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�. �t - �``w.,� ,�;-, R„f i ;~ ,. - , � . . _ ' ^— <br /> .� � � �� ;N, - .� -t.�.. <br /> ,., . <br /> �. r . ," <br />_._i .. . _. . �.r .. _ _ . <br /> t., _•: : <br /> � . . _,. _. _r._: . _ _ __- - <br /> , � . <br />;':. , , • ._ -- � <br /> :��...�. Y.� . � . � ` <br /> . . ,. , . - �9'4'- ��5� . <br /> !T.Tratdee�e A+opd'[y-or,a Be�tcW Iaterest in Bo�t�o�rer.If aU ar auty p�rt of the Pmperty or amf intE� in it <br /> is sold or transferted(or if a benefieial intercst iu Bormwer is sold or uansfetced etrd Bor[ower is uot a nawral per�oa)witI�ont <br /> Le�der's'prieR written consenc. [snder may. at its oqian. n immedi�te paymeat in full of all'sams secnred 6y this' <br /> � SeFurity Insanment.However.�his option sha11 aot be eaerc�by Lender if ptohibited by fedecal law as of the�due <br /> of tbis Socurity Ittswinent. � ' � � . � <br /> If�.endea exercises ihis option.Le�r s�ial!give Borrow�er notice of acoeteratio�1t�e notice shall provide a perial of not <br /> � I�ss than 3Q days from the date the notice is deliverrd ar.maited within which Borrower must pay all sums sxurod 6y this <br /> Sesurity Ir�sYrumept. If Borrower fails to pay these sums pri�r to the expiration of this periad.ixnder may invoke any rtme�dies <br /> pprmitted hyi this Socuriry' Instrument withouc futther natice or demand on Borrawer. , <br /> 18. Bore+u�e's Rig6t tP ��te. if Barrower meets certain co�tions. Borrower shatt have the right to.Bave� <br /> . enfamement of this Seniriry IaStnitneRt discontimied at any time prior to the eatli,r of: (a)S days tor such Qther period as � <br /> applicable taw may spocify far reinstatemertt)before sate of tfie PcopeKy pursuant to any gower of sale contained in this . - <br />_ • Security iiutrumenr,or(b)erttry of a jadgment eatbrcing this Security tnstrument.Those rnnditions are tt�at Borrower.(a)paYs <br />_- Lender a1Z sums which then wrauld be due urider this Socadty•lashument and the Note as if m acceleration had axumed;(b) <br /> - - — � cures any defauit of any other'covenar►ts or ag�eements;(c}pays all eapenses incurred in enfoming this Security InsWFnent, <br /> , inciuding,but not limiteti to. reasonable anomeys'fees:and(d)talces such actian as Lender may reaso�ably require to assi�ce <br />— that the lien of this Sesarity Instrument, LendePs rights in the Propetty and Borrower's obligation to pay the setms securedby . <br /> - Uus 5ecurity Instrianrnt shafl oantinue unchanged. Upon reinYtatement by Borrower, Uus Secvrity Insuument and �he <br />= obiigations secured hereby shall remain fuliy effective as if no aaelecaiion had occumed.However,this rig6t to reinstate shall <br />_' pat apply in the case of acreleration under paragra�h 17. . - <br />