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�� �'ati_:' <br /> ; :r.� �.' :''=.-._�._-- <br /> :� <br /> — _- -- =---J . <br /> � . �a- �� <br /> •uN�anAA c�vewlM's. e«row�►.na�«�d.r oor«wK �orow.: <br /> �. PaymMt o1 Princlpal�d IM�s� PnPa�m�M and I.rN Cha�r. a�K.h.r�ur wr�«+a�.�n. <br /> pinok�l ol and int�nst on th�d�t►t�vld�nad bY 1M Nau and a+Y P►�P�Y�^t�nd Mt.�q�e dw w+d�r th•Na•. <br /> Z. Funds for Tlut�s and Inwrane�. BubJ�ct to�ppleabM�aw a w a w�Mbn w�lv�r by l.�+dr,8orcow�shdl p�y to L«�du an <br /> th�drY nwntMY WY��+an du�unda th�Nob,untN th� Nat�N pNd in 1uM�a wm('Fund�')for. W Y�N 1a��nd st�asmmt�whlch <br /> - - ------� mty ittt�M prlo�ty owr tha 8�anity in�tnxn�M u�N�n on th�PropwtY lb�Yw1Y Iwwhoid p�ym�nls a yround nnt�oo th�R'op«tv, <br /> -- � M�ny; (c)Y�r1Y hwrd or propwty�nwnna P►Nr�lun�;(dl Y�f�Aoad hsunnc�P����k�ny; (�)Y�Y�P4�Inwnnc�pr�nh,md. <br /> -�� q�ny;�nd(�any wmR Wl�bN bY 8arowr to LmdK�In aocord�no�with ih�provisions of p�nynph 8,in Ww ot th�p�yrn�nt at mort0�p� <br /> lewnnu prMt�um�. Th�k�ns w cWd'Etaow Rams". Und�r m�y. �t�ny 1Nn�,coM�et�nd hold Fund�h an�rtiounl not to�xcNd <br /> th�rtwdmum rnount� Mnd�r lor�1�da�Nf►r�t�d mortp�p�loan may nqutn fw Bwrowr's�saow�ccount undw th�f�dral RMl <br /> -- E�tab 3�tUartNnt Proc�duns Act of 1�74�s am�nd�d lrom thw to tMn�,12 U.S.C.�2Q01 �t sp.('RESPA'),unMss+�noth�r Mw th�t appY�s to <br /> th�Funds s�ts�{as�r�mount. if ao,Und�r may,at any ttm�.coN�ct and hotd Funda fn an+irt�ount not to�xcw1 th�IessK�mow�t. Land�r <br /> --- --- may atYmt�th�amount ot Funds du�on th�b�sis ot aunnt d�t��nd naon�l�M�sihwtq of�ndiu+ns of tuwn Escrow Il«ns or oth�rwia —_ <br /> ` �� h�CCOtdu►C�with�ppNC�bl�ww. _ <br /> Tht Fundi sh�ll6e hMd in�n InsUWtlon whos�d�po�its ut fnw�od by�1�tl aq�ncy.Insirum�nWity,or enUh►I����L��M L�nd�t <br /> b wch an Instkution) or h any Fed�ral Hom�Lwn B�nk. l.ind�ahal aPPN th�Funds to pay th�Escrow Itrns. Lender m�y not chatp� <br /> BoROwK for hokAnp and appyh4 th�Funds,�nnwMy anayzin0 tha�saow�ccount o►vsrifyhy the Esaow Itans,unleu Und�►pays Borroww <br /> int�nst on th�Funds and appNeabM kw p�rrnit� Lund�r to twk�wch�chuge. Howw�r, Und«�may nquin Bortower to p�y a onathw chuy� W <br /> '.�':r,:�,;,,';�„�� • . tor an ind�wndont rni estate tax reportlnp s�rvic�us�d by Undar in cann�dian vr�h thls Ioan,unMss�ppYcobie law provides oth�rwlse. Unlus - - <br /> .;�„ �,. .,�:�;,;� �n�prNrn�nt it r►wd�or appYcabl�kw roquLys IntKast to b�pald.L�nder�haN not b�nquked to pay Borrow�any int�st or aminqs on 1h� <br /> --.' r;:.:F"�-.' funds. BortowK and Und�r may aqrw in wrkhy,howw��t int�rat shW b�p�id on th�Funde. Lender ahaN qivs to BoROwer,without <br /> , r,har��,an�nnual accountlnp ot th�Funda showlnp cx�dits and d�blts�o th�Fund�and tha purpo�a for whfch ach d�bit to th�Funds <br /> �. ��=�-•-•����-�� � was m�d�. The Funds ut pt�dyed as additlonai sscurity for�q zums s�cured by thia Security InaWment. <br /> • It tht Funda held by Land�r exeeed tha amounts perrnittad to bt hdd by�pplk,�ble law,Land�r ahdl oecount to RorrowK tor Ihe excest <br /> - ''r:�•,:;` ._•.,, . <br /> '""-' �' .. : Funds k►accordanc�with th�rpuk«n�nts of appliubk I�w. If the amount of th�Funds hdd by LendK�t any Ume is not sulHci�nt to pay th� <br /> • . Escrow Itema wh�n due.Lender rtwy so notity Borrow�In wrNkiy,�nd,In auch cass Bortower shaU pay to Lendsr the amount nectttary to m�k� <br /> up th�d�fldency. Borrewet ehall make up tho doflcbncy in no mon th�n twelv�monthly payments,at L�nder's sak di:uelbn. �. <br /> � Upon payment in tuU of aA sums aecured by thls Sacurity Instrument,Under sh�ll prompUy mtund to Borrower any Funda hald by Lender. Ii �,_- <br /> •`�.���•-•.• '�� under panpnpb 21, Lender slull acquke a�all th�Propwty,l�nd�r, prlor to the acquisklon ar aale of tho Roperty,sh�N�ppiy any Funds hNd <br /> _-_---._ __= by itnder et ihe llm�!ot aeq!!l�Ition or�aie+a a u�dlt aaintt th�surM secured by this Secu�ity Instrument. _ <br /> • • • . . 3.Appliaation of Paymnnt�. Unleas appUcable taw provlde�otherwise,�II payments received by Lendar under p�raprapha 1 and Z <br /> ahall be applied: flnt,to any prep�yment charqes du�under th�Note;second,to unounta payable under parnqraph 2;thkd,to interest due; <br /> �:=: <br /> '� fouRh,to principal due; �nd I�at, to any late eharpes due under the Note. <br /> 4. Cha���s; LiYlt�. 8ortower ahaU pay all taxes,aasessmenta,chuyes,fnea and impositions attributable to the Properly which may ___ <br /> attatn priority over thts Secudty inntrument.and leasehold payments or pround rents, ii any. Bortower ahaA pay theae obliyatbna In lhe trannx w <br /> ` provided In parayraph 2,or If not pald In that manner, Bortower ahail p�y them on time dfrectiy to the person owed payment. Bortower shaY ..,_ <br /> - promptly fumish to Lender aA notices ot amounts to be pald under tMa par�yraph. tt Borrowar makes these paymenta direeUy, Borrower �' - <br /> i, ahall promptly fumish to Lender reeelpts ev(dencing the payments. ;,, <br /> �.Y Bortowe►shaU promptiy dlacharye any lien which has priodty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in writiny to tho pay- ` <br /> :•► ment ot tho obAyetbn secured by the Am in�manner accepUbte to Lender;(b) contests in qood feith the lien by,or detends a�ainst enforcement <br /> �� of the Yen In,teyal proceedinys whlch In the Le��der's opinion opente to prevent the enforcement o1 the 8en:or(c)sacures hom thQ hotder of the r� � <br /> isn an aqreemant aatisi�ctory to Lender subordinating the UQn to ihls Security Insirument. II Lender determines that any part oi the Properly Is f <br /> " subJect to a Ilen which may attaln priarity over this Securiry Instrument,Lender rtwy yive Borrower a notice Identilyfnp the Gen. Borrowor shaU � <br /> ' aatisfy the�ien or toke one or more ot the acllons set torth above witMn 10 days of the glving of notice. <br /> � 5. Hazord or Property In�urancQ. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured : <br /> � iyainsl loss by fire, hazards included wilhin the term "extondod coveraqe" and any other hazards.including tloods or floodinq,tor which Lender � <br /> requkea Insurance. This insurance shall be maintained In the amounts end for the perlods that lender requires. The insurance cartier providin9 , <br /> � the Insurance ahaN be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lenders approval whlch shall not be unreasonably withhdd. ii Bonower falls to mafntdn <br /> � coverage described above,Lender may,et Lender's option, obtain coverage ta protect Lenders rights In the Property in accordance with � <br /> � paragnph 7. <br /> , All Insurance po8cies and renewals shall be accepteble lo lhe Lender and shal include a standard mortgaye cteuse. Lender shaA have the <br /> , dyht to hold the policies and renewals. if Lender requires. Borcower sh�ll promptry give to Lender all receipts oi paid pre�niums and renewai <br /> notices. �n the went of loaa,Bortower shaU glve prompt notice to the Insurance wrMer and Lender. Lander may makQ prool of toss if not msde , <br /> •• prompty by Bortower. <br /> i Unlesa lender and Bonower othetvVise agree in writinq, insurance proceeds shall be appiied to restoration ar repair of ihe Property dameged,if <br /> � + t th�restoratlon or repair is economicaUy feasibie and Lender's securiy is not lessened. I}the restoratlon or repair is not economically teasible <br /> =• or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be appiied to the sums secured by this SeCUrity Instrument.whether or not <br /> � , then due,wilh any excess pald to Bortower. If BoROwer abandons the Property.or does nol answer within 30 deys a noGce irom Lender th�t the <br /> ' � Insutonce cartier has o8ered to setlle a claim,then Lender mey collect the msurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or rQStore <br /> . tha Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Inst�ument.whelher or not then due. The 30 day perfod will begin when lhe notice fs given. <br /> � � Un�ess Lender and 8orrower otherwise agree in writing, any applfcaGOn ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or posipone the due date <br /> of ths monthly p�yments�eterta!to in parayraph 1 and 2 or chanqe the amount of the payments. If under paragroph 21 the Property is <br /> acqufred by Lender. 8ortower's right to any Insurance poGcies�nd p�oceeds resulung irom demage to the Property prior to the acquisition <br /> �.._.._. ahaY was to Lendet to the extenl ot the sums secured by thfs Secunly Inslrument immediately pnor to the acquisft�on. <br /> � 6. Occupancy, P�osvrvation. Maintaoanca and Protaction of tho Proporty; BorrowQr's �oan i+ppiicaiion; <br /> � L.oasaholds. BoROwer sh�ll accupy.establish,and use Ihe Properry as BoROwer's principai residence wfthn sixty days after the execution of <br /> � � this S�cvrity Inst�ument and shafl continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pnncipal residance tor at ieast one year after the date ol <br /> j� ' oeeupmcy,uniess la�der othervrise ayreQS in w�tu�g.which consmt shall not be unteasonabiy withhNd.or unless extenuating circumstances exist <br /> • } which arQ bayond Bortower's controi. Bortower shaU not destroy.damtqe or impair thQ Property.a��ow the Property to detenorete. or commit <br /> , ' waste on the PtopMy, Borcower shaN be in delauil if any tortdture aclron or proceed�ng.whether ciwl or cnmind,is begun that m Lender's qood <br /> � <br /> ! , �o�e�.nm tJt�u �,o� 1 d 5 Form 3028 9190 <br /> � ) <br /> i <br />