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.�._� — -- _ �;:,:. <br /> ���''�'' io097'�► <br /> ?QaerkER wrnt.0 tba tnprovea� or I�ro.tter ereaaa on tl�e ptoperty..ea�I�e�e�mit., <br /> fisttuiea now ur henafte'r a p�rt of.tUe pt�ape�ty. AU �eplaoemaus,an8 arWitiana tb�f! alw be coverod by tLis Reairlty <br /> Imtnurcnt.All of tbe�are�ola�it n�fured w ia Wia Secudty Galiument+a�the'PmpertY•" . <br /> 80lLRC)11V8R�OVBNAN'I'3 th�t Bormwer i�iawfully eeired oi the ewte hereby cot►vayad�rd h�a the rl�iN W it�nt aad <br /> oaway tha Pe+n�Cty and tltit tho Pmparty b unetKaunbered. auep�t for anaunbnnca ot r000rd. Aornower wrtraiMs�od w1U <br /> defend�enerally the titlo W tha Pmperty a�ainRt dl claima aad da�ndi.wbject to any encumbances of reoo�d. <br /> THIS SHCUWTY INS1'[tUMBNT canbineo uniform oovenants for nativaal u�e and uon-uaifonn ouvmmts with Ilmitad <br /> viristionc by jud:dicdon to canstiwte 4 uniform�ocurlty inatrument oov�rin�rcal property. ' <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Baimwer�nd L�ender covenant and a�raa as foilovv:: _ <br /> 1.P�yma�t ot Riadp�l Rnd IataMi �P�Y�t apo l.�te Cb��a. Horrower �11 P�PUY WY when due the <br /> priacipd of and iaterest an the debt evidenood by tho Nate nM anY prcpAyment ud Ivte dwrQes duc undu tho Note. <br /> Z.Fnod�tor Taxes and Iowr�nce.Subject W applicabla law or w a wrltten waiver by Len�le�, Bonower�lwll p�y to <br /> Lronder on the day monthly payments iue due under the Note.wrtil tha Note is poid in full.a sum('Fund�')fnr:(a)yearly taxes <br /> �nd assessmentc which m�y ati�in priadty ovar this Seeurity Instrument�a lien on the Propaty:(b)Y�ty le,�celwld pay�s <br /> oe gruund rents an the Property.if any:(c)Yearly h�aM or PropertY insurance prcmiums�(d)Yauly flood i�urunce premiur�n. <br /> if any;(e)yearly moKgogo insu�prcmiums. if any;and(�any sums pnyable by Borrowu to l.ender. in Acc�oMance wlth ' <br /> tho provisionc of paragraph 8,in liw of the payment of martgage inxurance prcmiums.11iese item�iue called"Fscrow items." <br /> i�ender may. at,u►y time. colloct and hoid Funds in en amount not ta eaceod Ihe ma�eimum emount a lender for o Pederally <br /> relaWd mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account undrr the foderal Real Estate Settlement Proceduras Act of <br /> 1974 as amc��dod from time w tima. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 a seq. (`RESPA").unless arwther law that Applios w the Funds <br /> �ets a le�ser antount. If w. I.ender mwy. �t Any Ume. collect and hold Funda in an omount not to exceed the lesset�wnount. <br /> Lendc:r may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current daw and rwsonAble eatinwte�of eapcnditu�of futura <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in ncco�nce with applla►ble Isw. <br /> 7Ue Funds shali be held in an inxtitution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instn�mentality, or entity <br /> (includin�l.ender.if Lender ia such an lnstltution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay the <br /> Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually enalyzing the escrow account.or <br /> verffyinQ the Escrow Items.unleas I.ender pays Borrower imerest on the Furtds wd eppliceble low permits Lender to make:uch <br /> a charge. Nowever.[.ender nwy require Horrower to p�y a one-time ctwrge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> usad by Lender in connection wlth Ihis loan, unless •..�plicable law provids� otherwise. Unless an agroement Is made or <br /> applicable law roquires intercst to be pald,l.ender ahall nat be rcquired w pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> Bomower And Lender may agree in writing,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to BoROwer, <br /> without eMuge. an annuol aocounting of the Funda, showing cre�its and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the Fuada wes made.The Runds are pledged as additional securky for all sums secured by thia Security Instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.l.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremen�.c af applicable luw. If the amount of the Fundg held by l.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,LendEr may so notify Borrower in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender Ihe amount necessary to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deflciency in no more then _ <br /> twelve monthly L.ender'�wle discretion. <br /> Upon payment in fuU of all sum.4 secured by this Sccurlty Instrument, L.cnder shall promptly refund to Dorrawer any <br /> Funds held by I.ender. If, under parugraph 21,l.ender shall acquire or scll the Praperty,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a craiit egeinat the sums secured by <br /> thi�Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> 3�ApplicAtton of P�ymenfs.Unlcss applicublc law pmvides othcrwise,all payments received by l.ender under psuugraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: tirst, to uny prcpayment chArgcs due under the Nate;second,to urr►ounts payable under peragraph 2; <br /> interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,�o any late chArges duc under the Note. <br /> 4.Chorges; Llens. Borrower shell pny all taxes,usnessments,churges, fines and impositions auributable to the Property —` <br /> which may attain prlority over this Secu�ity Instrument, and teusehold puyments or ground rents. if any. Borrower shell pay <br /> dtese obligations io the munner provided in puragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shnll pay them on time directly <br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shull promptly furnish to L.ender nll notices af umounts to be puid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower malces these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly f'umish to L.ender rcccipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Bornnwer shull promptly di�charge ony lien which has priority over this Security In�trument unlcss Borrower:(u)agrces in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligution ise.cured by the lien in a munner acceptablr to L.ender;(b)cantesls in gc►od Faith the lien <br /> by. or deknds against enforcement of the lien in, Iegal proccxdings which in thc Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secu�es from the holder of the lien un agreement sutisfuctnry to[.ender subordinating the lien to <br /> this Sauriry Instrument. If Lender determines thnt uny pan of the Property is�ubject tn a licn whirh muy uttuin prfority over <br /> this Saurity Instrument, Lender may givc Bormwer n notice identifying thc lien.&inowcr shnll ss�tisfy the lien or take one or <br /> moro of the actions set forth Above within 10 days of the giving af notice. <br /> Farm 90Z9 afYO <br /> Pp�2of6 <br /> _- - -.� �trk yl�',...i�.�..' .t!.. <br /> __..,__^ - =--�!1'!QC�"s ---:�.�.a,—zr�a.r�....--- - — —. ----- <br />. .. _ ----- .r: +R�Yit�._. �`.`•tF+Fa.:�� .:,+9,5� ,----. <br /> --o,."-Y'- - -''r'�=---.— .. - - y�SJLuw.�el;f:..,4./ �.� . .:.����� 1C._, ,��.. <br /> ----�—=a•::••'•.►L•....Si�_ r_..h':,.r.�.a��: �r 1Ll.L�r,A.:��.`�t,.�wltl�SrG�.►.i`�,�-_. <br /> _ ut._�I.'�:..�h.{�l�Vieci - —_ ��.. <br /> __� J�Qlll/ti'11.'L���y�y� �ti...�� ��..�o� _ ��� <br /> � i <br /> _— r- 7� ! i ryq ' -�.�:.s...., <br /> _�._-_-. .s., .. ?J . �. V'IML4'.�'. ..n •_L7iYliql�iF\�f 17r, - <br />