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�: - �- - <br /> - .. . `,��:'=� .:i: - � � � _- =— <br /> . - �l� � � .....__ ,t_.. . .._. ---. -. _ <br /> . <br /> �- ..• • - _ - -_- - <br /> . _ , . S. . . ,i.� ,�. . . , y 4' . , .` . ., '- . � , <br /> �- - - � . � . . . _ . . � _ � . ;` �s : � . � � ' � � � � <br /> ` � ��� ar Iraeif�er�idea�a.+iie . <br /> S.:I�er�r l�+�etf`�aio�. Bara�+Mar�hiit loeep t�e i�a�remara`aow�q <br /> . l�m�a�y iiarrod�aidrt io�i by fue.�iactoded wLi�n the�erm"a�e�ded o�veia�e�+Nd trY��'�►�w�i <br /> 'Nooda or floodinj.�tor rrhich I.e�da reiluit�es i�ur�noe.Thi:inw�aooe sfial!be�rint�ed in tLe�oons aod fot the periqk <br /> � � t1�t i,+atder��squiaa.T6e imnr�aa c�rrjer prwidin�the insurer�oe a�ll be ctwsen by Banowor subject W L,eader's app�ovai <br /> . w6icp ahali not be wue�son�bly withheld. If Borrower fWs to m�ind�n coverage des��ribat.�lwve,.T�enda mry.Mt Leoder's � <br /> optto�i,obtaio covecaje to potat I�etder's tijhtsia tdt P[�upeRy in sucocdana�vn6 p�h 7. �� ° <br /> .Au Inw�+1x pdici�ma cs�vi+�ts se.0 be.caeptabk co I.e�da aod sb.n iach,�oaana mnrt�age`cl�e.r.a�tu <br /> . <shfU Mre flm siaht to hoid the pol'icies atd i+ena►r�ts.If i.eMtr riequirrs,BoROw+er slWl PnoanptlY�'e to t.eades,ail teoapts of , <br /> . W�P��md rese�v�l notia.s.Ia the evtal of to�c.Borrowet sh1U Eive pevmpt mtiae W tLe imataooe c�rriec tnd Laxkr. . - . <br /> . 'L,eoder m�y m�lce prooF of Ioas if aot m�de P���Y bY�• . � . <br /> � Udeas I�rnder�rd Homu�ver ot6awise aaeee ia wrritiva,imaranoe ptocseds aM116e applied ta tptonKioa or t�tr of the <br /> PtropatY�ed.if the�tion or�spair is ev000micallY few'bl�md Lmder's axurity is mt kssa�ed.If the rata�tioo'or <br /> �r is'not eooaomiatly feas�'ble or I�eoder's sxority�vauW be lessa�od,'tbe imur�mce puceed3 sM116e appliod w the s�un�t , <br /> secarad by this Securiry itaNtumant. wbether Qr not tLw dne.witb�ay exoess pdd m.Bano�rer.If BortoMa�6�ndons the : <br /> Pmpe�ty,or does aat�er witLin 30 d�ys a noticx fmm I.ender th�e the insutanoe carrier hzs affe�d w satle s elaim,tbea . <br /> � I.ender rmy oollect ihe insunnoe pr0000ds. I+ada mry nse the pcnomds w npiir or nstae the Property'or W psy sunis . <br /> ' sa�red by this Seatrity Insdvaiax,wbdher or'mt t6�m ttue.The 30�day period w�l ixgin.wbea tbe uotioa is g�ven- <br /> . , Unless La�der and Borrower otlkrwise�ne in writiug.anY tpWic�tioa of proceeds to principai shaU dot <br /> � postpone tlx due d�te of the monthlY psyme�s zefaTed to in paaagr�hs 1 and 2 or d�ge We amoa�'of the Qtymeats.If _ <br /> qn3er p�ph 21 We��operty is auquitad by Lender,Botmwa's right W any i�anoe polieies an�!prooeeds nsaltt�fmm <br /> danage to the Prope�ty prior m tlie aequisit�oe s6aU pasc to Lender W tt�e eata�t of the su�s sa�sed by this.Savrity�CUmmt <br /> - imrt�odiatdy prior w tbe acquisiuon. . � ' . . � <br /> 6.Qoo�s Yt�evation.Matate�oce aed Ptotectbn d tl�e Pk�opertr;Eorrowe�s I.o�a Ap�liatio�I�e6o1�. <br /> Bor�wer sl�tt uavpy.estal�lish.and use the Property as Bo�rowe�s principnl res�enoe within sixty days aRer tbe execatioa of <br /> this Savrity lnunuoent azd shall wntimu w oocapy the Prupetty as BormwePs princip�l resideooe.far at tdst one yeu after <br /> . tbe date af occup�ocq.ndess I.wder otherwise agrxs in writing.wliich consa►t s6aU not be unnasoaably withMdd,or tmless , <br /> extenuating �eacist which an.beyond Borrawer's oo�ol. Bor�awer sHall not dtstmy, damage or impair the , <br />- Yroperty,allow the Pruperty to deteriotate.or commit waste�on the Pmpeety. Borrower shal!be in defsnit if any forFeidue <br /> a�tion or ptnoeeding,vrhdBer civil pr criminal,i's begun tt�at in Lerxkr's good faith judgment could result in t'orfe�tun of tLe <br /> Ptnperty or dhetwise materially impair the lien created by this Security liutn�ment or L'end�s's socurity inte�st.$orrower may <br /> cure such a defanit and rei�tate,as pnovided in paragrapb 18,by cwsing the action ar procooding to be dismissai with a niliu� <br /> that, in�Leoder's gc�od Taith determirntion. prxludes forfeitu:e of the Bomnwer's intenst in the Ptope�ty at s�ther a�ateria! <br /> •��• ` impairment of the lien created by this Security Iastcumeat or Lender's socur�ry interest. �orrower shall aLsa[3e in defau[t if <br /> .f . �Boriuwer,during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaa;urate infom�ation os statanems to 5�eiider(or failed • � <br /> °��`�=ic�y'� m provide Lender with any material iAf'om�atioa)ia connection with the loan evidencod by the Note.including.,but twt limited <br /> Y--`�``-�``�'" to,representations wnceming Borrower's occupancy of tl�e Property as a principal nsidence.lf this Security Insauaxnt is on a <br /> '_`.... ....:..:. . <br /> •;�;�;�,:: ;•,�,..`•�. leasehold, Borrower shaU oomply with all the provisions af the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the <br /> ���;;�".=' • leasehold and the fec title shall not merge unless[.eader agrees to the merger in writing. ' <br /> :..�.�:- � ` 7.Prntectlon of L�ende�'s Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covetiants ancl agreemencs oontained in — <br /> ��-"-�•� � � - `�-�:.�, this Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may signifrcantly affect l.ender's righu in th�Property (sucb as a <br /> . ,,z��r.. . <br /> -��°�"==` �'='�`�''' proceeding in 6ankruptcy,probate.for wndemnation or fodeiture ar to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do a e r f i <br /> j z�'^���}�< ''�'"�-' pay for whatever is e�ecessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. I:ender's actions,may� � -- <br />_ �?,,,�,4r=•`- _:` PaY S Y P� Y Y PP� 8 <br /> .;-ft._L,; , include m an sums secvred by a tien which has norit over this Securit lnstrument, a n in court, payiag _ <br /> ,-�F , • rqsonable attomeys fees and entedng on the Propeny to make repairs.Althaugh Lender may take action under this paiagrapb = <br /> : �"� , . •»=. 7.l.ender does nat have to do so. = <br /> ''-�- : '' Any amounts disbursed bry Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _ <br /> . ,.. ;;. <br />`.:;; `-;%��; � � ; . Security lnstntment. Unless Borcower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment,these amaunts shall bear interest from the _ <br />.;;;;� '''��`f{�}" <• • dat'e of disbursement at the hote rate and shall be payabte, with interest, upon notice fram I.ender to Borrower requesting =_ <br /> ;, , OaYmmt. = <br /> � _!' . ' 8.Mortg,age Insuratke.If LetMer required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secured by this Secerity. - <br /> ` �`' �� Instn�ment. Bmae�awer shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. ii. for any reason, the �' <br />.. ��r� : _' mo�tgage issscrai�ce coverage required by l.ender tapses or ceases to be in effect,,Borrower shall pay the premiums required ta � <br /> :_ '. � cL�ain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previouslj+in ef�ect,at a a�tit substantially equivalent to the f <br /> .�';�:: �ry • o�st to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in eifect, from an altemate mortgage insurer upproved by Lender.if <br /> * �•;;. :. , -:; ,1�, substantially equivalem mortgage insurance coverage is not available.BaROwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum eqnal to <br /> ���� �'��� �" t one-twelfth of the earl mort a � <br /> �J,,,�;,•�,��w„r y y g ge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to t_ <br />: �'+��-'=;y�;:;.�- be in effect.l.ender wilt accept,use and retain these payments as a iass reserve in tieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve <br /> ��,,;r�,.•:,�,,���_;,� . <br />- '�:y ,�1$ Form 3028 9180 - <br /> _ ` E'r �«�eaofe s;�: <br /> . . .. 4r' <br /> P <br /> _ _ � <br /> _ ° j. <br /> .._ •vsyr+r�+� E�.. <br /> , +� - ._ . i . _ _' �' � ' . . ` , �y 1�1 .tf- � y,,.._..• .� r .---�-_ ,..�..�.rt '- —�-y� . <br /> r=}f•F�� i .. _ . , i: - !]1p.'k�ii{�_; ',J':'•e•.•..• '. . � ... . <br /> _ . _ . � � � . _ . . � :.f.arof"" 'F w.r.-.s.:t-.�.:.e. ..:w _.._ ._. . <br /> � .,. . <br /> :.--.. . . . . , .. . . - - �- - � - --. . . .. . . _ . . <br /> ----- - "``'�^_=_ . .. . ', - - - - . ' . , . �... . . . - _ . ._ . � . . , � - • - - ' . . . - . . <br /> �— — - - ' a�� .'�. . ' .. —�--. . ..,_:� .. ,,.4a�k�*. -.: �...'�'��� ' .� . _ _�_ <br /> -} '- ' ' . ' . . • • . . -• '.'.^'�,4.'.t�' '�rrix`�t^.y .. . - .. .. <br /> �'�5r,�„_. s . .' ' . . '. � ' . ",ry,y.';:7. ,��y ' '� .. . . ' . <br /> ��co�j�;e-i�'=�:.,.`_ � . - c.. ' . , ,. •'s . . ` • . <br /> -__' '"t�"_'�f0.K�.. . .. '�, i�j�� f"�31/��;'} 1'�_ . . . <br /> _ _r. —...- , . . . . , . . ._..�"t.P!'t_ , i'�^dr: � . .. . <br />