(� � .�..� 1+ ��_... .c..'--�...r=!-'
<br /> .� . ` ._._ . _.... - --
<br /> .. _� '-- ------
<br /> -_�
<br /> .�.�-"-— .ra� •
<br /> � 94� 1aii�
<br /> -- —�. ' •UNFORM COVEWWTS. 8on+owK �nd Und�r oownru�nd�n foNows: ���ctNt P��MN P�Y wh�n dw th�
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Prtncipat�nd I�t�� Pnp�ym�nt and I.�t�Cha�s.
<br /> _ ar�ap�a.�w r�t.r.a on u�.a.e►.r+a��.a by u�. Na..�a.r,y�y�n.�� .�a au on.ro..aw�d.r�n.ran.
<br /> Z. Funds iot Tax�s�nd InwranC�. Subj�ct to�ppWc�bM Miw«co.writt�n w�lv�r by Lmdr.Bortoww sh�l pay to lmdu on
<br /> — th�d�y nanthy paym�nu w dw undr th�Not�.uatY tht Not�b p�W h 1W,a wm('Funds') lor. (a)ywfy tax�s and uses�nta whfeh
<br /> u' rt�y at�Fn pNorMy ovar thie S�airilY InsUUm�nt as a Wn on th�PrcD�+�Y N)Y�f�Iwa�hold paymmt�a yround�ts on th�Prop�rty, `_ -
<br /> :•F'� N�ny;(c)YMrly har�►d a ProPe►tY Msunnc�pnmiums;(d)YMr�Y lbod hsunnc�P��tNunn�,Y anY(U Y�N���insw�na prar�fwna.
<br /> --�y "'°--• M�ny;v�d(��►y sum�WY�t6M bY��K to Und�r,i n a c c o r d�n c�wMh the p r o Wsions ol p�npr+ph 8,in M�u of th�paym�nt ot mort9sOs
<br /> -- inw�pnrt�Nxn�. Tha�k�tns at� cYed'Esuow ItMr►s•. L�nd�r m�y. at my 1Nn��coNrct and hotd Funda in m �mount not to �xcNd
<br /> ------ - — th�rrwdrn+rn amount a Nnde►br a I�dr�Ny nl�t�d mortpaps lan may nqutn lor Bortowr's�sctow�ccount undK th�1sd�r�t Rul
<br /> ��^�°~=;;��,,,� Estat�6�ttl�m�nt Piroc�duns Act of 1974 as�d�d trom tkn�to iMn�,12 U.S.C.�2801 �s�q.('RESPA'),unt„s anothK I�w that appY��to
<br /> --_--,�,,,_..�,._,..__� th�Funds aets a Nss�r amount if so.lendr may��t�ny tlm�,cdect�nd hdd funda in�n�rnount not to�xcMd th��s�r anwunt. L�nd�r ! _
<br /> – rtwy atknt�th�amount of Funds du�on th�basis of curt�nt dat�and rNSanabM�siYnatn of�xP�^dlw�a of fuwn Esaow It«ns or oth�nwi+�
<br /> ���.: � In accorduic�wRh appYc�bie I�w. din Undr H LanW► _
<br /> Th�Funds shaN be hald in an hstltupon whoae deposits art inwred by a lsderal a9sncy.inswmenhAtf►.or en►dY(k�du 0
<br /> �*;�'��'�"���•"� is such an InsUtuUon)w in any F�d�ral Nam�Lwn&mk. Under ohap�ppy th�Fundr to pay th�Eacrow Ilsma. Lender m�y�ot chuq�
<br /> ..�t:�•',�.,�-..-.::. •Borrow�r
<br />_ ..xi" '�,j�,ia,r':.;Ir9y gorr�,v�r 1or hoid(np and appyk�p ths Funds,�nnwYy anaiyrinp the ascrow account or varilyyhp th�Esaow Itema,un�eas Und�r pay
<br /> ..�ri,. �,r;� intKSrt an the Funda and appYr,�bb iaw p�m�lts Lmder to rrwk�auch�chupe. Hownr�r.Und�r may requlr�Barower to pay�onFWn�ehary� -v-
<br /> �`.'''.'"'S.:'•'•':•.:r_ fa an IniNpendar►1 raat a�tate tax nportlny savice used dy lenden c �onn�ctlon with this bu+.uni�ss�ppWaW�kw provides oth�rwise. UnN�s __
<br /> : an�y��nwtt��rtMdQ or appYc�bl�kw requk� Inta'eat to bs paid,Lendsr eh�li not bo nquked to pay Bortowar my int�nat or s�minys on th�
<br /> ,^�t �i ��ft•�. --
<br /> ',..,,h,,,,,..,�. Funds. Bor►aw�r�nd Lander may�prN�n wrlt�q�however,that interast sh�A be pdd on lh�Fund�. Lender shaY qive to Botrower.wqhout
<br /> eharye,an annual accountfnq of the Funds showinq credits and debits to the Funds and the purpass lor which e�ch debit to tha Funds
<br /> ' w�s m�cM. Tht Funds are piedged�s�dditional ascurity tor aA sums eecuwd by thia Securiry�nsiruma�t. "—'
<br /> , I(tha Funda heid by Lender exceed the unounts pemiitted to be held by�ppYcable tew, Landa sh�A accouM to BoROwer for the exceas =
<br /> �� •r.t�a;+�=u����•'•- • ° Funds h tccardanc�with the requlrwrnnts of appYcabit law• If the amount d tM Funds hNd by L�ndx at any tkna Is not sulikJsnt to pay th� ��
<br /> • Escrow Itrme whw►dut,Lend�r m�y so notity Bortower In wdtinq.md,b sueh ute BoROwa ah�A pay to Lender the amount n��s�ry to m�k� �•._
<br /> `� , up tht d�Aci�ncy. Borrower:hatl make up th�dQAciency in no mae thu► 1weNa monthy payments,al Lender'a soie disG�tion.
<br /> A �
<br /> ' Upon payrn�nt In tuY of�N sums securod by this Sewrily Inatrurtwnt,Lw►der shail prompUy relund to Borrower�ny Funds heid�y Lender. If �..
<br /> undK par�praph 21,Lender ahall acquke or a�ll the PropeAy,Lender, prbr to the�cqulsition or s�ie ot the Property.shaU appiy iny Funds hNd �:-.`
<br /> - � - - -- -_-= by Lc�dsx a2 the lfmt Qt ecquhlsi^�^r+yto ae a credit aqainat the tums secured by thla Secu�ity InstNment. �_ _�
<br /> � _ . _ ... .
<br /> 3.Appiication of Paymonts. Uniess eppticabie I�w provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender undar peraflnphs t and[ -
<br /> ahall b�tppA�d: first,to any prep�yment chvyes due under the Note; second,to amounts payabie under parayraph 2:thkd, to Intarest dur.
<br /> touRh,ta prinGpat due:and ust, to any late charyea due under the Note. - --
<br /> � � 4� Cha��os; UY11Y. Borrowe►shnA pay aY taxes,assessmente.chorQes,fines and impositions att�ibutebie to the Properry which mny
<br /> attaln prbrity ovar this Secu�iry Instrument,and leasehold payments or qround renta, it a�y. Bo►rower ahail pay these obliyationa In the manner �
<br /> .. �-�
<br /> provided h paraqroph 2,or if not p�id in that menner,Bortower sholt piy them on time direcqy to the person owed payment. Barower ahaA �
<br /> � promptly lumish to Lendsr all notices of amounts to ba patd under this parayraph. If Borrawx makea theso payments dirocUy. Borrcwer F --
<br /> � shall prompUy fumish to Lendar receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> t.��.:
<br /> �_; � Barowar ahall promptly discharye any Uen whlch has prioriry over tNs Sacuriry Instrument unlesa Borrowar. (a)aqreea k►wdtin4 to the pay ,
<br /> �-� � ; mant of the obilyatbn secured by the Ilen In�manner acceptabie to Le�ider;(b)contests In good foith the Ilen by. ar detends ayai�st entoreement �
<br /> '•F of the Uen in.teyal Proceedinps which in the Lend�r's opinlon operate to prevent Ihe entorcement of the Iien:or(c) seaures irom the holder of the �
<br /> I Ilen an agreament aattsiactory to Lender aubadinating thn lien to this Security Insl�ument. Ii Lender determines that any part ot the Propnty is
<br /> subject to a Gen which may atlain prioriry over this 3ecurity�nstrument,lender rtwy yive Bwrower a nolko IdQntllyinq thQ QQr►. Barrower shall � .
<br /> a�tisy the Oen or take one or more of the acllona set forth above w it h l n 1 0 d aya o f t he giv i n g o f n o t i a e. '
<br /> 5. Hazard or Proparty Insuranca. Borrower shall keep the fmprovements naw exlsting or hereafte►erected cn the PrapMy Insured '�,....
<br /> ayainst bas by fire, hezards fncluded withfn the term 'extended coveraye" and any other hazards.Inciudiny Iloods or floodiny, for whkh Lender �•
<br /> requkea insurance. This Insurance shall be maintained In the amounts and tor the periods that Lender requkes. The insurance cartle�provlding ;
<br /> � the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subjecl to Lender's approval which shali not be unreasonably wilhheld. If Bortower faiis to rtwintain K�
<br /> covang�describad abova. Lendat may,at Lender'a optlon,obtatn covar4�e to protect Lender's►ights n the Property m accordance with =
<br /> paraqraph 7. ,
<br /> All Insurance policies and renewala ahall be ecceptabte to ihe Lender and shaA inciude a stendard mortgage ciause. Lender ahaN heve the
<br /> dqht to hotd the poAGeo and renewais. ff Lender requlres.Borrower sh�tt promptly give to Lender all receipis of paid premlums ond renewal ;
<br /> notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shall qive prompt notice to the insurance carrier end Lender. Lender may make proot ot Ioss N not rtwde
<br /> promptly by Bunower.
<br /> � lMless Lender and BoROwer olherwise agree In writing.insurance proceeds shall be appied to restoration or repak oi the Property dameged.if
<br /> thQ nstoration or repalr Is economicaUy teasibie and Lende�'s securiry is not lessened. �t ihe restoration or repair is not econom�cally teasibie
<br /> x� or Lender's seeurity would be lessened, the Msurance proceeds shati be appNed to the sums secured by this Security instrument, whelher or not
<br /> than duo,with any excess p��d to Bortower. it Borrower abondons the PropeRy.or does not answer within 30 days a�otice hom Lender that the
<br /> inaur�nu certiet has oHered to aettle o ctalm.then Lender mey cdiect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repak or restore
<br /> • ' th� Property or to pay sums securecf by this Security Instrument.whether or no1 then due. The 30•day period wdl begin when the nolice�s grven.
<br /> • , Unl�ss Lender and Borrower otherwise�g�ee�n wnting.any appiicallon ol prxeeds to principa�shall not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> ot the monthiy p�yme�ts referted to m paragraph t and 2 or change the amou�t o! tiie payments. tt undcr paragreph 2t the ProAexty�s
<br /> aequked by Lander. Bonower's �lyht to any msurance poiicles and prceeeds readimg irom damaye to the Property prio►to the acquisition
<br /> er �_ _ sh�M uass to Lander to the extent ot the sums secured by ihis Secunty Instrurnent immediately pnur to the acquisition.
<br /> �._ .. .._�.__.
<br /> • 6. Occupancy, Prosarvation. MaintonanaQ and PratQCtion ot thQ Proporty: esorrowor s �oan MF7F/tt4�uV���
<br /> �r Loawhotd4. Bortower sh�li occupy. est�blish.and use the Property as BoROwei s princ�pal residence wilhin sixty days atter the exr!cution of
<br /> ' ( this Securtty Inattument and ahall contnue to occupy lhe Property as 8ortower's principal residenCe tor at least one ye�r after the date ot
<br /> � occupancy.uniesa Lender otherwis� aqrees in writMg,which consent shaA not be unreasonably withhNd, a unless extenuating dreumsta�ces ezist
<br /> ►i to detenorale. or commit
<br /> � which are beyond Bortowei s control. Bonower shall not destroy,dam�ge or impav the Property.allaw the Property
<br /> • �' waslt on th�PropMy. Bottawer shaY be in delault if any to�leiture achon or prxeedng.whether aal or cnm�naL �s begun thal in Lender's good
<br /> � {
<br /> � i
<br /> � 3oae�i�m Orvn Paqr 1 0�� Form 90Z8 9/90
<br /> : ,
<br /> t
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