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,� �'` ._--- <br /> ,' !��4•� ' _:.,..+.�.-- _.. <br /> .:,.. 'r __ . . __. _. . <br /> ::.� _-_ __ __ — .._-. <br /> ...a <br /> .� - _ _ —� <br /> • . �� �V��� <br /> nrn�ua�m ooutd�.ac in w�+n a au�►ov«N a a�..n,.wwN�.ir�h.wn a.u.d by in�s s.a,rKy�nsuwn«n or und.►�s <br /> ..axNy int«.a. e«rowK m.y►ax�wen.d.auN ena o.rnt.r.,as provid.d in p.raanph ta�by oau.r,o tn..atbn o►pro�«aln0 to b� <br /> — - -- - -- dankwd wNh �tuAnp ths�In L�ndK'��ood i�kh dN�rmin�tbn.Prsduda faf�ftun al th1 Barowr's MN�nat N th�PrapMty or oth�r nytwW <br /> imp�irm�nt ol th�N�n cnabd Iry this S�curky Imtrummt ar L�nd�r's ��cwity intKat. Borrowu thaN�uo b�fn dNwlt q BortowK.dudn4 tlw <br /> bw�appliptbn prowss,q�w m�fwl�y Nit�a InROaint�Inloren�tlon a st�t�nmq to L�nd�r(a hY�d to pnvkis L�nd�►wilh any rtMtKW <br /> infortnerion)In oax+�ctfon wMh th�lo�►wddmc�d bY th�Not�.IndudY►Q,but not Wmlt�d to,npr�ntaUon�concwnMp 8orrw�wr's occup�ncy oi <br /> �� -- -- ---- ih�P►opMty at�p�Y�elpd rMkl�nu. M thl�3�axity klatnxn�nt 1�o�t a IMS�itold.Baroww sh�N cort�y wflb�N th�provl�nt ot th�M�w. � <br /> „ q gortoMr�r�cc�uins tM tkN to th�Propwty,th�M�s�hold and th�/M tit�ahal not mKp�unNss L�nd�►ay�to th�m�ry�r in wdtiny. <br /> 7. Prot�ctlat of 4nd�►'s RiptKs In ttN P�op�rty. I}Bortow�►falla W p�rlorm th�eov�nant��nd�p►Mrn�nt�conuin�d <br /> � h lhia S�aul►y Mstrum�nt.or th�n i�a Ip�i p►oeMCikiy th�t m�Y�^I1k�ntlY�n�t L�ndws riyhts in th�P►o�ty(ach�s r procMdinp <br /> -- ---- - = b b�nkruptcy. Probat�,ta eondxmatlon or lorl�ituro or to miorc�I�ws or�epuytiany.4hm L�ndet m�y do�nd pay tor whatwK It n�uswy <br /> -, - -- -=�---9 to prot�ct th�valu�of th�PropKty�nd L�ndw's riqhb in ih�Propwty. Undr's�cttons m�y inciud�p�yin9 any sums uwnd by�Mm whieh _ <br /> .�'—""� hn prlorityr ov.r tn�.sacu�itv,apP..rin0 In court,wylna n.:on.ble■aom�ys•tes .nd.nt«t►p on th•Frop.ny to max•ap�rs. <br /> - s-- _-- Althou�h Uno�r rtu�y Wce�etiot� und�r thls puapraph 7, Und�r does not hw�to do ao. <br /> I e My�mount�disbun�d by LendK undK this paray�aph 7 ahall b�com�addltionU d�bt oi Bonow�r s�ind by this S�curily Imtrurtw�t. <br /> --- ,_�.�_,ti-:,�,� UnNss 8ortow�r and UndK apr�e to oth�r t�rtn�ot paymu�t,thss� uraunts shaA bwr intrsst from th�dat�of diWwnMn�►t at th� <br /> � Not�rat��nd sh�W b�payabl�.wRh inlK�st,upon notke hom L�nder to Bortow�r raqu�aUnp paym�nt. <br /> ` ``"�?� 8. Mo�tqa�� Insur�nc�. !t Und�r requtrwi mortp�qe insur�nc��s a eonditlon of rnoWnq ihe Iwn �scuwd by this S�curfly Intttumwrt, <br /> �� ,�';�. Borcoww�halt pay tha prart�ums nquked to maMtein th�mortgage k►suranc�in�tbct. It.1or any rs�aon,th�mortqtp�Insurulos wv�rap� _ -- <br /> � ..1 nquk�d by Lendw kps�s or ce�sts to be In sttact,8ortow�r shaN pay the premiums requlrad to obUln coveraye aubstuNiaNy�quN�lw►t to th� <br /> w. .��-�"�. . <br /> mortqape in�unnc�previously f� �flect,at a oost substantl�qy aquivalent to the cost to BortowK of thQ mortp�ye fnsurance prNtou:ly in eltad. <br /> • irom an altemaU rt►orty�qe Inturer approvad by Lend�t. it substantfaily�quFralent mortyaye insurance cowraye is not avtlWbl�,Bortowar ahall pay <br /> F' '° � � ' to L�nd�wch month a aum equ�l to onttwelfth of lhs yearly morty�ps inauanc�pr«nium bNny paid by Botrower when ihe Insunnc�covuay� <br /> , I�ps�d or ce�sed to bs tn affact. Lendx wiU accept,use and retaln these paymw�ts as a bas rtservo In Ilau ot mortpage inaurance. Loas ntarve _:_ <br /> . . . . payments m�y no tonyer bs requlred,at the option ot Lender. H mortq�y�inauranu coveraya (h ths�mount�nd tor the period that Lender <br />. . • rpuk„) provid�d by an Insurer approvad by Lender aQatn becomes avaYabl�and ia obtaln�d. Bonowar shall pay the premiuma requked to <br /> m�intah mortq�p�inaunnce in ettect.or to provide a loas reeerve,untU the nquinmant tor mortytye insuranco�nda in �ccord�nc�with any r�-.= <br /> , written aynanent betwe�n 8orrower and Lender or applicable law. <br /> 9. Insp�etion. Lender or its ayent may makt rMaon�ble entries upon�nd inapuctbns of the PropeRy. Lender sh�ll qNe BoROw�r <br /> ---- ----- - - noUcc�t ths!!mt Q!or pria M wn k�spactbn apacityina rettonabk cau�e for the inapectlon. <br /> 1 O. ColldtmnatFon. Th�proceeda o1 any award or cl�kn for dama9es,dlnet or conaoquantial,in connectbn wfth any condermatian <br /> - or other UWng of any ptrt ot the Property,or fw conveyance in Ueu of eondemnation,are hQreby asstynad and shaA be paid to Lender. <br /> � � In tha went ot a total takiny of the Property,the proceedII shall ba appAed to the aums secured by this Sacurity InsWmont, whether or not <br /> � � ihen due,with sny exc�as pald to Bortower. In tha avent of a p�rti�l t�kinq ot the Properry(n which the tair market value ot ihe Property <br /> �' immadi�tey bQiore the takinq is equol to or yreater than the amount of the aums secured by this Security Instrument immediataly before the t�kiny, <br /> ; • unless Borrower and Lender otherwise�gree in wdting,the suma secured by this Security Inatrument sh�U be reduced by the�mount of the _ <br /> � .. . �` �. <br /> proceeds multipNed by the tollowing froction: (a)the total amount ot suma secured Immedl�tQiy betore the taWny,divlded by (b)the iak market <br /> � vaiva of the Property immedlateiy betare the teking. My balance thall be peld to Bortow�r. In tha event ot a paAal taWng of the Property in �• <br /> ��_� whlch the tak martcet value ot the PropeRy Immediatety belore the taking Is less than the emount of the sums swcured immediqaly betore th� , <br /> ,� ipkfnq,unlesa Dortower and Lender otherwise aqree in writfng or unless appGcable law otherwise provides,the proceeds shall be appiled �W�°- <br /> �� to the sums securad by thts Secudty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. r <br /> It ihe PropaRy Is abandonQd by Bortowar. or It,after notice by lendar to Bonower that the condemnor otters to make an oward or sattie k___;- <br /> " a claim tor dama�es.BoROwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 deys after the date the notice is given. Lender is authorized to colloct �-.,� <br /> and apply the Its optbn,either to restoratlon or repak af the Property or to ihe suma aecured by this Securfty Inatrument. <br /> whethar or not than due. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.any applicatlon ot proceeds to principai shall not exlend or poatpone the due F <br /> date ot the monthly payments referred to in paregraphs 7 and 2 or c.hange the amount oi such peyments. <br /> � 11. Borrowar Not Retaa�od: Forabearanco By Lender Not a Waivar. Extension of the time tor payment or mod�rcatan � <br /> � ot amortiz�llon ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In intarest oi Borrower sh�ll not <br /> oparate to ralease the Ilabilily of tha originol Borrower or 8orrower's successors in interest. Lender shell not be required to commence <br /> � , prxeedings agelnst any successor In Interest or reluse to extend ttme tor payment or othe�w�se modiry amortizatlon of ihe sums secured <br /> . by this Security insirument by reason af any demend made by the odginai Borrower or Borrower's succossors in interest. My forbearance <br /> ,• by Lender m exercismg any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preciude the ex,wc�se of any nght or remedy. <br /> �• 12. Successor� and Assigns Bound; Joint and Saveral Liabfiity; Co-signers. The covenants and ayreements of , <br /> ' � ihis Secudly Inetrument shali bind and benetit the successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower, sub�ect to ihe provislons ot paragraph <br /> l � � 17. Bonower's covenants end agreements shaM be Jotnt and several. My Borrower wha co-signs this Security Instrument but does not <br /> ,. execute the Note: (a) is co•signing this Securiry Instrument onty to mortgage, grant and convey that BoROwei s inte�est in the Property <br /> � under the terms ot this Security Instrument; (b)Is not personally ob8gated to pay the sums secured by this Securiry InslrumenL and (c) <br /> ; agr¢es thet Lender and any other Borrawer may egree to extend.modity,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of <br /> . this Securlly Instrument or the Note without that 8orrower's cansent. <br /> � <br /> 13. Loan Charges. �� �he toen se�����!d by thfs Security instrument is subJect to a law which sets maximum laan charges,and <br /> ihat taw Is flnaNy interpreted so 2het the interest or other ioan chargea collected or to be coliected in connectlon with the�oan excee <br /> � the pcYmitted Ilmits,then: (a)any such loen charge shall be reduced by ihe amount necessary lo reduce the charge to the permitled <br /> �. . Ifm►t� and Ib1 anv sums alreadY coliected from 8orrower which exceeded permitted limit4 w�N be relunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose <br /> , � lo make this relund by reduc(ng ihe principa� owed under the Note or by meking a direct payment to Bortower. It a retund reduces prin- <br /> �. clpai,the reduction wfll be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayme�t charge under the Note. <br /> � � 14. NOtiCYS. A�y notice to Bor►ower provided for m this Secunty Instrument shall be grven by delnenng it or by madng d by first <br /> jclass meY unleas applicable iaw requires uso of another method. The notice shali be directed to the Property Address or any other address <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> • � � ! <br /> � � (]Ai) o�qr 3 cf 5 Foml 3U'l8 9!'JO <br /> I <br /> ,� � <br /> < < <br /> . <br /> 1 f <br /> , � <br />