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<br /> � � u�oRM cOVEwir+�re. ea►ow.►.na L.nd.r oov.�.M W,a.Wr.....rol�w.: —
<br /> 1. Pa�n�nt of Peqlalpd ind Iht�n�F�ropaym�M�nd L.rb Char��. eorrow.r sh�l Pr�+Paf►P�Y wh�n dw th�
<br /> .-- . prM�dpd a anc11M««t a,tn.a.b1«idrnwd by tli�Not..na.nr pr.p+yrt�nt ana lac.on.roa du.und«th. Not..
<br /> - -- �. fu�dt ior T1ucN �nd In�uranc�. BubJ�ct to appMo�bM�w a to a wrttt�n w�ivr by L�nd�r,Dorrow�►sh�M pay to G«►drr on
<br /> �d�Y�1�Y WY�ts w du�widr th�Not�. unW th�NW�b pald M►iW.• sum ('Funds')tor: p) y�y taxM�u►d a�sK�nMnU whtoh
<br /> - -- rtry att�N prlo►iyr ovK thb 8�ourily Instrum�nt as a Mn on th�PropKty: (b) Y�iY Iws�hold p�ynw�t�w yrau�d nnt�on th�P�np�ty, ----
<br /> M NY(a1 Y�N�d o►txop�tY inswuicc pnrrdums; (�YwrIY 11ood inwr�ne� prwr�furrw,M�ny; N)Y�N��W h�e�pr�mlunu,
<br /> M�ny:.and(Q�ny wms pay�bb by Bortowe►to 4�ndK.h accord�nc�wHh th�p►ovirlons of paraqnph 8, b M�u of th�paym�nt d morty�p�
<br /> — htw�iici pC�1uMs. Tha�kMns w c�N�d'E�crow R�n+�•. Undu may,at+ny tkn�. cowct ar►d hold Fund�{n m amount not to�coMd
<br /> • th�m�xNnum aRaunt�I�nd�t 1or a 1�d�t1�N relat�d moRq�O���Y rpuk�for Borrow�r's acrow�ccount und�►th�I�d�nl Rwt
<br /> ° - E�t�t�9�tUan�nt Proc�dunf Ad of 1074 aa�m�nd�d Trom Wn�to th�. 12 U.9.C.�2601 �t�p.('RE9PA'j,unNtt�oth�r kw tluit�ppll�s to �--
<br /> th�Fund�s�ts a Masw art�ount. B so, L�nd�r m�y,at�ny Wn�,coN�ct�nd hold Funds h an amount not to ucc«d th�NsaK�mount. L�nd�
<br /> ___W__�—_ �y��t�tht amount ot Funds du�on th�basfs of curt�nt data m�rMSOn�bl�atin'wtu ot ap�nditura of Mun Etcrow ft�ns or o1h�wle� —
<br /> q In accordmc�wfth appNcabl�I�w.
<br /> The Funds thall b�held M an Inttltutbn whoae depoaltss are Inwred by a i�d�l apency,in�ttum�ntality.or ontlty(Indudln0 L�nd�►R I.�nd�►
<br /> -- --�_�._�__ Is such an Instilutlon)or h any F�d�rd Hom�Lo�n Bank. L�nd�►�hall apply th� Funds to pay ihe Escrow IUms. Land�r rn�y not ch�ry� ---
<br /> � � a
<br /> —'-"T`�"�'�`�"�"��'" Botrow�r tw hold4iq and appykip 4h�Funds,annualty analyzlnq th��scrow aeeount or wriylnp th�Escrow Itrna,unM�t Undv pays Borrow�r
<br /> "�� Int�t on ths Funds and appYc�W�law P�rtnits L�nder to rtwk�such a eharq�. How�vK,Lendar m�y requk� Barower to p�y a onttkn�cfwp� �
<br /> '�� '""��r�°� Ior en Independant roel sst�te tax npot�ting s�rvlc�used by Lendx In conn�ctlon vvllh thls loan,unNss appYGbl�Nw provld�s othrwtse. Unta�
<br /> ��:�.$.`��' ' � an aprNment is made or appllubl�kw roqutres k►terost to be pdd.Lender ahtl not W rpuk�d to pay 8orrower u►y Int�rnt or�unings on th�
<br /> �����'- . � �
<br /> � "•.Y�°11^�• �' Fund�. Bortow�r and L�ndu may�pr�In wtitlnq• how�vx,that Intxatt thaq b� p4d on th�fundt. Lendr sh�ll yN�to BortowK,wiUtout
<br /> � chary�, �n annwl�ccountlnp ol the Funda ehowlnp uedlte and deblts to tho Funds�nd the purposo for whlch wch d�Wt to ths Funds
<br /> �.: ; � . : �, . w�s macN. Th�Funds ue pladyed�s �ddltlonrt secu�ity 1or a4 sums aecurad by thle 3ecurity Inetrummt. o.
<br /> � � ' If th�Funda hdd by Lende�exceed the amounte pertNttad to bs held by�ppllcabla I�w,LendK shdl auount to Borrower for tho nxceis
<br /> ,�� - •;•�y � funds In accord�ne�wfth iha nqukanants oi appllc�bt��aw. If th�artw�nt ot the Funds hNd by Lender at�ny tkne Is not au}flcNnt to p�y the _
<br /> ��v� �` � Eecrow Itwns wh�n due.Lender m�y so notliy 8orrowar In wdtlnq,md,in such ca�a Bortower sh�ll pay to LendK the amount n�ussuy to m�k� —
<br /> up tn�dNlctsnoy. BoROwer shaA m�ko up ths deftdency In no mwQ th�n tweN� monthly payment�, �t Lender's ade dlsc►etlon. —
<br /> ` ' Upbn paymsnt M tuM oi aU�ums s�eund by lhis S�curity Iqatrum�rit,{.ander sh�A promptly rofund to Bortower�ny Funds hdd by Lend�r. If ----
<br /> . °"''""� '" ' � unGa�putgreph 21,Lenda shaU acquk�or sell tho Property,Lendir,ptior to the acqufalUon or s�la o(the Rop�rty, ahaN apply any Funds held �"
<br /> _�:.-_'_.______.,,.:�.._. by Lend�r at the tkne of�cqutt�lon of�le aa a credit aq�lnst the sums aecured by thia Security Inatruma��
<br /> 3. Applicatlon of Paymontf. Unleas appllcable kw provldas utherwlae.aq p�yments recelwd by Lend�r undx puayraphs t and 2 _
<br /> eh�A b�applfed;ftret,to any prepayment chargee du�under th�Note; aecond,to amounts payable undar pu�onph 2;thkd,to Int�ntt dw;
<br /> fourth, to p�inclp�I due:and laat,to any late charyes due under the Note. v
<br /> 4. Char�a4; UYft�. Borrower shdl pay aU taxea.assossments,charyea. 1lnes and Impoaltbna attrf6utable to the Prop�rty whlch may
<br /> ,.. -. attaln priorfly over thlo Secur(ty Instrument,and Ieasehold paymenta or ground nnts,If any. 8ortower shall poy these obAgatlons in the nwnnK _
<br /> provlded k►parayraph 2, w It not peld In that manner, Bortower RhoN p�y them on tlme directty to the penon owed payment. Bortow�r sh�U
<br /> � , promptly fumish to Lmdar�II noticoe of amounts to be pald under thls paraqnph. It Bortower rrwkes thesa paymor►ts dkectly.Borrower E-
<br /> • ahall promptly fumfah to Lender recelpta evfdencing the paymenls.
<br />;f, �� Bonower shall promptly dlscharge any Ilen whlch has prlorlty over thls Security Instrument untess BoROwer. (�)ayreea In wddnp to the pay j..�-:
<br />; ment of the obNgatWn eecured by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender: @) contests In good taith the Yen by,or detenda aqalnst eniorcement f
<br />� + oi the Ilen In, ley�l proceedings whlch In the Lender'a opinlon operete to prevent the entorcement of the Ilen,or (c)aecurea from the holder of the ��.
<br /> ' , ti.=--
<br /> Nen an tpreemant eatlsfactory to Lender subordlnntlny the Uan to thls Socurity Instrument. If Lender detem�Ines th�t any part of the Prop�rty Is h»
<br /> eubJ�ct to a Ilen whlch may attaln pdorlly over thls Security Instrument. L�nder may ylve Borrower a notice Wentityin�the Ilen, Bortowar shaU ��`-��
<br /> r-_
<br /> � wUs1y the Ilen or t�ke one or more ot the actbns set forth above wltMn 10 daya of the glving of notice. ��
<br />