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�r��� _... : �.i,.M.�. f" j „ •�:.��: <br /> . .� :� �a., .� . . <br /> _�. �.�• � ...� - _._ _ _ _ —�".,.i <br /> =:i� <br /> '� — _ _�.. <br /> � � 94- 10ii45 <br /> UN�dIM COVENAN!'8. sarow�►�nd L�nd�t oovww�t�nd�prM�s bllow�: . <br /> t. P�ym�nt of P�elpai and Int�n� P�ayroatt �nd L.�t�Cbu��. Bwrowr�h�N promptN wY�dw th� <br /> - �aP.i a.�a w���ast oe tM Wbt�Idmo�d 5Y�Nol�and�nY W�WY�►wnt and I�h ch�ryM du�und�r th� No1�. <br /> — �. Funds for T�r snd Inwrana�. Subj�ct to a�Mo�bM Mw or to a wrltt�n wdvw by L�ndw. eo�ow.���I v�y�o i�"�'°" <br /> _ ttN d�y monthN WS�+�ts an du�undst th�Not��unW 1M Not�Is qk!In full,a wm('Funds')br. fU Y�N�+snd asaatnwnt�which <br /> -- may�uain pdortty ovar this�euriry in�tnxn�nt�s�U�n on th� Prop�Ay: (b)Y�rN IMahotd p�yma�t�a qround nnt�on th�I�opwty. L- <br /> <�- N�ny; �o)Y�Y�rd a PropwtY k�WUmc�pr�rt�iurtu�(�Y�adY Aood inw►�ne�pnmiurn��N any: (�) Y�N^�0���wnnc�prwnlums. <br /> N�ny;and(q�ny wm�WY�bM bY 8araw�r to L�,in aecord�na wMh th�provisians of p�rapraPh E.M Nw of th�p�ym�nt of matp�p� -- <br /> — k►sunna pr�nMim�. 'fh�st k�na an e�N�d 'E�aaw ftMns'. L�ndr rt� any Wn�.coYat�nd hotd Funds h an�mounY not to nccNd <br /> ---.��"°_�'°'� th�m�xMwm u►wunt a Nnd�r for a t�ay nlat�d mortpa9�k�an rtMY r�quk�for Borrow�r's�ow aceount und�r th�1M�n1 RMt <br /> •..-b..-N��=� Est�t�S�ttl�nwnt Ptoc�duns Act of 1�74 as artwntNd from 1Mn�to tMn�. 12 U.B.C.�2601 M sp. ('RESPA'), uni��s�nothK I�w th�t appU�s tc --- <br /> ��v_A•"""�� th�funds seta a Nesr emount. It so, UndK may.�t u►y tMn�.coM�et and hold Fundt fn sn amount not to�xc«d th�Nssr amount. L�ndu <br /> -�'--�°'. -_"°� m�y atkn�b ih�rmount ot Funda dut on tha baeb of cuRw►t d�ta md n�sanabN�stMn�ta of apmdiwr�s ot tuwr�Escrow it�ms or othwwi�� --- <br /> =��as��s:�,i�:�:Y� in aecord�nc�wlth appNc�bl�I�w. <br /> ' w G� a► <br /> �.,.� The Funds shaN b�h�ld in�n insliG+tlon whoss deposfts u�Insund by u t�at ay�r►ey.InstrumentaNtY. ar en�tY(indud�p L°"��L�n <br /> - :- ». . � � is wah an IntUtudon)or h my F��Hom�Loan 8ank. Unci�r shall appy th�Funds to p+ry th�E�crow It«na. L�nd�r m�y not charpt <br /> � �"` ����''"'"'�` th�Funds.�nnwAy anahrrin0 th�ac�ow aecount or verilytnp th�Escrow It«ns.unles�L�nd�r paYs BarowK <br /> Barow�r for holdinp�nd applykiy <br /> � � ''�'��'�" - . ht�nst on th�Funds�nd applicabU�w p�rtnits L�nd�r to mtke such a char9�. How�va,Und�r may rpuk�Bortower to pay�one-tYn�chups <br /> . ,:, fa an Ind�p�neNnt rsd ostal�Wc raport{np �arvice us�d by Lender in conn�ctbn with this loan,unNat appilc�ble Mw provid��oth�rwis�. UnNss �,,--. <br /> ��yr�tn�►���rn�de or appYcabl�law nqu4aa interat to be pdd, L�ndx shall not b�nquked to pay Bortowe►�ny intwest or e�mi�Gs°"ih� `- <br /> Funds. Borrow�r�nd L�ndr may a�roa in writk�q,howw�r,th�t intKaat shaW be pdd on tha Funda. Lender thall yNe to Bortow�r.wfthout �;t: <br /> chary�,an�nnuai accounUnp of th� Funds showiny cndits and deblta to the Funde and the purpose tor which e�ch debit to th�Fundt <br /> �� � • � �'^- � war nwd�. The Funds ua piedyed at additlonal ascuritY for dl sums�ocurad by thia Secudty Inatrument. <br /> �. If ih�Funds hetd by Lender exceed th�amounls permitted to bQ hetd by�ppAcabie Iaw,Londor ahall account to Borrowar for ths excess <br /> Funds in�ceordanc�wfth the requkementa of appAcebk law. If ths amount of the Funda h�id by Lendet at any t4ne is not sutflcient to p�y the _ <br /> Escrow Itwns wh�n dua, Lender trny so noUty Bortowa in wridnq,and,tn such uso Borrowx shaU pay to Lender the amount nec�tsary to m�kt <br /> up the dNici�ncy. 8ortower shail make up the defici�ncy 1n no more than twelvt monthly P�Ymretund to Borrower m yFund held by Lander. il � <br /> ,� � Upon paymant in tull of aN aums :acured by this Seeurity InsWment, Lander shdi prompUyr sh+�A appiy any Funds hdd <br />+ undr panqraph 21. Undx shdl�cquke or s�il th�Property,Lender,prior to the acquitiUon or sate ot the Propedy. �p,.._, <br /> -`•-` -"•.;----- by Lw�dbi�i the t{me of acpul�Hlon ar sele es e en!tf�t Ag�inst the aums aecured by this 3ecurity Inatrument. �� <br /> 3. Applicatton of Payments. Untesa appOcable law providea otherwiae,atl payments received by Lender unda paragraphs t and'2 ^ <br /> , • shaU ba appllsd�flrot,to any prepeymenl charqes duQ under the Note;seeond, to�mounta payabte under parayraph 2;third,to interest due: <br /> • ��' � touAh,to p�incipat due;and I�st,to any late charpea due under the Note. - ., <br /> 4. Charg�s; Uolts. Bortower aha11 pay eA taxes,asseeaments.charqea,fines and impositions attribut�bte to the Propeity which may <br /> • attain priority over this Secudty Insirument, and leaseho�d payments or ground rents, if any. BoROwer shall pay these obtl9ations in lhe manner �___ <br /> ' provlded in parapraph 2, or Ii not pald in that rtwnner,Bortower shall pay them on tlme directly to the Person owed payment. Bortower sh�il _ <br /> F ' promptiy iumish to Lender aA notices oi amounts to be paid under this paraqraph. If Bonower makes these p�yments dkectty. Borrower <br /> g sh�Jl prompily tumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> ;�; Bortower ah�ll promptty discharye any Ilen whlch has priority over this Security Instrument uniesa Bortower.(a)agrees in w�itinp to the pay- i <br /> ti� ment ot the oblipatlon seeurud by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contesls In qood faith the Iien delends nyalnst entorcement <br /> ��� ot the Uen in,leyd prxeedlnya which In the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement ot the Wen: a (c)secures from the hdder of the <br /> Ifen an agreament satistactory to Lender subordinating the Iien to this Security Instrument. 11 Lender determines that any part of the Property is <br /> ' subJect to a Aen which may attaln prbriry over this Security Instrument. Lender may 9ive BoROwer a notice idantifyinq the Uen. Bortower shaA <br /> � .' satiafy the i(en or teke one or more of the actlons set forth above within 10 dnys of the g(ving ot notke• � <br /> 5. Hazard or Proporty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the Improvemenis now existing or herea8er erected on the Property insured <br /> agdnat loss by ftre, hazarda Included within the term 'extended coverage'and any other hazords.Including floods or tlooding,ior which Lender � <br /> requkes insurance. This insurance shall be r►�alntained In the amounis and tor the periods thet Lender requires. The insurance cartier providing <br /> the insur�nce ahall he chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's epproval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower taUs ta maintafn � <br /> coverafle deactibed above,Lender Lender's option,obtaln coveraye to protect Lender's�iphts in the Properly in accordance with <br /> paraqraph 7. <br /> All insurance polides and renewals shali be acceptable to the Lender and shall fncWde a standard mortgage clause. Lender shali have the <br /> �iyht to hold the poAcles md renewals. It Lender requires, Bortower shaM promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal <br /> notices. in the event of loss, Bortower shatl qive prompt nolice to the insurance cartier and Lender. Lender may make proof ot loss If not rtwde <br /> ' promptly by BoROwer. <br /> � t Unless Land�and Bortower otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds shell be applfed to restoration or repafr ol the Property dame9ed•if <br /> j th�reatoration or repair is economically teasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If Ihe restoration or repalr Is not economicaYy feaaible <br /> �• a Londer's seeudry would be tessenQd,the insutance proceeds sholl be epptied to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument,whether or not <br /> ' then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property.or does not answer v�nlhin 30 days a notice trom Lender that the <br /> ineurance carri�has oftered to seltle a clalm,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use ihe proceeds to repalr or restore <br /> � th�F'rop�rty or to pay aums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30 day penod wdl begin when the notice is give�. <br /> . � Unlass Lender and Borcower otherwise aqree L�writing,any epplicatlon ot proceed:!o pnncipal shall not extend or postpone the due date <br /> ot the monthy paymmts rderred to In paraflreph 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount of tfia piyments. If under poragraph 21 the Property is <br /> acquked by Lendar, Bonower's rfght to any insurance poilc�es and proceeds resuiling irom dameye to the Property prior to the acquisltlon <br /> _ �_ _ .�.r..... �� I MfIY���nw w,ctant ol the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> .-- � -�. . . . . - .�..r��_ '_ _"'--' '- . u__.f__. <br /> � + 6. Occup�ncy. Prosarvatlon, Maintanance and ProtQCtion of tha PropQrty; Borrowers a.oan :,pp���.���••. <br /> � LYa�YhOlds. Bortower shall occupy.establish,and use the Property as BaROwer's principal residence with�n sixty days arier the execution of <br /> j, thls Socurity instrument and shaA continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principai reside�ce lor at�east one year aRer the date of <br /> ;� accupaney.unless Lender otharwise ayrees�n writing.which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless exienuating circumstances ex�st <br /> which�re beyond Borrower's contrd. Bonower shell not destroy. �amage or impalr the Property.albw the Property to commR <br /> � � waste on the Properly. Bortower shall be in de(ault if any forieiiute action or proceedu�g,whelher uvil or crim� begun that in Lender's good <br /> � � i <br /> ' I <br /> � ] Papc 1 ot 5 <br /> Fomi 3028 9/90 <br /> � . <br /> � <br />