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�` °.c . � . ? •��U' <br /> `�. <br /> _-.— --- _-_-- — _-----.-_.--.--• --:_.__—. .—. _ ---� -� -�--- ------�-_—�-------^-^r'_;_'==."" <br /> < < ' - - . . t , � <br /> ; , ` . < <_ . � . . ;. � � � . �94- ��v0a��, � - �_ � <br /> ` �ooa�3eaafwios a bd�ar piti�oEaay p�itaof tT�a Plropaty,a�fa coavry�oe ia lieu at oaodema�ioa.ic+e b�e�t�+� � • <br /> �h1E be pqd b l.eader. � ' ' -- : ` , � <br /> " � L tl�er�dt oi a�oul t�ic&�of the Propaty:`1he peoee�c�li�ll be ipplied ta tha syms�I+Y d�is SeouritY: <br /> � .b�ce�eer,.wUaher a ea uKn aaG,.r;th aay exass p�s w earower. In dre even of�padsl nkin�of't�e Pmperey;e <br /> whid�d�e fiiir m�ttt vaMe pf the Pmpaty[mmadis�ely before die Wc�tB i3 or�a thtQ the�oouet,of t6e wms <br /> ` ` �ecaeed by ti�k Setwity Lutmm�nt i�ediatety 6etbee the p�g.anless Bonower�nd Lender udxrwisa sp�x in vv�etu�, <br /> ' die auaa�a.�oaed by tLois Securitq Iratrart�t shall be tcd�ced by tbe amau�t nf tlse P�ocea��nW�iPlie�bY�4e following <br /> � . . , <br /> . . 6actiop: (a)d�e�otal�nwuat of the amns secuned itpmediatelY befas the t�king,divided.bY(b)tLe fatr maticet vatue <br /> • ' �Y�Y�����8- �Y balu�es aball 6s paid to Boerpwer. �rn�ne eY�e o�,��r�of�e <br /> � Ftopetty in�rhicb tl��fair m�lca v�u,o af We Prngerty immodi�cdy before tf�a�C;ng is iess than ttu�unormt oE d�e�sums � • <br /> �ecu�ed immediately befae the taticing,unle�Barowar siM I.ender ad�wise ag�oe�arrifmg or tinkss applieable l�w <br /> �o�wue' 'd�.pmvidesR d�e Prnoeeds si�ail 6e applied to the s�ms sec�aed by t2�s Saut�ty ic�trumrnt whethcr or not tbe surns ae . <br /> tf tbe Plvpeity it#b�odoad by Boti»wa.or i��notice by l.ender to Bamwer that the condempor o�as tn make <br /> . aa awraM ar adtla a cl�im for damages,Bamwer fu'Is w�pond to I.ender within 30 days afta the date tt�e notice is given. <br /> I.ead�et is autiwrized to colkct aad apply the p�uac�ds,at its opHan,either to restoratia►or rep�ir of dte Pmpecty or to the <br /> wros saeured by d�is Sa,�iry Insuvmea�ardetherormt then due. <br /> Unksa i.ender md Bonowei othe�wise agtee m writing.any application of pcoeads tu pciaeipa!sHatl mt eatend or <br /> pustpane d�e due date of tt�e monthlY P�Y�nts tefemed w in parag�aphs 1 and 2 ar change!he arta�nR of s4�cb p�ymeu[s. <br /> iL Darrower Not Rdeased: Fa�beusea sy l.eoder Not a Wa[ver. Extension of the wrie for paymeat or <br /> mo¢ifiaitian of amorti��tion of the smas socured by this Security Instrunxnt gtanted by Leader to any su�.ssar in inte�est <br /> of Bonower ahaII not operate to releas�the liabitity of the original Aorroaer or Bor�ower*s sucas.gors in iate�est.Leoder <br /> ahaii nat be zequit+ed w commenx proceedin8s a8siqst anY saccessar in interest or nefuse to eateEid time for payment or - <br /> ` odierwisa modify anwitiz�tion of tLe sums sectmed bjt ttus Security Ins�ment 6y ceason of any dema�td made by ihe o�igiaal <br /> < Borrrnver or Bormwer�soccessars in intetiest Any.f�an�x b}r LRZtder in exe�!c�sing any right or nmeciy sfisll aot he a <br /> ' waiva of ar p�eciude tbe exeneise of any riEht or ie � ��•� <br /> � 12. S�a+eatots sad A�m Bousd;Joint and�e�L�bi�g.�Co�s�iers:'lUe.coveii�ats and_agcan�enu of dus <br /> Socarity Ins�ament shatl bind and beaefit the succeC'sb4s and assigi�.o�°i:ee�es a�:�im�ii�ee';�.�ib�ect m the pvns�ons of � <br /> p�ragxaph I7:Borrower's covenaats and agcamea;ts s�atl 6e joint and severa�::�1ny Bor�i�,�es.vvT�i co-signs this Securiry <br /> Instruma�t 6ut dnes not exocute the Note: (a)is co�go�$dus Security Listmm�aE onIy w moirgage.grar►t ao�.�onvey thaz <br /> Bort�nwer's intetest iu tLe Property under the terms o�'lfiis Security Instnunen� (b)is not pessomm�lCya6ligatW m pay tl�e s�ms � <br /> sectmed by this Security Instrumenh aad(c)agrees that Lender and any other Boaower may agnec�to eatend.modify,forbear <br /> or make any wxo�mr�odations wiW:�eeg,acd to iha:.tetms of this Secuirty instsument or the Nupte without that Bomowu's <br /> consent . • , ` .. <br /> 13 I.oan Charges. If the toau�secumd by�th�s Security Instnunent is subject ro a taw which seu maximum ioan , <br /> cAarges,�and that tawis finaUy int�tpnted so that tlie interest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in connection ' <br /> witb the loan exceed the permitted limiRs;then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the.amamt necessary to reduce , <br /> the eharge to 16e pemuued Gmix and;(b�3 any sums already colJected from Borrower which exceeded petmitted limits vin'11 be <br /> iefiudedier8o�mwer. Lender may ch6ose to make this nefund by reducing the principal owed uader the Note or by malcing a <br /> , d¢ect peymtm to Rpmnwer. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment wtthaut any <br /> pcepaymeat charge under the Note. . <br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice to Bomower p�ovideit for in this Security Instrument shal!be given by detitiering it or by <br /> mailIng it by first class mail ualess applicable law m,qui�e"s use of anaiher methad.The notice shaH 6e directe�to t8e Pmperty <br /> Addtess or any dher address Bocrower designates 6y notice to l.ender. Any norice to Lender shall be given by fitst class <br /> mail to Lender's address stated heceiR orany other sddcess L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br />� in this Securiry Insmiment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whei�given as provided in this <br /> p�IS Governing Law;Severs�bility. This Security lnstrument shall be gov�med by federal law and the law af the <br /> jurisdietion in which the Property is located. /n the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law.sucfi canf7iet shall not affect other prov�s�ons of thia Securiry Inst�nent or the Note which can <br /> be given effect without the conflicting pcovision. To this end the pravisians of tfiis Secariz,':;nstrument and•the iVote ar� <br />� dectared to be severable. � � <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Sorrower shall be given une conformed copy of the�ote and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 7Fanskr of the Property or a Beaeflcial lnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the P�+operty or any interes[in <br /> it is sold or transfemed(or if a benefccial interest in Borrower is sold or uansferred and Bo�rower is not a nataral pe�so.�D <br /> � without Lender's prior written consent.Lender its option,require immediate payment i.�.�ull of all sums secured lv�; <br /> th9s Secarity Insuument However.this option sha0 not be exercised by Lender if exercise is��e�ibited by federal law as o: <br /> , the datc of this Security Insmrment. ' <br /> lf Lender exerclses this option.Lender shall gn•z Borrower notice of acceLz�on. The notice shall prmv�3�:a period of <br />, ' not less thaa 30 days from the dAte the notice is delivered or mailed within whicir�orrower must pay all sums s:cured by this <br /> Security lnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior co the expiration of this pericw+, Lender may invoke any <br /> ' ,, nemedies pemiitted by this Seceriry Instrument without further not:ee or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. �orrawer's Right to RelnstJ�ta lf Bosrower mee�s certain conditionc. Borrower shall have the right to have . <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument dir,continu�3 at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such othet period a� <br /> Singk Family••Faenk Mae/Fre6dk Msc i11VIPORM INS7RUMENT-•Uniform Covenanb !!� lpage 4aj6 page.$) <br /> —-- -------- __—_ �-e,;=:;; <br /> --_- T"LL`'.,��..�.a._:_ <br /> -=V.�m,.�-°��':s-?�"r�"'°+.. . .�.. , r,�.r�,rc f�rn. <br />