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<br /> -t' -��L. � r'� . _ .1� ---..�--
<br /> 4
<br /> `��..._.'_r��r�� • .
<br /> • 94- ioilao
<br /> Sonnwr dMiql�tM•bf►n�ia to Undu. My nolla�to t�ndu ahal W phrm bY trst dru mY tc Und�r's addrM�atat�d haNn a amr
<br /> othw�addnss Lmdu dMlqn�i�s bY�o1a to i3atow�►. .MY.notfc�prnvid�d br N thh 8�ou�ftY InswnwrH sh�M W d�n�d to hw�b«n
<br /> _ .�r�n to Bor►ow�r a L�ndK wh�n�Mr�n�s povkMd N thk p�itp�h.
<br /> 15. �owminp 4w; 8w�nblNty. �Thls�3�axity�InsWm�nt sh�N b�pov�m�d by bdK�Isw and th�I�w ol th�j�ui�dlcUon In
<br /> - � wnfa►tn.Prop«iy Is�oat.d. In tn.�r.nt th.c.ny arovi�lon or dw�.a thls s�uicy Intwm«►t ar 1h.Noa ca,Meta wun.vpMcaWs
<br /> ww. wah cooNct sh�lf not�11�,�t olhK provlWons ol thls 3�eurity In�hum�nt a th�Not�which e�n W pN�n MNd wkhout th�co^Mctlno
<br /> �¢ provM{on. To thls�nd th�provf�lons ol thia 8�iry IntWmmt and th�NoU sro d�dsnrl to b�s�vKabb. ` =- `-
<br /> 16. Borfow�r's Copy. BortawK ahall b�pN�n one oontorm�t!copy af th•Nob�nd ot thl�S�curRy k»kum�nt.
<br /> =�-c 17. Transi�r of th�Prop�rty or a B�nNlcid Int�n�t le Bor�ow�r. it ap a�ny P.rt ot th�ProA.ty a.ny htuat
<br /> _�-,.�,��..�
<br /> - i-�,�:_�r�,�_y h H k�old or Vantl�tnd(ot H a b�n�Adal IntKat In Borrow�►is sotd a transtKnd�nd Bortow�r b not a naWaJ p�son)without L�nd� —
<br /> __� _�+d^=�r'?n►'�,{� rr'a prior wrfthn cons�nt,L�ndK may,d fts opUon.nquk�inxn�diat�payrnmt In 1uN ot aN wrtw s�cur�d by this 5�eurity ImWm�nt. - --
<br /> R°-=-_---�_s Howw�r,this opUon shaN not b�pcKCK�d by Und�r H�x�rda�is prohibit�d by 1�dwal I�w as of ths d�t�ot thls S�cwrily lnstrumen4 �
<br /> . -�v,..MM~ � If L�ndw�arcisvs this optlan,L�nder shHl qiv�Borrow�r notfct of accM�ndon. The notiee shali provido a p�lod of not less than 30
<br /> � �?"����`•!= '�%�'�� �r d�ya hom th�d�t�ths notk:a ic ddiv�nd a rruAed wHhln whkh BorrowK muat pay aY cums s�cured by this Securlry itittmm�nt It
<br /> - ���"��a� Borrow�r fWs to p�y the�t sums prior to th�urpk�tion of this pwiod. Lmd�r may Invok��ny rrn�din P�mitbd bY this S�aulry Intttu•
<br /> - � � � � m�nt wqhout turth�r noUc�or dammd on Bor►owv.
<br /> �+:��;.:w,.;��,..d; ,
<br /> �. , . .- . �r; 18. Borrow�r s Ripht to R�Ihsbt�. It Borcower maeta certaln condit(ons. Borrowx sh�N hav�th�right to h�w an orc�n - -
<br /> � �-��+�*�+,�'�'��'� of thls S�cutity instrument discontlnu�d at any tkn�Prlor to the wrWr ot: (�)5 days(w such other p�tiod as�pplicable I�w maY sp�city „-
<br /> ,, �tS�y:.':_—
<br /> �� '. � tor rek►sutemenq bNa�s�ia of th�Pro�ly purswnt to any power of sat�containsd k►lhis 3�writy Inatrument: or(b)�r►try of a Judprt�t _ _
<br /> ,�• . mtotdnp thia 3ecurity In�burt�ent. Thoae conditions�re that BortowK: (a)p�ys Under aN sumt whi�h ihen wouid be dus undx thls
<br /> geCUrity Inatrum�►t and the Note a� if no accoteraUon h�d ocourted;(�Cuies any dstauR of any other covenants or apreemant�; (o)pays aN ���_
<br /> ocp�nsa haurecl in antorcinp thts Saeuriry InaUument,Inciudlnq,but.not Nmked to,roasonable�ttomeya'fees:md(d)take�such adion �•_•.� y- _
<br /> �' , as UndK may rwsonabiy requke to�sturo th�t th�Wen of this Security Instrument.Lender's �I9hts In th�Prop�rty�nd Borrower's obNgn- � • � •�
<br /> tbn to pay tht sums secured by this Security Inatrument ahaA conUnue unchanyed. Upon relnstaternent by BotrowK,this S�writy �`-�!;;;d`�-
<br /> ,�•';�' " • Inst�ummt and th�obNp�tians aacured henby sh�ll remain lully ef(ecth�e as H no accal�ation h�d oecurt�d. Howwer,this�I4ht to ninatate -
<br /> ahaN not�ppy In the caae of acceteratbn under parayraph 17. �°y�..
<br /> 19. Sato of Nota; Chanpo of L.opn Sorvicor. The Note or a partbl Intennt in tha Note(toyeth�►wlth this SaCUrity ---__
<br /> InaWment) may Ge sold one or more tYnea wtthout priu nolica to Borcower. A aale may reauft tn a ehenyt in the�nUty(known as the ��-
<br /> 'Lwn Swvicer')that collacte manthy(uym�nts dua under the Note and thls Security InsWment. Thx�dso may be ona w mor�chanyos at �";:�y _
<br /> ��'', ' the Lwn 3arvlcer unrei�ted lo a saie of the Note. if there Is a change of the Loan Service►. BoROwer wAI be yNen written notica of the chanqe ,.�.__�.._ —
<br /> - _ �.`. , _
<br /> In accordance with paragraph 14 abova and applicab�e law. The nopce wIN state the nam�antl addresa o f t he new Lc��� S w v k e r a n d i h a r�,�=�,
<br /> addresa to whlch paymenta should be made. The notke wW also contaln any other informadon requked by applic�blQ law. �� -
<br /> F -
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substancei. Bortower shatl not cause or permit the presence. use,disposal, storage,w rNease oi any Haurdoua f,. .
<br /> wbftanees on or In the Property. Borrower shaA not do,nor allow onyone else to do,anything affectinp the Property tTuit is In vioi�tion ot —
<br /> any Envlronmenlai Law. The preceding two sentences shali not apply to the presence,use,or storege on the Property ot smaA quanUties of � �,..1„; ,-�
<br /> I Hiu�rdous substancea thet are generaNy recognized to be appropriate to normal residentfal uses and to mafntenance af the Property. � :: ry
<br /> Borcower ehall promptly glve lender written notice of any Investigatfon,claim. demand,lawauit or other actlon by any govemmentat or %
<br /> .� � regulatory apency or private perty fnvoNing the Property and any Hau►rdous Substance or Environmental Law ot wh�h Bonower haa ectuai i
<br /> �' knowledye. If Bortower leams. or is notifled by any govemmental or raguiatory aulhority,thnt any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous
<br /> � Substance aflecting the Property Is necessary, Borrower ahall promptly take all necessery remedial actlons In accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ,'� As used in thla paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substences de5ned as toxic ar hazardous subatances by Environmentai
<br /> Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other Ilemmable or toxic petro�eum products.toxic pesNGdea�nd herbicides,volatile
<br /> solvents,materfats contelniny asbestos or tormaldehyde.and radioaclive materials. As used in ihis paragraph 20. 'Environmentat l.aw'
<br /> means lederal laws end Iaws ot the judsdiction where the Property fs located that relate to health, satery or environmentoi protectlon.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as tollows:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remadies. Lender shall give notice to Barrower prior to acceloration following
<br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to accelaration
<br /> under paragraph 17 uniQ�s Appilcable law providea othe►wise). Tho notice ahatl specify: (a)the default; (b)
<br /> the aotfoe roquirod to Curo the default; (c) a dato, not less than 30 days from the data tha notice is qiven to
<br /> 8orrower. by which the default must be cured: and (d) that failure to cura the default on or befora the dato
<br /> specified in tho notico may result in acaeloratfan of tho sums sucured by this Security Instrumant a�d salo
<br /> of the PropQrty. The notica shall further Inform 8orrower of thQ right to �einstate aftQr acceleration and
<br /> , tho right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defonse of Borrower
<br /> to accoleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speciffed in the notice, Londer
<br /> at its option may requirQ immedi�te payment in fuil of ail sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> ' furthQ� domand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permittad by applicable
<br /> law. Lender shall be entitled to cotlect att expens0s f�curred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this
<br /> � paragraph 21, including, but not timited to. reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If tho powar of sale is fnvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any pa�t
<br /> � of the Property is locatod and shall mail aoples of such notice in tho manner prescribed by applicab�e law
<br /> � to Borrower and to the other pQrsons prescribed by applicable law. Aiter the time roquirad by appHcable
<br /> � law,T�usteo shall givo public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner proscribed by applicablQ law.
<br /> iTrusta�. without demand on Borrawo�, shaii seil the Property at public auction to thQ highest bidder at the
<br /> � timo and place and undQr the t9rms designated in the noticQ of sa1Q in one or morQ parcets and in any order
<br /> _ • :��� n�,......�.. M.. w��hlin snnnl��lf`YM/�It�
<br /> T Trustoe detQrminea. Trustee may postpone saie oP aii or Yny p��a:�� �� .�... ..r�••, , �-_.._
<br /> � at tho tima� and plac� of eny proviously schedul�d sale. Lender or its dosignee may purchase thQ Proqerty
<br /> } "at �ny �cat�.
<br /> • Upon rocatpt of paymant of thQ price bid, Trusteo shatl detiver to tho purchase►Trustee's deed
<br /> � co�voyinp tha Proporty. Tho rocitals fn tho Trustee's dvRd shatl bo prima faciQ QvidQncQ of the truth
<br /> }, of th� statemonts made thorein. Trustee ahail apply the procaeds of the sate in the following ordQr:
<br /> • � (s) to all costa �nd oxponsaa ot oxorcisinQ tha power of salo, and the sale, including tho paymQnt of tho
<br /> � � Trustoo'a faos sctually incurred, not tn oxca�d 3.00096 of thQ principai annount of tha note at thv tima
<br /> � of th� d�claration of d�fault, and raa�onabte attorney�' fees as pormitted by law: (b)to all sums sacur�d
<br /> �• by this S�curity Instrumont; and (c) any exce�ss to the person or persons Iogaliy entitled to it.
<br /> . 1t�7Ne trm�5�++� i���� a��' Form 3026 9/90
<br /> i
<br /> • . _ . ._ . .. _ -- - - - -- .. . _. . _ ._ .
<br />