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L,L <br /> — ----- - _ .. `_�'_�. � ��..._ �-- ,- - ' <br /> - .__-_-. -- -�. -:-.—_. . _ . . . : � _,a , - `� �:����r - r.. , , _. .- <br /> � 'DOE�l.w►t'!'�i�Mie irp��anieio���oiM or Leewii�r uieled ai tie p[�p�eir.a�d�It�+��wu.��M.a�i°.:` <br /> � f�eef new or Y�i� t►�c df 1Lt ,, A�1 t�4oNwMi ari i�tio�a ii�li�aiio be oo�reiei_b�►-� Siadb � - <br /> " ° , �e+�wwt:��6f tielo�ii�oi�b`n�ert�e�b�H��S�writy Lrti�Mt�tMe�ropet`ty.' • �� � . . � . <br /> , �: . �QRRpl�tp�,t�Q�NANIS IMt llo�:a�er i�la�fi�llY�seied'd fi�eiM�1e 1�eed4 oo�re�ed isd IMS die r3�lc b pi�t�ni <br /> ` ooarey Iie�oip�etp�d,th�t the�t�bp�et�►b�n�ebeeed. exoept A�eaa�6�inoa o[�ecacd.�oct�owes wLr�ad.w7��• - . <br /> aeteod�Y df�dda io die Propeetg�pim� dam��08 de�ndc.+ub,�ea�o anY�ot�oard:. . ,. � <br /> . <7'H1S SF�t.`EiRtTY Ii�IS!'Ri3M�Pt`oo�biae�s reitatm cu�va�b for o�tiowl�se�ad Aaa-ttatfae�n covm�ati.w'sh limiled . <br /> wr;�'tiiou�by`jur6�i�w ca�e a uoifcnn securirty ic�evmait oovetint,ral Pt'ope�+tY- . � <br /> � UNII�ORIN E.�UI�i�lN'1 S.Bo�mwer and L+eoder covm�ot md�tee as fdknvs:' .. ' ' � � � <br /> .l. ���t�t ltbdp�t�d�tera�`l�Syse�E��C'de�et- Ho€�oxa sbell prnmpt[y pajr.--w�ea dn��-.°- <br /> �princi�!of ad bxemt ad d�e de6t evideoc+dd tFy the Note iod�ay per{wj�meat aad late�s due udder the Note.. . . <br /> 2.1'a■dt fir Tsss aii Lrrearee.Subject ta sppticabk h�r cc ta:�riime4�ivc by l.snda,Bw�+�+e�shdt pay to ` - . <br /> .t.eader on the daY�!►P�Y��+t due u�drr the Note.ueW tfie Naae is pid in falt.s swn('Foads'}far:(t)Yurlp taxes <br /> ' �Ind aire��mmts�fiicfi mty atfain p(iai4y over tltis�eCOtity In�nme�t at a lien on tbe Pt�opetty(b)Y�Y�R�7� ' <br /> or srouod�ats aa the Pmpa�ty,if aay;(c)Y�Y�a ProP���P�an�s;(d)Y�Y�.�P�'• ' <br /> if�ui,(e)yarty�inwcaooe P�. it a�;�d(�anY�P�Y�by Hormwa w L� avcocdanoe with _ <br /> t�p�wisioas of pnsar�ph 8,in lieu of the prymeat of matg�e imurm�oe p�nmtnn�s.7�ese itans ue d1a1'l�.sc�m�r It�' ' . <br /> i�aider any time,oollect�md bold F�mds in m�rnoam mt w excad the�i�m unnuot a leader for a federaliy <br /> nl�ted mo�tEage iaan msY t�quit+e for Bottntva's escrow accaaot under t6e federal Ral�Fstate Settktned.I'moeduc�es Act of <br /> 1974 as�meoded frons ame w tu�.1211.S.G.Section 26U1 er seq.("RESPA'),ankss mWLer Iaw th�t apptiea to tbe Fwds <br /> seta a kxa anaunt. If so, IiMer waY,at my time,colkct�acl bokl Fw�ds ia ae xnount not to ex000d tbe lesser ama�at. <br /> Lancler to�y tstiaatp tl�e�moont of,Fands duc ou tho t�is of turnnt d�ta a�d seasoo�bte�timate.s of sxpadidaaes of flrtut�e� <br /> • Esccw�r Itams or otbecwise in acoo�dance anth apptic�bk law. - <br /> � '!Ue Fands s6aII 6c.Ldd ia aa institutioa vrhase cleposits ate insntod b�r a feder�l aB�Y. �9; �'��Y <br /> ' ('mciudi�I.ehdes,if La�der is�h at�instimtion�or ia�y Feder�l Hap�e�.Oan Baak.I.ender sl�li apply ti�e Fa�ls to pay tLe . <br /> Eac�v hpns.I.endtr may�not ds�rge Boc�ower for hofding and applying the Funds,mnually s�lyzing the esctas�t:aocount'or <br /> '. vtrifying tlta Eserow Itans,'�atess�L,�r PaYs Borrower itu�e�est on the FuM�and applie,able law permits I.ender tci malce sueb <br /> a c1�lrge.Iloweva.l.eqder m�y�ttquine Borrawer to pay a one-time chatge for an independent real estate tax nporting servia ' <br />:. used bg L,ender in comxetion with ttds ta�n, imtess applicable law pcovides a�t�ec�ris�. Uniess aa agroement is m�de or � <br /> . applicabte law nquins inten�st to be paid,LeMer sl�all not be roquirod to pay Bonnaver any intenst ar earnings on the Fw�s. <br /> ' Horrmyer mtd La�dec.may agree in writing,however,tbat inurest shall be paid on tbe Fwids.Lender shall give to Bocrower. <br /> without cl�afga,an atmual accounting of the Funds,showing cre�its and debits'ta the Funds and the purpose for wluch e�ch . <br /> debit w the Fnnds was made.The Fnnds ate plodga!as tdditional security for all sams securad by this Secarity In�ttumet�t. <br /> If the Fmids held by Lender eaead the amaunts permitted to he he1Q by applicabu law,Lender shall acmunt to Borcower � <br /> fqr the exxss Faads in xcordatxe with the c+eqninments of applicable law. If the amou�t of the Funds held by L.eMer at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay tLe Escro�r Ite�s�hen dne.Lender may so notify Borrawa in writing, such case Bocrower <br /> st�l!pay to Lender tde amount�tti ic�ce up the 3e8ciency.Bormwer shatl maice up the deficiency in no more Uaa • <br /> taetr�-e_montfily L�ea�'s scL discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of aT3�:�s seazs'ed by this Securiry lnstrumert, Lender shall promptly refund ta Bomowor any . <br /> Funds held by t.ender.If.under p�iagraph Zt.i.ender shali acquire or sell tbe Property.l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the P►vperty.shall apply any Funds hetd by L.ender at the time of acquisition ot sate as a credit against ttx sums savrod by - <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 3.Applicatbn ot Psymrnts.Unless applicable taw provides otherwise.atl payments receivsd by Lender under patagraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,ta amounts payable under par�graph 2; <br /> third�to iaterest pdncipal due;ar�d Iast,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4:Cl�arges;Ltens.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessznents,charges.fines and impositions anributable to the Property <br /> which may attain prior:�ty over shis Security Instrument. and�easehold payments or gravnd rents, if any. Borroaer shall pay <br /> th�se obligations in the manner pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.B�rowet shall pay them on ri^�e directly <br /> to ttxt person owod paymcmt.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender a�notices of amounts to be paid under Ehis paragra�h. <br /> .. I!$orrower makes these paymen�s direetly,Bcrrawer shall promptly furr�sl�to Lender receipts evidc�cing the payments. <br /> , Borrowt�shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument uieT.ess Aorrawer: (a)agras in <br /> �to the payment of the ob��nation secvred by the lien in a manner acceptabte to lxnder.(b)contests in goad faitA the lien <br /> by, ec�defends egainst enforae�x�f the lien in, legal pr�ceodings which in the l.cnder's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> ent"arreaie�rt of the tie�t:or(ei sec4-res from.che holder of the lien an agreement satisfactary to Lend�subordinating the lien to <br /> tbla Savrity Ins�sc..�nt.Yf i�tder determines that mry part of the Froperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority�over <br /> , this Securiry Inst�..�ra.t.en8er rnay give Sonower a notice identifying the tien.Borrower shall satisfy tfie lien or take one�r . <br /> mor�e of the actions set farth abocc within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Fanw8o2� �/!0 <br /> � vp�7ote � � . <br /> � .. <br /> . . _. . . . . + <br />