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_ <br /> . :.r�- <br /> �.:'- - -. . : -_�= �. <br /> �:._.. . _. - . ti. <br /> _ ,. � - - - - . � . , . -- -- __. . , , . <br /> � . . ; � . . � _ . . � . . 94-�.�i8. . . ; <br /> ' oondeaan�tian or afieri�ag bf�ny pr�t�f ihe rraper�►.a fa t��:in uw of co�aemoatian.�c�e r�►.�+aba aaa , � <br /> � �Il be p�id w I.eader! of tfje the prooeetis�b�il be appliat to ii�aums ucuc�ed by diis SecWity <br /> b�d�e cveat af s tot�p� p►'oPMY� � <br /> ' L�suunmt,whether or not thm d�wittr my excess p�id W Bamwer. In the eveat of a�aRial t�icing of tho Ptoperty in <br /> � which the fiir madcet v�ine of the Pioperty ime�ediately befae tEse talcutg is oqual w or gater tUan tBe afnount of the sums� . <br /> aecu�ed by ttis Sectuity.L�naent immediudy befote tt�tak�g,un�ess Bort�ower and Lender othe�wise sgtee in writirg, <br /> tbe wms.�ecuiod bY this Sayuity Iastnunent shaU 6t teducod by the amount of the procoeds muriiplied by tbe fdbwing , . <br /> � ftactian: (a)�he wtal aaai�nt of thc sums savtM immediately b�foie the takiag,divided by(b)the fair mulcet valoe of ti�e <br /> ' �Y it�iatetg befae t6a qiting. My.i�al�nce sh�ll 6e paid to Borrower. In the event uf a par0iat talring of d�e ' ,. <br /> Ptogetty in which tbe fair muket value of the P�ty 6minediauty befare the felcing is tess than the amo�tat of�e sum� <br /> soctu�ed immediateiy befone tl�e taim�&onkss Bonower,and I.�nder otherwise agree in writiag a unitsc apptk�bk taw • . <br /> otheewise povides:the procads sha116e appliod to tlte sums secuied by this Security Iasttumetn whetber or nnt the sums ue <br /> d�atdue. <br /> U tbe Pt�ope►ty is ib�adoaed by Bormwtr;or if,after notice by 1»ei►der to Barawer thac ti�c ca�dem�wr offeis to aaloe <br /> in�wud or seuk a ct�bn for d�nwges.Bamwer fails to respond to Lender witHin 3Q days after the dau ti�e notica is given. <br /> Let�der is authorized to collax w�aPP1Y�P��•al�ts opUon.eitt�er to csstoiadon or ceQaic of the Pmpeny.or w dte <br /> �s�cuted by tWs Secwity Insd�urkmt,whether or not then due. - • . <br /> Urilas I.eoder�d Bormwa otherwise agree in writing,aay aPPlication of prnceeds to principa(shall nat extend ar . <br /> postpant tb�due data of tl�e monthtY paymeats refemed to in parugrePhs 1 and 2 or cbange the amouat of such paytn�nts. ' . <br /> 1L Borr�nwa� Not Rekised; Fbrbau�noe By i.ender Not'a Waiver. Extension of the ame for pAyment or : " . <br /> modification of artwrtization of!he sums seeurod by this Secvrity Insmiment granted by Lender w arty suocessor in inoenest _ <br /> of Bomower shall not operate to release the llability of the otiginal Bo�rower or Barower's successors in enterest.l.ender <br /> ' shall not be ta�ired m cammer�x proceedings against any successor in interesc or c�ef�se to extend time for paynient or - <br /> dhawise mod�fY an�aa of tbe sums secured by ttus Socurity tasttument by ieasoa of eny,demand taade by the originAl. _. <br /> Barrower ar Boimwers successots in wteiest. My farbeararke by Lender in exe�ising aay rigflS:��'�tnedy sbalt not be a. .,_�°.;.._ . <br /> - : . ..a.:::..,�.I: .'. - -. . . :._.`:..:� . <br /> waiver af a p�cl�le the exencise af any right ar remedy. . , • ' �' � <br /> 1Z Saocea�ora a�d Aa�s Boond;]oiot aed S�ventl LW�Ntp,C.o�ecs. '17�e cova�tfi'ts�;and`:ag�amettts o�tl�s°:,,':�".�. <br /> Soaaity Inshvment shall biad and benefit the successqs and assigns of Lender and Bormwer;subject:to�he,�iav�o�s.of,:� ;::'•,. .: ,. <br /> pasagraph 17.Bormwa*s coveuants aitd agreements stiall be joint�d several.My Boamver.tiifio co-sig�s this Se�n��y.;:: ` ' <br /> lnstrumeat but does nat exuute�he Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswmcnt only to mo�tgage.gran�and convey that,;: : <br /> �" Borrowei s interest in the Prbpeny mndertbe tenns of this Sxurity Instru+nent; (b)is nw Pecsonally:o6Lgated to pay the sums _:;`•_ <br /> secuied by this Securiry Iastrumeng artd(c)agnee.4 that l.ender and any other Borrower may ag[ea to extead.modify.forbear <br /> 'or m�Ye any aeeomrnodarions witb regard to the tertns of this Securiry Instrut5ieni or the Note without that Horrower's r# <br /> - caisent. • �•. . ...,.. <br /> 13 Losn Chaeges If the loan secur�ed by this Security Insniunent is subjec�to a 1aw ivhich sets maaimum loan <br /> chatges,and that law•is fiaafly interpreted so that the inter�est or other loan charges:coltected ur ta be coltected in connection • <br /> witb the Ioan excud the pe�mitted limits,then: (a)any such loan chazge shalt be redueed by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> the charge to the permitta;�G�snit;and(b)any sums atready collected from Bomower which exceeded permitted limiu will fie <br /> refunded to Basmwer.l.ender may choose to make this c�efund by reducing tlie pri4tcipal owect under the Note or by making a <br /> dlrect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a pattial prepayment without any <br /> pt�epayment charge under the Note. e <br /> 14. Notioes. Any notice to Boaower provided for i�chis Security[nstrument shatl be girren by detivering it or by _ <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shail b�dinected to the Property N <br /> Address or any other addtess Bamawer designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any notice to Lender shati be given by first class �, <br /> mail to Leader'�address stated herein or any other address Lender designutes by nodce to Borrower. Any notice provided for �., <br /> in this Security Instnunent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this !�'<` <br /> paraSraPh� ��: <br /> I5. Guverning Law;Seven6iltty. This Security Insuument shall be govemed by federat Iaw and the law of the _. ,._ <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event that uny provision or clausa of t6is Securiry Insuument or the Note i;� <br />_ conflicts with appiica6ie law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecurity lnstrument or the Note which can �s': <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisions af this Security Insuument and[he Note are _: <br /> declared to be severable. �•�' <br /> 16. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed capy of the Nate and of this Security Instrument. p <br /> 17. 1lrans(er of the Property or p BenefidaUaterest in Borrower. IP all or any part of the Property or any interest in �.. <br /> it is sold or transferreA(or if a beneficial interest in Barrawcr is sold ar transferred and Bonow•er is not a natural person) � <br /> without l.ender's prior written cnnsent.Lender may,at its aption,require immediate payment in full of ali sums secured by :_ <br /> this Security lnstrumen� }iowever.this optian shaU not be exerci�ed by l.ender if exerci�e is prohibited by federaf law as oF �:, <br /> . the date of this Security tnstrumen�. � '- <br /> If i.ender exeacises this option.Lender shal)give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notd,x shall provide a period of E-° <br /> not less than 30 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower muat pay u}1 sums secured by this . ` <br /> Security lnstrument. lt Borrower fails to pay these sumti priar ta the expir�tion of this period.Lender.may invoke any � <br /> remedies petmitted by this Securiry lnstrument without further notice or dema�d on Borrower. � <br /> 18. Borrawer's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cenain conditions. Bortower shall have the right to have <br /> ' enforcement of this Security lnswment discontinued at any time priar m the earlier of: (a)S d�ys(or such other period as <br /> Singk Famity--Fsenie Madfaddie bfac UN1FUltb1 INiS'1'RUN�YT—Uniform Cmrnants !!� Ipolit 4 nJb paRt�l 6 <br /> , .. <br /> , <br /> . , F' <br /> —._ ..___ — . _�. _ . . _. ,��.�.:.,,_, __ <br /> ���nya-3 rr SP1 t --�,,-+ - _ . .i „,,�,`�.-mr-r� N'A T..`'..Es,:i:� .� { .. <br /> _ 9�''_ ����+��`�.� te'1 !� Y.' . � e <br /> l�tt. y <br /> - ,--.iiiv...tiYlxY �' `_� <br /> ._-:$1Y�RfCi��3'_'dt".�. _ �k �'"_' <br /> — __ -1 '.' . . - - � ' . �� ' :'.;_:,c . t�...'s�{�_r�' . .. ' -. _ . . <br />