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<br /> -` ` .Toc��ffie wirix r►the m�pc�a�no.irot�n�ea oo a�e pope�y,a�ia���� ea�ae�.�.a . . �
<br /> 'S� oow or Yb�r. i�P� �.� ProP�Y Alt � �ad`iddi�auR �tI dio be cavened bY � �7 < .
<br /> � Tw�umaaf.l�kII af tbt�o�iu�is refd�red to in ttii Se�itty Ie�uaimt n t6t'PeoQetty.' . � . , .' ° ,
<br /> � BORROWER COYENAI�(TS th�t Boirower is taatully sei�ed of the pt�tc hme�y ooavryed aad`i�tbe xl�hc w p�at rd `
<br /> coevey the Fropeity and ttyt tae l�rapaty is unatcmnbecedi except for'a�rmoes of ncoRt:Horrn�er�ard wriU �
<br /> � def'ead geserailq the ptie.w fhe.�Pmpeity"�gai�t a1!cl�ia�s ard de�nu�ds.snbject:W aay Gnaunbtano'�+oF t�eaord. . . . .: .
<br /> � . �SECIJItTIY INSIRUMENT atmbines uniform oovei�sns fa n�tioaat use aad eon-untfarm ooveamts with limitad
<br /> � � v�ri�cioas by juristiccion ca oo�ttiau�i unifam secvnity Yn�uoma�t oovering na)p�oRerty. ,
<br /> ` . UNIFd1tM C01�NAN'['S.Barmwer and Lenkr covsmmt a�d agree,as foUows; . � _ __ <<�
<br /> �• ti!���P���: �Pi�aed I.ste C6ae��.Barevrer sbalt prompttY P�Y wim�e'ttie .
<br /> - - prieicipai bf md"mteirst on the debt evidence�6y the Nate aad atry pr`ep�ympn aad late chirges due unda dje Note. .
<br /> 2.F�is far Tuer atl is�rsoca Subjxt w-rppllic�bk Isw or to a written waiva by Lader.9oirower sh�ll pay to'
<br /> , Iiender on the day montWy payments are due unckr the Nate,uatil tbe Note is paid in t'iill.a sum('Funds'�for:(a}ypriy taxa
<br /> aod ags�ts which may attain p[ic►rity over this$ecurity Mstnmknt as a lien on the Pmpetty:_(b)Yruty:tessdluld payntd�l3 � -
<br /> or gc+aatd tarts on the Praperty.if su}r;(c)Y�Y��a P�p'�Y���P��=(�)Yeuiy flaod insurana pcsmiuu�s. .
<br /> � ��Y;�(e)Y�Y moetgage iasurana pamiuu�.if any:and(�any sums payat+le by Bormwer to Lender.in aocotdanoe vridt �
<br /> the provisiqns of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insaiancae pmaiums.l7�ese items a�e called'Fscruw Itaa�s.' .
<br /> La�der may,at�ay 6me.ooltax and 6old Fwds in an aa�ount not�o eacad the maxirawp amount a leader for a fedecally
<br /> ttl�ted mortgage taar�may ra�oire for Bonower's esscmw axount w�der dse federal Rral Estace Settl�nent Pcoaedans Act of
<br /> • 1974 as ameoded fmm time to wnt, 12 U.S.C.Saxion 2601 et seq. ("RF,SPA").uNess another!aw tt�at applies to the Fund`s
<br /> sets a lesser aa�onnt. If so. irmder may,at any time.collax and hold Funds in an�ouat not to exc�al the lesset�tnour�t. '
<br /> Lender may estir�uc the amovnt of Fands due on the basis of curnnt data and reasanable estimates of eapeaditutss of faw� �
<br /> � Esc�rw+ria,�s or ocueiw;se in a000caanoe vi►;m applicable ls►w. �.
<br /> � 7Ue Fwds sbsli•6e held in an irutitution w6ose deposits are insvnd by a federal agency. iirstrumentality, or entity
<br /> ' (inciuding I.ender.if I.ender is sucd an instimtionj or in�►y Federa!Home I,a�n Bank.Lender shalt appTy the Funds to pay the .
<br /> Eserow Items.Lender may pot chazge Borrower for holfiing and applying the Funds,annualty analyzing tl�e asczow acewut,ar
<br /> _ vedfying the Escmw Itea�s;unless Lender pays Borrower iaterest on the,Funds aad applicable law pernuu I.e�der to malce such
<br /> a charga.However.lxnder�y't+equire Borrower w pay a one-time charge far an independent real estate tax cepor6ng service
<br />` used by Lender ia connecticsn with this loan, unless app�icable law provid�s otherwise. Unless an agreemmt:is made or
<br /> � applicabte law requires intenst w be paid,Lender s6a11 mt.be required to pay Forrower anyr lnterest or eamings on tt�ee Fnnds:
<br /> Borrower and L�eader may agret in wri}ing,however,that intgrest shait be paid on thse Funds. I.eader shaU give to Horrower,
<br /> witbout ci�arge.an a�mual accounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for wluch raeh
<br />: debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as adci"itional socurity for all sau�s secured by this Security IaSrkament.
<br /> If the Funds held by i.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by apptica6:`e taw,I.ender shall accourn�w Boaawer
<br /> for,the txcess FuMs in accont�xx aith{he requiremeats of applicable law.if ttie a�aant of the Fimds held�by Lender at any
<br /> time is mat s�it�ent to pay the Escrow ltems wfien due,l.ender may x9 aotify Borrower in writi�g�and.in such ca5e Borrower
<br /> s6a�ll pay�a�sd�F the amount necessary to make up the defciency. Borrower shall make up the�zf�ciency in no more than
<br /> rwetvi mont�3y.payments.at l.ender's sole discretion. � _
<br /> i Upon payment in fiill of all sums secured by this SQCUrity lnstntment, Lender shall promptly refund tg Sorrower any —
<br />� � Funds held by I.ender.If.undcr paragraph 2l.Lcnder shall,acquirg or seil the Property.Lender.prior to the aa�sition or sale �
<br />� of the Propetty.shall apply airy Funds held by Lcnderat the time af aoquisition or sale as a credit against the sµms secured�ny -
<br />' this Security lactrument.
<br />� 3.Applicahon ot Payments.Unless applicable law provides atherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs --
<br />; 1 and 2 shall be appticd:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:secand,ta amounts payabte under paragraph 2;
<br /> thitd.W interest due;fourttr,to principal due:and tast,to any late charges due under the Note. • • '�'
<br />� 4.Charges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxcs.assessments,charges,fines and impasitions attributabte ta the Property f
<br /> which may attann priority over this Securi� lnstrument, and feasehnl�u payments ar ground renGS,df any. Borrower shall pay�
<br /> these obligations in the manacer provided in paragraph 2,dr if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shal!pay them on time direcdy �'
<br /> to the person owed payment.Bl+rrower shaU promptly fu�iJ�ta Lender all noticea o2 amoun�ti to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower makes these paymenis directly.Barrawer sha9t promptly furnich to[.endex receipts evidencing the paymen�v.
<br />� SarroK�,s�'�all promptly discharge any lien which has pciority o��.�a t::is Seccrii�Instrument unless Borrawer.(a)agrces in ' �
<br /> writing to the��;i�ient'uf the obligadon secured by the lien in a manrter�xeptabte to I.ender:(b)c�ntests in good faith the lien i
<br /> _ by. or deferx7s against enforcement of the lien in, icgal pmcecdings which in th: Lendei s opinion operate to prevenr the !
<br /> enforcement oi.the lien:or(c)sesures from the holder of the licn an s�greemrnt satisfaetory ro Lcndcr subordins►ting the lien to "'=
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is tubject ta a lien which may uttain priority,over
<br /> this 5ecurity l�strument.l.ender may give Borrower a noiice identifying thc licn.Bnrrowcr shall satisfy the lien or tatce one or �
<br /> more of the actions set forth above withirt 10 days of thc giving of notice. • �
<br /> Farm 3028 �/90 ! �,.
<br /> . P�pe 4 or e j'..
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