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<br /> . 94- 1�'�8
<br /> • UNIfORM COVENAHTB. 8onwwr and L�ndK oov�nt rtd�qn���loliow�:
<br /> t. Prym�nt of Princtpal �nd Int�n�t; Pnpaym�nt and ut� Cha��. earowK stur�romPny wy wn�n dur th•
<br /> �� pinolpd ai�nd ht�nst on tM d�bt rvidaiad by ih�Not��nd anY pnpaynwnt and I�t�clwp�s dw und�r th�Not�.
<br /> 2. Fund�tor Tax�s �t1d Inwr�nc�. 8ubl�ct to�ppYc+ibl�I�w a to a w�ttbn w�lw►by UndK� Bortow�r�hau Poy�o��^dw°"
<br /> th�d�y monthlY WY�^ts�n dw und�r th�Not�.untll Ih�Not�M pa{d In 1uN,a wm('Funds') lor: (a)YMrIY taxN�nd uNSSnMnts whbb
<br /> '' JO1°t':r"""'�0""' m�y atta4�prlodty oYer thla Security M�tnim«H n�Nsn on tM b)y�ariy Iws�hoid paymrdo u pround nnts on ih�PropKty, �-
<br /> Prop�rtY:(
<br /> �� M�ny; (c)Yw1Y ha�ud a P��Y In�w�na pnmlwn�:(dl YMrN lbod Inwrmc�pr�Nums.H any;(�)Y�utY matp�y�Inwranc�pr�nlumt,
<br /> . M�ny;�nd(Q�ny wm�p�y�bM by Borrow�r to L�nd�r,In aacordmu wNh th�provislana ol puapraph A, in Na ot th�paym�nt ot matp�p�
<br /> �•�.�.q,. -.,�--— Inwnna prMniums. Tha�Rwns an cWd'Escrow�t�m�'. L�ndr m�y��t my Ume,coA�ct and hotd Funds In�rt smount not lo�xcMd
<br /> �__.:_..�t._,l�i��
<br /> :;vs»„�;,;:t�.;,-.•,.,�, th�rtwrknum�mount a imd�r tor a bd�nNy nlH�d ma1W0�ban miy nquk�ta Bottow�►'s�suow�ccount und�r the t�du�l RNI
<br /> , INs to
<br /> �'"•s�_i_--'=_'',,.�,� Et1at�S�ttNm�nt Proc�dura Act of 1Q74 as ammd�d kom Wn�to thk,12 U.S.C.§2601 M sp. �'RE8PA'),unln�anoth�►I�w lh�t �pP
<br /> �'°',„„�' �:,�f' '-'�T ths Fund�sel��I�sK�mount. If ao, Und�r rtwy.�t any tim�,coY�ct and hold Funda in u►�mount not to�xcMd th�i�sur amount. L�nd�r
<br /> �-�-�i.,.a,�}�....._...r..,•-;..� -----
<br /> -- ,��,: m�y�stM�rt�tht amount of Funds du�on th�b�sis of curt�nt d�ta�nd nrsonabk�stkn�ta of exp�ndiwra of IuWrR Esuow It�ns or oth�rwl�
<br /> A_.�v{�s��..•.. -. h�ccord�nu wHh�ppNc�bl�ww.
<br /> �,_ �,; . • Th�Funds shaM tu hMd In an instriutbn whoa deposil�uo Intured by a I�d�rat ayency.Instrumentality.or antity (Inc�udhp L�nd�r B Und�r !
<br /> _�;;�„_,,:,;;�;_��;:.'- � Is wch an instkullon)or in any Fadenl Homs Lwn 8ank. L�ndar ehaN�ppiy the Funds to pay th�Escrow Iteme, Lender may not clw�s
<br /> .- 8orrow�t tor holdinp�nd�pplyk�p th�Funds,mnwYy uialytinp th��acrow account or verUyin9 th�Escrow Itans,unlen L�nd�r p�ys Bortow�r
<br /> �' �'� ; � • � � int�rat on th�Funds u�d applic�bl�kw pamas Und�r to m�k�wch a charye. However. Lender may requke 8orroww to p�y a on�tYn�eh�rp�
<br /> � ..i,
<br /> : tot an Ind�p�nd�nt rnl�statt Wc r�poNny awvice usod by Landx in conmctbn wflh thls loan.unieas�ppNabi�ww P►cv{d�s othMwit�. Unbss �_�;
<br /> � sn�yr�n�nt t�mad�or tppQcabt��w raquk�e Intrest to b�pald,Lend�r shdl not be nquk�d to pay Bortowa any Intw�st or Mmings on th� ___
<br /> � �� Funds. Barow�r and L�ndx m�y aprN in w�itinq.howaver,th�t Intx�st shall be paid on th�fund�. Lander shaA phrt to 8orrowK, withoul
<br /> charqe,an annu�i�ccouMk+g of tho Fund�showinp u�dits�nd d�bits to the Funda and the purpoae for whkh wch d�bit to thQ Fund� �-
<br /> � was m�de. The Funds u�pl�dp�d�s addlUond securlty tor aM sums secured by this 3ecudty inatrument. _
<br /> If th�Funds held by Lendr axe�ed th��mounts pxmitt�d to b�had by�pplic�ble taw,Lmdw shall account to Barowx tor ihe aco�s
<br /> ' Funda in accordanc�wfth the raquk�tnonts of�ppllub��I�w. If ths amount of the Funds h�id by L�nd�r at�ny tkne is not aumciwit to pay the f�_
<br /> Escrow it�ns whan dus, Lender may so nodly Bortowar In w�lUnp.and,in auch caso Borrower sh�A p�y to Lendu the amount n�ussuy to mak� —
<br /> up th�d�flciency. Borrowx nhaA rrwke up th�deflcl�ncy in no more than twaiv�monthly paymenta,at Lender's soia dlscretbn. ��y1"
<br /> wM .Y
<br /> Upon payment In fuU ot all eums secured by thls Seeurity InstNm�nt,L«►der shdl promptly retund to Bortower�ny Fund�hsid by Lend�r. If G
<br /> und�r pany�aph 21,LmdK shail acquke a aaU the Proputy.Lend�r.prbr to ihQ�cquisipon or sale of the Property, sh�U apply any Funds hNd ,,
<br /> ------ - -- t,y Lbr+d�ai iha ilms oi acqul�idon or :slt es a tredit eQelnst the s��m�Racured by this Secudty Instrument, r�
<br /> 3. Application of Paymants. Unless appiicabie law provtd�s othenvtse.ail payments recetved by Lendor under porayraphs 1 and 2 F._.
<br /> shaU be applled: fwst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note: aecond,to amounts peyable undx perayraph 2;lhird,to inurett duo: ���
<br /> 6_,
<br /> touAh,to pdncipat due; and last,to any late charqes due under the Note. �'�
<br /> 4. Chargos; LiYns. Borrower ah�N pay aA taxes,aaaeasmente,charqes,fines and impositions attributable to the Property whlch may ,
<br /> altafn priority over this Security instrument,and leasehold paymentn or ground rents.ii any. Borrower shali pay lhese obUgatbns In the manner l
<br /> provided in parayraph 2, or if not paid In that manner, Bortower shall pay them on time directly to the pe�son owed payment. Bortower shoA
<br /> �
<br /> i,. promptiy fumiah to Lender all notices ot amounts to he peld under this paraqraph. If Bortowor rtwkes these payments dkecUy. Bortowr
<br /> g. shall promptty lumish to Lender recNpts evldencing the payments. � .
<br /> i,• I Bortower shall promptly disch�rge any Ben which has prfority over this Security Instrument uniess Borrower: (a)agrees in w�itiny to ihe pay � •
<br /> �� ment ot the obligatbn secured by the Ilen in a manner acceptab�e to Lender; (b)contests In good laith the ken by,or detends aqehst�nforcement
<br /> '� ot the Ilen in,leyat proceedlnys which In the Lenders opinlon operate to prevent the enlorcement of the Uen;or(c)secures irom tha hddar ot th� ;
<br /> Nen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordlnating the Nen to this Security Instrument. �f Lender determines thet any part of tho P�operly is
<br /> subJect to a Aen whfch may attefn prloriry over this Security Instrument.Lender may yive Bortower a notice tdentNylnq the Ilen. BortowK shall ►
<br /> aaUsty the Ilen or teke one or more of the actlons set torth above withln 10 days ai the giving oi not(ce.
<br /> ' I 5. Hozard or Property Insurance. Borrower shell keep the Improvements now existing or heresfter erected an the Praperty insured 4,
<br /> Iagainat loss by tire, hazardo Included wlthln the tertn `extended coverage" and eny other hazards,inciuding Iloods or tlooding,tor which Lender f
<br /> requlres tnsurance. This hsurence shall be maintalned In the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance cartler providing
<br /> � the insurance shell be chosen by 8orrower sub)ect to Lender's approva�whicfi shall not be unreasonebly wfihheld. If Borrower fails to malntaln
<br /> � coveraye desulbed above. Lendar may,at Lender's optlon,obtoln coverage to protect Lender's riyhts in the Property in accordonce with 4.
<br /> � ppragraph 7.
<br /> � . All tnsurance po�ldes and renewals shall be acceptab�e to the Lender end shall fnclude a standard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the
<br /> ; ripht to hoid the policies ynd renewals. I(Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of pald premiums and renewai
<br /> - notices. In the event of losa. BoROwer shall ylve prompt notice to the insurance cerrier and Lender. Lender may make prool of loss M not rtwde
<br /> • promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � I Unieaa lender and Bortower otherwise agree in wripng, Insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repalr of the Property dart�ged.If
<br /> • ' the restoratlon or repek'is economlcelly te�sible and Lender's securfty is not iessened. If the restaration or repalr is nol economically 1easlbie
<br /> �r or Lander'a security would be Iessened,the insurance proceeds sholl be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whelher or not
<br /> • � then due.wdh any excesa peid to Borrower. If Bortower abandons the Property.or does not answer wilhin 30 days a notice irom Lender that the
<br /> � J Insurance cartier h�s oftered to settle a cialm,then Lender may coliect the�nsurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore
<br /> . ! the Property or to pay sums secured by ihis Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30•day period wlll begin when the notice is given.
<br /> , Unless Lender and Bortower otherwfse egree in writing,any applioalian of proceeds to principal shell not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> � � of the monthly payments referred to In parayraph 1 a�d 2 or chanqe ihe amount of the payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property is
<br /> t acquked by Lender, BoROwer's right to any Insurance policles and proceeds resulting Irom damage to the Property phor to!he ecquisitlon
<br /> r- L.. � .ti■u.,...��i o.,��n�he eYtent ot the sums secured bv this SecudtY Instrument Immedietely pdor to the xcquisition.
<br /> � � � 6. Occupancy. P�esarvatton,Maintvnance and Protaction of the Property; Borrowor's Loan Applicatton;
<br /> � Lvas�hold�. Bonower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as 8ortower's princlpal reslde�ce within slxry days aker the ezecutlon ot
<br /> S 1hls Security Inatrument and ahaA eontinue to occupy the Property as Borcower's principal residence for at Ieast one year efter the date of
<br /> � oceupancy, unless Lender otherwlse agreQS in wnting.whlch consent shell not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating arcumstances exist
<br /> i� j to deteriorate,or commit
<br /> � whlch�re beyond Borroww's control. Borrower shaA not destroy,damage or Impair the Property.allow the Property
<br /> ` � wast�on th�PropeRy. Borcower shalt be In de(ault if any tortefture acllon or proceeding,whether civd ar cnminal.�s begun thut m Lender s good
<br /> �
<br /> : � w�e�+�m csAi� F.,o�•a o+5 Form 5028 9/90
<br />