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`s _ . _ ;�t .� . _.��.ad!� ... <br /> -� <br /> -:=� ..- -- --•� ' <br /> � �4- ioii� - <br /> — hUh b+dpnwN oould nwlt M foiMNun al th�Pr'opatY a o1f�wN�mMwWY h�P�i►th�Y�n aW�d by 1hM S�tY Inatiwn�nt a L�nd�'s <br /> ... Nuuiy hlr�st. 8+xrow�r nrY wn woh a dMMilt and ninri�t�,w fxovkMd tn Wrspr�Ph�8�bY au�k+y th��tton a pror.Mdbp to b� <br /> d�Nd wMh �n�NnO th�t,In LmcM►'s pood Mkh Wt�mkNtlon, pr�dud�i Iotk�Nun d tho Bcrrowws Iniwut M th�Prapwty a whu nwt�l <br /> Y�paYnNnt d th�Il�n aMUd by thM S�eurky In�wrtNnt a Und�a uc�rity InNn�t. Bortow�sh�l�iw b�In WNult M Borrow�r.dwfnp M� <br /> fo�n�PPw��P���� Y����Y hb�a YMOOU�at�Mlontitbn or sUt�nNnb to L�n�Mr(or hYrd to P►oNd�I.�ndK wAh�r1y nwtM1N <br /> ` bkxnrtlon)In ooen�ciiun wNh th�lan wWmad by ih�Nah,M�dudnp. but rtot Ir►�ft�d to,npns�nqqom �9 Bor►oM'r9 occup�^ry°i �- <br /> --- -- th.Prap.rty w.p�indps�n.idma. a u+N s.ourky wubun,M,t M an.tMS.ho�d,aortowr sN.r con�r wNn�Y th�provU�ons a u,.iMS.. . <br /> M 8ortnw�►�oqukw tM tltl�to th�Propw'ty,1M IrsMioW�nd th�iN tlW sh�N not map�unlMS L�ndw�flnn to the mKq�►h wMqnp. <br /> — 7. P�ot�albn of L�nd�r's Rl�hhh In th� Prop�ety. a Borrow.►tWa�o p«iorm�h.cov«�anu.nd.y�.«, conwn.a <br /> h thb E�owily Instn�nmt,or th�n M a hpY prooNdk�O thM maY slpn�c�aY����'s�{phts h th�P►opwty(wch as�procwdin0 <br /> -- — In b�nluupt�y,� Probat�,la condM►�wtion or kA�n or to�niorc�law�or npuktbns).th�n Undr m�y do �nd WY fa whatar ia n�wy _ <br /> _�a� to prot�et th�wlw ot th�R+opMty�nd L�ndr's�iphu fn tM P►ap�ry. Und�►'s aettons m�y Nidud�payin�mY sums s�cund by�Wn wh�h _ <br /> h�s pdorNy ov�t this 9�a+�tY InWum�nt,�PPMrinp h caurt.payMip mtotwbM attomya'tMS and �ntrrinp on Ih�PropMty to m�k�r�p�ia. <br /> '"°p ' Althouqy L,�nd�t may Uk�action undr tlaa p�nyraph 7.Lwidr do�not hav�to do w. <br /> I � My atrbunts dlsbws�d by L�nd�r und�r thls para9nph 7 shal brc�tsK additional d�bt ot Borrow�r s�cund by ihia Seuuily Inst+ummG _ <br /> Unlut Bartow�r and Undr�a ahr twm�ot p�ym�nt. tha��nwuntt shW b�r int�nst hom the d�t�d dbb�uswnmt�t th. -- <br /> -- -- tiot��ind shal b�pay�6M.with int��upon notk�irom L�ndu to BoROwr nquatk�0 WY�^� <br /> �4' 8. Mort� Inwnnc�. If Und�r nquM�d mat��Ins�xw�c�as a conditlon of m�kM�O th�bu�Wcund by this S�curih►In�trummt, <br /> �T .,� Borrow�r shaN pay tha prMt9utn�roqufnd to rr�inlak�th�tnottp�g� Mwranc�in Mf�cx. M.for�►y�motty�p�insurtnce covraq� --- <br /> .A�'p�..•�F:`�. . aMnt to th� <br /> '•.. .:;�.,r?t ��bY�-�^��Pns or cus�n to b�In�fbct. Borrowr stuM p�y th�pr�niums nquk�d to obWn eovr�qe wbslanti�Ny eqdv <br /> _ �'�•W':,� �;-..� mo�tq�q�inwr�u prwioudy h Mf�et,at�cost wb�tanWy �qWvaUnt to ih�eost ta Bortowr ot th�rno�tp�p� inw►anc�PMrb�s1Y in Nf�d. <br /> � . . .,. kom an aU�mat�mortp�p�insun►�pprov�d by Und�r. It wbstanWy�quivalmt mortg��inwranc�covwaye is not avaWW�. Bor►owr nhall WY <br /> �":�' `}•'�''�`� b l�ndK Nch month� wm �qwi to ontlwMRh of tht ywly matq�q� In�tuana pr�nium WInO P�id bY Bwroww wh�n tha insurance covenqe <br /> ' Mps�d or ews�d to b�In�f(�ct. UndK wiM acapt.u:e and r�k►ih�s�paymmts�s a bst�nserve In Yeu of moRp�ye insunnce. Loss��swv� -- <br /> _ ' . ' •�� payirwus rtwy no{onper b�nquked,tl th�optior► of Und�r. N nwrlyrye inwr+nu cowny�(in th�amaunt�nd fa the p�lod that LendK .,. <br /> . ,�°"�''` ��I P��bY�n Inuu�r�pprowd by Undw apsk�bscom�s�vsGabN and is abtain�d. 8ortowK shall p�y the pr�rt�lums requkod to - - <br /> msk�uh mort��insurana in�fbct,ar to provide a bss res�rvo, unlY th�nqulnment tor mortpa9s insuranu mds in accordona with+u►y ----- <br /> '� writbn�prMnwnt b�twNn Bortow�r�nd Und�►or�ppUcabN kw. <br /> � 9. 111sp�Ctlotl. L�ndK or Its ay�nt rt�y mak�rMSaubN�nMes upon and in�padions of th�Prop�ty. lmd�r shatl qNe Borrower <br /> _,.__ ��:_...—____-_--,_'_- aol3es a!!he lhne of a Zxk!r��•�Inspac:tbn sp�efiytng rNSOnable causs ta th�Inapectton. � <br /> 10. Cot�d�mn�tiat. Th�proca.ds of any�wud or claim tar damap�s.di�ect or eonspuenWl.h eonnectlon with any eondemnaUen =_-- <br /> or otha takkiy of any part of ths Propaty,or ta conveyance h ieu of conde�►xutlon.are hereby assipned and shsY be paid to Lender. <br /> E..i; <br /> In the w�nt of a total takkiy of th�P�openy,ths procNds sh�Q b�apMi�d to th��ums aecured by this S�curily Inslrum�nt.whether or not <br /> th�n duQ,with any excess paid to BoROwer. In the evont of a p�nW taklnp of the Propaty in which the fair mrrket vaiue of the Prope�ty �;__ <br /> � Ynm�di�tdy bQfore th�t�kiny ia equsl to or greatx than the amount of tha sums secured by this Security Inatrwnant immadi�tely bafore tha takkip. __ <br /> u�iess Bortower and Lender olherwise agrae i�writing,the aums seared by this�ecurity Inswment thaN be reducnd by the amount of the �� <br /> proceWs mutlipll�d by the iolbwk►9 fractlon: (a)the total amount of sums secured inwr+adiataly befare lhe taWnq, divlded by lb)the fak morket �;r_ <br /> - vNu�of the PropMiy hnmadiately before tht taking. Any bolance sh�Y be p�id to Borrowe►. in tho event of a partLi Lkfng of the Propxty In � <br /> ,� • whieh the i�k marfcet value ot the Property knmediately befwe the takJnp is less than the amount ot the sums secured Immediataly balore the �•, . <br /> ` • � takinp,unkss 8ortower and 4end�otherwise apree In wriling or unNss applicabie law otherwisa provWQS,th�proeaeds shaN be applied <br /> '.� � 1 to th�sums aecund by this Securily Inntrument whether w not the aums�re then due. <br /> �:•' <br /> If the PropMy is�bendoned by Bor►ower.or H,after notiee by Lendor to Borrower lhat the condemnor ottas to make an awud or settle � <br /> a c1aNn tor d�rtt�yes,Bortowet faiia to respond to Lender withfn 30 d�ys after the date the notico is given, Lander is authorized to collect . <br />, �� �nd apply the proeeeda,at fts option,either to restoration or repai�oi the Properly or to the sums sQCUrad by thfa 3acurity Instrum�nt. � �' <br /> whether a not th�n due. � <br /> � tMiess lender end Bortower othervvlse ayree fn writ�nq.any �ppGution of proceeds to principal shall not exle+�d or postpone the du� h <br /> , data of the monthly payments referted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. r <br /> � • � 11. Bor�ower Not Ral�aaod; Forabearanca By l.ander Not a Waivar. Extension of the time tor payment w modAication <br /> ' oi amortizatbn ot th�sums sewred by this Security Inatntment qranted by Lender to any suceessor in interest of Bortower shaU not <br /> opernte to rde�se the Ilabiliry of the origind Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not be requked to commence �-� <br /> proaedinys ayafnst any successor in interest w refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise mo di i y amo naa tion o f t h e s u m s s e w r e d � � <br /> 1 <br /> � by this Security Instrumant by reason of any demand nwde by the aipinal Borrower a Bortower's successort in intarQSt. My torbearancQ � <br /> by Lender in exerGsing any�ight or remedy sh�A not be a waieer ot or preclude the exercise oi any right or remedy. <br /> . � 12. Succassors and Assigns Bound: Jotnt and Soveral Liability; Co-signors. The covenants and agreements of <br /> � � . ihis Security Instrument sha�l bk�d and ben�t the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowar.subJect to ihe provis!ons of pangraph <br /> 17. Bonower's covenanis and ayrQernants shap be joint and several. Any Bortower who co-siqns this Securily Instrument but does not <br /> _ exasute the Note: (a)is co•siyning this Securiry Instrument onty to mortyage,grant and convey that Borcower's Inte�est in the Property <br /> , • under the terms of this Security{natrument: (b)is not personelly obYgated to pay the sums secured by th�s Secunty Instrument:and(c) <br /> , a4raes that Lender and any other Borcower may agree to e�tend, modiy.forbear or make any aecommotlat�ans with reyatd to the tertns ot • <br /> . • ' thli Securily Instrument w the Note without that Bortower's eons�nt. <br /> . 13. Loan Chtrga�. If the Iwn secured by this Sewrity Instrument is subject to a tow which sets muamum loan charges.and <br /> < � that I�w fa fiMliy w�terpreted so that the i�lerest or atha loen cherges eolkcted or to be collected in connection wilh the loan exceed . <br /> thQ pwmitted Gmits,then:(a)any such lom charfle shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the pennitted <br /> �t.__. ._ timit:�nd lb) anv sums alreadY coNected from Borrower whlch exceeded permitted Iimils w�l be refunded to Barower. Lender rrwy choose <br /> � � � 1 to mtlte thls retund by reducing the pnnapal owed under the Note or by makGiq a direct payment to Bortower. II a reluntl reOUCes pnn• <br /> � � Cipal,the reductlon will be tre�ted�s a pa�tial prepayme�t witheut �ny prepayment charge u�der the Note. <br /> � � 14. NOtICfl. My nolke to Borcower provlded Iw in this Secunty Instrument shaA be q�ven by dNrvering �t or by m��ling d by t�rst <br /> � :s d�u msil unNas appYcabW I�w requuQS use ot another method. 7ho nouce shall be directed to the Propedy Address or any other addross <br /> �- i <br /> f. <br /> . 1 3o2e2.nm q9,1 wv����s Form 302e s�'90 <br /> � <br /> � I <br /> � ` <br />