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- � _. . -_ <br /> • ��� _ ,,,�,`- . , .. ��-- <br /> . ,��. <br /> _ '`: `��`.iw..:�'` , °.r.� . . . . . ____�--_ <br /> 5��' �c. , � • , - ` - . . -_•- ._. <br /> . . . :,y�,.. _ . _ .. ... <br />.- .. . _ . ' '-_-- - � . -.� _.._ <br /> - ..� ._ . � :{...- .. _ =�94 , � _� � <br /> � - _-- --- =-=� . � _ ; , � � " : - � � - - ` 34t1�52 . . .` '. . <br /> ` P+Y��Y��be eapi�d.�c dra aptioa of Lsnd�er,if ma�tyy�e ins�uae�ti oovera�(iu tbe aesa�ut�nd far�e period .' <br /> , tirt i+ender iequira)Pru�'ided by a�inw��PPro+'ad bY i�de�r,qa�d br�pomes avaii�bb�ad is oDbinod:BorioMet dMl!�ay <br /> t6e�umi roquieed w m�inqin mo�tp�e imura�oe in effect,or w puvide a lo�c�aave.una'!the ra�uirea�nt fior aio�t�a,e � <br /> Inwonoa ends iQa000cd�ooe vrith�ay written�,gteement behvaen Borcower aa�!l.eoder or applic�bk Isw. <br /> , !.Irp�ctloa.�.aider or its sgmt mry m�te raa�on�bte aurks apan uid i�pec.tioos of tl�Pnopetty.Leoder sbaii�,ive� . <br /> ` �'$ornoMa aotice�t tbe time of or pria to an ia�pection specifYinB nasombte c�nse for the inspection. <br /> . l�.CaMda�mtiae..The p�0000ds of aoy award or ctaim for damages.din�or oonsequenttal. in ooro�ation with any . <br /> �d�n or oti�eer Wring of any part of tl�e Pmpaty.or for conveyanoe in lieu o�aaadaoonatiort,.a�e hen�g assi�ed aod - <br /> ahaU be p�id to Letder. . � . � ' , <br /> � In the evea�t of a Wfal tWCing of the Propefty,the proceeds stwU be applied to the sums socuird by this So�vrity tmtn�meot. <br /> � . • whetber or iat tlkn due,with any exaxs paid to BoROwer. In the evcat of a�rtial tatcing of the Property in whicb tUe fair , . <br /> . ttbticst v�iue of tbe Pmperty immediauety befae the taYing is a�ual to or g�ter than the ainoant of the sums securad 6y this <br /> . Securiry ituttumau inurodiately 6efore t6e tatdng,iwless Borrower and I�ader otl�erwise agc�ee in writing.the sams savred by <br /> ' tws 5ecurity I�utivmeat sh�l!be�oducod by tl�e 9awunt of the procoods multiplied by the following fnctioa: (a)the wnl_ <br /> �of the sums socu:ad immodi�tety before tLt talring,divided by(b)the fair market vaIue of ti�e Ptbpectyr immediatdy <br /> . beforc the taking. Am+balance shatl be paid to Bomnwer. In tde event of a partial taldng�of the Prqxrty in whicb the fair <br /> marlcet value of tbe Property immediatety befam the taldng is less tl�an the amount of the,sws�s soamed imroediatcty 6efore the <br /> Uking.unless BoROwer ud l,ender ag�e in artting 9r unl�ss applicable taw�otherwise provides:tbe proceeds st�atl <br /> b�applied to the sums se�uced by this Security Instrumeat whether or not ti�e sums are then due. <br /> - — . If ihe Pcupe�ty is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after uotice 6y Lender w Horrowec that tLe wnde�nnor offers to malce an : _-_--- <br /> award or settle a daim for damages, Borrower fa�s to c�espnnd to Lender within 3U days after the date tLe natice is givm, --� <br />' ----— l.ttwler is autlsori�tn coilact�d apply the its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sumc �.-``�- <br /> � • setured by t6is Savrity L�st�ument,whet8er or mt then due. � ' . , �_-� <br /> Uniess L.end�er and Borrower athcnwise agrec ia writing:any application of proceeds w pri�ipal shall not cxteod or , �-_ <br /> - --_ postpone the due date of the montWy payments referred to in Qaragrap�s 1 and 2 ar chaage the amount of such paymenu. �.�,-. <br /> -- = Il.Boreower Not Rdwsed;For6wmna By I.tnder Not a Watver.Exteasion of the time for payment or modification '°'�` <br /> ------- --- of artartization of the sums securod by Ehis Security Instrument granted by L�ender ta any successor in interest qf Borrower s1�aU _- `.-��y , _� <br /> �,��i��. <br /> �-...:. <br /> " ---""'y°-"'"�� not operate to release the liability of the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.I.ender shali not be required to •���: `%' <br /> commence proceadings against acry successor in Intcrest or refuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise modlfy amortiiation . '. ` �:�. <br /> �•;.�:�""'� � of the suras seaued 6y this Security Instrament by reason of any demand made by the original Bomower or Borrawer's ^��`�='°�:�-�- <br /> }�.�'.. :.r },:..;— <br /> snccessars in infer+est. My forbea�ance by i.ender in exercising any right or remedy_shal!aot be a waiver of or preclude the �:�. - <br /> _ � exercise of any rigi�t or cemedy. , � ,. . _:_:;�s� <br /> .�,.==r�- 12. Suocea�ors smil Asaigas Baand:]oint and Sevesal Usibility; Co-signets.,The an;enants and agneeinems of this ;�'�,�;; <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and 9��t the successors and assigns of Lender and Bacxm�c.r. subject to the pruvisions of y�r�.,���� <br /> �•:,-.. �' paragraph 17. Borrawer's covenants and agreementc shall be joiiit and sever�l. Any Horrower who co-sigas this Securiry �� <br /> , _...,. . _ <br /> �'=�" �'`z-� Instrument but does not eaecute the Nate: (a)is co-signing this Securify Ii�ctcd��7t a:dy to mortgage.grant and convey that .:=,,: <br /> _�,�•�r::: ' .,•.. . _.m <br /> a.<_,•;,:�•� u:.� �: Borrower's interest in tlie Property under the terms of this Secutity Instrum,�n�(b>is nat personally obligated to pay the sut�s . , __ <br /> ` �"'''•�� `� - secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c) that i.cnde�and-any other Borrower may a��to extend.modifjr,farT�ror ,. _ %� <br /> - ��:_.:: • .� - --- <br /> «,> . . .. . =�= <br /> -� ,� make any acrnmrnndations with regard to the term.s of this Security Instrument or the Note wizL��ut that Barrower's consent. , • - <br /> �.�-:•.,. • ���.�'.� <br /> =�,��•..�, ;>:.,;� , 13.Laa�n Cha�es.If the loan secured by this Security irutrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, -. . <br /> .""` '�• "�6i'; and that taw is finally;�nterpreted so that ihe interesE or other loan charges collected or to be collected in at�naection with the �=��`- <br /> � ` ��n r ""�� loan exceed the permiteed limits, then: (a)any such loan charge sha!{be reduc�d by the amaunt necessary to:aduce the charge ,��� <br /> �j' �;�<<'� � to the ptrmitted limit;and(b)any tiu�already callected from Boirower which exceeded pe?mitted limiu wi116e refunded to I � <br /> t;���''�� k <br /> � � Borrawer. Lender may choose to make thic refund by reduciag the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct �•:} ,�"�� <br /> :�' _ i'`.�^", [ . _ • <br /> ';`°;, �; � � payment to Borrower. If a refund reducec principal, the reductiun will be treated ar�a panial prepayment withoat any : <br /> ��;: <br /> •..,� . ,� � •:.+«;,., prepayment charge urFd�ihe Note. - . -.. ,,. . <br /> �..�t�`�;r`;Y 14.Notices.9r�y n3tice t�Borrower pmvided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing " ';�.`� <br /> =2r�'� f' it by ficst'c�3ss ma.�9 c:sless applicable faw require�use of anothermethod.The nmice+hall be dircxted[a the Property Address , •�+: <br />_ �;( ' r.r.- <br /> or any,���r ai�:ess Barrower designates by notice tc� Lender. Any noti�ce to Lender shall be given by fir�t class mail to �:.._ <br /> � �� l.ender's�;;3:�s s�a:ed herein or any ather addretis Lender designates by notice to Barrawer. Any nutice provided for in this - - - ' •_x%s: <br /> _. ___�'� • Secutity�,�c�e,�e�s s�ali be deemcd ta have becn given to Batmwer or Lender when g�ven as provided in this paragrtiph. - -.°: , -; _ <br /> 15.Governiag 1aw; 5everability. This Security Instrument shall bc govcma! by fedcral law and the law of the _ �_ <br /> __ � jurisdi�ion,in which cG�:Property'ss lacated. In the event that any pmvisinn pr clause ot thi.c Securiry Instrument ox the Note . . .;��' <br /> yr`'��•��'- canfli�swith a 1� � �;,'�,�'���:�+ <br /> ,,.�s,+�: pp'cab;e law.suc�,c�nflict shall not uffect nther provisions uf this Security lastrument or the Note which can be <br /> - '° given effect without the conflicting provisian.To this end the prodisions of this Security Instrument and the Note ate declared F� � -�_' '''"���� <br /> .; <br /> to be severabte. �. • <br /> 16.Borrower's Capy.Borrowcr shall bc given one a�nformcd copy.of'the i�otc and of this 5ccurity Instrument. • • • <br /> ��� fam 30Z8 9190 <br /> Pogo6ot6 . ,..-.: ... .•. <br /> — ' f',. <br /> '.wa'�'yr� f{T��;Y`u"ti,�,,. f' �:. ; ..���i",���;'��'#','� ;��� t _ .. .J�'�_, -_�...... ,1'�'. <br /> �..�w'.r•'�`"'�`.u•�i:.s�"...�`'�_v'c�.. �n' i. �:s- . - � <br /> - .:a�^° • <br /> --_ Yi,°.p�' �_�^r_ __ _.. � . .• . - . j7. � '`�,� �... ,. . . , ..... . . . . . <br /> ..+.1r��'a�"�r :,,n..��.�f:J1.)� R' �I -'.*��..- . . ' _ _ "_" _"_..._'_—____' _ <br /> ��',r. -Ys'.�':_ '. . �,6''c � tx,`.,�::-- . , . ._ , .. . <br /> 'it.„-'tati.-�%..`�i�:�:i+'.:'tii'+"'`�:� ��.�. i .: . .. � . . � . �• . <br />