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��- � v'�.�.., 'X::r� • .. '�,,r�d . <br /> �' • _ — <br /> ..� _ , _ .,�. _y. . <br /> • 94� ioii� <br /> SafrowK d�IpnN�s bY��a l�nd�►. My nwlw to LaKlx M�1 a pN�n by irs�du�maM to Und�►'•Yddnso attt�d har�in a �ny — <br /> an.add�ws t«�d.r dMfpn�t�s bY noqo�a eoROww. 11ry notlo.p�wid.d t«In ws e.awlty hstrWnMa Ww w a tMw a.n <br /> -- ---- phi�n a Barow�r or Und�r wh�n plv�n��prorkl�d In thN pwqnph. <br /> 1S. Oov�rnin� L.�w; 8waraWlky. Thk 3�a,wity In�trun►�nt shN W qov�n�d by N�du�i irw and th�hw d th��ukdiaYon N <br /> ,.�. — whid+th�P�o�ty b bwt�d. In t!N w�N th�i�nY ProvNfon or d�uM ol thls B�owNY Imbwn�ri a Ih�Nou oonMats wMh�Pi� <br /> ;� — Mw,euch oanMd shM not�M�a1 oih�►p►orisbn�ol lhh S�cwity InsMwn�nl or tM Not�whbh ean b�qtrrn�N�ot wNhout th�oonitlatYp k_ <br /> �j,: provNkx�. To thM�nd tht provfWone W thN S�axNy Imqurtwrt and th�trW�an d�cYnd to b�sw�rsW�. <br /> L 16. BOno1Al��'s Copy. Bonowr shM b�piwn on�conlotm�d coPY d Ih�Not��nd ot thl�S�cwMY In�trwnM►t. <br /> 17. Tran�hr of th� Prop�rty or •B�nNlctal Int�hst In Bcrrorwr. n.r w.ny p�r�a�h•��wMnouc�«w-, <br /> ----_- In a is sold or tnnsiwnd(or M a b�nMld�int�nat h Bonow�r Is sold a transM�r�d and 8onowK tt not�n�wnl PKSOn) <br /> � _ �� u's prior writt�n consm�UndK N�optkx�.nquln N�xn�Nat�WYm�nt M IuN ol d wmt s�aind bY thls S�axitY InstrurtwH• ! <br /> � �xs�+vn:�;�:r�� How�v�t:thls opllon shaM not b��cudad bY L�nd�r M��b prohibit�d by Nd�ral 4w as 01 th�d�n ol this S�axKY Instrummt. —_ <br /> _•,r.�kf <br /> H I.�nd�r�xwdsa thi�option.LaK:�r du1�ivt eortoww notka ot accNKatbn. Th�n o t t c�s h�l pro v W��p u l o d ot not ws�than <br /> � -"_`...._.�;:,� In�trum�nt. 11 <br /> "��;.. ` � d�ys lrom th�dU�th�notic�Is d�Ywnd u nwiN�d withh which Bortowu must p�y aN wms saund by this S�cu►MY <br /> �±'�P�-�� Botrow�r t�Ys to pty thsw sums prlor to tht aptratbn of this p�riod.Und�r m�y invok�any rMn�dba P�nnitt�d by this 3�auky Instru• <br /> _.=��.o� m�nt wNhout further nottc�a d�rn�nd on Bo�rowr• <br /> -�°�'a=:�`�'�'"- 18. BoROw�r's Rl�ht t0 R�Inttat�. It BoRC+uer mwts e�ttak�co^d'�°^a.Bartowr shY havt th�ripht to hav��nlorc�nent <br /> . ot u,�s s.a,dty u� disco�ww.a ac any urn.a�+e►to tn•..►wr ot: �y s a.ys t«suon ofhK p�iod as appNubM kw tn�Y�P�Y <br /> � -�H.,x:.z�:};���.tf-�: <br /> ' lor raincqtortwnt)b�foro s�le a9 lh�Propaty pwswnt to any pow�r of saie conWn�d h thit S�cwitY Insttum�nt:ot(b)�ntry of a Judpnwnt _ <br /> entordnp lhis Security InsWmant. Thos�condilions ue ttuR Borrow�r:(a)p�ya Lmder a�tums whkh then wouW b�du�undu lhis C V- <br /> �,�,,,:j'; ,� ` ` � 3�curity Insbvmmt and th�Note aa H no aee�braUon h�d oceumd: (b)cura any datwk oi any oth�r eownants ar apr�n�nts:(c) qys al � <br /> r.• . �nff8 IfIWRld Ifl lf1IOfCIflg 1I11S$eCUtll�l If1iW111lf1I,inciudfng,but not Wdted to,reasornbts�ttom�ys'fa�s:and(d)takes such acibn ,�� <br /> �xP � --' <br /> `1` �•::'��, a• •. �s Lsndr mry rMCOrnbly nquk�to�ssun th�l iha Ifen of this Security inaWtnent, Lenders�hts h th�Properly and BortowK's obYpa- _ <br /> � � �•• •• ' � tion to pay the aums aacured by lhts Securfty Instrument shaY canGnue urtctunq�d. Upon rak►etat�rtNnt by 8ortowK.this SecurAY `- <br /> r' <br /> � instrum�nt�nd the ol�ip�tions seeurod hx�by sh�ll r�h 1uNy Nf�cih�as q no acc�aUon h�d ocwrr�d. How�v�r,this tipht to rainstate � �r <br /> . st�not apply h the us�of�ccdenUon under puaqraph 17. <br /> ' � 19. 5�1�Of NORl; Chango of t,o�n S�nricor. The Note or a WrtW tnlerest kt the Note(topether with thia Secutfry <br /> ' Instrument)may b�soid one or mor�tim�s wRhout prior noUca to Bwrowet. A�ai�rtuy roautt In a chanpe in th��ntlty(known as th� <br />.. , •Lou�SayicK')that eoNects monlhly paym�ntt du�undar thQ Note and this Sewricy InsQum�nt. There aiso may b�ane or rtwn chm�K ol <br /> � tha Losn 9zsvlcer um!�!!t�to a sat�ot tho Nota If thxe Is a change of th� Loan Swvicer. Bortower wiM bQ qhren w�it�n notiea o1 th� clunq� � ` <br /> ---:-_-- .._ __� ... <br /> in�ccordance witn paraynph 14�bow and appYcabie law. The noiice wiN atate the n�me�nd addnss of the n�w Loan S�rvicu and th• <br /> • � addreas to whkh peyments shouid be rtwde. The notice wiU aino contoln any other info►m�tion requked by appl�c�btQ I�w• <br /> ;, � 20. Hszardou4 Substancas. Bortower ahap not uusa a pe+mit the presence.use.diaposal,atorays.or rNwsa oi any Huardous �_ <br /> substancas on ar in the Property. Borrower shali not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anythinq attectiny the Property that la in vblatian of <br /> any Envkonment�i Law. The preceding two aentencas ahail not apply to the presence,use,w storage on thQ Property ot small quantilies of __ <br /> Hazardous aubstances that are generaUy recognized to be approprfate to normal residential uses and to rtwintenanca of the Property R�'. <br /> Borcower shW promptly qive Lender wdtten notice of any IrnQStigation.cltim,demand,lawsuft or other nctlon by any yovemtn�ntal o► ��,_ <br /> reyulatory ayency or(xivate WrtY invohdng the Property end eny Hazardous Subslance or Environmenta�Law of whieh Bor►owa►haa actu� �� - <br /> i� knowledye. If BoROwer Ieams. or is notRed by any govemmentai or reguiatay�uthotiry, that any removai or othat remadlaUon at any Hazudous <br /> �, Substance aftectiny ihe Proporty is necessary,8orrower shall promptly take all nQCessary remedial actions in accordance wdh ErnwanrnMW Lww• <br /> � � As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances' are those aubstancea defined as toxic w hazardous substances by EnvronmeoW , <br /> Law and the foAowinq substances: gasoUne. kerosene,other flammab�o or toxlc pQtroleum products.toxic pesticides and herbicida.vo4ti�a ti <br /> solvents,mate�lals containing asbestoa or tortn�idehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in ihis paragraph 20. 'E�vuonmental law" � <br /> me�ns tederal Iaws and�ews of the judsdiction where ihe Property Is located thot reiate to healih, satety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 6orrower and Lender further covenent and ayree as foliows: <br /> 21. Acc�leration; Remedies. Lender shaii give notice to 6orrower p►ior to accele�ation foliowing <br /> Borrowor's b�oach of any covenant or agreoment in this Security Instrument (but nat prior to accRleration <br /> under pa�agraph 17 unloss apptic�ble law provides otherwt�e). The notice shall specify: (�) the dQi�uit; (b) <br /> thQ action roquired to cure the dofauit; (c) � dato. not less than 30 days from the date tha notico is glvan to <br /> Borrower. by which tho default must be cured: and (d� that failure to cure tha default on or beforo the dat� <br /> spocified in tha notic� may resutt In accaleration of tho sums secured by this Security instrumQnt and sato <br /> of tMa Prop�rty. ThQ �otice shap fu�ther inform Borrowar of tho �ight to reinstate aftar accalaration and <br /> � tho right to bring a court action to assQrt the �on-existence of a default or any other dQtense of Borrower <br /> � to accelQration and sale. If tha default is not cured on or before the date �pecified in the noticQ. L.onder <br /> � at its option may requirQ immediate paymont in fuit of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> j fu►thar demand and may iovokQ the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabte <br /> law. Lendvr shall be ontitlQd to collect alt �xpenses incurrad in pursuing tha remedies provided in tht4 <br /> paragroph 21, including. but not IimitQd to, reasonablQ aKorneys' fQas and costs of title avidenca. <br /> if thQ powo� of sale is invoked. Trustao shalt rQCOrd a notico of dQfautt in aach county in which any pa�t <br /> of th� Proporty is locatod and shati m�il copies of such notice in thQ manner prescrlbed by applica+b�ab ew <br /> to Borrowor and to the other persons prQSCrdbod by applicrbio law. After the timQ rQquirod by app <br /> � taw. Trust�� ahatt givo pubiic notico of saiQ to tha porsons and in the manner prescribed by apptic�bta�aw. <br /> � Trusta�. without damand on BorrowQr. shall solt thQ P�operty at public auction to tha highost bidder at tho <br /> t. tim� and plact and undor tho torms doslgnatQd in thQ notica of salQ in ono or morQ parcol� and in any ordor <br /> �.._ .,• <br /> ` Trustao dot�rmi�vs. Trustoe may postpona satQ of alt or any parcei ot t�e rrvporiy oy Nu.+��.. ��������:�:�=... <br /> t at th�timo and place uf �ny previously sch�dui�d sato.L.�ndor or its dasigne� may purcha�v tha Property <br /> l �t any sat�. <br /> ' Upon r�cdpt of paymant of tho pricQ bid, TrustQN shalt doilvor ta tho purchaav�T�ustQ�'s deQd <br /> ' conv�yinp th� P►op�rty. ThQ rwcitals in tho T�u�taa's �dood shall b� prima faci� �vid�nc� of tho truth <br /> of th� sht�m�nts mado th�r��n. Trust�o shalt appty the procoods of thv sa1Q ia th�foltowinq ordQr: <br /> � (a) to all aosts and oxp�na�s of �xorcisin�thv pow�r af s�t�. and tho qi�, inciuding th� paymont of tha <br /> � T�s�st��'s t�os actuatly incurnd. oot to oxcv�d 3.000�6 of th� principa� amount of tha noto at tha timo <br /> of th� d�clarstion of d�fauit, and r�a�onabl• attorn�ys' fo��as pQrmitt�d by I�w: (b) to atl sums sacurad <br /> � by this S�curity Inst�um�nt: and (c) any wxa�ss to tho pf►ron or p�rsons lAqNly vntitl6d to it�orm �o'te 9.90 <br /> � JO?tl3 hm t5911 �'��• ��' '' <br /> I <br /> . <br /> 1 � - <br />