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� ,�'��e�� � „ " • __ , <br /> ' ` — - -- - .. <br /> � <br /> -',--- y. '� • .y� � ' � <br /> � pnymen�a a�y no lon�u be roquired,at tUo option at i�ender,if morl�e imuranoe ooverqe�a'�e�dl►�Itlli�l�tbe pedod <br /> tbwt l.ender require+)Provided by�n irourer�proved by l.ender a�in beooma�vdl�blo uid b obtdned. BcKrower�11 P�Y <br /> t�e p�paiuma roquirod w ra�iaufa roo�t�e laweraca in ofTect.or to provide�la�raarvc,umil tho roquiroaient tor a�o�a�a <br /> inwr+uioe endi in�coord�noe with any written��eanan betwan Bomawer�nd Le�der or appNcable uw. <br /> !. Inpectloa.l.axier or its�ent may m�ke�eawn+iblG etWrja upon and iropediau of the Prope�ty. L4oder�ull�ive <br /> Borrower notlae at 1ho time of or p�ior to�n in�pection�pecifyln�rcasonable cauce for the inrpeclion. <br /> 10. Condann�tbu. The pr000eda of�ny aw�rd or cWm for dutui�a.diroct or c�n�equential. in oonnectian wlth�ny <br /> _ ..._... _..�� �on or other wicin�of any part of the Property,or fm ooaveymke in lieu af oondemnatic►n.erc he�by assi�ned and <br /> �b�fl be paid to[�ender. <br /> In tho eveM of a toul t�king of tho Property,the proceedn ciudl be appliod w the sums cecured by thio Secudty In�trument, <br /> wl�ther or not Uxn due, with�ny exoes�paid w Horrower. In�he event of A pAnial taking of the Propeny in which the fAir <br /> marktt value of the Pt+operty immediately befone the taking is eqiwl to or grcater than tho wnount of tho eutns securod by thi� <br /> Socurity Insaument immediately beforc the taking.unless Bormwer wd Lender otherwlse ngrce in wrilin�,the sums cxured by <br /> thi: Socuriry instn�ment shall bc reduad by the amaunt of the pra�eods multiplied by the follawing fraction: (o)the total <br /> mwnnt of�he wm�securod immodfotely before the taking.divlded by(b)the Fair muket v�lne uf 1he Property inunodlately <br /> before�he taking. Any bala�ue slwll be paid to Bomawer. In the avent of a parti�l taking of the Property in whi�h the fair <br /> market vWuo of the Property(mmediately before the talcing is less tf�the su�wunt of the sums ca,urod immediately 6eforo the <br /> tall�ing,uoleas Borrower And Lender otherwis�agrce in w�iting or unless applicable law otherwfco provides.the prooxds�11 <br /> be applied to the sums cecurod by thic Secu�ity lnstruma�t whether or not the sums aro then due. <br /> lf the Property�is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after notica by l.ender to Aornnwer that the condemnor offers to malce an <br /> . `-`°`� � award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respcmd to Lender within 30 duye aller the date the natice is given, <br /> � •I.emler ix authorized to rnllect ard apply dic its option.either to rostoration or repair of the Fmperty or to tha�utno <br /> recured by thia Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agrec in wrltfng. any application of proceeds ro principal shall not catend or <br /> _ -- -- postpone�he due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrnpha 1 and 2 or change the anwunt of such payments. <br /> -------� 11.Borrower NM Rdeasei;ForM�arance By I.cnder Not w WAtver.Extension of the time for payment or madificution <br /> of emoni7ation of the sums secured by this Socurity Instrument granted by l.ender to uny successor in interest oP Borrower slwll <br /> � ��;;:,;�,� not aperate to rclease the liability of the original Borrower or 8orrawcr's successo�s in intercst.Lender shall not bc requircd to <br /> �-°'-- commence proceodings against any suocessor in interest or refuse to estend time for payment or othenvise modify t�nwnizruion <br /> -"�' of the sums cxured by this Secudty Inst�ument by reason of uny demand made by the odginal Horrower or Borrower's <br /> ����' successors in interest. Any forbea�nce by Lende�in exercising eny right or remody sh�ll not be a waiver of or prcclude the <br /> �---�-� exercise of any right or rcmaiy. <br /> �'"'i`--��"b='�''y 12. Sueoessors And Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Uability= Co-sigaers. The covenents and agreements of this <br /> _��f�;-n. <br /> • Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the xuccessor� and assigns of l.ender and Borrower. aubject to the provisions of <br /> }}'i�.J. <br /> �i��; t- parr►graph 1�. Borrower's covenanis and agreements shall be Joint ond seveml. Aay Borrower who co-signs this Secu�ity <br /> '°� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (o) is co-signing thix Securfty Instrument only to mortgage. grant end canvey that <br /> '; Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms af this Security Instrument; (b)is not personelly obligated to pay the sutns <br /> _ �.�,1t;��..a.::�' secured by Ihis Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thnt Lender and any othcr Barrower may agree to eatend,modify.forbear or <br /> � `r°'•+��{:;��� 'f�i� meke any uccommadations with rcgard ta tNe terms of this Sccu�ity instrument or Ihc Note without that Borrower's cansent. <br /> 13. i�oan Clwrges. If the lo�n secured by this Security Imtrumcnt is subject to a law wBich seta mauimum loan charges, <br /> and Ihut law is finally interprctvd so that the interext ar other loan charges collec�ed or to be collected in connection wlth the <br /> loan exceed the permitted liinits,then:(a)any such loan eNarge shull he rcduced by the umount necessary n►reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already rnllected from Borruwcr which exc��eded permi�ted limils will 6e refunded to <br /> 'C <br /> .,_,.•�, Borrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by ralucing the principul owed under the Note or by making u direct <br /> � puyment to Borrower. If a refuod reduces principul, the reduction will bc treateJ uw a purtiul prepayment without any <br /> . t� <br /> ="'±�` prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> ��,�„��-�� 14.NoHces. Any notice tn&►rrower proviJ��l far in thfs Securlty lnxtrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> v'�„� it by first class mail unless applicuble Ipw requircs utie of unother methal.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> '���'_..�;, <br /> ��,;t!;�;;�;;-,• ar any other address Barrower designntes by nodce �o L.ender, Any notice ta l.ender shull be given by f rst class mail to <br /> -`-%E���:_:;;�`• I.ender's oddress stated herein or uny dher uddrcss L.endcr dcsignates by notice to Bonowcr. Any notive providal for in this <br /> �— Secadty Instmment shall bc deemed ta hnvc been given to Horrower or l.ender whcn givcn as provided in�his paragraph. <br /> � ____�_.� 1S.Coverning Severabillty. This Sccurity Instrument shall be govcrned by fcderul law pnd the law of the <br /> ju�isdiction in which the Property is lacated. In�he event thut any provixion or cluu�c c�P this Securlty lastrument or the Note <br /> °�-�:�°�� conflicts with Applicable law,such conflict sh•rll nut uffect dher provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> �,.�,�� <br /> �,�r:� gl�en cffect without the rnnflkting provision. To�his end�he provisions of Ihi�Sccurity Instrumcnt und the Note ure declar+ed <br /> --- -- to be severublc. <br /> -.__.._..__ 16.Borrower's Copy.&►rrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Nae�nd of this Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> -------- -- Fam 3028 9/90 <br /> Pp�4d6 <br /> --- . _ r},.`+`wv_`-� :u�rcu --:���` -_t�- - --�,���`C'S!£�a'"i�17a:+¢rr' . <br /> ----- .:�:�s�:.Y'.Jlt�."rlt:�� s.:r���`r� � �,i..��1l��- L_I.. ' <br /> . . z..s.rc• -°o': -- - � : --- - - 4:."�' ,;,�, ----!t .x y�_ <br /> —--_- — :f���}f.+ ' �r�'i�f:�>>':�'a4iWn"x . - _1l�Ali_��� -- <br /> —--��—�'.�,"•Af:fiC'��f:.N:?�at i:,Siw '—__ `�.yc�li..- <br /> — ---�. . . ,e.i . _ _ .{.•r, --.-_. <br />