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---------�-- - ---- - - -___�__�___.�_�.__..._.. --- - <br /> _ ----�--- .. _..�_,_,. <br /> , . <br /> . ` . .. <br /> �4- �008� <br /> pyrnerw�tn�y no lo�b requirod�u Ihe option ot Lerda,if moMgs�a iniwnu�ouver+��(le t6��moruu�od for�periad <br /> dwt Laid�r iaqWnys)P'a'idd bi'�n Inu�na'�PPro�'ad by lrawbr a{�in beoome�mdl�bb�ud 4 oMaimd. Hy�row�thdl pay <br /> . +I�onndoaf�nqnir�ed IP nr��a�o�tj�a la�uwaa in.f'fece�ar to provlde.w�ie.e�ve:w�i!the nqui�no�aac fa�a�orw�e <br /> �ioe audn in+�oo�otd�aoe wltb wy weitten qroement batwaen Boerower aad l.ardor or�pplicable I�w. <br /> !.I�putla�.[.aWer or tu n�ant m�y nWce eaaa�bb entrla upon ud trnpecxiont of tAe Pnope�ty,L.en�der slull�ive <br /> Bonrower nolico N the Ume of or prlor W an ia�peotbn�pecifyin�ro�wrWdo cau�e for the iiupectian. <br /> l�.C�tlo�.The pmoad�ot rny�wu+d or cidm tor d�ta�a. diroct c�r ooniequentW. lo ooruioctbn wilh aWr <br /> onndwruwian ar atwr Wcinp of any p.�t at ehe Propatiy.or for ooaveywoe ia liau of oan�annNtlon.�ro ha�aby�ip�ed�td <br /> . „�hdl be p�W ta l.arde�. <br /> In Ihe eveot of r toW t�kin�of iha Praperty,lhe prnveed��11 be�pplied w the wm��acured by thi�Sacudty lnwum�t, <br /> whelt�or nat�hen due. wl�h any exvps p�id to Bomawcr. In tho even�of a p�rti�l takinS oP tlit PropeKy in which tl►e fdr <br /> nwket vdue af the Pmperty immediudy before the talclnQ i�equal w or�neatet th�n the anount of�he wms�eairod by�hi� <br /> . Security lnwroment imn�e+di�tely beforo tha tolcln�.unlaw Borrower u�d l�ervkr otitorwlcc agnce fn writin�. the wnu securod by <br /> this Securlty Iniwmau dull be roduood by tho unaunt of the procaed� multiplied by the followin� fraction: (a) the tohl <br /> tmount of the wma seaired imaiedi�tely beforo the takin�,divided by(b)the fair nwrket v�lue of tho Property immediately <br /> befo� d�a hking. Any balw�co rlWl be paid to Horrower. In the event of a puti�l wking of the Property in which the falr <br /> � m�rket valuo of the Property immediately befom the talcing ia less than iho amount of tho auma savred immediately beforo the <br /> t�tdn�.unlas Borrower and L,ender atherwise agroe in wrldng or unless applicAbla law otherwice provides.the prooeedc�hall . <br /> Me appliod w the sums socurod by this Sacudty lnsuument whet6er�r not thc sums arc theo due. <br /> If tha Property�in abandonod by Bon+nwer.or lf.after noticc by I.ender to Borrower tlwt the condomnor offeB to mnke an <br /> awaM or scitlo n claim for damages, Borrower fails to respc.nd to Lender wlthin 30 deya efter the dete the m►tia is given, <br /> I.ender ia author�zod�o rnlloct and upply the pruceods,at its option.either to restoration or rcpair of tlu Properry or to the sums <br /> axured by this Sav�iry Iostrumetit.whether or not then duc. <br /> Unless i.ender aM Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any upplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpune the due date af the monthly payrnents rcferred ta in paragraphs I and 2 or change tha Artwunt of such pAyments. <br /> 11.8orrower Not Relaused;ForbeArance By Lende�'Not s�Wsdver.Extenston of the time for payrnent or modification <br /> of amorti�tion of tfu sums saured by this Secudry Instrument granted by Lender to any succescor in intercst of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to releaso the liabilily of the odginal Borrower or Barrower's successors in intorest. Lcnder shall not be requirod to <br /> rnmrne�ce proxedinge ageinst any sucoessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify ammortization <br /> of the sums cecured by this Secu�ity Instniment by reason of any d¢mand made by the arlginal Horrower or Borrower's <br /> sucassors in intet+eal. Any farbearanoe by Lender in exercfaing any ri�ht or nmedy ahall not be a waiver of or precludo the <br /> exerr4ss Qf any right or�emrdy• <br /> , 12. Suocesgors wnd Assi�na Bound;Jolnt And Several l.iAbiNly; Co-siQners. The rnvenants und a�nements of this <br /> Securfty Insttument shall bind and benetit the successors urid assigns of L.ender and Borrowe�, subject to tbe provisions of <br /> ' paragraph 17. Borrower's oovenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this 3ecurity _ <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securi�y Instrument only to morlgage,grant and canvey thet _ <br /> Horrower's(nterest in the Property under the terms af this Securfty Instrument;(b)is not pe�sannlly obliguted to pay the sums <br /> rsecured by this Securily Instmment:and(c)ugrees that l.ender und any other Borrower may agree to extend,madify,forbear or <br /> make any accommodations with regard tu tl�e terms of this Securi�y Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's rnnbent. <br /> 13. Loan Chargea. If the loon secured by this Security Instrumen�is subject to u law which sets mauimum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finally interpreted x�that the interest or other IoAn chnrges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan exceed the permi�led limits,then: (a)uny tiuch loon churge shall be reduced hy the amount necestiury to reduce the charge <br /> to the permiued limit;und(b)uny tiun�.v alresnly collectod t'rom Borrnwer which excecded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower. I.ender muy cha+se to make thiti refwxl hy reduring the prinripol owed under the Nate or by making a direct <br />— payment to Borrower. Ii u refund reduces principal. ihc reduction will be treated as a pAMial prepayment without any <br /> prepayment chargc under the Nate. <br /> 14.Nodc�.Any notice to&►rrower provided for in thi5 Security In�tn�ment shull t►e given by dclivering it or by mniling <br /> - it by tirst class mail unless applicable law reyuiRS use of anather method. The notice shull he directed to the Praperty Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designntes by n�uice to l.ender. Any notice tu Lender siu►II be given by first class mail to <br /> I.ender'a addresx stated herein ar nny aher addres, Lender designates by notice ta Bc�rrower. Any notice provided far in this <br />_ Security instrument shall be deemed to iuive bcen given to 8orrower ar Lender whcn givcn u�pruvided in this parugr4ph. <br /> 1S.Coverning Lwwt S�we�blUty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by fedcrol law nnd the Inw of the <br />:= jurisdiction in which the Prc�erty is located. In the event that any provision or clnuse�>f this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such rnnflici xhull n�n nffect dther provicionti��f this Securily Inttrument or the Nnte which cen be <br /> given efFect without the rnnflicting provision.To this end Ihe provisions of this Secu�ity Instrument �nd the Note are declared - <br /> to bo severable. <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shs�ll be given one conformed copy of the Note and af lhia Secu�ity lnstrument. <br /> Form 3028 �IYO <br /> Pp��of6 <br /> .�v—__- � i�qi'IR,�,'7nPr,�,�7..;h � _ __ <br /> ----- -_,.-:.ii�.�v�;`c;�� _ �. vS�l'--!�---- —--_��� <br /> - -_�.r,....a�_"M`i:. -- <br /> __ .1.v..}_S::R �- Y�"�s�erLXitS`AP]..'CW _ �.71.7'^,9i4:t'.T._-tiicc•:�. <br /> — - � :i+: :<�27i: �vto$`.if:::t:...v .iv..:-d-'��. . <br /> �..r , <br /> �. <br /> ._ , .. <br /> '—__'—. . . •,:ti ES �.,, . - �PIYc1i.t:Y-. �l!���'F.�.u'y+.'tt- <br /> .. <br /> "_'�_.... � ...,,, � , �� <br />