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. . .. _ _ . . h. - - <br /> 4ti.i. � _ ` � ' .. ';t`- <br />� `, � , ' . . , ` ' i ,e . . ` ' ` . .. ����. ��y�` . `, .. � <br />, . ��Wf��I�� �II����Wi IMI�MWL f1i����W LR7R�G�S <br /> ■ppcwil whkb tMll nat bo.wKeeua�bly�hhelA. If Barzl�fsils to maietiin covet�e deecrfbed�bove.L.eeder mh►,at <br /> � • Letider's`aptioe.obtaie oovaye W prala.�t t.eaderh ri�At+ie tht�y in ic�.�o�d�ercc with p�ragrapif 7. � <br /> , All.emwnnce Qolicies�ad m�e�rat�sbdl be acae�t�bie W �nd shdl ipcluQc a ahnd�td mat�e cLu�e. Lendtr <br /> . ahail htve th�riSAt to boid�e policles aed Rnewats. If l�nder�eq�ic�e.i.BaraWer ah�il panptlY 81ve to LenQer afl rxeipts_ <br /> of paid pami�ms and�enew�!aotla�s: Ue the eveat of bss.°Hcnower sh�ll give p�omp�rdice w the inwranoe ca�ier�nd <br /> I.ender. i.enrkr may m�tce pmof of loss if not m�de P�Pt1Y bY�w� . , <br /> UnAess Lender aod&��mwer aherwise s�ia writins.inwnnce pmccods shaH be�pptied w testastian a rep�ir of <br /> � . tLe Propetty d�nsgedR if tI�e t�bor�tioo ar tep�ir is ecanoouc�IIy feasiDk and Ltnder�s seaidry is=not kssetted. U die <br /> resiac�uion ar tep�ir is not eca�omicaily feuibk ar L�d�der�s`aeturiry woul�6e��insut�uue pcoc�eods slWl be <br /> , �pplie�w tUe sums secvrod tiy this Securiry iiutmmrn�.wh�iher or not thm due.wid�any e�ess paid to Bor�o�wer. If <br /> . Bqnowec a6andons the,Qtuperty,or daes tat artswa within 30 days a natioe f�pm l,ender tlut the iasurmoe cartier has <br /> . offe�ed w satle a ciaim,tl�m Lender m�y oollect tLe ins�oce proaeds. Lmder may use the proaeQc to aep�ir ar resta�e <br /> the Fm�perty ar ro psy sums secucea by this seeuricy L�saurnrnt,wherher o�na then aue. TRe 3a�aay perioa witt begin wben <br /> - the notice is giv�en. . . . <br /> Unless�.ender u�d Bomower odxrwise agnoe in writing.�ny�ppiication_of p�aceeds to priocipal si�all not extrnd oa <br /> ' postpone the duc dau of the monthlY payments tefened w in p�ragr�phs 1 and 2 or change the�nount of the paymeuts. If . <br /> under parag�aph 21 tbe Ptuperty is acq�cued by L.ender,Bocrower�s nght to any insur,u�ce policies and p�oceeds iesulpag <br /> fRxn danage to the Pnopeny prior W We acq�isitiao si�ali p�ss to I.ender w the exrcnt of thc svms sxured 6y dns Seciuity <br /> Instrument immediately pcior to tha u:quisitian. �' � �- <br /> �• �P�9. ��, Matatesa�ce snd Ptohdion of tLe PropertJ, Borro�rer's I.a�n Application; <br /> I.e�eiold�. Bomower shall oci,vpy,estabiis6,and use the Ptopecty aS Bort�wer�s pcincipal residence vtnthin sixty days after <br /> the eaecucian of this Soc�iry Instrument and st�U caapnue to occupy tRe Pmperty as Bamwer�s princip�l zesldence fur at <br /> teast one year afttr the date of aacup�ncy, untess Lender otherwise a�rees in writing, wluch consrnt stall not be . <br /> unnasonabiy wit6hetd.or unkss exunuating cineuu�.wances eaist which ace beyond Borrowu's co�orot Bomnwer shall nat <br /> dGStmY,damage ar impair the Ptoperty.allow the Pmperty w dettrlorate.or canmit w9ste on the Pioperty. Bortower shall '. <br /> •be in defauit if any fafeitaze action or procccding,whether civil or criminal,is 6egan.tbat in Lender's goad faith lud�nent <br /> coWd result in forfeihue of tLe Ptoperty or odxrwise materia�Iy impair tho lien c�eatcd by this Srcurity Instrument or <br /> . l.ender�s security interes� Bortuwer may cure suc6 a defautt and pn�vided'm paragraph 18.hy causing the action — <br /> � or pcoceedia8 to be dismissed with a ru]ing L.ende�'s gaad faith dete�minatiou.pneetudes fv[feitute af tJ�e Bocrower�s <br /> inteRSt in the Pivpercy or other material impainnent.of ibe lien cirated by this Seciuity lasaimien`t or Lender's secetriry = <br /> ' interes� Botrower shall also 6e in default if Bairower,daring tl�e toan application process. gave materially faise or <br /> , inaccurate infortnaaon or stauments to Lender ior failed to pcuvide Lender with any material infom�ation?ir+connution with. <br /> •the toan eridenced by the Note, inciuding, but aot limited w, cepresenta�ions corrceming Bormwer's wxupancy of the � °- <br /> ' Property as a prineipal residenoe. If this Secnrity Inswment is on a leasehoid,Bomnwer shall comply witli all the provisions — <br /> of the k�se.'If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the teasehald and the fce dtle sball not merge antess Lender agrees <br /> . `to the r.,�rger in wridng <br /> - 7. Protectbn d Leeder's Rig6ts in t6e Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agr�eements , -�- <br /> . . ooatained ia this Security Inswmea�or there is a 1ega1 proceeding that may significantly affect Lendec's aghts in the --. <br /> Property�such as a proceeding in haaiauptcy,probate,for condem.caation or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or reguladons),then :•`•` <br /> Lender mnay do and pay for whatecvr is necessary to pmtect the vatne of the Hvperty az�d Lender�s rigMs in the Property. -:-,i: <br /> Lender's actions may inctude payin�any sums secured by a lien�ich has priodty over this Securiry Insuumen�appearing <br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Properry to make mpairs.Although Lender may take action , <br /> under this paragraph 7.L.ender does not have to do so. . <br /> Any amounu disbur.sed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sha11 become additional debt of Bormw�sQCUred by this <br /> Secudty InstrumenG Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other t�-e�r.�s of payment,these amounts shall bear interest frora the <br /> date of disbussement at the Note rate and shaA be payabte,wit�n i�ns�rest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower iequesid�ng <br /> paymeQS. <br /> S. �loAgage Insaes�nce. If Lender required rnoctgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by tltis � <br /> Security Instrument. �nower shall pay the prerr,i���s required to maintain tt3e mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any ,... <br /> reason.t3�e moRgage "rnsurance coverage requirec3 by l.ender lapses or cea.czs to be in effec� Borrower shail pay the �,,., <br /> premi�:a�s tequired to,obtain coverage substantia1ly equivalent to the mortga�� insurance previously in effect. at a wsi •� <br /> substan��➢y equivatem to the cost to Bomuwer of the mortgage insurance previously in e:€sct.,from an attemate mortgage • • <br /> insurer approved by Lender. if substantially equivalent mortgage insurance wverdge�s R�i asailabte,Borrower shall pay to � <br /> I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeArly mortgage insura��premium E+ei*ig paid by�a:sower wheq the ;" "- <br /> . insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to 6e in effect. Lender will�ecept.use and aLrain these payments as n�ass teserve in lieu �f`� . <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may na tonger be required,at the option of Le�►der,if�naitgage insurance �'•.•� <br /> ' coverage(in ihe amounC and for the period that Lender requires)g��uviAed by an insurer appraved by Len�`r again beca�nes• , <br /> availabie and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the pcemiums req�:sLt1[o maintain mortgage��s�a�ance in effect.or to pra�id�z . <br /> toss reserve.nnfil the reyuirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any writt�agreeme�et beiween Borro��r <br /> ' and Lender or applicable taw. , � <br /> 9 lnspectioe. Lender or its agent may maEce reasonable entries upon ar�inspections of the Yro�r. Lender shall ;� .� <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inapection specifying reasonab:=cause for tHe inspectio:a. <br /> 1Q. Condemnation. The praceeds of any award or ctaim for or conse�r.^.tial,in connection with any <br /> Singk Famity-Faeek MadFreddk Mac 11NIFOAM INS'1'RI,'HENT••lJniform Coven�ts 9�'!! (poRe 3 aJb pagesl " <br /> crtx tata.L9�+r,xs vonr h�■ <br /> � TnOM�f�1t:ta065�63339 0 PAIl16781•1f31 � <br /> , . . . . . . �.a .. <br /> . �J:,. <br /> , 3t <br /> . , _.. __.-� <br /> t <br /> - � `.i <br /> "��'P6 . t �_ .�. ' , ..�! a�-.'r ��:��:'x_ - .y`��T'.1�'�� r. .-'�.__` ,;Ti . <br /> — x �}��..1�►���`��ii;�;`�r'-,-'�'�v�- °'��'�{�q���i, <br /> �'°n�'�2�``��� ..�S �L `' .,i�...l. .�'iT <br /> `.,c� _ <br /> _ � _ , . - . - . . ,.- � c�� s ;vw,-_ . . _— .�� ° - -- . - <br /> '_' �fi �� ii. . . - • ..�•'' . s'�'' � • ". . . <br /> � ---- "?�-._.YE _ . .. . . _ �.� . • . � _. .t:s�'�.:�°S�"%n`�2Y-'..�L4.:n&.�Trrf.l � . . . • " � .. - - <br />