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�-��-���� � � - _ ...�.� <br /> _ -� _�...�.f`.,:_.:,���� - <br /> �..�oaa� <br /> S. Nwrd or prop�ty 1�raMCe. Hon�uwer �11 keep We improvemaus now na or hereJter erocted oa Ux <br /> Propeity inwrnd y�in�t low by 8m. hv.�ndi focluded within the tum "exte�ded oovera4e"�nd�ny other hozu+da� includln� <br /> floods or fladin�,ior which I.ender roqui�inwnnco.Thir inwrrnce ahail be maintained in ehe amounu+u�d Wr the pedods <br /> thu La�der roquirca.The inwat�oe carrier providin�Ihe iraur�nce ih�ll be choccn by Borrawer subject to l.ender's approvW • <br /> which rJwll not be unr�easonAbly withheld. If Horrower Pails to maintain coveras�dcsc�ibed above. Lender m�y. �t Lendu's <br /> �ption,obWp wvera�e to pr�otect Lender•r ri�hts i�the PrapenY ln aawrdance with porqgrapb 7. <br /> All incurance polici�and�ls �Iwll be AcceptAbl�to Lcnder and slwll include a atandard mort�a�e clause. I.ender <br /> `i-_- --� etWt lurve the dRht to hold the paUcla u�d�newala.1P Lende�roquires.Bi►mower rhall promptly Qive to Lender all rcrtipt�of <br /> ppid P�pniume And rc,newal rader�.In th�event oP loar.Borrower sh�ll Qive prompt notice ta the inwtyu�oa carrier�td[mnder. <br /> L,p�der m�y moke pronf oilocs if not mde pmR,ptty by Bort�ower. <br /> pnlesn i.endet and 8orrower otherwice a�rce in writing,Insurance pn0000ds stwll be opplied w restorotion or rcpair of 1he <br /> propnrty d�m�ged,if the reswr�lion or rcpair ia 000nomlcally Pe�sit,le and Lender's security is not lessenod.Tf'the rcstorattion or <br /> rep�ir is not e�onomic�lly fea�ible or L,ender':security would be lesrened, the insurance proceeds rhall be applied to the wms <br /> 'securod by this Secudty Instmment. whether or not tixn duo. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Hormwer�ndons tha <br /> property.or das nat ancwer wfthin 30 daya p notica from Lender that the insurancc cartler has offeral to settle a claim.then <br /> La�der mAy colloct �he insurance pnoceods. l.ender may use the pr000eds to rcpair or restore the Property or to pay wms <br /> �eur+ed by ttils Security lnsuument,whdher ar not then due.Tf�e 30-day period wlll begin when the noticx is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othecwlse agroe in wrlting. any application of proceods to principal shsilll not ext�nd or <br /> pc�stpune the due d�te of the monthly pAymaitc neferrad to in pan�graphs 1 and 2 or chwnge the amount of the paymcnts. If <br /> - - -- uader pansgraph 21 the Property is Acquiced by I.erder,Borrowu's dght to any lnsu�ce policies and ptoceods resulNng ftom _. <br /> dart�age to tha Property pdor to the acquisidon aiwll pasa w Le�der to the eatent of tlu sums sa�urod by this Security It�sttument _ <br /> imnedlately prior to the ocquisition. � <br /> 6.Oauptncy,Pncervatioa,M�latc�wnoe aad Protection ot tNe P�+nperty;Borrawer's l.oan AppllcAtion;I.easebolds. <br /> Borrower ahall oocupy.eatablish.and uce the Property as Borrower's principal residence within siaty dwys after the execution of <br /> thia Security Inatrumatt and shWl oondnoe to accupy the PropeAy as Borrower's prfncipal residcnce for at least one year eHer <br /> the date of oceupaney.unlesa[.ender otherwise Agrees in wrlting. which oonsent siwll not be unrea.c�nably withheld.or unless <br /> extenueting circumstenoes exist which iu+e beyond Borrow¢r's control. Borrower shell not destroy, damagc or impair the <br /> PropGrty. allow thc PropeRy to deteriorate. or rnmmit waste on the Property. Borrower shell be in default if any forfeitune <br /> - action or proceeding.whdher civil or begun that in Lender's good Paith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> __-- - - Pmperty or otheruvlse materlally impair the lien crcated by thia Socurity Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may <br /> cure auch a default and rr, Qrovided in pivagnph causinR thc ection or pracoeding to be dismisaed wlth a ruling <br /> __ ______= that, in I.ender's�ood'feith determination, precludes fort'eiture of the Bomower's interest in the Property or other materfal <br /> - - impaimxnt af the lien crcated by Ihis Security Instrument or I.ender's secur�ty interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> Borrawer.during the loan applicadon process,gave matedally false or inaccurate inforniation or s�atements to L.ender(or failed <br /> to provide L.ender with any muterlal inforniation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited <br /> ��.��ss. . to,representations concerning Borrower's accupancy of the Praperty as u principal residence.!f this Security Instniment is on a <br /> leasehold. Borrower shall comply wilh all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquircs fee title to the Property, the <br /> le�cehold end the fee title shall not merge unless L.ender agrecs to the merger in w�iting. <br /> '• � 7.Prntection ot I.eoder's Rights in Ihe Property.If Borrower fnils to perform the rnvenants and agreements wntalned in <br /> this Security Instrument,or there is a legal procceding thut mny significantly effect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> prooeeding in bankruptcy,probnte,for condemnation or forfeiture or ta enforce luws or regulations).then I.ender may da wid <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valuc of the Propeny am1 Lender'R rights in the Properiy. L.ender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over ihis Security instrument, appestring in court, paying <br /> ="-'�= �+eagonable attomcys'fees and entedng on the Property to make repairs. Although l.cnder may take action under this para�raph <br /> 7.Leader does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbutsed by l.ender under this puragraph 7 shall become additiotwl debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> �_��F� Securiry Instrument. Unless Barrower and Lender ugree to other terms of payment,these amounts shail beur interest from the <br /> _�°''� date of di�bursement at �he Note r�te and shall be payable, wfth interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestiog <br /> :—_,�`:�2 ;..�:.:: paya�ent. <br /> S.Mort�age L�surnnce. Ii l.encier required mortgage in�urance nx a rnndidon of making the loan tecured by thia Security <br /> __ __ ____�_ ; Y� Inurument, Borrower shall pay the prcmiums required to maintain the'mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any re,ason. the <br /> ------ mortgnge insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effoct.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> �--��;i,���,� obtein oaverege substantielly equivalent to the murtgage insuranoe previously in effect, ut a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> �: <br /> oost to Borrower of the morigage insurance previously in effect, from an ulternute mongoge insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> � substaMislly equivalent mortgage insurancc rnverage ia not available.Barrower shull puy�n Lender euch month a sum equal to <br /> -_ <br />