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�:• � - <br /> �v � . , . . , . - . , � t. ` . • <br /> - - —_. . _._ _. __ — _.._.--- -_ - . - . . --- _ - �... _� - =OA_-- , _..-_- . : <br /> ` !`!.'11ra�et�t tMr . �e s te�dieY Lilenit ir 1�eerwen.If i�il or�ty pirt of t6e FroQerty or�r�aoeir�io� ' ` <br /> � ` it lbid or n�n�tat�ed(or if�i 6en ieial in�eneat`ie Bonowa is wbid or t�lfen�ed aad Ho�tawec is rot s�tual pa�on}'�rithor[`� � <br /> 6e <br /> .�Li�der's prio�writ�e�oone,nt. ISaWei mry .it �ts optioA• eequioe i�e�i�e P!Y�ia fuit o�al��amt�6y d�.. <br /> . . Sowtity I�tnrmd�t.Ho�rever,this o�tion ihtSt noE be Cua+ci�ed try Isoder if�Ya�ctse'f�p�olii6i�ea 6y fadeta[4wr a�of��le � <br /> ai t3us Security Yn�ut�ent. ' • . . . , , <br /> . � ii I�ender exe�rtises this optiont Leider sb�8 give Borrawer no�ioe of�ocslaation.7'fiee notic+�s6aU provid�#petiad of not <br /> 'kss� 30 d�ys from t6e�te.tfie iwtice is deGva+ed or imiled within which Barmwer must p�y�1 sumc#oeured by ihis' . <br /> < 5ecurity bntniment.If 9oFrowrer fiits to p�y tl�ac sums priar to tfie'expin�tiai of this period.t�ender rnay invuke aa�i namedies . <br /> peripiiudd 6y this Sea�ie3r In�meot�vitbout�funher notke or dem�nd on Bortuwer. < � � <br /> 1�. �oe�a�RehP 1l�� V Bofmwa pnats-oata�n c�oaditions, Bormwer.sivll l�avc thc right to_haYC • - <br /> � aifaanneot of thi�Sa�ri[l�•�tN�t��isc�nti�wod at ury time prior to the adier of• (a)5 days(or sucb atha period as <br /> ' _ �►lip8fe ba�r m�tY��X'�+r��)before s�te of the Ptvperty pursumt ca any powa df saTe oatt�iiaed i� t6ts <br /> � Savriry Instciima�t:or N}erxcy of�judgment ehforciiig`tius.S�auity it�v�st..TEusse oan.'itiqas a�e thai Bortvw�r:(a�inYs <br /> lnder�11 sums which tlrn woald be dae onder tl�is Senirity Insuumeat and ttie�lote as if no aoateratiun tuid occu�l;(b? <br /> evies aay defaQlt af�y other coveqants a agca�s:(cj WYs ali expenscs iu�vrned in enfariug this Sa�rity.Insuun�. <br /> - incinding.but qoe limited to.rqsonable auameys'fas:and(d)rokes such acpon as irencler may r�essonabtY.�qwre to� <br /> thtt the lien of tl�s Senuity I�me�,Lemler's righ4g ia the Pcoperty and BotrowePs obliguion to pay.the suat�savrod 6y <br /> ' � this Saud47► Instcuma�t s� 000tinue. U�cliangad. Upon neinsa[emau by Bor�ower. tGis'Socuriry Irupummt �nd the <br /> obligations securad tieneby sball rat�aia fully effective as if na sccelera6on tiad occurr�ed.Hov��evu.t6is right w rein�pte sT�all <br /> t�ot apply in ihe case of axelt�ttioR uudeT paragraph 17. ' . <br /> 1!. Sde of Notr, C6an6e ot<Lo�n Se�vka:T6e Note or a putial interest in the Nate,(to8dber wiW this Securi[y. <br /> Instruatent)may bt sold one or more times without p�ior�otice to Bo�rower.A sale may nsutt in a change in the a�tity(kmwn <br /> ' as the'Lozn Servfcer')that co#lec�s monthlY PaYments due aader the Na`te and this Security Insnuaoa��Tf�ec�e also may be ocre <br /> � or moae cf�ngcs of the T.oan Se�vicer anrelatat ta a sale of tde Note.If thene is a chan$e of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wi11 b4 <br /> given writteq eotia af the.change in�aaoordarwe with pa�agtaph 14 above an¢.applicable law.lUe r�otiae w71 state the tume�ac! <br /> ' addcess af the nqw l.oan Secvicer and the address to which paymaus should 6e made. ltie�wtice will also contait�a�atlier <br /> . infom�tion requiral6y apptica6le Iaw. `. ` `. <br /> Z�. 8ax�rdo4s Sa6staeas. Borrower shall not G►use or permit the pnse�e, use, or rele�se of"aay <br /> Huatdous Substanaes on.or,in the Property. Borrower sball not do, aor aUow an}rone elsa to do. aaything affecting the <br /> P�operty that is in violation of any Enviroruaental Law.The preading two sentenoes shall not apply to the prrsence.ase.or <br /> stotage on thc Property�of s�aaU quantities of Hazardous Substances tf�at are generally reoognized to be appropriatc to nonnai <br /> • residential uses�nd co m�ituen�nce of the Propeny. •- <br /> Bomower sh�tl promptly give L.ender wriuen notice of any investigaqon.claim. dema�.lawsuit or other action by any� <br /> gavemrnental ae regulatory ageacy or privateparty mvolving the Property and any Hazardous Su6stance or Bnvironmental Law <br /> of which Borrowu has actual irnowledge. If$orrower learns,or is notified bx atry govemmental or regulatory authoriry. that <br /> any remaval or other remodiation of any Har�rdous Substance affecting the Propetty is r�essary,Borrower shall promptiy take <br /> ali�.sary remediat actiuns in aa:ordance with Envimnmental Law. <br /> _ As usod ia this p3te�'aph 20.:"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or haz�ndous substanoes by .._ .. <br /> Environmental and the fotioaring substancess. aasoline, kerosenc, other�lammab(e'or toxic peuateum products. toxic - <br /> pesticides and I�erbicides,volatile solvents,materea,Cs containing as6esws or fom�aldehyde.and'radioactice cvaterials.As used in <br /> ,� this paragraph 20. "Envimnmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Piop�erty is locatod that -- <br /> relate to or environmental protection. -- <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower rind I,ender fu�ther covenant and a�ee as fotlows: __ <br /> Zl.Acceleratioa;Remedits.l.ender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratioa tolbwi�Borrower's breach --- <br /> � oi any coven�nt or a g�neat tn this Securf t y Instrumeqt (but not p r i oe to acceleratioa uadec par�grapb l7 nnless �" <br /> wpplicaDle law provides atherwise).Tde notice sha0 apecify: (a)the default;(b)the siction required ta.cure tbe delaWt; •�'_ <br /> (c)a date,twt less than 30 dstys from the date tfie notice is given to BarroKer,by�vhich the defau[t mtut be cured;and <br /> (d)that fAilun to curr the default on or be[ore tNe date specifled in the notice may resWt in ac�ceteeation ot ti�e svms <br /> secuccd by this Securlty Imtrument ahd sale ot tNe Property. The aotice slwll turther inform Borrower at the rlg8t to - <br /> reinstate aRer 9ocderation and the right to brin�;a sourt adion W assert the non�xistence of a detault or pny other � <br /> ' defense ot Borrower to aoceleratton and ssile. U the detault is not cured on or before the date�ed i�the notice, ' <br /> I.enrkr, s►t its option,may require immedfate payment in tull o!all snms secured by this Securit�instnunent without <br /> farther danand arid may invoke the power of sale and any other r+emedi�permitted by�ppliarbfe Iaw.l.ender sba11 be <br /> eatitted to coltect sdl expenses incun�ed in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in thls parrgcap�21,includtag,6ut�ot�vnited <br /> to,reasonabie s►ttorneys'fees an��sts of title e.�idence. . ' <br /> It the povrer ot sale is inra4c�ed,Tnutee s�a]I record a nodce o!detantt in eac�t w^ounty in which any part of t6e , <br /> ' Property is located pnd sl�ll m��copies ot s�o notke in the manner prescr�bed by appticable taw to Borrower and to <br /> tfx other petxo�prescn"f�ed by appiica6le law.3�ter the time required 6y appliatAle law,Trustee shall give public notice <br /> of�le to the persons and ln t6e�anner presccr.Bed by applicabte law.Trustee,witlaut demand on Borrower,sh�U setl <br /> the R'operty at publk audion to m�e,�tghest btdder 9t the time and place and under E�3eems.designated in the notice of � <br /> . sale in one or more parcels and fin any order Trustee dMermines.Trnstce may pastp�e,sate ot all or any p�rcel of the .. <br /> Property by public aanouncemept at the time s�nd place ot any previously scheduled sale. I.ender,or its designee may <br /> '. purchase the Properts��t any s�le. � �. <br /> • Form 3G28 8t90 <br /> ' Pego 5 0�6 ' , <br /> '.--. 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