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<br /> UNIFORM COVENIWTB. Bortow�r�nd L�ndw oov�nt r►d p�u 1oMows: �' 'T� �O�
<br /> 1. PaynNnt d lktnaipN �nd IRt�M; Pr�paymlw�t�nd Lab Ch�p:A. Ba►owa�hr1 pranptly p�y wlw�dw 1h�
<br /> - pr,ofpY a�nd Yit.r,.t o�u,.a.bt.vidmo«l br tn.Na.�nd�►y w+wr�•�,d M:.ohvp.�aw w�ar th•Now,
<br /> Z. �undw for T��nd Inwr�a. 8ubpat w�I�wr a to a wrinrn w�vr by L�ndK. BoROwK shdl p�y W Lrwlr an
<br /> th.d�y monthN WY�ts w du�w+d�r th�Nob.unW th�NW�M pNd In(uN,a wm ('Funds')for:(�)YMdf+Ww md aas�►ts w�h{ob
<br /> m� atl�k� ovw lhis 9�oiulty InslrurMnt as a IMn ort ih�Propwty; @� Y�r1Y IMS�hold p�ynMntt or prarid niNa on tM FRop�tly,
<br /> Y
<br /> P�+HY
<br /> � "`.~ :�. u.r►y;tc)rwrtr hazord or prcpertv insum,ca anmwme:ld)rauly Ilood hn,nno.p�.mlum.,w.ny; (•)rwiy mortq�p.brw.no.pr.rNinis. �__
<br /> M an�r,and(Q�ny wms WY��t►Y BortOw�r�o LMIdM,h�ccordma wiih th�P►ov4lons ot pwpt�ph 0,w� w�,o�u�. wy�+t a�,onwa
<br /> - --� _—= Inwrana prMniums. Th�s�R�ns arr alNd 'Eacrow ftMns". L�nd�►m�y.+�t�ny tlm�� eoN�d�nJ hold Fundi h�n�rna+nt not to�oca�d _
<br /> -,•�,�''' =��-.L`-�-� th�trwrMr�um�rnount�Mn�Mr tor a f�d�nNy ni�t�d mortq�p�ban nwy nquirc+for 6orrawK's�aow�ccount undr th� t�d�ni R�sl
<br /> ���:_;;r�,.=.�' Etlat�S�ttl�m�nt P►oadura Aat ot 1074 as�nd�d irom 1irM to tM�.12 U.8.C.�2t301 �t s�q.('RESPA'). unl�ss�nathK Mw th�t�ppYM to
<br /> ' ._�.----� ``''' tlr�Funds sKs a Nss�r amount. N so, lrndr r►�y,�t any thw. coll�ct�nd hold Funds h an amount not to wcMd th� iKSr rmw�� L�nd�►
<br /> -.=:. ..y.:. �,
<br /> ---- =_;�`t,s.;,t1,;�:, ` may a�tknato tha amount of Funds du�on th�basis of arnnt d�tt and n�san�bM�athxt�s of WcpmdiWns ot futun Esaow ihms or othtwlN _
<br /> —-=�i"ri`• �`-��"- �-y- in acead�nc�wfth appYc�bM Iaw.
<br /> . "•�,;xr�;uw �"'' Th�Funds shaY be hNd h an tnstttutlon whos�d�posits�ue Iniund by a t�d�r�l a�ncy,In:trumw�taWly, or�r►tNyr(indudtnp L�ndK M Und�
<br /> ��l�
<br /> --_ � ���,.�,;,.'-• is such an haUtution)a In any F�darat Hom�Loan Bank L�nder�hall appiy th�Funds to pay th�E�crow Itsms. Und�r m�y not elwp�
<br /> -- � = 8orrowK far holdkty�nd appiy(np th�Funda,�nnwAy an�lyiinp th��scrow account w writyfnp ths Efcrow It�ms. w�ss L�ndr p�ys Botrow�
<br />. • •:�r.:1.nV..�::K� +
<br /> •• • InUre�t on th�Funda�nd�ppiicabt�law P�rtn�s L�nder to m�ke auch a charp�. Howavr, UndK m�y rpuk�Bortow�r to pay a onatYn�eharp�
<br /> for an Ind�p�ndmt red�stab tax npoMhp s«viee u:�d by Lendan c�onn�ctian wah thls ban.unlat y�plks�ble I�w proNd��oti�wis�. Unf�s�
<br /> s m+�yrwn�nt ts mad�or appticabN kw requka intuest to be paid,Lender sh�ll not ba roquirod to pay Borrowx any ktta►e�t or amin0�on 1h� �
<br /> Funde. Bortowx and Lend�r may aqne in writk�q.how�ver,th�t Interost�hau b�p�d an th�funda. LondK shaU yNe to Bortower,wilhout
<br /> � , charyt,an annual�ccounUnp of ihe funds showinq creditss and d�bits to the Funds�nd ths purpos�tor whbh Mch d�61t to the Fund� _
<br /> ' wu rtwda. 7hs Funds ue pledyed as�dcYtional securily for al aums seeured by thi� Security Inetrumant.
<br /> � It th�Funds h�id by UndK axcesd th��mounts parmilted to bt hald by applic�bl�i�w. Und�►shall account to Borrow�r tor th� wc�ss �
<br /> funds in Accorc�neo with the requ(remwds ot appAcabie law. It the amount ot the Funds hNd by Londer at any Ume is not suMdmt to pay th� __
<br /> E�crow items whm du�, Lender may so notHy Bortower in wtithy,�nd,In auch ca��Bortower shall pay to Und�►lh�amount n�cawy to m�k� —_
<br /> up the d�fldancy. Bortower shaU rtwke up the deflcl�ncy in no more than twalv�monthiy paymmts,at L�nd�'s soN discrMton.
<br /> Upon ptymant in tuA of aN suma securad by this Securiry Instrum�nt,lmder shW pranptly refund to Bonower my Funds hNd by L�nd�r. If _.
<br /> undar paray�ph 21, Lender sh�A acquke or sell the Propaty. Lender, prior to the�cquisWon or wta ot the Property,th�ll rpply any Funda hNd
<br /> by Landx at the time ot acquisftion or sa�e aa a credft apalnat the aums aecur�d by this Sseurily IneWment. --
<br /> -- -. -- $,qppiicdiot� �+:?ii�ii��mC. Unt��appticable fa�r gtovidea othemN!e,eN�Ym"r+ts n+e:�tv«i by Lender und�pu�graohs 1�nd 2
<br /> ahatl be appAsd:flrot,to eny prepayment charpea dua under the Note; second,to unounta payable undor para{yaph 2; thkd,to Int�r�st du�; .
<br /> lourth,to pdndpai due:and laat,to any Iete cheryes due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charq�s; U�nt. Borrower ehail pny all taxea, assesamenta,charqes,fines and Gnpositions attrlbuUble to the Prop�rty whkh rtwry
<br /> attain prfority over this Secu�lty Instrument,and�easehoid payments or yround rents.If any. Bortower ehall p�y the��nbllq�tions in the m�nnK _
<br /> provided tn paraqraph 2, or Ii not paid In that mannar, BoROwer shall pay them on time dkectiy to the person owed paym�nt. Borrower shd
<br /> � promptly tumish to Lender aM�otices ot amounts to be pafd under thls paraqnph. If BoROwx makea these paym�nu d�r�aGy,Bortow�r _
<br /> shall promptry tumlah to Lender recelpta evidencing the payments. --
<br /> +,� i BoROwer shoA promptly diocharpe any Iien which has pdodly over this Secudty InstNment uniess Bortower.(a)aqrees in wdt(ny to the p�y- �=-
<br /> �, mant af the oblipatlon secured by the Ilm In o manner acceptab�e to Lender; (b) contests in yood taith the Ilen by,or deiends apafnst m(oroemant
<br /> •i,: I af the Aen In, iepel proceedings which in the I.ender's opfnion operate to prevent the enforcement of the Aen; or(c):ecuras hom tht holder ot th� �^-
<br /> � Ilen an ayrewnant aatiafactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to ihls 3ecurity Instrumenl. If Lender determinea that any p�rt ot ths F�op«ty Is —_
<br /> �__,
<br /> subJect to�Ilen which may attain pdoriry over thia Security Instrument, Lender may yive Borrower a notice Idantityfnq ths Ym. BorrowK s h a i l `,-
<br /> • wtlafy the Nen or take one or more of ihe actbns set torth above within 10 days ol the giving of notice. F
<br /> 5. Huard o�Proparty In�ur1111Ce. Bortower ahall keep the knprovements now exlsting or hKeafter ereeted on the Property ineured �__
<br /> �yainst toss by fire, hazards included wilhtn the term "extended coveraye'and eny ather hazards, ineluding floods or floodiny,for which Lender �',r
<br /> requ kes insurance. T h l s i n s u r a n c e s h a Y b e m e i n t a f n e d I n t h e a m o u n t s a n d t w t h e p e r i o d s t h a t L e n d e r r e q u i r e s. T h e i n a u r a n c e c a rt i e r pr ovidln q
<br /> � � the Insurance shall be chosan by Borrower aubJect to Lender's approval whlch shell not be unreasonabiy withhe�d. If Bonower falls to mainh(n �
<br /> , cover�fle descrlbed above,Lender m�►y,ot Lender's optlon,obtain coveraqe to protect Lender's rights in the Property In accordanco with �
<br /> t
<br /> parnynph 7.
<br /> AII Ineurance policies and renewals ahell be acceptade to the Lender and shall include a stondard morigege c�ause. Lender ahaA h�ve ihe
<br /> . right to hold the poticles and renewals. If lender requires. Borrower shall promptiy yive to Lender all receipts oi pald premlums and�anewai �
<br /> notices. In the event ot loss. Barrower shail glve prompt notice to the insurance cartler and Lender. Lender may make proof of Ioss if not mtdt
<br /> , promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unless Lende►and Borrower othervvise agree in writing,Insurance proceeds shel be applied to restoration or reptir of lhe Property damaped,It �
<br /> , } the restomtion or repalr is economically feasibie snd Lender's securily is not Iessened. If the restoraUon w repefr is not economiuHy ieasible
<br /> �, or l.ender's security wouid be Iessened,the Insurance proceeds sholl be appNed to the sums secured by this Security I�slrument,whether or not
<br /> then due.with any excesa paid to BoROwer. Ii Bortower ebendons the Property.ar does not answer within 30 days e notice trom Lender thnt the
<br /> � Inaunnce carrier has offered to settte a clalm,then Lender may coAect the insuronce proceeds. Lender moy use the praceeds to repak or restore ,
<br /> . the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30 day perfod wiil begin when the notice is gtven.
<br /> Untesa Lender and Bortower olhervvise agree in writing,any applicatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or poatpone the due dUle •
<br /> ot the monthty payments rete►red to In parayraph t and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. It under paregnph 21 the Propeity Is
<br /> Facquked by Lender. Bonowar's right to any insurance polides end proceeds resulting irom darmge to tho Property prlor to tha acqulsillon
<br /> sholl pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument imMediateiy prior to the acqulsitfon.
<br /> L e n,..........,... v..Qer�..tien_ Matntonance and ProtQCtion of tho Proportv: Borrowor's Loan Application;
<br /> - ....r...._„ . _ _ _
<br /> � Loaaeholds. Bortower shali occupy,esteblish,and use the Property as Borrower's princ�pai reaidence withh sixry days after the exacuUon of
<br /> � this Security �nalrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Dortower's poncipat residence lor at least one year ofter the date of
<br /> t
<br /> ' occup�ncy,unless Lender otherwise aqreea In writing.whfch consent shall not be unre�sonably withhdd.or unless wctanuatinq circumsuncrs o s
<br /> ;• which are beyond 8orcower's control. 8orrower�hall nol desiroy.damaye or m�par the Properry, allow thQ Property to deterlorate.or commit
<br /> 3 � wasta on the Properly Bortowx ahnll be in detault ii any toAeiture action or proceed�np, whether cml or cnminal.is beyun that in Lender's good
<br /> �
<br /> e
<br /> � 3ozei�m �3A>> c.,a�•1 :}•, Form 3028 9�'90
<br /> ' � 1
<br /> r �
<br /> � - - - ---.._. .--------
<br />