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;.„.� . - " --- <br /> :.- �:,,.� - , ,. - <br />. �= . - . _��= __- <br /> s;�� _ . <br /> ._... _ ,_._... <br /> � --- _ _ � __ - - . .- —— — _ _ -- -- --- , <br /> . � � . '�4 ,1001i4 . <br /> � . . . . _ ._ ., - . _. ._ <br /> ; . � .. <br /> � � �a�,,�aa�: �������,�,��y�,�;�x m,.�ea� �: � . . <br /> r app�ovd MhiCb sMli rpt fJC Inreasat�lbly wtt6lfeid. 1f Sacrorrer fWs w pmm�'o oovenae descdbed above.l.Gndet , <br /> - ' i�.es�dettc`option.cbt�n awe�sae 1�prolect Ireoder�s na61s in d�e l�n�paty in�coo�danoe w6th p�nrgapit 7. , � <br /> � •All inwanct poiicies md teoewi�ts sbs116e aooept�bk to Le�der�shait inciude s standud matgagt c1�sc.Ire,oder ' <br /> . siwll ha�e the ri�,6t to 6oW the padicies�nd renew�is. I�I.a�der e�equtiss.Bortov�er siW!promptly give to Lender at!�eoeipts <br /> � �P�P���m�s an��enewai notioes. [n the event of 1oss.Borrowa si�aif give qompt naeict,�tLe insivance canier and� <br /> � t.ender. l.euder may m�ice proof of las4 if not m�de PmmP�y bY B�� � , <br /> ' Uniess t�ender md Bomovrer o�e�wise agroe in writiagc iasar�u�ce pocexds slnil bt`applied to testacation ar iepair af <br /> Wt Ptu�ecty daenaged,if tha�estaratiai or�ir is eco�Uy feasiMe snd l.t�dera sa�urity is ane�d.��If the • <br /> ` tata�an a tepair is nat e�oaomically tps�ie�or Lender's sx�oriry would be kssa�ed.ihe ins�uaoce pmceods shall be , <br /> ippt+ed to tfie sums secuted by this Savrity inmumen4 what�er or aot then du�with any eaoas p�id to Bamwes. It . <br /> � &xmwa'aba�duas tLe does aot at�swer witnin 30 days a oatice fn�m l�ender tit�t the inc�.�.�ptrier ins <br /> offened to seuk a e1Lm.then Leoder ma�coltect the inwrnnce proaod.c. Lender rtuy use the p�acads w�epair a crs4os�e , <br /> tAc Ptopetty a to pay soms secured hy th�s Security Tnswma�t.wbetl�er or not tlxn due. '[be 30�day period w�l begin whea <br /> the notioe is given. � � . <br /> Uotess t.andec aad Barnwer athe�w[sa agroe in writirtg;any application of p�+uceeds to prirc�pat shall not extend a� <br /> pnstpnne,the due date of We monW1Y WY�iefemed to in pang�aphs 1 ux12 a changG the�inwunt of the paymaus. tf ' <br /> under parngaph 21.the�Ptope�ty is acquired by Lender.Bortower�s right to any i�surance policies aid pcv�.^a�ds nsoltrng . <br /> fiom dunage to the Ptope�ty prior to the aa�uisitioo shall paa to t.ender ta the extent af tbe swas secu�ed by t6is Seettrity <br /> Insttuntent immediauely prior to t1�acquisition. <br /> i. OioaePaac9, Pre�ervatioo. Msieteessoe aad Pratecdoa of We Praptrty: Bomo�rer's t.oas Appliattlas; <br /> 1�aeMo1$► Borsower st�U accupy.estabt3sb.zu�d ase tbe Ptnperty es Barowa's principal t�es'idence withiie sisty days afteir <br /> . the eaavtion of this Secariry Iamua�ent and sl�Il continne to ooaipyr the Propetty as Barowtr's prircipai.�csiderx�e far at -- <br /> least one yar after the date of occupancy. unless L,ender otheiwise agrees in writing, which consent sbaq not lie <br /> � wueasaiably withheW.or nnkss extenuatorg eincumstances exist wlucb aze beyaid Bormwa�s conttoL Bomower shall nat ' <br /> destroy,dtinage or impair the Ptopaty,atlow tde Prope�ty to deteriaate.a canmit waste on ttu Prope�ty. Borrower shall. <br /> be in defwlt if ans forfeiture action or phnoeeding.whether civil or b�gun that in LendetIs good faith judgn�ent <br /> could nesult in forfeiture of the Ptnperty or aliervvise materially impair the lien cneated by this Security l�swment ar <br /> tender's security interest. Borrower may c�ut sucb a default_and provided in paragaph 1 causing the actian <br /> _ or proceoding to be dismissed with a ruling tha�in Lender!s good faith dete:minafion,precludes forfeinue of Uie Bomawer�s <br /> intet�st in the Ptnpeity or other material impairment of the Len created by this Security [nstrument aar Lender�s security . -- <br /> interes� Bocrower sha11 also be in default if Borrower. during tde loan apPlication process.gave materiaUy false or — <br /> maccuratt information or�tatements to Lender(oo faited to piovide I.eader with any materia�infarmatian)in oonnection wiW -- <br /> the loan evidenced by the Nae;including.but riot limited to, rept+esentations conceming$orrower's otcupancy of the ; , =. <br /> Ptaperty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all the pmvisions __ <br /> of the kase. If Bortower�cquires fee tiUe to the Pnaperty.the leasehold and the fee title shall noe merge unless l.ender agnees <br /> to the merger in writing. — <br /> 7. Pr+otectba ot LendeiPs 1lights ln tAe Property. If Borrower fails to perfarm the covenants and agreemeats — <br /> contained'm this Security 1nsUUment,os tl�ne is a fegal praceeding that may sigaifcantly affect Lender's Agt�ts in tbe . -- <br /> ; Pmperty(sach as a proceeding in banktuptcy.prabate,for condemnation or forfeituce ar to enforce taws or regalations).then' =--_ <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to p[otect the value of the Property and Lender's•dbttts in t6e Rope�ty. -_ <br /> Lender's acsions may inctude paying any sums se.cured by a lien which has prionty over this Security In.etntmen�appearing ��,'�- <br /> in caut.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering an the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action . <br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. <br /> Anv amounu disbu�sed by Lender under this paragraph,7 sfiall become additional de6t of Borrower secured by this ' °� <br /> Securiry lnstrumen� Untess Borrower and l.cnder agree to other terms of paymcnt.the�e amounts shall bcar interest from the �j;;,;^,, <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and,hall be payaAtc,with intetest.upcm notice from Lender to Borrower rrquesting fi;��it <br /> payment. � <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurana. lf l.ender requireA martgage incurance a�s a candition of making the loan secured by thi�s � , . <br /> Security Toctrurtten�Borrower shal)pay the premiurtn reyuired to maintain the martgage insuranr,e in effec� If,for any <br /> reason. the mortgage iasura�ce wveras�: �equired by l.ender lap�es or cea�es to be in effec�. Somawer shaU pay the <br /> premiums mquimd ta obtain caverage sub�tantiaBy eyuivafent to the mortgage in+urance pre�i�u.tty in effect, at a cost _.. <br /> sobstantialty equivalent to the cost to Borrow•er af the mortgage insurunce previou�ly in effec�from an altemat�mortgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If tiulntamially equivalent mortgaae insurance caverage is not available.Barroa•er si�all pay to <br /> Lender eact�cr�onth a sum e�ual to one-twelfth oi the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Botrower when the R , <br /> insurance�x�i�rage lapsed ot ceased taL�e in effect. I.ender will aeuep�„use:u�d retain the+e payments ati a loss reserve in lieu �� . <br /> of mort�,�surance. Loss reserve psyments may no longer b�roquired,vt the uption af Lender.if mortgage insurance j . <br /> �verage(�n the amoitnt and for thc period that Lendcr reyuirec)pci�vided by an iawrcr approved by Lender again beeomes : <br /> s,vailable and is obta'med.Borrower.shall pay the premiums reyuircd to maintain mortgage in�ursnce in cffect.or to provide a <br /> toss reselve,nntil the Trquirement for martgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower ,. <br /> and l.end�.r.ed applicable law. . ` <br /> 9. 15�Ueetba. Lender or its a�t may malce�ea�onable entries upon and in�pectionc of the Pmperty. L.ender shall <br /> give Banu���,�r notice at the time of or ptior to an inspection specifying re:tsonable cau+e far the inspection. �� <br /> , IO Condemnatlmt. The procecdc of any award or claim for damages,direct or connection with.any � . <br /> Singk Frmily--Fasek Nx/iYcddk Mac Cti1kORH I�STRUNEtiT•-UniformCovma�tc !!!� I�Ltr 3�J6 pn.qr.0 • <br /> � ' Qcx I�u eae�es Fa�s hc.■ ' .' ' <br /> , ' , ToOMs�t,lIOG63693lb 0 YAX 81679b11�1 <br /> ` �: <br /> _ , . . . _ . . t._ ,. <br /> . , . , <br /> � . ._------ - , . �, <br /> _� I. . ..- .f i:',,' . ,' '; . - . _ _:�:' ql:`. "... ' '.'', _� i ' . . <br /> -- i�e�� ��:� !� <br /> `Kr�T�,1��S�L1i'+`y r -._ '.-�' ;`F 'I, '���3�.�+'�'`.*,r „ " -. <br /> -`� "�`�—_ � �.,�..�. � ;`�� . . . .�`.t� .�, <br /> - -� �r►,.wiG'° . �::�6m+:s�,..=.r.. ,....iw..i,..�.._- <br /> T ti � <br /> .- . -- . . . "w�' � . . <br /> --__ - . . . -- <br /> •-• ,.. . .. . <br /> --------w_"u.�'_:;::, . . . . . . r•f. , _ . , •� . . � <br /> --_---`zn:t. ,—„—_.._. -- _` - __ � .._ . . .. -"---' - - - - -�. ----'-. _ � _ -: - . . . . . .. - <br />