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�� . ���;.f , . . .��' a.�.... <br /> ��, �,. � _ <br /> �� . _.._�� �__--_- <br /> 94 i�� <br /> TOdETHBR W!'17�dl the iatprovementr now or bereaiter etectad oa the pmperty�and aU��utamcoa.�od <br /> tixauq now�ar hero�tter a p�ut af the proputy. All cq�l�oenknu �rd addidoru sh�ll da be wvarod by �hi� 9ecurity <br /> la�WmetU.All of the foregaing it referrod w ia thi�Secudty Inwumcnt a tbe'Prnperty." <br /> BORROWER COV6NANTS ttut Horrower lt law[ully�ei�ad af the extata heneby oonveyM uid hu the rl�ht to Qrant�nd <br /> oonvay the Propaty ud tlwt the Property i�uaencumbend�except for e,ncumbrances of rocard. Borrowu wqn�nts qid wiU <br /> . daf'eM�enerally the title to tho Property�gainu�!I cl�tnu and demwnda,wbjoct w w►y encumbrancca of rocord. <br /> TNIS 58CURITY 1NSTRUMBNT combines uniform cover�ants for nwtional uco w�d non-uaiform oovau�w with liidtod <br /> varlatiom by juritdiction to oonetltute a uniPorm sa�urlty imtrumerrt oovetin�r�ea!ptnperly. <br /> __A, UNIPORM COVENANT3. Hotrower end l.�ender covenont And egroe�follows: <br /> l. Payn�cnt o�PrincipW Aad Interati 1't'�P�Yma�� �d L+�te Cb�a. Borrower�iwll I�mP�Y WY when due tbe <br /> principal of�nd interest on the dcbt evldenc�ed by the Nate wid Any pnepayment and latc charaeeti duo under tha Note. � <br /> 2. �tor Twta and la�urana. SubJxt to Applicnble law or tp�written wAiver by I.ender.Borrower�Iwll p�y to <br /> Lender on tho day monthly payment�arc due under tho Note.until the Note is poid in ftill,a wm('Funda")for:(�)ycariy Uxa <br /> md�ccrcmentr whioh mAy�tt�in priority ovcr lhis Security inrtrument a�a licn an 1he Property:lbl Yc�rly Ic�cehold p�yment� <br /> or�mund rcntR on 1ho Pmperty,if any;(c)yearly haz�nd or propeny inwranco prcmfums;(d►ywdy tload i�urqnoe premiumR, <br /> ; if any; (o)yearly monQo�e inruranoe premiuma, lf anv: and ifl any Aumc pAyabic My Bonx�wer ta t.cnder. In ocra�c wilh <br /> ' the prnvicionr aP parnQraph 8. in licu of tho pwyment�►f m�srt�a�c ImwrwKe prcmiumx. 71ie�e i�ema�ro radlod'Rrcmw I�cmi.' <br /> L,ende�may. at any timc, collect wid hald Funda in on a�►unt �xw to oxcow! thc muximum �wnt p Icrdcr for o foderolly <br /> ; relalod morlan�e la�n mey rcquiro for Borrower'�escrow arc�wm w�cler Ihe fad¢nd Rcal Eslatc SetNemcnt Pn�cedurcx Act of <br /> 1974 as�metKlod from timo to time, 12 U.S.C.5ection 2601 rt�ey. ("RESPA"), unleyx anuthe�luw that applie�to�ho Fundc <br /> cet�� leecer amount. If�a. l.ender mAy,at any dme. oallcct wnd hold Fund�in nn om�wM not to excood thc lesrer��xwnt. <br /> - -- l.�nd�r nu�y e�tbtwte ihe amount of Funds duo on the basiR aP cumatt daw�nd tra�anable eetimatec of oxpenditure�of futuro <br /> Ercrow Iterns ar otherwise in accandance with applicable low. <br /> Thc Punds rhall be held in An institudon whosc deposi�a aro inxurad by a federal ogency, instrumenta8ty. ar entity <br /> (including Lender.if Ler►der is such an inatitutfon)or in any Federol Home Loan Bank. Lender ehall upply the Funds to pay the — <br /> __ Esc�ow ltenw.Lender may not charge 8orrower for holding and applying the Fundx,unnually analyzing the escrow eccount.or <br /> verifying tha Escrow Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funde and applicable law permits I.ender to make such <br /> A charge. However.Lender may require Barrower to pay a one-time chuge for en independent reul eswte tax reponing service <br /> used by Lcnder ln connection with this loan, unless epplicable law provides othenvfse. Unless an agreement ia made or <br /> ppplicabla law requires intcrest to be paid,l.ender shall not be reyuired to pay Borrawer any interest ar earnings on the Funds. <br /> Borrower and l.ender may egree in wrlting, however.that interest shall be paid on the Fuods. Lender shall give to Borrower, <br /> - �-- without charge. an annual accounting af the Funda. showing credits and debits to thr Funds und the purpoxe for which each - <br /> dcbii tu ihe Puads w�s�radt.'!'!�e�uttds sse pledgat as additiona!sxurlty for a!!ssms secured by tl�i�Sa�urity Iastrumens. <br /> :���fli If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> :�:;,�' for the excess Funds in accor�iance�vilh the requirements of applicable law. ff the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> �=`� time is not aufficient to pay the Escraw Ilems when due,Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br />_-�;;,=,�, ehall pay to Lender the amount necessary to mnke up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the defieiency in no more than <br /> �.'�.��� Iwelve monthly payments, at l.ender's sole discretion. <br />: �f��� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thfs Security Instrument, Lender shall promp�ly rafund to 8orrawer any <br /> Funds held by[.ender.If, under paragrnph 21,l.ender shall ucyuire or sell the Propeny,L.ender. prior to the acquisition or sale <br />��}��;;_�I of the Property, shall upply uny Fur�ds held by l.ender at the time nf ucquisilian or sale ax u credit against the sums secured by <br /> ��I thfa Security Instrument. <br /> "�T ' 3.A tcnUon of Pp ments.Unless a icnblc Inw rrnides otherwisc,all � ments rec:�ived b Lender under ara ru hs <br /> pM Y PM P p Y Y P B P <br />��.�;'�,�i 1 and 2 ehall be any prepayn�ent churgcs duc under the Nate; sccand, to amoums payeble under pnrragraph 2; <br />_:;�,•-. interest due;fourth,to principal due;and laet,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> .:wr;'; I 4.Clw�ges; Lienv.Borrower shall puy all taxes,as�essments,churge�, finex und impositions uttributable to the Property <br /> which mey attain prioriry over this Security Instrument. unJ leuseh�ld puymentx nr ground ren�s, if any. Borrower shnll pay <br /> ���"� Iheso obligations in the munner p�ovided in paragraph 2,or if not puid in thut munner. Bor�owcr shall pay them on time directly <br /> ��,'= ( ro the person owed payment.Borrower shnll promptly furnish lo I.cndcr all notices of amounts ta hc puid under this parngrnph. <br /> •�'� I If Borrower makeg�hese payments direcdy, Bonower shull promptly Turnish to I.rnJer recripts evidencing the payments. <br />.-ti...(',i. <br />___..,;:;,, I Borrower shall pmmptly discharge uny lien which hus priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrowce(n)agrces in <br /> ';;��,� writing to the payment of the obligutinn secured by the lien in a manner uccep�able to l.encicr, (b)contexls in g�xxi fAith the lien <br /> by. or defenda against enforcement �f the lien in, legal pnrceedinbs which in the i.ender's opinion operute to prevent the <br />_.�_:;1�:;�� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un ugrccment suti�fnctory to Lender sub�irdinAting thc lien to <br /> �°..;`�� this Security Instn�ment. If L.ender determinex thut uny part nP the Proprny iti xuhiect to a lien which may atwin priurity over � <br /> � ? this Security Instrument.C.ender may givc 8orrowcr a naticc idenlifying thc licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> - -�= more of the actions set forth ebove within 10 duys of the giving of noticc. <br /> ��v Fam 30Z8 9I�0 <br /> --= r.o.a of e <br /> - ; M ` <br /> -- -- -'- ------ ._—. ,.,. �_:-,'.lr--;.:.�r.�a.��. __---�au'ii7i�' . `. <br /> } <br /> _' ..1'-�--:��r..,:.�',�,��}'a.6r�ti��6.3rt.4[ „v,., � . <br /> ---- .;,__.=_,(�t'� M�., <br /> : ..._:�`��twch.v;�--•,,�.w. ..-. --j �.y� �-�,'� .r:.r,,...�d ,� .` . <br /> —__. — !..+.� _l� .-�� .4 .cufi' SK1E 'a'° . . S ,.r • �,+ -. <br /> .�__.s- `.1�-.:;t':.�r,,i�:c. ^ .. � . - ,.ti.t.. �A�rt.a.. ��.`kj'�'::.�:. .. - .. . •' ,. <br /> ' ._ ..__ — "_ - v+na�°'^ .:� � • �- � , : ����G ttiy�� ��� � � <br /> ��'4�'.'k?1fJ'^�l:;�k:..�`:�`'.°�.�'t'.":°R, . 1.�. . . � .. � <br />