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<br /> � " TO(iBZHElt wrni ai1 t6e pnp�ovp�s no.0 or Ixne�ar eractea ai u�e p�cpaty.aea.0 e�saner�ts.appu�ten.aces, .
<br /> , ied!'ucw[ea au�r ar bere�foer a��r[of t6e popecty. A31�mants�od additio�n:sinll atsv be cavaed 6y'thls Sa'u,rit�►:
<br /> � I�tnubeot. All bf the fo�egciina,is refened w ta dtis Security Ludurnent as the"Pt�uperty."
<br /> BORRpWER C�OYENANTS tl�t Bonower is lawfuUy seisod of the e.�tate hereby oom�eyed and has tUe rig6t to gtsnt
<br /> •ad oonvey the Ptnpnt�md tti�t tt�c Ptoperty is wiencwabe�d.exapt far encumDranc�of rxard. Bormsver wurants and
<br /> ` will defa�d aa�era�iy�e titk to the Pkoperty agamst afl ctaims and deew�ds.subject to any encumb�oces of rocord.'
<br /> TH[S SECURITY INS7RUME1+17'oanbinrs unifa�oovcrnnts far national use aad noe-uniform caves�anu w� •
<br /> iim[ted va�iatio�try j�nisdisEion ta consbtute a uaifam securit�-lnsuumait wvering raal praperty. ' . ,_ -
<br /> UNIFORM COVFNAN7'S: Bamwer and Lrender wvuw�t and agree as foUows: . .
<br /> ' l. R�eat d Prt�etp�E a�d�terdt,8rep�J�eeat ad Late Ch�r�es. �ortower shall panPUY P�►Y wtia�due t6e
<br /> pruicipal of md'mte�est on the debt evidrnce�by the Nott and aay pnepayment and late charges due�uider the Note.
<br /> 2. F�ds tor 73�xes sNd I�ra�e. Subjact to appiicabk Iaw or to a written waiver by Lender.Barowa shall pay to
<br /> l.eMer on 1Le d=9�Y FaY�ts are due under the Note.unW the Note is paid in fall,a sum l"Fimds")for:(a)Yeariy
<br /> taxes ar►d aue�maus which may ateain prioriry over Uas Securiry Instrument as a Len oa tde Pt+operty:(D)Yeuly leasehotd
<br /> payments a giow�d nets.m We Property. if any: (�)Yearly tisr�rd or property insurance premiums;(�Yeuly flood
<br /> iRSUrance pcemi�uns.if any:(e)Y�Y�F,�Se �P��ums.if any:and(�ar►Y$u�s P�Yable by Bamwcr ta
<br /> Lender,ia accadana�rith the pmvisiaas of parapaph 8.in li�of the payment of mortgage insurance pnemiurt� 'i'hesc
<br /> ite�are qlkd"Fscrow itcros.° I.ender may.at any tirue,collect and i�old Funds in an amout�t not to exceed the max�um
<br /> anwt�nt a lenda for a federally nlated mottgage lo�n may requue for Borrowers esccow accoun[uader the fedeial Real
<br /> Estate Settlanrnt Pxoceduas Act of 1474 as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.$Z601 et seq.("RESPA'ry,unless anodier
<br />, . law that applits to the�nds sets a ksser amo�mG If so.Lender may.at any time.coliect and hold Funds in an amaunt not to
<br /> excood tht ksser anwwn. L.e�der may Gstimate th�amount of FWnds due on ihe 6asis of croseai data and masoaa6te
<br /> estira�us of exprndiwns of futuce fsecuw items oc oti�erwise in accadance�vith appiicable law.
<br /> TNe�nds shail be heid'm ait mstitaaan whose deposits�insuied by a federa)agency.i�tswmentality,or effity
<br /> ('including l.ender.if l.eader is suc6 an institution)or in any['edera!Nome Loan Bank. l.ender st�all apply the Funds ta paY
<br /> tbe Escmw Items. l�ender may aa charge Hamwer for hoiding and applying the Functs.annw�Uy analyzing the es�oar
<br /> . aocam�or verifyiag the Escrow Items,unle�s Lxnder Pays Borrower interest.on the Fands and applicable law patait5 �
<br /> I.ender ro malce such a charge. However.E.ender may requ�re Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an indepe�u real �_
<br /> estat�tu reporting savice used by I.ender in connectton with t6is tflan.unless applica6te la�r providcs at6awise. Unless an `—`�
<br /> agirmnent u made or appticabte taw requiics interest to 6e paid.Lender shall not be reqnired to pay Bamower aay inte�st or `'�:
<br /> , e�mings on the Funds. Bomower and I.ender may agee in writing.however.that intecest sflall be paid on the Funds. Lender . _-
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without chargc,an annual accountiag of the Fuuds,showing cnediu aud debiss to the Funds and the • �
<br /> putpose for which each de6it to the Funds was made. �T6e E'unds are pledged as adEliaonal security for all sums secured by �{
<br /> !i
<br /> this Securiry Insuumen�. . � �`",`
<br /> If the Fiuxls held by I.mder exceed the amounts permitted ro be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to - -
<br /> Borrower for the eacess Fimds m accadance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by � �_
<br /> L�Wer at any�time is not s�tlicient to pay the Escrow Items wtien due,Lender may so notify Bormwer in writing,and,in [;=�'
<br /> ; such case Bolmwer shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bamnw-er shall make up the � ���__.
<br /> deficiency in no moie than tweive montfily payments.at Lender's sole discre6on. -
<br /> Upon payment in fiilt of a71 sums secured by this Security tnstrument,Lender s[zall prompNy refmid to Bvrruuz��ry
<br /> � Fands held by l.ender. If,unc?�r paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Roperty.Lender.prior to the acqusi�ion or
<br /> sale of the Property.shall appI�any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums .
<br /> secured by this Serurtty lnstrument
<br /> ' 3. Applicatioe of Payments. Untess applicablc law�pmvides othenvise,all payme�ts received by Lender under �
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Norg:secoad to amounu payable under ,
<br /> paragraph Z;third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and last,to any tate charges�:e uader the Note. . :
<br /> 4. Chstges;Liena Bomower sha11 pay all taxes, assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributabte r,a the• , •�
<br /> Propeny which may attain priority over tfiis Securiry Instrumen�and feasehold payments or groand reMs.!f any. Bcs�:ower �
<br /> shall pay these abS�;a!ions in the manner Qroi�ided in paragraph Z.or if ns►s paid in that manner,Borrower shal!pay tiyem an
<br /> time directly to t�p�.=*son owed payment. Fr,�,owzr shall promptly fum'rs�to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid vnder
<br /> this garagraph. If t�rrower s�`s these pat�::nts directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish[o Lender�eceipts et=,.r,�tincing � �
<br /> the isayments. ,
<br /> Barrower s��'1 promptly�'ss.a�;ar$e zcy fi`.��which has prioary over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:f�)agrees
<br /> . in writing to tne��:�ent of the oblrgatic�,se.�.^ai by ihe lien in a manr.�acceptable to Lender,(b)wc;ests in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or deferrF,�'::�ainst enforcement ef tta:=•�in,tegal proceedings�tQCCh in the Lenders opinie��a�erate to prevent the .
<br /> , en(orcement of t��sien;or(c)secures fro�i'v:fiofder of ihe lien an agree;.�ent satisfactory to Lender.�ordinating the lien
<br /> • to this Security Inswmen� If Lender deter.aines that any pan oP the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority -
<br /> .� ' over this Security Instrumert�,�3er may�ive Borrower a notice identifying the liea Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take "
<br /> one or more of the actions set fa:�a'�above v��'=n 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S. Hu�rd or Pcoperly Iesuraece, t�*rower shall keep the impravements novv existing or g�-�fter erected on the
<br /> Property insured ag3inst loss by fire.hazar.i�luded within the term"exurnded coverage"and any atftes hazards,includin� '
<br /> floods or floodicrg..Per which Lender requ'rres insurance. 'Iliis insuranre shall be maintained in the amounts and for the .
<br /> i'orm3�ld fl� Ipas•1oj6pagesl
<br /> , . . ' ,. ►/1iti � .
<br /> � , . �:,
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