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<br />� � . ap�ov�l�h�.0 aut a.wre�o..et�wk�ea, ff so«owee r�il.a m�a c�r�a/e ae�6ea.bove. ,l:�d�mq►,�t
<br /> t.enaerti opeioe,a6ain covei,ye to p�olea LmdR'�rS�w ia d�e Pnop�ety io.cooia.Aa w;d�pr��raph?. . , ,
<br /> All baue�.�e poUcies and ieaew�}s shrli be�ocept�ble to t.eadeoand dwll iAChrde��tand�rd mott�e clau�a l.sndrr.
<br />' • eiWf hve du.ri�hR io hoid d�e pdkia�rd[etleaal�. �f Ert�der e�equi�a.Bano�s�lWlt peoenptEy�[ve fo i.endetall neelppc
<br /> of p�;e ptanian.aW�qnewtl�pai�n: tn the eir�ec ot io�s.Ebemwa.lalt jive p�ompe notioe a the�waooe ca�rier at,a.
<br /> Lader. l�aader,aay ab�kr:praof o�lo�if na mde pec�enpuy by Bon�ower. ' :,
<br /> - Uaku l.eaaer an�Barem�ra atAerw6e a�rx ia wdtt�,ias�u�nce pracceds ab�lt Qe ap�lied to re�tor�tion.a�it of' .
<br /> � thePtopec d�osYed��if the e�atar�a'bn a iep�ir is ecaoomicallx k�ibk and i.enderh security i� not ks�ened. U the
<br /> , , n��e�don�or tep�ir is rwt eooeo�ic�lty fau'bie c+r.La�derb�ecunry wouW 6e kste�yl.the.inwtu�ce;proaaed�s6d1 be
<br /> applied to the wna sxu�rd by tAis Security.Lu�unia��vhed�er or rwt d�en due. with any excas ptd w Bo�m�er. If
<br /> Barowa at�ndoim the�opacy,�doe�na�ro�rer wjthin 30 days a mtire f�oa�l�oder d�t tk iiuu�anoe catrier bas
<br /> � af�"aed to seetle a ctaim.Mea t.endtr may�olie�t dte iesutaeoe ptviceefi• l�ender may we the piucecd�to�e�ir or iestio�e. .
<br /> th�Pro�+er:y ar w p.y sum.secuiea ay u�5ecuricy trotnrnent,whet6e►ar na d�eu ane.��[be 30�day paioe.v,i!txpa�
<br /> �he noace�s 6ivert. � . . �
<br /> Uakss-Lender and BomowKr dhav4�Ise�ee m afiaa�.anY��f P�to principa!ahelt mt extend a
<br /> postpnne ene aue aue of aie modh►y wrnens rera�a oo in pua�pta 1 ana z«change the�nomu of tne p.yme�ts..If
<br /> und�r p�rsgraph 21 tbe Ptapert}�is scquirod by Leeder.Ba�ow�er3c right w any ,nsu�anx poL�ies�ad pcooeeds�esuit�ng �.
<br /> . fropt d�re�ge to tl�e Pmpetty prior to the aaluisitioa shall pass w Lendtr to the e�teat ot the sums secu�ecl6y this Secuoty
<br /> L�soranKnt itrutKdiauely pcior to the aequisitioo. • �
<br /> i. Oonpi�e� l�seevatioe.�MatNewa�ee a�d P�+oieq�o� ot t�e Pro ferty, Barrowa� Lau Appficatio�;
<br /> I.aeeMiids. Bamwa sball accupy.estabiisb.aad use d�e Fc�Qetty u Bamwer'a principfi erside�oe wilhin sixty days�far .
<br /> tlie eaocutiau of this Seciuity U�unent aqd stwll caatinue W occupy the Ptopetty as Samwer�s principd residence far u
<br /> le�st aae yeai after We date of uecup�ocy. unkss Lender ottktwise �goees ia wiidag. whi�h cqnsent st�ll not'be ,
<br /> � �uura�sd�abiy witNield,a unkss exunwtina cicr.v�aspu�ces exist wW�h aoe beyood Bormwrr�s conuol. Boreower shaU nat
<br /> , dGStroY.da�or impt'v tbe Ptupeety.albw tbe Propetty w deteriarate.ar c6mmit waste on tLe Pmpetty. Barrawer sh�U
<br /> 6e in defaWt if aay fafeitune actiaa or piucoediag,whether civil or criminal.is begun th�t ia Lenda�s Eood f�ith judgment • .
<br /> cauld�esult m farfeituie of the Ptoper�y or ottxrwise materfally.imp�ur the lien c�eated by this Security Ludumeat or
<br /> Lender�security intet�st. Borrnwet aay cure such a defaWt and c�einstate.ss provided tn paragraph 1$,bY cansing We actian .
<br /> ' or proaeding to be dlsmissed witb a�uTi,ng that.in Lender's good faith determinuian,pnxludes torPeiWre ot Qie 8orrnwer's '
<br />` inter+est in the Propecty or other mataial impaimxnt of the lien created by tlus Secority Instrument or l.ender�s securiry
<br /> �u�eu Boimwer si�all also be in default if Bamwer, ducing t6e lo�n applica�ion prooess.gav�materiaUy false or •
<br /> inacc�nau info�maHon or stataneats to Lerda(or faiiod to plvvide Leinler wit1Y any material infom�adon)in cauxction with
<br /> the loan eridenced by tAe Note.including,but nat litn3ttA to,npresentations conceming Bortowers occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a principal iesidence. If this Secarity Insuument is on a kasehold,Botmwer shall compty with all the provisioos .
<br /> af the kase. If Barrower acqoires fet tide to the Propetty.the leasehold and the fx title shall�wt merge unkss L,ender ag�oe.c
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> � Prohetjoo of Lende�'a Ri�hts in,We Prapert9 If Borrower fa�s to perform tbe caveaants and agee�nents
<br /> ' eontai�ed in this Secucity Inswmen�or there is a tegaf proceeding that may significantly affoct Lender�s rights in the
<br /> Pmperty(such as a proceoding in bantwptcy.probate.for condemnadon or forfeitunc or to enfor�ce laws or regWations),ttkn
<br /> • Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Fmperty.
<br /> Lender's actioas may incJude paying any sums secured by a Gea wtuch das priority over tGis Security Inswment,appearing
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make nepairs.Although Lendec may talce action
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so.
<br /> Any amonnts disbursed by Lender under this paragrapb 7 shall becorae addirional debt of Borr�Rer secaned�y this
<br /> Secunity Insuument. Uniess Bormwer and Lender agrce to other temis of paymen�these amouats shal!bear interest frum the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interes�a�on notice fmm I.ender to Borrower nqucsting
<br /> PaS+n►m� � � .
<br /> 8. Mortgpge Insuraece. If Lender required mortgagC insurance as a condition of making the loan secured 6�ihis
<br /> Securtry Instrumen�Borrower shaTl pay the premiums reqaind to maintain the mortga;e inswrance in effect. If.�'*r•any
<br /> r�acon.the mortgage insucanee coverage requued by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. B�-�eower shall pay the .
<br /> premiums requic�ed to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to th�maRgage insutance previmus6�,:n effec�at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrowea of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.fron�altemate mortgage
<br /> iosurer upproved by l.ender. If snbstantialty eqice�alent cr�arrgage intiurance coverage is ccqt avaitable,Borrower shall pay W .
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal ao one-twelfth of.tFae yeari��cnortgage insurance pre�cr.i�bei�g paid by Borrower when the
<br /> ' �r iasprance coverrge lapsed or ceased w be in effect. Lender v�i11 accep�use and retai��e payments as a toss reserve In lieu .
<br /> of mortgaige insura�eae. Loss reserve payments may no tan�er be required,at the o�iioh of l.ender,if mortgage Insurance
<br /> coverage(in the arnount and for the pedod that l.ender requues)provided 6}r an ir�:rer approved by Lender again becomes .
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums r�quired to mai�7ain monp�e insurance in effect.or to pmvide a
<br /> toss reserve.unGl the requiremem for mongage insurance e�rJs is�aceordunce wiftt any�►�:xen a�reement between Botrower
<br /> and Lender or appltcabk law. —
<br /> 9 InspecNou. Lender ar its agent may make reaso�e4b2e entries upon and inspacaions of the Property. Lender shall _.
<br /> give Borrower notice at the Nme of or prior to an inspertion specifying reasonable cause far the inspection. �
<br /> . 10. Condemeation. The proceeds of anp award or ctaim for damages.direct or eansequential.in coruuctIan wlth any
<br /> Singk Famity»Faeek MaelEYeddle Mac UNIFORM INS7RUMEPi7'--Uni(orm Covenanb fA� lpage 3 oJ6 pagar► --
<br /> Oa1 Irs s�Yn�fdnw bc.• --
<br /> ' fo Qdu fiF.1�00834p1(i O/AR 8t67f41131
<br />