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� _ <br /> �.,�.--- -- <br /> " ' � .��'`� . _ :xr:_ - -- <br /> � " .�- <br /> ��{.. . 4D�.'..��Ty�YV � �f�' " a��.4 �-' _ <br /> -h ' --�- <br /> - .a.,..._�.d1:i� . . d <br /> _ ' _' -� � � • �Mii��.7 <br /> - -- 6onowK d�slpn�tK bY notice to lend�r, My notic�to LmcN►�h�M b�qiv�n by Mc dns maY a LmWr'��ddnss atabd h�rNn a�ny <br /> . -- olh�r�ddr�s L�daipn�t�s by noNc�W Bonowr. My noUu provid�d 1a N 1hN B�owltY InsUuMnt shal b�dwrnrd to h�w bMn <br /> ' �--- qN�n to 8orrow�r or Lmd�r wh«►qiwn as provld�d in thk pan0nph. <br /> ' ib. QOY�f111110 LIIW; S�V���bllky. Thls S�curity In�UurtNnt�hall bs pov�rmd by f�al t�w ntd ih�law o1 th�Ju�i�dletbn In <br /> . I.�:. .�'yu.. . ,,..i wh{ch th�Wapwty is loc�t�d. M th��►r�nt that�ny provMlon or dws�of thlt S�cwily instrum�nt ar ih�Not�conNds with appYcal�M <br /> ����-*--r•-•-•- Mw,wah conAlct�FwY not attoct oth�r provislone of this 3eeurfly inetrum�nt a th�Not�whkh e�n 6�Olvm dl�cl W���out th�conNct�r�p �_,_ _ <br /> � ���;� provlNon. To thi��nd ih�provltbns ot thla 3�eurtry Instrutn�nt and th�Noh u�d�d�r�d to b�sav�rabN. <br /> .::. :r.�;�:::-; 18. Bor*oW�r'�Copy. B<xrow�r sh�N b�piven one coniorm�d coPY ot th� Not��nd of thl�3�curitY Instrum�nt. <br /> _-- �:i'`':`.�- 1T. Transi�r o!th� Prap�ety or �e�n�Nctat IM�r�st In Borrow�r. il ati or .ny P+rt ot th•�roperty o�any tntKwt <br /> �,,, �e_.. <br /> �;. � . , In it 1�sold a twn�t�rnd (or it�bwiMkW htw�t in 8ortowu I�sold a tnnsl«r�d and BwrowK is not�natural pwsanl wNhout L�nd• _--- <br /> '�•'' '•• ' K•s prlor writt«►cons�nt. Under may.�t Ns option.rpuk�Mrwn�dl�t�p�yrnent in tuN ot�Q eums a�cund by thia Secu�ity Instrum�nt• � <br /> °° —�`� Howw�r.tMs optlon thaU not be�xercised by Und�r B�xKd�e Is prohibit�d by f�i iaw as of the dau of thls S�cwily Instrum�ni• <br /> �� `° ; � l� <br /> �`-_",..' '--_- <br /> ,•.��• •-• If L�nd�►ucKdset this optlon, Lmd�r ehaY ylv�Borrowa►notict of aceeNt�tion. Ths notice shaY provide a paiod of not leas than 30 <br /> .,�� ¢S ',•. • — <br /> -_ �� • d�ys hom th�d�te th�noUc�is dNiwr�d w m�il�d withk►wh�h Borrow�r must pay aN suma sscurad by this Secudty Instrumsnt. It ___ <br /> �`� ° , BoROwK qits to p�y th�s�suma prior to th��xpkation ot ihls pKiod, Und�r rt►�y hvok��ny nm�dMs Pamltted by this 3�eudty�nsttu- <br /> k._.. . � .. .F <br /> __ � _.,, m�nt wrihout turthr notice or dwnand on 8ortowar. <br /> -_ • �� a 18. Borl'OW�r's Rtpht to R�instats. If Bortower mwis a�t�h candilbns,Bortoww shdl haw th�dght to h�w�n�oresment <br /> of thls 3�cu�ity�n�trum�r►t discontinued at u►y tims prlor to ths su1Nr ot: (a)5 daya(or sueh other period�s applicabi�t�w m�y sp�cily n--,;.�: <br /> 1or rdnsLt�t)b�ton saN of th� Proprip punwnl to any power of u►lo contained in thl�Securiry Inatmment: w(b) �ntry of�judym�nt _ � _ <br /> mforc,inq this S�curity Instrum�nt. Thoea conditlons are that Bor►owsr. (a)paya Under aU suma whlch then wouid be due under this ��,Q�•'•=- <br /> Secudly Inst�ummt and th�Note as if no accdaration had occurred; (b)curea any detault of any oth�r coven�nta u ayreamants;(o)pays d �`��'!,�'= :., <br /> � �- -- <br /> , expenaes IncuRed in enfordnp this 3ecuriry Instrument.inctuding,but not Iknlled to,rwsonaWe attomeys'fees:end(d) takea such action -- <br /> ' �s Lander m+y rMSOnabiy nquka to�asure th�t the Ilen of this Sacudty instrument,Lendars�ights in th�Prop�ty and 8ortowers obilqa• E .�.�rr :-� _• <br /> tbn to p�y thQ wms sacurad by thia Secudty Instrument ahail contlnue unchonged. Upon ralnaUtement by Borrower.this Security ; T-i� <br /> � Inatrumant and th�obiipetlona s�eured heraby shall remain tully aff�ctiv�as if ne aeceleaUon had oecurr�d. However,thls ripht to reinatate •—_ <br /> f�1:.1uR��— <br /> th�ll not apply in th�cas�of accNendon under panyraph 17. �=�`--- <br /> 19. Salo Of Not�; Ch�n�1 of Loin S�rvlcaR The Note or a partial interest In the Note (together with this Security �"�' �: <br /> Instrument) may be aold one or more timea wlthout prior notic�to Bor►ower. A aale mey re�uit In a chanpe(n the entity(known As the __�„� _-- <br /> 'Lom ServicK')that coAects monthly p�ymenta duQ under the Note and thia Security Instrument. There+Iso may be one or more ch�nyea of ��_ <br /> - - tn�Loan Servicx unrolat�+ci iv w s�ta of iha Hota. t!there!s a chenqe ot the i oan Servlcer.8arower wW be given wdtten notice of the ch�nge �- __ <br /> in accordu�ca wlth porayraph 14 above and appAcabia law. The notice wUl state the nome and�ddress af the new Loan Servic�r and the I�.._—_{__�°- <br /> �'.��`� <br /> oddress to whlch paymonts should be made. The notice wfll atso contain any other infomwtlon reqelred by applicablQ law. � ; . �.�_. <br /> 20. Huardous Substaneas. 8ortower ahall not cause or permit the presence,use.disposal,storege, or release ot�ny Hazordous �ew�;;,,;r;'- T_ <br /> eu6:tanees on or In the Property. Bortower shall not do,nor aAow anyone else to do,anylhinq nftecting the Property thot Is in vloletlon ot . � �,, <br /> any Environmental Law. ThQ preceding two sentences sheli not apply to ihe presence,use.or storape on the Property of srtwll quaMities of F �•�•r.�. ..� <br /> •'L.....n •• <br /> Ha�rdoue svbatances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normai residentivi usen and to matntenance ot the Propwty. F .,,�:t. <br /> t <br /> Bortowar shaA promptly give Lender written notice of aiy Investigetion,claim. demand. Iawsuit or other actlon by any govemmentai or _ <br /> i. reguatory ayency or ptivate perty Involviny the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentat Law of which BoROwer has acluai ~.'• <br /> �_ <br /> d.' knowisdge. If 8orrower learns,or�s nodfied by any yovemmental or re9ulntory autho�ity,thet any �emoval or other remedlatlon of any H�z�rdous � • .;.,_ <br /> �' Substance aBecting the Property is necessary.Bonower ahall promptly take all necessary remedNl actlons in accordance with Envimnmental Law. _�- <br /> Aa uaed fn this p�ragraph 20. "Hozardous Substances" are those aubstances deflned as toxic or haurdous substances by Environmenul <br /> Law and the folbwi�g substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, other ilammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticidea and herbicidos.volatile ,. <br /> solvents,materals contalniny asbestos or formoidehyde.end radioactive materials. As used In ihis paragreph 20. "Environmentai Law' . :�� <br /> means feder�i Iaws and Iaws ot the Jurisdiction where the Property Is�ocated that re�ate to health, za(ety or environmental protectlon. � ;:.;° <br /> NON•UNIFORM COYENANTS. Borrower and Lender fuAher covenant and eyree as toliows: ', �� <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remadios. lendor shatl give notice to Borrower p�lor to acceleration following '.?• <br /> Bor�owar'�breach of any covenant or agraomont in this Security Instrument (but not prior to accoleration �� <br /> � undor paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides othprwisa). The notice shalt specity: (a) the default; (b) �, <br /> � tha actio� required to cure the defautt; (c) a dato, not tess than 30 days froM the dato tha notice is givon to <br /> ^, . <br /> 8orrowar, by which tho dofault must be curod; and (d) that failure to cur�the detault on or befora the dato <br /> � specifi�ad in the notico may resuit tn accoieration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale � <br /> of the Praporty. The notice shall fu�ther inform Borrower of the right to �ei�state aftQr accetaration and <br /> tho right to bring a court action to assert the non-existQnce of a default or any other defense of Borrowar <br /> • to accaieration and sale. If the defautt fs not curad on or bofnre the date specified in tho notice, Lender <br /> , � at tts option may require immadiate payment in full of all sums secured by thts Security Instrument without <br /> ' 1 furthor domand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedtes permitted by applicable . <br /> � law. Landor ahall be antitted to collect all vxpen�es incurrod in pursuing the remedies providod in thi� <br /> paragraph 21. fncluding, but not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneys' feos and costs of titiQ ovfdence. <br /> � if tho power of sale is invokQd, TrustQe shatt record a notice of default in each county in which any part <br /> • ot the Proparty is tocatod and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner presc�ibed by applic i c�b eW <br /> • to Borrower and to the other persons prescribod by applicabie law. Afte�the time raquired by app <br /> , law, TrustaQ shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the mannar prescribed by applicabie law. <br /> f Trustee, wtthout demand on BorrowQr, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest biddor at the <br /> �. ; .,.__ __., ..�...... ...... .►.o*o.m: dnnianatod in tho notico of saio in one or moro parcQis and in any order <br /> -� � i tn..�..�.. p.�.... ....,. _..,._. ...— --... _ _ „ <br /> � Truatve datormines. Trustve may postpone sate of all or any parce� of the Property by pubtic announcament <br /> at tho timQ and �Slacv of any previouaty schedulQd sale. Lendar or its desfgneQ may purchacQ the Property <br /> � at any �At�. <br /> � ' ;�� Upon recoipt of p�yment of tho price bid, TrusteQ shell deliver to the purchaser Trustee's de�d <br /> convoying thQ PropQrty. The rocitals in the Trustee's daed shalt ba prima fac{e ovidanao of tho t�uth <br /> , r of tha statomvnts made therefn. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following o�dQr: <br /> (a) to all cost� and QxponaQa of axQ�cisiag the power of sale, and the sala, inciuding the paymont of tho <br /> Trustoo's taes actually incurred. not to exceod 3.00096 of thQ principal amount of tho note at tho time <br /> of tha doctaration of dafault� and reasonable attornQys feos ast pormittod by law: (b) to a�l suma socu�od <br /> by this Socurity inatrumont; and (c) any txcosa to tt�o parson or persons lagally antitied to �tFom�3o2a arso <br /> ; � 302BJLm l5/9�1 paq'=4 0�5 <br /> � � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> � . ..... J --- - - .. - - -- .. <br />