'� A T,�d ''��. _.�_,-
<br /> - ._ . ___. . - ....J .
<br /> ' � � � . � 94- ioii3o
<br /> � wa,�cqnwK ooua rnu�c In�at�Nur.a a�.Rop.r�y a oa�«wM.n�M«wy i�r�p�i►th.wn a..ua by�na e.cu�ity M.wmm�or l�d�r'.
<br /> ��a�rNy bMn�t. 8ortoww m�Y oun such a dMwll�nd r«nslatR�s provW�d h pwpnph t!, bY c�u�ln�th��aUan or{x�oowdnp to b�
<br /> �tn�its�d wqh�rulinp tiwb In Lrnd�r'�yood Wth d�twmkytbn,M�duda 1orlMlur�oi tlt�Barower'�fntwat in Ih�Propwty or otMN►m�twW
<br /> MopaMlnmt of th� Wn awt�d by thb S�curity ln�trum�nt a Undr►•s ucurMyr�+�.�..►. eorrow.��n.r..�,o b.h d.aua r eonow.r. dwr+a�h.
<br /> bMi�PP��P�+�����rtWMI�M�t 1dN a in�epu�b hiorm�tbn a�N�1«nrn1�to L�nd�r(or hN�d to p►oNd�L�ndi► wNh�ny mtMiW
<br /> _� _ _ __ hbnn�elen)in ooruwolbn wMh!h�lo�n wWriad by th� Not�.bdudlnp�but not Wr�lt�d to,r�xamtations ca;c«nhp Bonow�r's oawp�ncy W �-
<br /> - ---- u1.Prop.rty u. phdp�n.�d.nw. u u,a•s.ourky tnsMwlwr,t is a►a A.s.Noa,9oaowu snaw cariply wNn w th.provl.�on•ot th•b.s•. -
<br /> - M 9onew�t acquins IM 1NN to th�Prop�ry,th�Iw�N�oid md th�IN 1MN sh�M nai m�p�uniss�Undr aprws tn th�merp�r in wrNfny
<br /> 7. Probctlon of L�nd�r's Riphb in th� Prop�rty. B Borcowr toYs to p�Aortn th��nvsn�nts and aprwrtMnt�oontakud
<br /> r,i�s.w�+�r�nswm.nt�a thw Is a IpW P►ocMdlnO tlut m�Y slpnitkanNY�M�et L�nd�r's�fic• h cn.�rop.rey�wu►as�aoc..dtiy
<br /> In bmlwpuy,prob�tt,1or cctid�Uon or tai�ltun ar to�ntora I�ws a rsyut�tiony,th�n l.�nd�r m�y do�nd p�y la wh�twr�is n�ssary
<br /> � to prot�et th�vslu�of thc Prop�rty and L�ndK's�iqhb k�th�Prop�rty. Lmd�r'a actlons nuy InduW payinp any wms s�cund by a N�n whbh
<br /> --i�.� -im�_}� ° hat P�b ovK thi�3�curfty Inswm�t,�PP�O k►court, WYino rNSawbN attomeyt'1NS and�laino on ttu Roprrty to m�k�nWM's. --
<br /> --- Althouph L�ndv rrwy tak�aetbn under this parayraph 7, Und�r don not haw to do so.
<br /> My amountt dtburs�d by Lend�r under this panyraph 7 sludl b�come addkbnai d�bt of Bortow�r s�cund by this S�c�uiry InsUum�n�
<br /> UnNss Borrow�r and L�ndK aprM to othK t�rtns of paym�nt,thes�amounts�hall b�u Int�tat korc.th�d�t�of d�burs�mmt at lt�e
<br /> Nott rab�nd shaN b�payabit,wrih intrNt,upon notic�trom Und�r to 8otrowK rpuuthy paym�nt.
<br /> - 8. IlAort� Inwr�nc�. It UncNr nquksd moAyaq�insunnc��s a condltlon of makhp th�Iotn s�cund by thb 3�curily InsttumMi�
<br /> `�`:�y Borrowel shdl p�y th�prNnlums rpuk�d ta rn�k►tak�tho moKg�q�insunnca h eff�ct. It. 1w any rMSOn,th�moRWip�hsuanu cov�rayt - _
<br /> ��'��i_� . roquk4d by L�nder ypaes or ce�tea to be h elfect,Borrower nhaU p�y the premfuma roqu4�d to obtaln coveape eubst�ntiaNy�qulvaNnt to th�
<br /> �- maip�pe insunnu prevlousy in Nfact,at a cost aubstantUlty aquhr�lnt to the cost to Bortower of ihe mortqape inwrance prwiausly in Nf�ct,
<br /> , :�..' �!y.y --
<br /> - ' trom an�Item�t� morty�pe inarer approved by Lander. It subetantlaly equNalent mort9aye insunnce cowrag�is not awi{abla,Borrower ahW pay
<br /> y�?:C�,:�;: r,, .
<br /> _ - �r---.�-st��.�: � to Undw wch month a sum equd to ort♦1wNfth ot.tht yeuly morty�g�Insuru�ce pranium b�inp p�id by BoROwer whm th�inaurancr cavraqe �,
<br /> =�.;�'1:"�'f' .•... , Upi�d or ceased to be in eKeat: Lend�r wW�ccopt,-uis�and retain these paymentf as a bas neerve in Neu of mort9aye insuranc�. Losa muvs -
<br /> �*'����. pr,jmlM�ts tnay no loriper ba requk�d, at th�opUan of lsnder;lt.morfq�ae insu��nce wve�ye(in the amount and for th�period th�t Lend�r
<br /> ��'.",'.°�J•���.'•'•��"'.'�-';" nqiiins)provldsd by�n insunr�ppr�wd by Lrnd�r aptk�bec��m�a�vail�W�u�d is obtain�d. Borrower ahall pay ths prsrnlums rsquk�d to
<br /> e<.
<br /> , .�.:y�.� i.., ..
<br /> ���--�<<-;� : • m�h�Uitrt�morty�y�Insur�nce In elf�ct, or to prov(da�bss reserve, unW the raqulrement lor mony�9e Insur�nce enda in�ccord�nu wfth�ny --
<br /> �:4:4��/��•. �
<br /> •:n��.>... ,�� - wrftten aqraemant belwNn BorrowK and Lendx w appAcab�e law.
<br /> - yti��.l��...:_,.. '
<br /> . 9. Insp�ction. LendK u Its apent may make rMaonable en�les upon�nd Inspectlons of the Properly. Lend�r shW yive BoROw�r �'
<br /> ��;::�s�s�� � noUce at the tMn�of or prior to an Insp�cUon apacfrylnq r�sonab�e c�use for the inapectlon.
<br /> ;,�;��` . . 10. Cond�mnatlon. The proceedc ot�ny award or clNm iw dameyea, dkect or consequentlat, in connectlon wlth any candertnatlan
<br /> or other taking ot any part of the PropeKy,or tor conveyance In Ileu ot condemnaUon,are hereby asalyned and shaA bo pold to Lender.
<br /> In the evont of a tatal taWnq ot the Property,the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thls 3ecurity Instrument,whethor or not --'
<br /> thon due,wRh my exceas pal.J to BoROwec In the event of a partkl taWnq of the Property fn whlch the tslr market value of thQ Property �_
<br /> • . immedl�toly belore the taklnq la equat to or greater lhan the amount of tho sums secured by this 3ewAty Instrument Immadlately be(ore th�t�klny. __
<br /> unkas 8orrower and Lander otherwlae agree In wminq,the suma sacured by thla Security Instrument shall b4 reduced by the amount ot the
<br /> � ��°�°•`,� , � proceeds muftlplied by the tobwing tractlon, (a)tho total�mount of aums secured Immedlately belora the taklnq, dlvlded by(b)tho tak market -�t.��
<br /> ' valus of the PropeAy Immediatey before the teking. My b�Iance ehoY ba pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlal taking ot the Property In � �.
<br /> � wMch the falr markat w�ue of the Property Immedlately before the taking h lesa than the amount of the aums aecured ImmadlatMy belon tho r��-'
<br /> - taWny,untess Bortower and lender othwwlae�yree In writhg or unless applfc�ble aw othww�se provldes,the procaads sh�U be�ppAed �
<br /> ;� to th�suma securW by thla Security Instrument whether or not the auma ara then dua. �
<br /> + It the Property le�b�ndoned by Borrower,or If.arier notice by Lend�r to Borrower that the condemnor otters to make an aw�rd ot settle i
<br /> � a cl�Im far damages. 8ortowx f�Ns to respond to Lender wlthln 30 doys�fter the date Ihe natice Is given,Lender Is authorized to collect �
<br /> and appy the procoeds.at its aptlon,elther to restoratlon or repafr of the Property or to the sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument, � :
<br /> whether or not then due.
<br /> Unloas Lander and Bortower otherwlse ayree in writlny,any appUcatlon of proceetla to princlpel shall not extend or paslpone the due �.
<br /> � date o(the monthly payments re(erred to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> � } 11. Borrowar Not Released; Forebearanca By Landor Not a Walven Exlenslon of lhe tlme 1or payment or modlfleatlon
<br /> � �� ' ot amorttzatlon of thQ suma secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest of Borrower ahaA not �
<br /> operato to rala�se ths Gtblllty of tha oripinal Borrower or 8arrawer'a successors in interast. Lender shall not be requlred to cortunence r
<br /> . • k proceedlnpe�qainct any suaceuor in Intenst or refuse to oxland tNiw tor payment or othervvise modity amurtlzatlon oi the sums secured
<br /> � • 6y thls Sacurity IntVument by re�ton oi any demand made by the orlginal Bortower or Bortower'a auccessora in IntQreat. My 1orbNanca i
<br /> ' , by Lendet In exerGsing eny Nght or remedy shell not be a werver of or prectude the exerclse of any rlght or remedy. �
<br /> � 12. Succvasora and As�igns Bound; Joint and Savaral Liabllity; Co-aignora. The covenents a�d agreements at
<br /> . j� thls Security Inntrument ahalt bind and benefit the successors and ossigns ot Lender and Borcower, subJect to the provisiona of paragwph
<br /> � 17. Bortower'a covenants and agreements ahall be jant and several. Any Bortower who co•siyns thls Securfty Instrument but does not
<br /> � . exacute the Note: (a)ts co•slgn i ng t h ls Secur i t y Ins trumen l on ly ta mo ngage.grant and canvey thal Bonower's interest N the Pr a perty
<br /> '•i � under the terms of thls Securlty Inatrument; (b)is not personally obliyated to pay the sums securetl by thls Security Instrument:and(c)
<br /> : ' � a9reea that Lende►and any other Borrower may agree to extend. rnodity,forbear or make any accommodatlons with reyard to the terms of
<br /> . . ' . thl�3ecurlry Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borcowers consent.
<br /> ' } 13. Loan Char�e�. If the Ioan secured by 1hls Security Instrument Is subject to n law whlch sets maxlmum loan charyes,and
<br /> � that lew la(Indly Interpreted so that the Intarest or other loan chargea collected or to be collected In connectlon with the topn exceed
<br /> the pertnittad Ilmlte,then: (a)any euch(oan cherye shell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to thQ permrtted
<br /> '�________ . Umit: and(b)any auma aheady cdlected trom BoROwer which exceaded permitted iimits wAI be retundad to Borrower. Lender may choos�
<br /> � � �- � � to m�ke thla retund by reducing the pdnclpal owed under the Note or by maku�g a d�rect paymmt to Bortower. It a reNno reauces pnm
<br /> � clp�l,th�rQductlon wAI 6e treated as a partial prep�yment without any prepayment charqe under the Note.
<br /> . ' 14. NOtiCYD. My notfce to 8ortower provided tor in thls 5ecunty�nslrument shaA be ynen by dehvering ft or by maflinp it by first
<br /> '` d�ss mul unNss appllcrbl�Itw requlres use of anuther method. The notice shal�be directed to the Property Address or any olher address
<br /> 3
<br /> i �., . . • -
<br /> � 30Z62.hm(J/91) Daqo J of 5 Form 3028 9/80
<br /> . �,
<br /> 1�
<br /> 1 t
<br /> f
<br /> � '
<br />