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<br /> � . �E La�der eequires.'�la�uraeoe earriet p�vid"eaa rLe jmuranc+e 3h�116e cho�ee by 8ixrower subject to Lenda's�pprvrd .
<br /> .w1�id�st�tl not be wreaROe�6ty wtt6hel�.If Bormwts,fiits W euiatain c6yera�e desctibed�vr. l,�fer may.�t LxndeP�s
<br /> tl�ltj�q�{1bIt�A QDY�t,tO p[�fOC�T.11ldCr�3 Ti�WS iri UC-P[opllty it1��cCCd�OCE witb p�f�jt�h�. . ` '
<br /> 141t inwiaMncti p0lkia and,i+en�+►�als alati 6e aooept,�te w i.endet and sh�4 iuclude s staod�r�martpy�e ciau�e. i.eader .
<br /> _ shtii fiirve ibe riahrtio ho�tbe poticies s�d tase�eaia.if t�eridee�aires.Bono�rer�hdt p�na�tiY��tsnder`al!moapts o! �
<br /> ,. pid p�m�i�ra ad tsa�+vat�oticss.In t6e e+reat of las,Bor:uwec sMU Sive pnampt mtiae to die iewr�nce�er�od I�eader. ' ,
<br /> _ --�Ladermaym�proofofiossifnotm�dept�uri�dyiry-Barrower: ' _=-_ - - - =T = -. .- --. -_---_- .— � —
<br /> , Unkas I.ader'and�ot�r a�6awise s�ae in wridog,iawranoe p��nc�eeds sl�p be sppiiod b te�toafioo or np�ir'ot 8�e ,
<br /> Ptnpen9 d�ed.tf d�e t�sta�atioa or�epir is e�000midiy taiau'b�e�nd i.eader's seauitjr is nat ks+ieaed.If the tiatantian o� .
<br /> , reair is not eoononiia�lly faw'bk or T.eader's seauiry woald be ksuaed.t�iaauranoe pooeeds sbaU be�pplied w the same
<br /> ' �ecut�ed 6y this Savtity lostrament,wMha a not t6en�e, arith ary exaess�pid m Bam�a.If Bomnwrer ab�odoos the
<br /> � P�ope�ty.or das twt ans�va w�thin 30 dtys a mtia fiom Laider sla�f tbe i�mttanoe canier Im off'eied to sdtEe a claim; Wa� .
<br /> L�ender may vollect tbe insurance proce�ds. I,e�dec may use tHe p�noads w repir or irston the Prnpe�ty or w pay sua� ,
<br /> secured by lhis Securiry iinlnimaot.whedier or not tLee due.7Le 30-day period wil!begin�vben tbe uotioe is givm.
<br /> . Unkss�I,e�der md Bo�uwer ot�ernlse�agnee•iri writ�mg,.any applic�tion af pmeeads Lo principal shall oot extad or•
<br /> �. postpooe.iLe daa datc of t6e moathly payments ntated w ia patagrapt�s 1 wd 2 or c�nge the�anant of We.pyments.If
<br /> andes p�aph 21 the P�oQe�iy is��cqoined by t�ader.Borr+ower's ri�ht:w alty irau�anoe poiieies and psooeeds�eaultiog fmm
<br /> d�umge to tbe Pmpetty prior m t6e xquisition shaU p�s to L,ender to the exte�'of tbe sums socared by this Securiry Imtrament
<br /> ��Y P�to dse aapisition. � � � ' - � • � ,
<br /> � � ��l�7.�+�W�terece aed Aro�ecilaa o[tk Ptopai�i aorrowe�'s Lon Apptiatiou;.l.ea�elroMr.
<br /> Borin�er sh�tI a�o�vpy,est�Mish.aad use We Ptoperry as Bormwer's ptiucipal resida�oe withjn siaty days after tbe executioa of
<br /> this Sa�rity�ume�t aod sball oontinue to_oavPy the t'�opertY.as Borrower's princip�l nsicknee for at least one yar aRer
<br /> the d�te of aocuqaiky:wiless I.eader otherwise�giee.c in wridng.wtucb conseat slall nat.be un�sonably withheld.or unless
<br />: eMeauuieg�ci�u�es� wluch'are 6eyond Borrower's ooatrol. Bosower s1�a11 not des�o"y,dam�8e or irnp�ir the ' �
<br /> . pmpecty, allow tl�se Prnpetty�to deteriorrte, or cammit w�ste on the Pmpetty. Borrower shall be ia defaiilt if aay forfeiwne
<br /> xtion or p�ing,whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith j�rdgmeat catld s+e.wit iti forPeitunc of tLe
<br /> Pr+nperty or aLe�wise amrterially impzir the liea cnattd by this Security Insm�ment or Lender's sewrity interest.Bomnwer may �
<br /> cure snch a defauit and reis�state,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or prooeeding to 6e dismissed with a rullug
<br /> that,•iu i.:a�er's gaod�determination, prectudes fotfeiwte of ti�Botrower's interest in t6e Praperty or oti�ec u�ateri�t• °.
<br /> impaicment,of the lien creat�d by this Security Insuument as�r�ender's sa:urity interes� Borrower shall aTso be in d�atilt if
<br /> Bormwer,during thc loan application prooess.gave materiat2y€�st or inacc�rate informatioa or siatements to I�enda�a�i failed � •
<br /> W provide Leuder v�tb.any material iaformltion)in conrKCtion with the loan evideaced by tlu Note,iactuding,but not limited
<br /> w.rePmsentacions�ivag Botrower's o�cy of the Propecty as a principa�nsidence.If this Savrity himument�is on a
<br /> �leasehdld, Bonawer �fi comply with all the�mvfsioas of the lease. If Borrower aoquires fce titte W the Prape�tlr, the
<br /> leasehold and the fee titSe s�atE�ot mrrge unless Lender agreesto the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protedion ot Leadei's R�htc in the Property.If Bocrower fails to perform the oovenants and agreements coiitained in
<br /> this Security Instrume�,or there is a legal procceding that may signiflcantly affect Lender's rights in ttne Pmperty(such as a . -
<br /> procading in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations).ther,II,a�der may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is�sary to�rotect the value of the Pi�operty and I.endcr's rig6ts in the Property. i.�nder's actions raay. =�
<br /> include paying any snri�s ses�.tred 6y a lien which has priority over this Securiry Insinunern, appearing in cou�i, paying . -
<br /> reasonable auomeys'fecs and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lendcr may take action under this paragaph �
<br /> 7.I.ender does not hase to do so. os
<br /> Any amounts �::�rsed by I.cnder under this paragraph 7 shall beco;ne additional de6t of Borrower secured by this � `-
<br /> Satiitity Instn�ment.i;ntess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of pay�ment,these amounts sha11 bear interest from the .� �.'
<br /> date of dislwrsement at the Note�te and shall be payable,with interest, upon notice from I.ender to Bomower requesting 4--
<br /> �_:
<br /> �3y111CI1t• " y.
<br /> S.Mortga�e Insuranca If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a conditian of making the loan secuted by this Security � .
<br /> Instrurt�ent,Borcower shall pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. II� for any reason. the
<br /> mortgage insurarke coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect. Borrower shall pay thg�remlums reqaired to
<br />� obtain moverage substantially equlvatent to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at 4 cxrst substantially equivatd*.f to the
<br /> cost tm 3�nrtower of the mortgage insurance previousty in,effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by �der. If
<br /> substantialiy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to l.ender each manth a sum equat ro �' .
<br /> oae-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to {•;
<br /> be in effoct.I,ender wilt accept.use and tetain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage inswance. Loss reserve E��_
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