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HOF101NN tLYll.� d1E°�IOY�t nO�Y.Ex1lf�0��11bLlba 011`irC � <br /> ` ,Propeity imaed aEsi�t Iba by fi�h�ard:�inctuded Mrid�i�t6a ta�m'exteaded aw�e,t+�e"��nd aay od�er I�rar�.�adud� . <br /> tkxid:ar�.tbr avhk�I.eoder trquiies i�mu�ance.lbis uiwr�noe.sball lx m�i�tained tb tbe�mwsrs aad fa the peciods <br /> ' tl�t Lendet neqaires.'!'he iimuance carriee pmvidit�tbe inwru�oe st�li be cfiosa�b� Borroarer subject to Lrnda's appraval <br /> .��IWI arx be unreasoo�bly withbeW.If Horrower f�iL�to md�tapn c+overa,ge 6escn'bod�bove, Lmder Leodeer's <br /> optioQ.o6via wvrcage W Pmtxt L�r's riE6ta in the Pnoptrty in aaooid,m�x whtt poragr�ph 7. • � . . . . <br /> � . IW i�u�ooe policies and reae.w�rals ah�ll be�ccepdble to l,ender aad sl�p include a stand�td mottgage sl�use..I�ade� . <br /> �lW lnme the dgirt io 6otd the policies aad reaewals.If I�der�+eqt+�r+es:Borrower�sl�1l g�oaoptty g'�ve w I.encler sl�r�oeipts of , <br /> � P�P�ua�s md r�rai aatioes.In tbe eveiott of Iossc���s�118�P�notice to Ibe i�e sarrier a�d L�da. . <br /> ` - I,ender mry antce pc+oof af loss if not mtde ptomptty 6Y Bonpr'�'er. - ' � <br /> ' � Udess I�nder and Bornnwer otherwlse ag�ne ia wrfting.ias�uanoe pmoeeds shaU.6e appliod ta resto�atibn+or re�air of�he <br /> P�opest9 dam�ed+if tLe�storation or cepatir is ocxiou�ical�Y feasible and i.rnda''s s�x;uriry is aot Iaseoed.ff the tesWration or <br /> n�is i�not eeoaortucaily fam7�le or Irader's searrtty wauW be lesseoocb the insa�mmcx p�0000ds shaU be applied m We aims <br /> ' aecured�by t6is Seairity Instrumeat,whet6er or,nat t6m daa. with�ay exeas paid to Borrower.If Bormwer al�doas tbe <br /> Prupaty,os does not�as�er aitlua 30 days a mtice from I.atder tU�t tLe iusuranee c�riet-�ts of�et+ed w settk a claim,tha <br /> " T.�eoder may aollaR tde insuru�ce pmceeds. Lendet may ose ti�e pmoeeds to rep�ir os resto�e d�e Pmpaty or ta pry aums <br /> secured by this Security Ia�trumen�whet�er or not then due.The 30-day period w71 De�in wS�en the notice is given. <br /> . Unless Lender.aud;�ormwa,otlx�wise agtee-�Ct writing, �Y apPlic�cc�of ptooxds to grinCipai shatl mt exteed or <br /> poatpone We due d�a��e monttily gayments izfer�ad to in p�graphs 2-r,�2 or cLange t6e uuount of the payments. If • <br /> midtr puagr�ph 21 the.Pivpeny ifs acquind bl►I.eader.Bomuwe�s right ta�;�rance PoZicies aid Pmveods reaWting from <br /> � d�ge ta ihc Prc+pei'ty�sioc tQ the acquisition sl�Il pacs to i ender to the e�'�f the sums seeural by thiS Sa�ui�S►Inst�u� . - <br /> ammdiatety tbe.�e?igit�an. . _ :. • ' ' <br /> .�° f..0oe�y,�an�Ma�noe ana Rrutectlon ot.the P�topdty;Barrowa's I.a�n Appli��atioo;Lasel�old�. ` . <br /> '•�'8oao�r s�l a�w�pY,�abt�st�,an��e the Pnnpeicy as Bormwu's priacipal residenae wittu�sixty ds►ys after the exa�tFon of _ <br /> this Samui�.°inswm�,a�d shas!cui�we to ocaipy tl�e Propeity as Botr�wer'a princip��sida�oe for at least one y��ter <br /> tbcdate of o�cup,anc.y;?�'.ess I.ender otherwise agrees in writitRg.cvhieh wnsent_shall aot 6e xinreasonably wItlil�etd,'da�Irss <br /> extenuating cinvrnstsnxs.e�ist which are beyond Bornower's`aia'tml. Borrower shalt�ut destroy. damaSe or imp�the ' <br /> � Properry, altow the Fi�qpeny to deterioiate,or commii waste aa.tbe Property. Borrowec s6ai1 6e in defauIt if any forfetture <br /> action or proceeaing,Whether civil or criminal,is 6egun tltat in I�der's good faith judgment could nsult in forfeiwte a�'the � <br /> • Propetty or ott�erwise materially impair tUe lien cirated by this�i,a�*in�ent or I.ender's secarity interest.8omi���r <br /> cure such a default and rtinstate,as psnvidod in puagrapb l8,i��g tt�e action or praceadiog to be dismissod witls��-''.;.�'. , � <br /> t6at. in Lender's good�fsith determination. Preclu�es forfeittne.o�the Bi�t�er's the Property or other a�,.�.��; :';•... '_`: <br /> ia�pai�roent of tUe�tien eneated by this Security Instrwmeat or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall also be in��5_if.,•`.'. : ". <br /> Bormwec,during the toan applicati�a pracess,gave matedalIy false or inarcurate infomnadon or statements to Lender(�e��ed <br /> to pnnvide IIxnder a+itN arry materiat a�drmation)in co�ian v�ith tbe luan evideacod 6y the Note,iactuding.6ut rak F�itod <br /> to.repr�tions conlxrning Borrov�'s occupancy of the Prope��as a principal msidence.If this Security Instramee�.ns an a <br /> leaseUotd,'Bortower shall comply with all the ptovisiom of t1�lease. �f Borrower scquic+es fee title to the Prope�cy, the <br /> leasehold and the fce dde shall not merge unless i.ender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protedion of i.ender's Rig6ts in tLe Property.If Borrower fails to perFurm the cove�nts and agreements contained ln <br /> this Socurity Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that mag�:�iScantty affect Lender's rights in the Property(snch as a <br /> proceoding in banlcr�ptcy.probate,for ev:rdemnatian or fodeitac�ar to enforce laws or regulations),then I.ender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is neressary to protect the value of the Prop�.4?ss�d Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's act"rons may <br /> include paying any sums sowred by a lien which�t�as prioria}� over•this Seeurity Inctrument. appeazing in coart. paying <br /> re�sonabte attomeys'fee.c and e�rtering an the Property to m�lce re�ai�s.Although Lender may take action�:n�r this paragaph <br /> 7,Lender dces not have to do so. � ' - <br /> My amounts dlsbursed by Lenf,.'r under this paragraph Z�:all become addiGonal debt of Borrower secvred bg ttEis <br /> .. Socuriry Insttument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other cerr�s oi payment.these amounts shap bear Interest fi�tbe <br /> " date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable. with interesc, up�� notice from Lender to Borrower req¢�'i�g ' . <br /> paymen� ' <br /> 8.Mort�ge Insurance.If Lenda required mortgage insuraaue as a condition of making the loan securod by this Sa:urity ' . <br /> instrumen� Bo�rower shall pay the premiums requirod to maicu�i�s t��mortgage insurance in eNect. lf. for any rea.w�,the . <br /> mortgage insuranoe coverage required by I.ender lapses or ceases c;��be in effen.BoROwer shalt pay the premiams roq�ired to - <br /> obtain wverage surstan6ally equlvalent to the mort�age insuiance previously u�effect. at a wst substantially equivatent to the <br /> , cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance prev'rru�sty in effect. from an a�te�nate mortgage insurer approved by Lendcr. ff <br /> substand�l'Ey oquivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avaitable.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to _ <br /> one-twel,ftix�f the yeariy mortgage in.surarx;e premium being paid by Barrower when the insurance coverage lapsod ar cea�sed to = <br /> be in eff�:•6,etder will accept.use�ur.f cetain ihese payments as a lou reserve in lieu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve <br /> ' �.' . • � Fann 30Za 9190 - <br /> , . . . P�ge 3 of B ' <br /> --_ ±�}-1�+'— }S��—�. Y ,��_ <br /> _�. .�. -__�'_.eac'=:�d:'�'u�"SiG..3•6• 3'r`� - " J.- <br /> -_- `.;v n�fh�°�'�� .'�+����.,.;�.'-`er�rR"..-rR."?i. ..'�-"�?�-�.s-�S-- <br /> --_=^.:�.�:.#'-. _ . -�. -. . . _ . . . ..•+j:n . _ .. . . '� _ . , . . � <br />