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..: __ '" " ._T��..� ,�4�L�.. "3''••�_..�..�5��°..-- <br /> - I <br /> �� - = __..�..,_.� . 94- io�13.3 <br /> Wih Jud�Nnt awid nwM h(orNlMn al tM P�q�tf►a o1MrwN�m�wMN MPr►th�Mm aMMd bY this S�aKMY Inslru^N^t ar L�nd�r'� <br /> Mqirlty intrMt. Oarow�r�rY ain woh�d�lr�lt r►d r�tN�.�pro�ided h Fr�pnph 19.bY o�u�0 th�saYon a procMdnq b b� <br /> rl�nrsud,�Ith�n+ww u+.l.h � pood wM�d.M�nirrYon.pnaM+dM taA�un a u�.eoaow.r's int«..f In u�.Propwtv a w,.r mNww <br /> Yep�Ym�nt of tM I{�n a�l�d by ihM S�a�ItY In�hwrwM cx Lrnd�r'�s�arkY in►�/. 8artow�t th�N�tso b�N d�dl M Bortow�.�+�in9 the <br /> lo�n�caron proe��,qw�nnMdwf►YY�or kwoant�M�IanN+do+►a ttswnMN�to L�ndr(a i�d to p�ovid�L�nd�r wMh eny nwt�rW <br /> -- - - ------� inlortnatlonJ b eomectlon xrkh the Io�n�vid�no�d by YN No1�,Mnh+db0�but not Mt�d to,np►�t�nutbns c.onc�n�inY Bo+►owr'�oeaup�ncy ol <br /> � — tM Prap�ty as�prYx�ipd nsid�na. N lhla 8�otxMY Mutnrn�nt k an�MesNwid,Bortow�r shat oanPh�wNh aN th�prorlatons ot tM Y�s�. ` <br /> N 8artawr�cquir�s IM tMM to th�PropMty.ih�Nas�Aald md th�1»tlq�sIW nol�n�rp�unWs L�ndK apn�s to th�m�rqr h wrMkq. <br /> 7. Prat�tbn of L�nd�►'s Riphb In tlw Prop�rty. n eor►ow.r t�rs to p«torm u+.oov.n�nu ana pn.�w+a conar�.d <br /> In this S�arltY In�trum�n�or thw b a NpN P�e�dYq th�t^'wY�ipnMe�nnY�M�et Undu't dpht�h th�PropwtY(wch u�proc�iiny <br /> N bmiuuPlry. P►ab�4�,for cendwrw��tbn at IorMihu� a to mlorc.�Mrw or r'�Oi�latlan��,�n.n�.nd.r m.y do.�,a wy ror Wnauwr Is n�aawy � <br /> •-__� _ _- - � to protsci the r�M ihc P►opwtY and Und�r's rqhu h tht RcPw1Y. Undrr's�dlons rrMY indud�P�YnO�Y��ax�d bY�Y�n wNich <br /> h�s pdwfty ovn this S�cwitY Inatnrmnt,�PP��9 h couA.Wfdnp nasor��ttan�'1��nd Mntwinq an tfN PropwtY to m�k�n!p�fn. <br /> Althouph UndK m�y tak��etlon undr this p�npraph 1� l�nd�r dws not t�av�to do so. <br /> My anaunu disbius�d bY Und�►un�M►thls P+�9�Ph 7 sh�l b�conw additiond d�bt of 8orrowr s�cw�d by thls SocurNY InstninNnt. <br /> Untas Bortow�r and L�ntMr aprM to othr twms of qyitwnl, tha�amounta�ha1 bMr int�nst lrom th�d�tt of ditbursNrnnt at tht <br /> - --- Not�rat�and sh� b�pay�b{�.wMh intrat.upon notla irom UndK to 8orrow�r nqu�+tkW WY�� <br /> `.�:��� 8. Mortqp�Insur�nca. If L�nquir�d mndpaye in:uranc�,�s a undition ot rt�hYi9 th�Io�n s�ax�d by 1Nts 8�auilY Inatnxmnt, <br /> -.. :�_. <br /> .+,'•'"�:;.��: � q;,,� ' Bortow�r shW p�y Uu pnmiums aquind w mdntafi tha mortyaya incwana b �Mlect. H.tor uiy►e�wn,th�m«tg�q�Insunna eovKap� _--- <br /> L�ndr Yipsa or aasa to be in df�d. !?arowK shal pay�h�pr�nNrns nquind to obWn covray�wbstantiaMy squivaiw�t to th� <br /> ;�.1::• .,:�•.:�.• `�: nquind by in.uaeee pr.via,sy in.n.a. <br /> . ;•:�� j*u..;.,«�, �q�Mauanu praviousy h�If��eott wbitntWy�quiv�{a�t to th�eou to Bortow�r of th�t maty�y� <br /> ,,�.:.;: . (rom an aiGmate mortp�y�Insunr approv�d by L�nder. It wbsUnW�Ny�quivaMnt mortpayt Insw�nce covraqe is not avail�bl�. Bo+rower afuN WY <br /> '' 'n � lo I.�ndK Mch month� aum sqwl to onttw�Mth of iM YwIY moKp�yt hwnnc�pr�n b�fny Pa�d bY Bortoww wh�n th�inwnnu cov�raq� � � <br /> ' f� . � insurance. Loss r�rve <br /> .�ti.,� : I�psW or uased to be in e(lac4 Lender wi accept.uss �nd ntah theat paymants as�foss reserva In Ileu of mortyty� <br /> p�ytnwits m�y no lonpK b� th�optfon ot Undr. N moRy�y�Inwr�na covKa9e(b thR unount and ta th�p�rbd that L�nd�r <br /> :~.'.,; .• nquina)provld�d by an Inau�r�pprov�d by Und�r �yUn b�can�s avai�We u�d b obWn�d. BoROw�r shall WY the premMims roquk�d to <br /> m�k►Uk►morty�y�inwrance in Nl�ct.or to provlde�bas rts�rv�.until th��puiromant to►morty�p�Mwnnc�M1ds h�ccortLnte wUh iny -- <br /> � writt�n p�wrrnnt bNwNn BoROwa and UndK or appicabl�law. ��-- <br /> 9. (nfp�Cti011. Lender a ks aqmt may m�1ce nasonable enUies upon nnd Inspectlons of th�Ptoperty. LendK shall qhre Borrower — <br /> •, ----_ <br />