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<br /> . , oaodd�nttion vr aheitatia���ny qet of die Fiopeety:a far caavey�nce en lie�of o�r+4en�tiao.a�e�fiY assi�aed nd ; ' `4
<br /> . t�iall be pid to Ls�der. � � .
<br /> � In the erait of a toW takina d the Ptape�ty.the pocaeds s6�li be�plied W tlre woes�ruied by Ibis Seci�city
<br /> . tesaummt.w�r ar not dKn due,vritb�ay excess p�id to Bamwer. In 1he event of a pxtiai t�lcing of d�e PmpertY.iu
<br /> . whicb tLe fair mul�et value of t`hr Ptnpe�ty immaliateiy befaoe"the ukiag is eqW�t to or gtr�er tlia�the smaunt d the'su�ns
<br /> secu�ed by this 5ecuricy Instrument imrnediatety beforc the Wuna.unkss Bqmwer arrd t:ender�tuiwise sg�in writin� •
<br /> tdq sums seciued by t4is 5ecuritY tnsuµateot sha11 be reduced by tE�e Art�ount af t6e pt�nceeds multiplied by t!�fulbwing
<br /> , fia�iar. ls)the taal�of tt+e su�secut+ed immediaoety brfae the takin8.divided by.tbl the tsir nwket v�lue af the
<br /> � �PMY!�ZY befate the t�fcing.�-AiiY 6slance shalt 8c pa�w Boauvvet !a tlie twmi of a paaial taking o[the ,
<br /> Ptopertg u�which tbe fair marfcst value of tLe Pmperty immodi�tely befat the taking is iess thaa tbc a�twent of ti�e sums
<br /> se�wtd immediatety�efot�e the qlcing, unkss 8ari»wer aod l.endei aherwise agtoe in writmg a unkss apptica6k lav�
<br /> a�6e�w�ise p�avides.die proceods shall ht applied to the sums seru�by this Security Inswment whetbe�or not tha sums an
<br /> ti�eadue. �� . ; -
<br /> If the Ptnpesty is ab�odo�ed by Barovrer..a if,zfta notice by 1reMer to HoROwer dtu�he caxkmnor ofCeYS m m�ice
<br /> � an awaM,or senie a claim far denages,Barowa faits w r+espond to Lend�t within 30 days aftu the date the natice is givea,
<br />' l,ender is a�nharized w colbct aad�ply the procx�Eds.at ifs optan.either to�ian ar itpair_of the Propaty or to the
<br /> sums securcd by d�is Securiry L�sonanau,a6e�heror not tLrn due. , �. � ,
<br /> 45
<br /> �Unlas_l.ender aad Bormwer othecwise agnee in w[iting,uty appiication of pmcecdc to principal shali not extend or
<br /> postpoae t6e due datt of th�monthly psymertts refe�sed w in p�ragraphs l aud 2 or changt tbe a�swunt af s�ch payuia�ts.
<br /> 11. BasraRSr Net R�eld�std; Forbeara� By I.erdmr Nat a Waive�: �actension of the wne for paymeM or
<br /> mod'fficatioa of amocd�tion af the sums suut+ed by this Secutiry h�swment g�aoted by Lender m any successor in inte�est
<br /> of Bomnwer sball not apeata to�se the liabiliry of the origi��al Bonuwer ar DarrovWer's sucaessors in iMecat.l�erder
<br /> s6�U aa 6e iequtrcd to cammence pruceed'mgs against any�c�ssor in interest ar refuse tq extend time for paYmen!w
<br /> ot�[�vise modifyr amortiiadon of tfie sums�6y this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand made by tlx ori8�nal
<br /> � Bonower or Borrnwer�s successors in interesT.- Any forbea�ance hy Lender in exencising any right or�emedy sdall not 6e a ,
<br /> ' waiver af or pxlude t6e exercise of a�ry rigM or�y. ' � .
<br /> 12. S�eees+ors a�d Ass�s Bamd:Jdnt apd Severnl i.iability;C,o�s�e�s. 'I1je covenants�nd ag�eementc of this
<br /> Savriry instnw�enc s6aU bind aad benefit tl�s�icoesso�s aqd.assignc of lander and Borrower.subjxt to the p�ovisions of
<br /> parageaph 17.BoctvR-er�s wveuaats and agreemer►ts.shal!be�joint and several.My Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> tns�oanent 6ut do�s auE exxute 3�ae;Vote: (a)is co-sigaing:this"Security Instrument only to mortgage.pant and canve�that
<br /> Boaa�cer�s uitetisa r�iihe Proper[yr under thc temis of this Seciinfj�Instnunen� Eb)is no[personally obligated w pay t6e svms
<br /> sec�md 6y this , :.:,..#t}L�sd�umenfi and(c�'ag�es,that I.ertder and any ott�er Bortower may agree to extend.madify.fot6ear
<br /> or malce an aa�iix�riu�ations wit6 re to:t�ie..tetm.c af ttu`s.Secariry In.�nt or tl�e Note without that Bartower�s
<br /> Y ��
<br /> ,,�.:.._.;.., ��•..-r:,.- �.:.•:: :
<br /> Cuf� .. ,,. ...•. ,
<br /> '� �.�. If the.loan secured by this S�cucity Ynsuument is subject to a law which se[s m�ximum loan
<br />: ' ch�,�and thaf iaaris finally uite�preted so that the interest or otl�er loan charges collected or to 6e calJecced in cannection
<br /> vrit.��fe loan baceed the permitt�d limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shalt be mduced by tlie amount nccestiary to iedua
<br /> the charge to the permitted limiC and(b)any sums already collected from Bormwer which exceeded pem►�ued limiu wil!be
<br /> ` refunded to Bortower. l.ender may choose to matce this refund by mAueing the prineipal owed under the Note ar by making a
<br /> direct payment to Bamnwer. If a refund reduces ptincipal.the ieducrion will be ueated as a partial prepayment without any .
<br /> prepayment charge uader the No[e.
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice to Barrower pro�ided for in this Security Instrument sha55 be given by detivering it or by
<br /> mailing it 6y first cta.cs mail untess applicable law rcquires use of another method.The notior shal!be d"uected to the Pmperty
<br /> � Address ur any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shali 6e pven by first class
<br /> mail ta Lender F address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by nutice to Bonower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or I.ender when given as provided 'm this
<br /> ParaBraPh•
<br /> ' IS. Governing Law;Severibiltty. This$ecurity Instrument shall be govemcd by fcderal law and tfic law of the
<br /> jurisdictian ia which t1�e Property is Incated. l�the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the 1Vate
<br /> conflicts with applirable 1aw,such conflict xhal!not affect other provisioac of this Security Inslrument ar the Note whieh can
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provi�ions of this Security Instrument and the Note ate
<br /> declared to be severable. �. . ,
<br /> 16�. BaTOwer's Copy. Bairu�cr shall be given ane cant'armed copy of the Note and of this Security;lnmumena. �
<br /> 1T. 71rae�er a�t6e Properl3 or�BeneTicial Interest[a BotTOVrer. If ali or any part of the Property or any i�rten�t in .
<br /> ii is sold or transfetred(ar if a 6eneficial interest in Bomower is wld or trancferred and Borrower is�at a natural person) •
<br /> withont l.enderk prior written consem.Lender may,at its bption,require immediate paymem in ful�uf a;�sums secured by
<br /> this Stvuriry lnswmen� However,this option shall not bc exercised by Lender if exercise�s prohib�u��federal law as of
<br /> thedate of this Security Instnunent. ��
<br /> �f Lender exe�ises this.optian.Lender shall give Bo�towec aotice of acceleratiun. The notice cliatt provide a period of
<br /> not kss than 30daysfrom the date the aatice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ail sums secured by this
<br /> • Securiry Instrument. if Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,t.eroder may invoke ariy
<br /> remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument without further notice ar demand an Borrowrr. �
<br /> l� Borrower'a Ria6t to Reinstata If Borrower meets certain canditions. Borrower�hatl T�:ve the right to have
<br /> enfacement of this Security Instrument dixcontinued at Any time prior to the earlier of: (a3 5 days(or such other period as
<br /> Singkfimily--Fa��iel�isdl�itdAkllfacil�IFpRHItiS"[itU�1F.NT-•llaRarmCavcnanu !1'!� (puge4oJbprtRa!
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