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- . , _ — <br /> ..._... ... . _ . . .. . .. .. __ , _ _ . <br /> .< <br /> . . � �-- t <br /> _ . <br /> . <br /> - -- � T_;.. . . __ . -�— . .. - y -� �'—�- - - ---_ --- - z= --- -_ <br /> - ` . �- -`.' . ,T _ . , �� � �:. �- _ -__- _--- - �, �g,�� - . . ��.�� «: � . <br /> 4 � j,0;.a,M;.,r ab I�r ee�rird,at�aue+o�o�a vr�I.s�ier.d�.oi�e iru.i�.oe o¢+.+ye(��t a���,�s�di u ` <br /> �°. . ' IMt l�ir°_w�i��r)!�'cn'!iad!r!►a i�i�or i�lroeroi.y►Ire�ecC�i� ��eooini�ar�it�bii 1�i a�L�o1wnR�M� <br /> . ` ie P��iiyiiiei 1o�ai�i�t�y�e 3ii��i�d�ea.o�a�o+�iar a lo�r rw�ere,,�l�is�iiw�t iR ww�� � <br /> ia��c�e e�in a000rd�a wilh sp.rriues a�ee�aeot b�t�e�t�a�ro�ra aed L�eder ar�piic�b�e�r.� �� ' <br /> ` ` y.ti�eli�a.L�eaaer ar ks,�rt m�y m�ke reMO�6ie iatria��aoe idpe�tior c�d�e�roperty.I�e�lder#ii�tc�` . . <br /> ' ' . Ha�ower notice�t�t�e time of a priot�o ad ia�paxim�t�ii��onb�e rane for tbt ioipec�ioa,. . . �' �� � <br /> ' l��ai�tMe.'lbe peopeeds cf any�a�or d�.for d�s.diract or,�,i�ooe�ectios:w�a!► � ' ` <br />. , �Qr othes tafoa�of.ang�Ct d d�Pmp�t,Y=-ar�'oc abaveyiao�.in li�t af�'u�e_'l�d+�►��.' ,_. <br /> _. �Il,bepiidi�.Isnder. • . � ,. �� ` < . . .. . `' <br /> I�the e�eot of t tohl talcie�d'We Piv�idt�r..tbe pmoeod��tyll 6e applied w d�su��eamed 6Y�Wu Seocckp 1e�at..' <br /> °� �Les or mt tl�ea dua.!�vitb�y.e:oes�P�d to Hostu�rer.In the evait of a putid Wnoa af the Prq�e�ty�,wfiidi the Gir - <br /> , m�loa v�h�e a[tbe P�paty imaaed�tdY be[ae dre atc�is pqud to ar�na�a t�an tbe,oicmt cE d�e�rs�eaued iy�is � <br /> Seanity lmttumaY imottedi�bdy beta�e t6e t�itiog,uAless Borm�e:aod Leader at6envi�e qtee in wrritint,t6e woauE se�vted try ' <br /> � dris Secucity I�amait dqill be tedac�ea!�►the�mo�uiE of the Pi�mal�plied bY tbe fdla�vitq¢ fn�ctiqa:,(a)tbe tolal . <br />" . �mount ot t8e�ar secaueQ i�nte�fdy befaecd�e n�ti�{.di�vide�ly N)t�e fait m�valoe of d�e Pcopai�ia�medi�ldy <br /> before 8�e t�tio�. Any b�tanoe siWl be pu�to Bonowa.In the evaat of a pat+al p�of tha Propaty in�rhich d�tair ' <br /> � �et valae of d�e Property immedi�tdy 6etaeie ttie r�im�is kxs tlm tha amo�mt of the sua�s ucu�iamodi�tdy befo�the <br /> �.nniesf Bano�rer aM I.e�dcr aB�envi�e a�x in w�cifmg or w�less applicabk iaw otherwise puvides,tbe p�ncee�s aIW! <br /> be�pplied to the s�ns t6is Sewrity Iustiumaa wlkther or not We sums an thm due. , <br /> If't6e Pmpe�ty'is ab�odoned 6y Borrower,o�i�a8ir mtioe 6y.L�ader to Bor�ower d�t tbe cadannoc o�ers to m�ire an ` . : <br />� amud or seqk s claim for d�ea, Hono�rer respond to Y�tler widtia 30 days afta the date t6e.aatioe_is giv�en, � <br /> . ' I�edCt it aphori2od m twlkct�ott�ppty the pnaeads,at its option,eitba to�c+esio�oe or rq�ir of tt�e Prt�erty or to tiu snmi` <br /> ' sav�Ed by t6is Sa�uityt Inatttvna�t,wMher oc aot tLea due. - ' . _ . <br /> Uakss Lsrder ud Bormwer atherwise agoe ia vrriting.any s�pplic�tian of.pm000ds ta priacip�tl sLatl mt axta�d or <br /> post�ooe We dnc due of the momhlY paymenta'aefemed w ia p�r�P,rap6s 1 aad 2 or cbang`e the anaunt of such payments. : . <br /> • 11.Eorrow�er Nat Rdeaeed;Forbearaaot By I.e�dn'Not a Wafva:Extension of tbe time for p�yment or npd'ificad'on , _ <br /> : of�rtard�ation of the euois sewtod by this Soarity Inst�umeot grontod by Lender w aay�sar in intenest of�U . . , <br /> � not operote to release the liabiliry of the odginal Borrowu or Borrower's suooessors in interest.Irender st�U not 6e roquired w <br /> � �P�Ss against any iate�rst or tefuse.w extend time for p�yma�t or otbetwise mrodify tinorti�tion <br /> � of the suau secured by this Sxuriry Insirument by reason�of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bomowec's- <br /> • successors in intcrest. Any for6eaTancc by Lender�in exercising any right or cemody s6aU not be a waivu of or prcclade the <br /> -- • exxercise of any right or mnedy.._ ' _ <br /> 12.Swca�ors and As�ns Houod;Jdnt and Seraal Lia6�it�; Co-s�s• Tli�wvenants,and agneertients of'cl�ss. <br /> Savrity Iasuudnent shap bind and benefit the successoss and assigns of L,ender and Borrower. subject to the pravisiaas c�� <br /> pardgraph 1'7. Borrower's covenants and agreeaxnu sh�aA be joint-and several. Any Borrower who co-si�s.tbis:Sa�ti�y� <br /> � I�xnt 6ut daes not execvte the Note: (a)is co-signing this Sacuriry Instrument oWy to mactgage,grant a�eanvey that <br /> Borcower's intenst in the Property under the tem�s of t6is Securiry Insaument;(b)is not persottally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured bx this Security Instrument;and f��agrees that Lender and anY other Borrower may agree to eatend,modify.forbear or <br /> malce any accommodations with regard ta t�e terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without that Botrower's ronsent. <br /> . 13.Loan Clwrges.If the loan secured 6y this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan chargrs. <br /> and that taw is fu�Uy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges callected or ta be collected in connoction with the <br /> ' loan exceed the pem�itted�en: (a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce t1u charge — <br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bonower which eaceeded permitted limits will 6e refunded ta� <br /> , Barrower. I�i may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nate or by making a d"�ract ' u <br /> payment to Bbriower. if a refund rec�.:s�..� principal, thc rcduction wili be treated as a partial prepayment. without any <br /> �epayment ctiarge undei the Note. <br /> 14.Notioes:Any notice to Borrowes provided far in this Security lnstrusnent`shall be given by deliveri�it or 6y mailing _ <br /> � � it`by first ctass mail unless applicablg taM requires us�of anothcr method.The natice shall be dic�xed to the�roperty Address <br /> ' , or any other address Borrower design;a:es by notice to t.ender. Any natice to I.ender shall be given by first class mail to _ <br /> Lender's addrcss stated herein or any ocher address l.ender desig�ates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for In thls� <br /> Securtty Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to 8arrawes ar I.endcr whcn given as provided in this paragaph. _ <br /> 15.Governing law; �everability. This.Sccurity lnurument ahall be govemed by federal law and the law of the � <br /> jnrisdi�ia�:c±v��ieh the Praperty is loe:!ed. !n the event that any prs�vision or clause aF this Security'Instroment or the NQte F <br /> wnftiets aet��ticable law.such conf[����shall not affect other praL'ncinns af this Security lnstru��t or the Note which c�L�e ` <br /> given effect without trie conflicting procision.To this end the provisions of this 5ccurity Instrurt�e:��and the Note are decr�.� �•' <br /> fobe severable. _� <br /> 16.$orrower's Copy.Horrower shall be given one conformed capy of the J�ote ancl ai this Security t�szrurr�ent. - <br /> iam 3028 9190 �`: <br /> . v�go a of s <br /> —�evsa`.:_•::?_'. - <br /> _. --:��—-- -- _.;�.v:�.::�::. <br /> -- =4h:=.i�.R!�.^•;';�'n°.�:•�"T`� :s.. .�3?*s'�aT�.-�-=-:�7+;-=, - <br /> _ ,-`i�_i�=T ..- ' �i�.:" ' ..��� . <br /> __-'_'�_�ri:.. ._ .._ •y:- . . ' . � _ . ._"!e!�k' . ._ .____'-r._. '_ „ .' . . . . . . . <br />