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<br /> - . '�10(3Ei�ifil7'H�uie impaMe�eels ac..ar�aiec�+d a�16e pu�peity.�e�e�N,aPp�iearoe�, � , ` .
<br /> aod t�es no�r a�enaAer s p�t,ot t9e peupaty. AU api��d�d�lltior�1 alw 6a coMa�ed bp pis Seearity
<br /> Init�me�t. M a[�ie fan�oiM is�eiaied oo a��is 5ea�iyr L�e�t a�tMe"Pf�opetiy . <. , , .
<br /> • BtKtR�WER QOiHFNANiB,th�t Bard�na i�IawfuD�r xved d me dwe liaehg ooaveyed a�d La�dK ri�bt eo�et .
<br /> .' iodcmvey�tbe�rape�ty�t�t ie Peopaty is meaamb��apt far.eocoimb�eces af teoasl. Banower Raiaoe�aed _
<br /> � , �Il defead�Oa�lly ihe titie to t�e,PyopatY a�et all claims ad de�ds.w6ject to any eac�aea`s of cixad. ` . <
<br /> • TfDS SEC[iR1TY YIVStRUMENT aomtiiaes aeifa�m �fa mt�use aod pQQ-unifam covin�oa,�
<br /> l�ioed v�i�tlaos bg j�n:�o t�o�e a�mifamv�oity i�cuomeotcove�iagnai pcqp�tY. . _ . __ _ �.
<br /> ` ' [JI�IE�RM C�OYENANTS.�Baem��rera�I�eodet oovenant and agee as fq�ia�rx ,
<br />' 1. l�at rth�etrl+wd L�eers�lre�?�ea!a■i�Lw�e Cre�e� Ba�mwa a6�tt P�'�l�Y�Y whee�e tbe �
<br /> �prmcipai'of aod"mmest aa the de6t evideaced byt6e Noto aod anY P�P�Y�aod laoe c6�rge;due uoder d�e Nuie..
<br /> � 2. Pl�i�i�r��d Lwr� Subjat w appiics�le ls�v ar to a wriu�a�vaiver by I.eaiie�Bm�u�ver sbaIlpay t� ' ' ,
<br /> Ir�d�m fse dry mooH►iq paYmaota m due nm0er die No�na�il dfe Nac i�pdd in iWi.a aum("Faods')M:ta)7�Y
<br /> tues aad as�o�ts arbictt m�y atqw p�ionty aver ibis Security Iasua�oeat is a lien ee�e Ptapd�ty;(b)yeady Iea�oid
<br />' paymeats ae p��od eaw aa 16e Prupaty, if aay; (c)9+�Y�a P�P�9�P��+(�Y�Y�
<br /> iasu�ooe�emiun�.if anY: (�1 y�Y��P�•if mY+aod(�m3►s�ns PaJ�ble bY Bmara to
<br /> Leoder,�avca�d�noe with tbe p�uvisia�s of par�rapD S.in liw of the payment of mortg�ge iasurance pc�eadua�s.�'lbese
<br /> it�ms m eatled"Ecaow Items." L,a�dec rosy.at any 6mG collecx and bold Ei�s in an amount aot to exeeed t6e�ma�umaaa
<br />� amoant a kuder fa a f�daalty eelated matgage toao may ceqoi�e fa Bamwds escmw aaea�at mder We feAer�l Real
<br /> E�Setfkaa�eot Ptoaedu�es Act of 1974 ac ameoded from time to time.l2 i7.S.C.§2601 et saq.("�iESPA9.tmkss�mother
<br /> la�v d�aE�pplies to 16e Fvnds seCs s ksse�anw�mt. If s0.I.eadet muy,at aay time,coibct md hold E'ttods in ao amau�nat to
<br /> e�oceea rhe res��mouat. Lader may est;maoe me amoant�Rmds aac on rbe ba�sis of cu�c aaa ana n�oaable
<br /> e�of expea�daes af futune Fscmw Items a attr�rise in accad�nx with applica6ln Iaw
<br /> � 17�e Iimds sh�116e held in an iactitu6ao whose depusit4 ane ias�ued 6y a federal age�cy.iacdtun�tAlity.or eraity .
<br /> ('mcludiog I:ender,if L�der is such an ins�iaaon)or ia aay F�ederal Hane t.oaw Baot. 'i.enckr sl�all apply d,e Fmds w pay
<br /> We Escrow�Iua�s. L�ender may not cda�ge Bamwet fot laWing wd app7Ying tbe Fiinds,am�aalIy amly�n6 ttie esqmw
<br /> xcamt,ot�fjria8 the Bscmw Ior�s:`anless Lende,c pays BaQOwet intarst on•the�i�ds�nd applic�bk hw petmits
<br /> I.eacler w make soch a ci�rge. Hawever,L.cnder may i+cquine Boimwa w pay a oaertime charge fa an independent aal
<br /> estate tax npoRing secviax uised by Lenddr in cun�nn aith this loan,nnless a�plipble law pcovides Ml�rwise. Unbss an
<br /> a�amont is made or app�"+cable taw roquues intdest¢r,i1�e paud.I.endei s1�aD not Le�equired to pay Bortnwer aay intercst or '
<br /> eamings an the Fvnds. Boimwer and Lender may agn�e.in rvriting,I�awever.tl�at mte�est sball 6e paid on the F�nds. Lender •
<br /> s1�aU give w Borrawer,without charge.an aanaal ac�conuting of the Fcmds,showiag cndits and debits w tLe Fimds aad the . .
<br /> pucpose far which each debit to the}i�nds was mad� 3'he Famds are ptedged as additional sec�uiry for all s�s secu[ed by
<br /> ., this Security Insttvmeni .
<br /> If the Punds hetd by Leader excad tbe-am�is pem�itted to be�hetd by applica6le taw, I.erxkr shal!accaaat to "
<br /> �oeuwex for the txcess Fands in accadance wit6 tise tequuemeats csf applicable law. If the�nauat of the Ftimds held b�y
<br /> Lender�,a�y time is not sufficient to paY the Escrow Items a�e�t due,I.ender may so aoti.fg�omower ia wri6ng,and.�a ..
<br /> socti rasc Boirower shaU pay to l.ender t6e amo�tit necessary':tia�ake ap tbe defrcieac�°::��nrmwer shall malre up t�. i
<br /> de8cie�m no more than twelve monthiy paymcnts�ai Lender's sc�1�discrdion. � •• . ,, ,
<br /> Upoa paymem in fuU of aU sums secured Dy[his Security Instrmment.Lea�ar s6a1!panmptly iefund to Botrower any � ,
<br /> Funds held by Lender If.under paragraph 21,Lea�er shall acquire or sell tlae Pa�vperty,Lender.prior to the xquisidon or
<br /> sate of the Pmperty,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of xqui�ition or salc as a credit agaiast the sums �1
<br /> sscured�by this Securiry Instrument
<br /> 3 Applk;ation of Pbyments. Unless applicable law pror7des othe�wise,a11 payments ieceived by Lender uackr
<br /> paragrapds 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pcepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payab2e under
<br /> patagraph 2;third.to intenst due:fourth.to principal due:and last,ta any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. C6aeges;Idea9. Borrower shall pay all wxes,assessments,charges.fines and impositions atm'hutable w the
<br /> Pmptfty which may attaia priority over this Security Insuumeat,and teasehold payments ar ground mats,i€ainy. Boaower
<br /> shall pay these obllgadons in ihe manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower st�a}�pay them a*�
<br /> tnne dirixdy to the perscm owed paymen� Bomower shall promptly fi�mish to Lender ali nouces of aaEOnnts to be paid un{x:•r
<br /> this paragraph. If Bonower malces itiese payments directty,Borrower shall promptly fu�is"s 2o E:ender receiQts evideneing ;
<br /> tbt payments. , .
<br /> Botrower shaA pro�ptly discharge any lien w�i�ich has prioriry over this 5ecuriry Inc��;t unless Ba��s+.�r:(a)agrees
<br /> � in writing to the payment oP the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lendes;(b)contests i:�good faith the �
<br /> lien by.oc defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to pnevent t[re .
<br /> enfoc�em�of the lien;or(c)scc�res fmm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfxtory to Lender subordinating the tie�, .�
<br /> to this Se�rrzty Inswmen� If l.ender deter�mi�tes ttraa any patt of ttte Property is subject to a lien which may attain priori�
<br /> ovet tt�s Se�urity Instrumen�Lender may give Bc��u�er a notice idenNfying the lien. Barrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> '��ne or more of the actions set forth above within 1Q�.�ys of the giving of aodce. '
<br /> ' ,5. HasaM or Property I�ueaoa. Boaower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on t�
<br /> Pmperty msuied against Ioss by fire.hazards ineiuded within the tem�"extended wverage"and any other ha7ardc,includ"ua,�
<br /> floods or tlooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shail 6e maintained in tt�e amounts and for the -
<br /> Fs3� !Y!� IDn�r2oJ6pagesl
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