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��� ..� � ,�,4� , . ...:L.y <br /> .�Y ���••� tA ' �� ". <br /> r.� -.___.�..w�...�.�a[�� ` • ' __.—__—__._ __ <br /> � • 94_ 1oii�8 <br /> Wlh 1�����t�suU h lorNkun of th�PropwtY a otherwls�nwt�MY YnpMr th�Wn aMbd bY tl�ls S�eudtY Intkurtw�t or Undrt'� <br /> qourNy Int�nat. Barowa may uu�suah�d�QwR�nd nkntat�.te proricMd in p�nyr�ph 18. by cwdn0 th��dion a procNdny to b� <br /> �yaiNtwd wilh �ruNnp that, In Lsnd�r's qood takh dN�mhatlon� W�ck+dn W�ieldx�of th�Harow�r's htKNt In th�Property or olhw mriMW <br /> Irt�p�km�nt ol th�Y�n aMt�d by this 8�ou�ity InsWmmt a Lend�r't taeurity int�nat. 8ortoww�haN�No b�in dMauR N BorrowK,duriny lM <br /> �� ban+Ppllc�tlon Pro�s,q�w m�tMMMy 1�or fmcaw�w Martwtlon or stat�wnu to L��Mr (a qY�d ta provid�L�nd�r wUh any nwt�l <br /> _�,.� {nformation)In conneetinnn wtlh the lo�n wklw►ad by fb�Nol�.hdudinp,bu!not Wnft�d to.����ntaUons conrwminy Bortow�r's occ.upmay uf �,L_ <br /> th�ProP�rlY as�P�incipai n�^u, H this S�curfty insWm�nt ia on a baahold,8arrowK�ha�campy wMh�th�provi�lans of th�IMa. <br /> M BoROwK acquk�s 1w tltM to ih���s�hold ond tht 1w if1i�ahaM not m�ry�unlN� L�ndu�qr�s to th�rt�yu M wrttfnp. <br /> _�,_.�„_'�..,�.�,:��,. 7. P�d�ctfon o4 I.�nd�r's Riphts tn ttw Prop�rty. It Bortow�IWs to pMtorm th�cov�nants and�prMm�nts conuln�d <br /> '""":_`::•-='.�..�,"� In this Sst:u�lY In�trum�nt,or th�n is+�I�qN ProcMdNiq that may dpniflai�dy aM�t Und�t'��i9hta h th� Prop�tty(wch as a proc�inp <br /> -=�amu3._u�s�,�� <br /> —�.�„�,-_.,._�� ��iwPtcy. p�ob�t�. tur cond�mrwdon a IortNWr�or l0 �f1fOtC�kws or rapul�ibntl,th�n L�nd�r may do�nd pay tor wh�tw�r 1�n�sary � <br /> �"1��''`"``- to prot�et the wiva of th�PropKty and L�ndr'a dqhu k►th� Roprty. Lender's actions rt�y intlud�p�yiny�ny sums t�cund by a Nen which <br /> v'�?.�'::•"�_�,=�:' in court.PaYtnO re�eonabl��tlomay�'f�and �nt�in�on th�Prapwty to m�k�rep�ks. <br /> -�._--_-� hae prbrily over lhin S�curUy�n�lrum�nl.�PP�O <br /> 1 �T AUhouqh L�ndar may t�k�aotion undr this paraqraph 7,Land�r does not havs to do�o. <br /> : y::.�3at -- <br /> �-��;�;� qny amount�disbua�d by L�nda under this parapraph 7 shaN become additlanal d�bt ot Barowx s�cund by this Security inslrummt. � <br /> '"''••Y'•-•��"�'° UnNss Bortow�r�nd L�ndK aqr�e to other t�rms of payment. these amounte sh�l be�r inbnat hom th�d�tt of disbutt�m�nt at th� <br /> .. - _.;'��..•..�F:� <br /> `�•,.-�� Nota rat�and shW W p+ry�b�s,with tntxast,upcn noqce f�om Lender to Bortower raqu�stinq p�yment. � <br /> �`�y`{ 8. MOft��Q�(11ft1��11C�• �t LandK rpukod mortye�e insuranc��s a eondiWn of maMiny th�ban socund by this S�cutityy Instrum�nt, <br /> �� Bortower sh�U p�y the pr«niums requkad to tr��nialn tha matqtqe Inaurance in eifect, If.(a any �easan, th�mortgage inaunnce cover+9� _ _ <br /> rsquk�d by Lend�r i�ps�s or cwsas to ba in affact, Borrowx ahali pay the pretniums r�qu4�d to obtain covenfls aubntantwUy puival�nt to th� _ <br /> s ��pe infunncs praviously in ettect,at a cost aubstanqaYy �quivalent to the cost to Bortower of th�morty�ys Ineurance pr+viousiy in�Hrct, <br /> from an aftamat�mortya9e insurer approved by Lender. If subotantlally equhrdent mortgaye Insuance covenipe Is not available.Borrower ahall pay � � <br /> �`.`-'- <br /> to Lend�r weh moMh a eum equd to on�-twelfth of the yeuly mortp�qs Ineuranc�pranlum belnp pald by BoROwer when the Insuranct eovway� �,.__ <br /> . . . ,° tapaed or ceased to be In eNeet. Lendx wW accept,use and retaln these payments as a loss r�serve N ileu of mortgepe insurance. Loss nsorvs �_ <br /> paymer►ts may no lanper he requked,�t the opUon of Lenda, If mortqape inaurance covera9e(in the amount and tor the period th�t Lender ��-_ <br /> � � requkes)provided 6y�n Insurer approvsd by Lender agah becomes avaYable and is obt�tned. 8ortowx shaN pay the premtums requked to ; <br /> rtialntaln mortyape i�aurance in ettect,or to provide a�oss rasave,untU the requkemsnt for mortpaqe Inauranee ends in accordance with any �_ <br /> .�'� - wdttsn ayrNrnent betwwn Borrow�r and Lender or appiluble kw. <br /> � � 9. t�spoetion. Unde►or fts apent may make reasonabie enMes upon and Inspections of the Property. Lender aheA qive Borrower �[.`s <br /> �' -��-' ----- - -"' noUcs ri ii�ir i{me of ar pderlo an tnepeetlon�geeflyMg rea�onabia cauea for the lospation. <br /> 10. Condamnatl0n. The proceeds of any eward or claim for damages,direct or conaaquentW, in connection wit�any condemmtlon � '• <br /> or othe►takiny ot any part of tha Praperty,or tor conveyonce in Ileu ot condemnation,are hereby assiyned and shali bQ pald to Lender. �a <br /> �n the event of a total taking ot the Properly,the proceeds shali be appNed to the auma secured by this 9ecurity Insirument,whether or not ;��. <br /> • then due.wlth my excesa paid to Bomower. In thQ event of a porllal taking oi the Property In which the lalr market value af the Roperly <br /> Immedi�tely betaa thQ takhy la equai to or qreater then ihe amount oi the sums secured by this Securily Instrument immedlately betore the taklnq, .. <br /> unless Bortower end Lender othe�wise agree in writinq, lhe sums secured by this Securlty Inatrument ahell be reduced by the amount ot the � <br /> + , praceeds multipYed by the toYowinq tractiqn: (a)tha totnl ornount ot sums aecured Immediatety before iho takiny.divided by(b)the fair markot : <br /> �}, vaiue o1 the Properly immediately before the taking. Any balanee ahalt be paid to Bortower. In the event oi a partia�hking of the Property In i. <br /> �: � whieh the falr market value of the Property immedk+tNy before the tokiny is less than the amount of the sums securod Immed�ately betore the � <br /> ' tak(ng,un�sas Borcower�nd Lender otherwlae agree In writlag or untess appllcable lew othe�wise provides. the proceeds shaA be appliad t <br /> �! ' to the aums securad by ihls Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property la abandoned by Borrower.or if,arier�dice by Lerder to Borrower that the condermor ottera to rtwke an award or sett�e <br /> • a Gafm for dameges,Bortower tails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice Is gNen.Lender ts aulhorized to coilect <br /> � and apply the Ks optlon,either to restaration or repok of the PropeAy or to the sums aeeured by thls Security Inatrument. . <br /> � whether or not then due. � <br /> , U�Iesa Lender and Borrower othervvise egree in writing,eny appilcatbn of proeeeds to principat shall not extend or postpone the due � <br /> date ot the monlhiy peymnits reterced to In paragraphs t and 2 or change the omount ot such paymenls. ; <br /> 11. Borrowar Not RelQased; Forebearanco By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensfon of thQ time for payment or modiflcation `; <br /> ol amortfzalion of the aums sacured by thla Security Instrument granted by Lender to ony successor in intaest ot Borrower shall not <br /> operate to rQiease the liability of the oriyina�8orrower or Borcower's successors In interest. Lender shall not be requlred to commence • <br /> _ , proceedinqs agdnst any succassor in interest or retuse to extend tkne for payment or otherwise modity amort�zatian of the sums secured <br /> by this Secutity Instrument by reason ot any denwnd rtwde by the original 8orrower or Borcower's successors in interest. Any forbearance <br /> � by Lender in exereising ony rtght or ramedy shall nol be a waiver of or preclude ihe exercfse of any right or remedy. <br /> �• � 12. Succossors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and SQVQrat Liabitity; Co-signera. The covenants and agreements of <br /> i this Security Insirument ahaN hfnd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject lo ihe prorisions of paragraph <br /> . ' 17, Bonower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co•signs th�s Security Instrument but does not <br /> +c execute the Note: (aj is co•sfgning this Security Instrument oniy to moAgage,grant and convey Ihat Borrower's interest in the Property <br /> ' under the terms ot this Security Instrument: (b) is not personeNy obtigated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) <br /> �graes th�t Lender ond any other Borrower may agree to eztend,modify. forbear or meke any aceommodations with regard to the terms ot <br /> • • thls Securily Instn�ment or the Note without that Borcower's consent. <br /> • , 13. LOa11 Char9a8. I(the toan secured by this SecurilY Instrument is sub�ect to a taw which sets maxunum loan charges, and <br /> that law Is finaly fnlerpreted so that the interest ar other�oan chnrges coilected or to be callected�n connecUOn with the loan e�ccerJ <br /> t the pe�tted Iimits,then: (a)any such loan charge shaY be reduced by the nmount neaessary to reduce the charge to the perrnitlad <br /> . � g._ _..a�w. .,,,. .��..,�,r.,.dv couected from 8orrower which exceeded pem+itted Gmits wil be relunded to Barrower. Lender may choose <br /> . . .T.. _ � xun..�.w�..r —v --"-- - - • <br /> to mak�this retund by rcduting the prxuipal owed under the Note or by moking a direct payment to Bo�rower. If a refund reduces pnn- <br /> F� dpal,the reduction will bQ treated as a partlal prepeyment without any prep�yment charge under the Note- <br /> � ' 14. Notice�. My �otlCe t0 Bortower provided�or�n this Secunty Instrument sha�l be g�ven by delnenng d or by mailing d by���st <br /> . i <br /> elass ma��unless appUcable Iaw requKes use ot anolher method. The notice shdll bo d�rected to the PropeAy Address or any other a ress <br /> `' I <br /> - � I 3p1��.hm(�A1) F�Uc !��S Form 3028 9i90 <br /> � <br /> , <br /> _ � <br /> I — - - - - - - - ---I-- <br />