /> of the Proporty. The notice sh�ll further inform Borrower of the right to rel�state aftar accaloration and r <br /> the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any othe�dofQ�so of Borrower l <br /> • to acceteratio� and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date spacifled In tha noticQ, Lender . <br /> � � at tts option may require irnmediate payment in futl of �II sums secured by this Security I�strumont without <br /> turthar demand and may invoko the powvr of sale and any other remedies permittod by appilcable <br /> . Iaw. Lender shelt be ontitlod to collect alt expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thia <br /> paragraph 21, including,but not limited to, reasonabte attorneys' fees and coats of titto evidonce. <br /> if the power of sate is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defau�t in each county In which any part <br /> . of the Proparty i� locatod and shalt mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appUcabte taw <br /> . to Borrower and to the other porsons prescribQd by applicablo law.Aiter the time required by appltcabia <br /> law, Trustoo shall gtva public notfco of sale to the parsons and in the man�or proscribed by applicabl� law. <br /> { Truste�,without demand on BorrowQr, shall sell tho Property at pubiic auction to the highest biddar at tho <br /> ; tima and p{�co and undor tha tQrms d�signatvd i� tho notica of satQ in one or mora parcQl4�nd in any orda� <br /> Trustao d�t�rminas.Trustea may postpono salo of att or any parcel of the Proporty by public announcomont <br /> + , �t tha tim� and pl�co of any prevfousty schoduled �alo. Le�dor or its desiqnee may purchasa tho Properly <br /> ' ' rt any salo. <br /> � Upon racoipt of payment af the p►icQ bid. Trustao shail dQtiva�r to tho pu�cha�or Trustoo's daad <br /> � conv�yin� tha p�oporty. Yha ncitois in tho TrustQe's doQd shail bo prima facio avidQnc� of tho truth <br /> � of tho st�tom�nts mado thorain. Trusteo shatt apply the procveds of the sata in tha followinp ordor: <br /> r j <br /> � (a)to ail costs and vxp�ns�t of vxarcistng tho powor of sata, and the talQ, including tho payment of tho <br /> Trusto�'s f��s actually Incurrnd, not to Qzco�d 3.00096 of tha principai amount of tha noto at tha timQ <br /> , 4 of th� d�ct�r�tion of d�f�uit,and r�asonabio attorn�yc' faos as pormittod by Iaw; (b)to att sums aoau��d <br /> i by this Socurity Instrum�nt; and (c) �ny oxcQSS to tho p�rson or porsons logally entitlod to it. <br /> � aW07.frm 15/91) c�a� a�,��, Foim 3028 9/90 <br /> .� ' - - - ---- --- - - <br />