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� . :�:�.�-� ...;:. ��� : .:��:: <br /> ��� . ._ 'w�..- .�. ,,, ... 'r.c ._ - � <br /> -- <br /> .� _,. �..� -. -- .. -- �,.�� , <br /> � '-'--.1....:.�. <br /> S. N�rd or Propaty Ir�suraace. Bormwer sluli keep the improvement� now exiiRng�or her�e�after e n tha <br /> Property incunad aQ�inct losa by tire. hazards ineludod within the term "eatended coverAge"And ony ather haw�ds. includin� <br /> flooda ar flaadinQ, for which Lender rcquines insurance.This inseroncc sh�ll bo ttwintainod in the Amoums and far the periadr <br /> that l+endcr roquira.71u insuruice carrier providing the insurance shall he chasen by Borrowar subject to L.cnder's approval <br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. lf Barrower fafla ta nwintuin covernge described�buve, [.cnder may, ut I,ender's� <br /> option.obtain rnvera�o to pratect Lender's righte in the Property in uccordance with paragn�ph 7. <br /> All insurance policia and r�enewals a�lwl) be wxeplAbk tn I.endcr And shell inclwie u Rtnndanl mnhQaQe clauce. l.erxler <br /> �--=�=r--- ---_-� shnll havc thc daht ta hald the palicie�nnd rrnewnls.If Lcnder rcquir+ea, F�rmwer Khal l prnmptly give to I.e�xicr�11 receip�K of - <br /> paid prcmiumn and rcnewal natices.In the event of locs.Bomuwer�iwll sive prompt notica to the inrunnoe carrler and l.ende�. <br /> l.endcr m�y�twka pmof af low►iP no�mode pmmptly by Barmwer. <br /> ___ UnIMS l,ender And Borrawer MhcrwiRe n�roc in writiny, insuranct procadx shall tx opplied�o rcsp�ra�in�ur repai���f thc <br /> - Pn►peMy�nwQod,if ihe resta��tian a�tepui�i�econamicully fea�ible and Lcndcr'a bocurlty ia not le�senod,If the rcsh►ralfon ur <br /> ,� nepwl�ia nM�cax�mically fcm�ible or l.cmier's sxurity would bo Icrwened.the in�urnrke praceoJR�hull bc applled to the sums <br /> ��____-_- r+ocurcd by this Security Instrumenl, whcther or not then duc. with any cace�4 paid lo Bo�mwcr. If Barrower abandonY �he <br /> _ - __ Pmperty,ar doeY nat uncwer within 30 dayr a notico from l.eixier that the inaurance currfer hes�ffercd ta r�ettle o claim, then <br /> Lender rrwy colloct Ihe insurance pmcoeds. l.ender may uce Ihe proceods to repair or rcstore Ihe Praperty or �o pay eums� <br /> �ecured by thia Security Instrument.whdher or not then dua.The 30-dey periad wfll begin when the notice is given, <br /> -- - — - Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise o�ree in w�ting, any applia►tion of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or <br /> _ _ ---- — postpone the due dqte of the monthly payments referred to in paragrnpha I and 2 or change the am�wnt oi the paymems. If <br /> -:t - under paragraph 21 the Property is acquircd by l.ender.Borrower's�ight ta any inaumnce policies and praceeds resul�ing from <br /> �ls�nv+ge w thc Pn�pe�ty prlur w Q�e��yuisiliun shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security In�tnimcnt <br />- imnKdialely prior to the acquisitian. <br /> . .�., , <br /> � �,'!� 6.Occupancy,Pneservwtion,Mninten�nce And Protection ot the P�+opertyi Bomower'e l.onn ApplkAlion;l.e�seholds. <br /> Hormwer shall aecupy,estabNsh,and use the Property as Borrower's principul residence wlthin sixry duys after�he execution of _ <br /> � � this Securlty Instrument and shell continuc to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one ycar after <br /> .'. '!i� '�i�,-i•� '. <br /> the date of occupancy. unless l,ender otherwise agrees in wr�ting, which rnnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> ; � extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrawer shall not destroy, da�nage or Impair the <br /> � "��-��i.'� � Pmperty. �Ilow the Property to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default iF any forfeiture <br /> ;.�����•... <br /> ' � �: action or pracee�ing,whether civfl or begun that in L.ender's gaxi faith judbment could result in forfeiture af the <br />_ �� .KA•��', � Property or otherwlse matericilly impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may <br /> �i• . cure:uch u default and rei�tate,as provided in pan+graph 18,by cuusing the actinn ar pmceeding to be dismissed wi�h a ruling <br /> -, <br />