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,> ,_ . . <br /> ' _� ,�},��.J.'�-'. .. <br /> r �I_;M+:t-. • �. <br /> .. � /� I .. - . .. � 9. J11.M,•.. . • - � <br /> t .� _ . _. _._ _ <br /> .1 I �Q�� <br /> ..'�iY3�fYi1N�Wl�l�tillL� • <br /> ' . 94- loi��s <br /> ': Bortow�r dMlpnata by notic�to l�ndK. My notic�to Lrndr►th�M b�yNm by Ik�t d�ss m�Y to LandK'��ddr�s��LUd �rMn or�ny <br /> � oth�r�ddn�s L�nd�r dssipn�t„by eotla to Bartowa. My notic�provid�d fa In thts S�aulty In�kum�nt�hall b�dMnrd to hrv�bNn <br /> - ,..,.•,.��:.:-_-.- pH�n to 6orcowu or LmdM'wh�t1 plvin�� ptovlded In thl�puapraph. <br /> ��,'•.•�,,�• •Y' 1b. Qov�rninp Law: S�v��aWlily. Thia S�curity InsWm�nt�haM be povrn�d by I�deal I�w �nd fh� Vw ot th�Juri�d�Uon Irt <br /> `� �' -;��'���;•: whbh th�Proqrty I�locaud. In th�wmt that�ny proviNan or dwp of thls 9�curity InsWm�nt a th� Not�conlNCts wqh appYubl� <br /> . "."��`."''•:' ` I�w,such eonftict shdl not tMect othr proviaiov ol ihls 9aurity Instrum�nt or th�Not�wh�h can b�yfv�n�fbct wNhout th�conlWotNp � <br /> � ���:���.�,. ;�_��';�,� • provhion. To ihb rnd th�provlNons of thls 8�curity Inswm�nt md th�NoU u�Gc:end to b���vKabl�• <br /> � 16. BOI'toW��'s COpy. Bartawr shoN b�piv�n on�eonfom��d coPY of th� Not��nd oi ihi�S�curltY Instrument. �.,., <br /> = b �, ,,..� � 17. Transhr of tit� P�oputy or a B�n�fiel�l int�r�d In Harow�r. ir.w a.ny part ot the Prop«ty or any tnt.r�.t <br />'°`_�'"`�rr��_�:, . ;�` � in H Is soW or tnnst�rr�d(or H a b�n�licW IntK�nt in BorrowK I�soid or tnnst�rr�d and Borroww is not a naWral pKSOn)wBhout L�nd- -- <br /> __;�i., . • �r's ptior wriK�n cona�nt,Und�r may,at its option. nquk�knm�t�paymmt in IuN ot a4 aums ��a+nd by thi�3acudty in�trum�nt. _ <br /> �— '� � However,this optbn eha8 not be�xwGa�d by Und�r H ex«clse is prohiblt�d by f�d�►ai taw�a ol tha d�t�of thln 9reurity Instrument, _---- <br /> ,�.i:::..y _ �_ _ __ <br /> -- If LandK uarcls�s thi�optlon, Undx shall qlv�8ortaw�r natice of ac�ntion. Th�nodc��hall provid�a perbd of not I�as than 30 <br /> . dayrs irom th�dats th�notkt is dWvKad or m�lUd wfthin which BortowK must pay�il wms s�cured by thl�S�curNy I��trum�nt. If <br /> vh:. �� Bortower idis to pay these tum� prior to th��xpkatlon of thls perlod,Undx may invoks any rem�di�s Pertnitt�d by this 3acurity InatN- <br /> `.:S°��� ?�•� � • ¢ m�nt without turthsr nodc�or d�nd on BorrowK. <br /> _,.:�� <br /> � �, �.,, 18. Borrowar's Ripht to R�inst�t�. If 8onower meets cert�tn condidona.Borrower ahaA h�w the riyht to twve en ac�nen <br /> of thla Socurity Instrumsnt discontinwd �t�ny tkn�prior to th�eorU�r at:(a)5 days(or such oth�r p�iod as applfublo I�w rnaY sP�Y <br /> . for tNnsUt�n�nt)betwe a�k ol tht Propwty purcuant to any power ot eale cont�ined In this S�cudry Inswment; or(b) antry of a judyment _ <br /> onfarcin�th�s S�curity Instrument. Thoso condiUons are th�t BoROwx: (e) paya Lender ali sums which then wouid be due undx this �_ <br /> � Sacurity Inatrument and th�Note as If�o accaeratfon h�d oceurted; (b)wns any default of any othsr eov�nts w aqrNrn�ta;(a)pays�Q <br /> expenaea Incurrad In eniorcinp this Secudty InatNment,Inciudfnq,but not Ifmlted to,reasonabie attomeys' fees: and(d) takes sueh acdon �Y <br /> • as Londw may reasombry requk�to�snure that ihe Aan o1 this Secudty Instrument,Landa►'s dqht�in th� Propwty and Borrowor's qblipa• �y°_• <br /> tlon to pay the suma aeeured by this Sewdty inatrument shalt continue unchsnped. Upon relnatatement by Bortower,this Secudry �„�„-_ <br /> Instrument�nd th�obli�atlons aQCUnd hereby shali remaln lully Qttectiva as if no accalaration had occunad. Howevw.this dyht to reinstat� <br /> � <br /> sh�A not+�ppiy In the caa�of aceelention under parayraph 17. — <br /> 19. Salo of Noto; ChanqQ of Loan SorviCe�. The Note or a partlal Interest In the Note(toyether with thls Security _ <br /> �natrumenq may be aold one or mon timea without prior notice to BoROwer. A aale rtuy result in a chango In the entity(known as the <br /> 'Loan Servlcer')that coliects monthly poyments due under the Note and this 3ecu�ity Instrument. There aiso may be one or mwe chmyes ot �Yz_,_, <br /> tiw Luan:,ervlcer unre�aicd io �aala o!the Note. If thprp 1R A change ot the Loan Servicet, Bortowar will be given writt�n notice of the ch�nye �-__, <br /> in accordance with paragraph 14 above And appYcable law. The notice will state the neme and addreas oi the new Loan 3ervicer and the d� -- <br /> addreaa to which payments should be made. The notice wili also contain any other Iniomwtion required by applicable taw. � `"�' _ <br /> 20. Hazardou� SUbYtAMCYB. Bortower ahall not cause or permit the prQSence, use. disposal. storeye. w reieaae of any H�zardous k.•,,,H�"' <br /> substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor aAow anyone else to do.anythiny attectiny the Property that Is In vloiatbn oi ' <br /> any Environmentat Law. The preceding hvo sentences shell not apply to the presence.use,or storage an the Property of small quantitles of `` cr:��:. <br /> Hexardous substances that are generally recognized to be approprlate to normal residentla�uses anq to malntenance of the Property. t'"�,,°�- <br /> Bortower ahall promplly give Lender written nottce of any investigetion. claim,demand. lawsuit or other actfon by any qovemmentai or �, ,�` <br /> � reyuiatory epency or private parly Invotving the Property a�d any Hazardous Substa�ce or Environmental Law ot whkh Borcower haa actuai <br /> � � knowledge. it Borrower learns,ar is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authoriry,thet any removal or othe►remediation of any Haznrdoua <br /> • � 3ubstance aNecting the Property Is neeeasery. Borrower shall promptly teke aii necessary remediai actions In accordance with Envkonmental Law. <br /> � As used In this parayraph 20. "Hezardous Substances'are those substances detined as toxic or hazardous substances by Environmental <br /> ILaw and ihe following substances: gasaline, kerosene. other flammabie or toxic petroieum products, toxic pesNc�des end herbicldes, voiatfle , <br /> , solvents,materiais contalning asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive materials. As used In thls paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" i <br /> � means federal lews and Inws oi ihe�urlsdictton where the Property la located that reiate to heaith,safery or environmental protecllon. : <br /> NON-UNIFOHM COVENANTS. 8orrower and Lender turlher covenant and ayree as tollows: <br /> 21. AccelQratio�; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowiny ,',, <br /> Borrowe�'s breach of any covenant or agrQement in this Security instrument (but not priar to accetoration <br /> under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). Tho notice shatl specify: (a) the defautt; (b) <br /> the action reGuirvd to curo the dafault; (c) a date, not less than 30 day�from the date tha notice is given to <br /> I Borrower, by which thQ default must bQ cured; and (d) that failure to cure tho default on or befor� the date <br /> � �pocifled in tha notica may resutt f� accoleration of the sums secured by this Security �nstrumont and salo <br /> � of the Property. ThQ notice shail further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceteration and <br /> ' tho right to bring a court actlo� to assert the non-existence of a default or �ny other defense of Borrower <br /> • to accelerativn and sale. If the default is �ot cu��d on or before the date spscilied in thQ notico. Lander <br /> � at its option may requira �mmediate payment in fuii of all sums secured by this Security InstrumQnt without <br /> • furthar demand and may Invoke thQ power of sale and any othor remedies permittod by appHcable <br /> law. Lender �hall be entitled tu collect ail expenses i�curred in pursuing the remedies pravided in this <br /> paragraph 21, inctuding. but not timlted to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the powe� of sale is invokQd, Trustes shall record a notice of default in Qach county in which any part <br /> . of the P�op�rty is located and shall mail copies of such notice in thv manner prescribed by appticable law <br /> to Borrowar and to tho other persons p�escribod by applicable law. After the time required by appiicable <br /> � law, Trustoe shall give public notice of sale to the persons and fn the manner prQSC�ibed by applicablo law. <br /> � Trustoo. without domand on Borrowor, shall sell tho P�operty at public auction to the high�ct btddQr at the <br /> i. ��mo ,nd nt�cn and under the terms desipnated in the notico of salQ in one o� morQ pa�cels and in any order <br /> Trustoe determines. TrustQe may postpone sale of aii or any parce� of the Property by pudiic announcomeni <br /> at tho timo and place of any praviousty scheduled sale. Lvndor or its designoQ may purchaae tho Property <br /> at any �ala. <br /> ' Upon recoipt of payment of tha price bid, T�ustee shall deiiver to the purchaser Trustoa's deed <br /> �` conve in tho Pro o The rocitats in the T�ustee's devd shall be prima facie evidance of the t�uth <br /> , !► 9 P rtI►• <br /> of tho statamants madv th�rain. Trustee shal� apply tho procaeds of tha salo in tho following ordQr: <br /> �- (a) to all co�t��nd oxpQnses of Qxa�cising the power of sale. and the sa�e, including the payment of thv <br /> � <br /> L TructQO's fQQS actually Incurrad. not to Qxcevd 3.00096 of tho principal amount of the note at the t me <br /> � of th� d�ctaratlon of dafault,and reasonabta attornoys' foas as pe�mittQd by law; (b) to alt sums socurad <br /> , � by this S�cu�ity Inst�um�nt; and (c) any Qxcoss to the person or persons IegeUy entitied to it. <br /> �o7eae.�,�SV�i w�� a:r, Form 9Q28 9•90 <br /> t ' <br />