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"_ ^"""�'' •,1+. • .. - <br /> ' I. �'J/. . . �'j1k:A M• . ���„' � _ ..._� .-. , ---�_ <br /> -- �---�..,:�.� . � 94-ioiia3 - <br /> .�.�_____ Bortoww dKbpnat�s by natic�W Und�t. My r�a�.co�.nd.r�nar e.�w«►�y�c+...�,,.w io i.�,a.►�..dd�«. .uaa h«.w�a.�y <br /> olhu�ddn�a L�ndu dMipn�t�s by notic�to BortowK. My no11rA provid�d fa In ihis S�curky(nslrwMnt sh�l b�clwnNd to Mw�bNn <br /> yh►�n to Burroww a Undu when piwn as provldW In ihb Pu�pr�Ph. <br /> � 16. Oov�minp Lww S�wnblilty. Thls S�cu►Ny�mWmmt�hal b�povwn�d by I�d�►�i I�w�nd th�I�w ol th�Judsdictbn b <br /> ;:_. ' <br /> ' � ' whkh th�Hro�rty b{oe�i�d. In th��wnt th�t any provl�lon or dw��of thit S�cwky Inftrwnrnt or th�Not�conticl�with appMc�bM <br /> � �`��'����"��'� uw,wch castilct sfiaG not atfect other provislons of thts S�wrky M�tnimant a�h� Nots whfch ean b�phr�n�fbct wqhout lh�contYclMtO _ <br /> { ,� �� � � . provltVon. To thb�nd th�p�oviWons of this S�curNy In�trummt�nd ih�NoN u�d�du�d to b��w��bM. <br /> ,••"`r'•�� - <br /> �,� x.+�=ti.':�:R,:.� � <br /> � • '. _ . 18. Bor�ow��s Copy. Borrow�r shaN b�qhrm on�conlortn�d copy ot th�Nof�and ol tbis S�cu�ity Intlrummt. <br /> = �:.�. .�.; ,;.. �.; ty. Transf�r of tf�Prop�rly or� B�n�ficiW Int�r�d tn Bor�ow�r. t1 w w�ny part ot th�Prop.rty a u+y Int.nsc <br /> �c, , . ... �c � g p soid or transt�rnd tor il a b�nNict�t ht�nst In Bortow�r it soid or tr�nslur�d�nd Borrow�r is not a natural p�non)without Und- <br /> --_.•���. <br /> ;�.� w's pbr wrkt�n consenb Und�r may,at ks option.nquk�Mnmsdi�tt paym�nt fn IuM ot�Y sums s�cund by ihls 3�cudry Inauum�nt. <br /> --—�'�`='''`"��''f'� Howevx,ihis optbn shtN not be azerdsed by Lend�r N�xerdse is prohibitsd by t�al law a of ih�d�tt of thls S�cu�ity Instrum�nt. `°`� � <br /> .�..��s�:...,.�� ' ��'-=='- <br /> ��--"'�`'`.`�•' tl L�ttdrr utarcisa this optian,L�nd�r thall pivs Borrowr not�e d accNKaUon. Thr notk��haW provid��puiod ot not Nss ttw�30 -_"� <br /> - —�,'��Itw'�'sr.�`:Sa:• <br /> ,� �. �' ; dayt kom th�d�t�th�noUee is dNhand or m�U�d withh which Bortower rtwst pay tll aums secund hy thfs S�curiry inatrument. If <br /> ���t � � Borrower tails to pay ihe��aums prlor to th��xpiraUon of this period.Lend�r nwy Invok�any rem��s parmitt�d by thl�Secu�fty InsW. -.-. __� <br /> �..>, . .��, m�nt wRhout luRh�r noUce or dan�nd on Barcow�r. �:-'-,�-: <br /> �F . ,�...4 <br /> °= rr:,: . . �. 18. Borrow�r's RIpM to R�Instat�. If Borrowx mrata csrtak�condit3ans.8orrowa sh�ll have the�ipht to hav��tacement �" <br /> �'., of thu S�curity Mstrum�nt discontlnued�t ury t4n�prior to th��u11K ot: (a)5 d�ys(or tuch othr pabd as appYca6ie iaw maY sP�Y ____ <br /> � . tor ninstatement)batore aais of tht Property pursuant to any powa ot ra�a contalnad ir�this S�curily Instrummt; or (b)entry of a Judymmt �:�T� <br /> "�� ' ' mtorchq thls Securityr InaWmsnt. Tha�o condittona uQ that Baroww: (a)paya Lender�II sums which then wouid be due under this . _:_ <br /> . �.. <br /> �. � Seairity Instrument and thQ Note as if no�ccelenUon had xcurred: (b) cures any dNault ot�ny other eoven�nts w apreem�nts; (c)pays aN :- _ •�., <br /> ucpenses IncuRed fn entorciny this Security k�strument,includlny,but not limtied to, reasonabie attomoys'fexs; and(d)takes such aclion � � <br /> • �s Lender may re�aonably requk�to assure that tha Ben ot thts Secunty Instrument,Lend�r's tiyhts k�tho Properly and Bortower's oblipa• ! • .• - <br /> Wn W pay thQ sums secured by this Seeuriry instrument ah�U continue unchanqed. Upon reinstaternent by BoROwer.lhis Security �,, � �._ <br /> � Natniment md th�obligations aecured heraby shali rema(n fuUy Nfocdv�at if no accNenUon had occurrad. Howwer.this dpht to ninstat� `.�,,,�_�, <br /> thaM not apply in the case of acceleatlon under parayaph 17. ��;s�� <br /> , 19. Salo of Noto; Chang�of Loan S�rvicor. The Noto a.partiat Interost tn the Note(topether wfth thfs socuriry „`x�",��;�;_ <br /> InaWment)may bQ soid one or more times without prior not�a to Bortower. A sata may resuft k►a ch�ng�h the entity(known as the '`,,_�'� <br /> 'Lan Servicer')that coWects monthy paSRnenta due under the Note and thls Securily Inatrument. There a�so may be one or more ehanyea ot ` '�'c�•;,:�__ <br /> - ih�Loan Swvicar unratai�i iv�i��n of iha Noi&. If ihsra»�cF.anpe ot!fie lnaR�rvl��►. AoROwer will be given wrilt�n notfce of lhe ch�nye � .,. <br /> s:,..,..;,-. <br /> h accordance with par�yraph 14 above and appAcabie kw. The notice will sWte the neme and address ol the new Loan Servicet md the �'�': _ <br /> address to whtch payments should be made. The notice wi alao conta(n ony other hiormstion required by applicable law. 't <br /> • 20. Huardous Substancvs. Borrower ehaA not cause or permit the prQSence, uae. disposal, storage,or releasa of any Hazardoua ' '� - <br /> � . •. .� <br /> subataeees on or in th�PropeAy. Borrower shaA not do. nor aMaw anyone eise to do,anythinp affectin�the Property that�s{n violation of 4 �.'��_ <br /> �ny Envkonmental Uw. 7he preceding two santencQS ahall not apply to the presence. use, or storaye on the PropeAy of small quantities of ' � <br /> Haurdous substances that are yenere�ly recognized to be appropriate to normal residentlat uses and to malntenance of the Property. � �t�. ! <br /> � � y <br /> BoROwe►ahaU prompty give Lender written notice of any InvQStlgation.clafm.demand.lawauft or other action by any govemmenul or - <br /> * reyuktory ayency or p�ivate party Involvfng the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental Law of whlch Bor►ower has�ctual <br /> j_ knowledye. If BoROwer leams.or la notified by any govemmental or tegulatory authority.that any removal or other remedlatlon of ony Hazardous •'� <br /> ' Substanc�aNecting the Property Is necesaary. Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedlat�ctions In accordance with Envlronmental Law. <br /> ' ` As uaed in thla parayroph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined�s toxlc or hozardous subatances by Envkonmental <br /> Law and the foAowing aubstances:gasoline.kerosene, other Hammabte or toxlc petroleum products,toxic peatlGdes and herblcldea.vo�atil� <br /> . soNents,materials containing asbestos or tormaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph 20. 'E�vkonmenta� Law' <br /> means fede�l laws and laws ot the judsdlction whero lhe Property Is located that relate to health.satety or environmental protectlon. � <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower ano Lender turther covenant and ayree es fotlows: <br /> 21. Accoleratlon; Romodios. Lender shall givQ notice to Borrower prior to accelaratio�following °r <br /> Bor�owa�'s braach of any covenant or agreement in thls SQCUrtty Instrument(but not prlor to aecelo�ation �_ <br /> undor poragraph 17 unloss appllcable law provldes otherwlse). Tho notice shall specify: (a�the default; (b) <br /> the action roquirod ta curq the dofault; (c) � d�to, not less than 30 days from the date tho �otice ia givon to �. <br /> Bor►owor, by which tha default must be curad;and (d) that failur4 to cure the default on or bofore the data . <br /> , , speafflad in tho notico may result in aacoleration of tha sum�secured by this Security Instrument and sala , <br /> . � of the Property. The notica shall fu�ther inform BorrowQr of the right to reinstate aft�r acceleratlon and <br /> ttw ri�ht to bring a court action to assort the non-existonco of a default or any other dQfanso of Borrowor <br /> �• to accaloration and sate. If thQ default is not cu�ed on or l�aforQ the date specified in tho notice, Londar <br /> at its option may requiro immediate payment in fuli of all sums socured by this Security I�strumont wfthout <br /> � furthor dQmand and may i�voke tho powe�uf sole and any othar remedies pe�mitted by applicablo . <br /> . law. LQndar shail be antitted to collect atl Qxpenses lncurrQd in pursuing thQ remQdies provided in thla <br /> p�ragraph 21, inr,tudi�g, but not timited to, reaso�abla attornoys'fees and costs of title avidonce. <br /> , � tf tho powor of salQ is invoked, Trustev chall record a notica of default in oach county in which any part <br /> of thQ PropQrty is tocafad and shall mail copies of such noticQ in thQ man�er prescribed by aFplicable law <br /> , a to Borrowar and to the othor pvrsons prescribod by applicable law. Atter tha time required by app�icable <br /> � law. Tru�toe sh�l{ give publlc notice of sate to the persons a�d in the mannar prQSCribod by appticablq law. <br /> 1� � Trustoo, wlthout d�mand on Borrowor, shalt sall tha Property at pubtic auction to tho highost biddQr at the <br /> .1. •�.,.� ...a ..�.... ...a ....a.. �i,.. t..m� dwainnatod in th� notiCO of satQ in one or more parcets and in any ordor <br /> - F ' ....... ....�. p...�� _'•_ _••--• -••- ------- --- � �-- <br /> � Tru�taQ datQrmino�. T�ustoQ may postpone satQ of all o� any pa�col of tha Propartyt by public announcemvnt <br /> ; at th�timQ �nd pl�c� of any previously schodulad sal�. LQnd�r or its desi�nee may purchasa the Property <br /> d any stil�. <br /> ' � � Upon roc�ipt of paymont ot thQ pricv bid.T►ustoa shall dalivQr to tha purchasQ�T�ustads deQd <br /> " � conv�yin�th� Prop�rty. The recitals in th�Trustao's do�d shall bo prima facia ovidQncQ of the truth <br /> of th� stotom��ts mado th���in. Trusto� shall apply the procaods of tho sala in tha totlowing ord�r: <br /> (�) to atl costs and �xp�ns�s of oxorcisinQ tho pow�r of sal�. and tha sala. including tho payrnQnt of thQ <br /> TrustN's t��s actually incurr�d, not to �xc��d 3.0009� of th� p�incipal amount of tha note at thQ timo <br /> of th�d�cla�ation af d�fault, and r�asonabl� attorn�ys' t��s ai pormittod by taw: (b) to att sums aocurod <br /> � by thts S�curity Instrum�nt; and (c) any etxcess to th� p�non o�p��sons Ioqatly entitted to it. <br /> w1e7Fm �59,i car�s �5 Fortn 3028 9•90 <br />