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� , <br />. r.�F. � . _.__ ��._ . . ._ _ �rC._ �'•.Y__-_. <br /> . .V •• '�_- _ _ -__ <br /> �'�:. � � .� _ -���. <br /> . . .`__. . _ �_- � . ... _ ____= ___�.__ �--�_�_ y • _ _. ._-_ - .-.-. <br /> ' phr�eoe�n�y�p fp�er be'eap_i� We optiaa oi Leader.if�noctp�e im�nmce ooNaa�e(i�the��ount_aad foir i0�peiiod .- . <br /> tlrt L�e�da:�eq�ua+)Peon►Ne�tiS►'a it�au+a aPP�aved bY I�da±�TM�°°°�s av�itabie aod•is obt�iaed.Bana�ra�it pa7► <br /> ` . d�e pce�ie�'ieqqirod b arintaia moeti�e i�unwoe in et�eCt.or W provkie a loss t�eserve.�rhtil s1�e�equ�nment for mo�ti+�e . <br /> ' . �inaaanoe ads ia s�ooedma wit6 aoy wria�en s�eamenc baw�aen HamMrc�nid l.aider a�pplicable 4w. <br /> 3 L�ectioa.[aender ot its�enc maY m�e h�sontbk eahirs upon an�i�pecuon.s of tbe P[ope�ty.t�endct sh�ti 8�ve . <br /> �- ` Bos+nwsr mtke at the time of or pcia to aa ittsQedioa spxifyin8 ressonsble cause for tye iaspoctioa. <br /> ' 1�.Co�dem�tbs. T6e proceods of any awud or ctaim for d�mtges.dita�or�,in cannoctian vrith any <br /> oondmmatbn a�aher of any prt of the Property:or for ooavryanx in lieu of condema�tion.ue here6y assigoed aod - <br /> - sls�t ba p�id ta Lesder. . . , . , ,. , <br /> . in the eva�t of�total Wcing of the Propecty,tt►e pcaaeeds sbnli be s�ppliad to the s�m�s socared by this Security�umoot. <br /> � �wlntbec ar ont s6en du�.with�ny exasc'paid to Bocmwer.In tLe eveat of a partial taldag of d�e Pmperty`in arhich t6e fiir � <br /> mubet valae of the Property immediuely befoce the takiag is cqua!w or gc�ater d�aa tbe amount of tLe sn�s secarad by t6is <br /> � Sewrlty L�ument ianaal'�ately before tLe taking,anless Borrower aM l�ender othe�wise agnx�w�iting.the sums sewned by <br /> this Seo�ciry Instrument�sf�ll 6e roducod bY the amount of tLe Qroceeds umltiptied by the folbwing ftactiou: (a)the tot�l <br /> amoaot of the saa�s sautad immodi�ely before the taldng.dividod by(b?t6e fsir marlcet v�tue of tbe Pmpeity immodi�tety. <br /> 6efore thc taling. My tialanae si�il be p�id to Borrnrxa. Tu the event of a pxtti�l talong of the Pmpeccy in wlrich tbe fair <br /> a�arlcet value of the Praperty imajedisuely befonc the taking is tesc than tt�e amount of t!�sums secured immediately 6efore t6e <br /> taldaE,wtiess Botsower and L�ider otheiwisa agr�en writing ar wiless applicable taw ott�e�wise pmvides,Else psooeads shaU_ <br /> be�pplied to the sams securod 6y this Serurity Instnunent y�rh�6er or not the sums are thea due. � <br /> If the property is abandoned by if,aft�r notice by Lender W&frrower t6at d�e catdemnor offers to maice an <br /> �awud or settle a ctaim for damages.Borrower fails to respord to 1.ender within 30 days after the dau tlse aotice is given, <br /> Lendtr is aathorized to collxt acd appty the pmoeods,at its��ption,ei�her to nstaratian or�r of the Prope�ty or to the sumc <br /> saund by this Sewrity It�ria�t,whether or not tticn due. . ` , <br /> Unless i�det and gurrnwer otherwise agree in writing, any application of prooeeds to principal�shap not extend.or <br /> pos7pone the due date of the maotl►ly payments referred to_in paragr�ph's 1 and 2 or c6ange the aanunt of such payments., <br /> ll,Borruwer Na Rdeased;Forbauance By I.ender Not a w�iver.Eatension of the time far paymrnt or modi�ication <br /> of amortirrtion of the sums sesvrod by this Security Inst�urnent granted by l.ender w any sucoessor i»inte�+est of Borrower shall <br /> �. •not optrate to t�etease tUa liabiliry of the original Boirower or Borrower's sucassors in in�rest.Lender shall not be <br /> commence praceedings against any saccessor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise m4dify aznortirrtion <br /> of the sums sxured by this Socuricy Insttumeat by reason of aay demand made by the original Borrower ar Borrower's <br /> suocasors in intet�st. My forbearance by Lender In eaercising any right or remedy s�atl not 6e a waiver of or ptectude the <br /> •. eaercise of any right ar remody. ' ` •. <br /> . l2.Saecessoes and A�Boand:Jotat and Several I.ia6ility;C�e�s. The oovenants and�Ceements of this • -- <br /> :.:�ecurity InsWment shail bind and benefit the sucassors and assigi�s of Lea��'and Barrower. subjoct ta�e pmvisions of . <br /> '�.-:p�ttagraph,E'�i:Borrowec's oova�ants an,i agcements shall be joir�and se4�sat. My Borrower who co-signs this Sew�iity <br /> ::;�nstmmer�r�fiut does not exaaite the No'te:(a)'is ca-signing this Ss�sriiy Insm:�eat only to-��c�rtgage, grant and convec t�at <br /> .._Bormwer's iaterest in the Pcoperty tmder the terms of this Security Instrument;tb�is noi per�.��ally obligatod to pay the snms <br /> . "secured by this Security In�trumecrt;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Bo�wer may agee to extend,modify,forbear or <br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> 13.LoAn Charges. If the toan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and that law is ftt�lly interprcted sa that the interest or other loan charges co}lected or to be collected in connection with the _ <br /> Ioan exceed the pemiitted limits,then:(a)any sach to�charge sha8 be reduced by the amount necessary io reduce the charge = <br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already co��^:ec1 from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiE1�be sefunded to - <br /> Borrower. I.ender may choose to nwtce this refund�y reducing the principal owed under the Note or by �^a�Cing a dirax <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces princi�!, the redaction will be treated as a partia! prepaymznt withoat any <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. _ <br /> 14.Notices.A»y notice to�orr�E€provided fcr.�n this Secarrity lnstrument shaU 6e given by delivering ii or by nsa:?ing - <br /> it by first class mail untess appticabte}aw requires us:af another method.The notice shaU be directed to the Property Addras <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notix to i.ender. Any notice to L.erWcr shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address statal herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to'Barrower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Security lnstrument shall be deemed to t.ave been given to Borrower ar l.ender when givcn ac provided in this paragraph. <br /> 1S.Govtrdng l.�w; Severa6i�itR. This 5ecurity Instrumcnt sha8 be govemed by�federal law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is:vc�:�1. In t2�:e�'ent that any provision or of this Securiry Instrsment or the Note <br /> conflicts with appllc�ble taw,such ca:��:a shaSt��c+::;����t other provisions of thTs Security lnstrument or the L�ote which can 6e <br /> � given effect without the oonfliGing�:v�as�on.To this end the pravisions of this Security Instrument and th:t�ote are dectared <br /> to be sevtrable. --- <br /> ' 16.$oerower's Copy.Borrower sl.:R i�e given one conforsne�capy of the Note and of this Secutity inssnsment. _ <br /> Ffxm 3025 9190 <br /> � P.�eae ._ <br /> , � , <br />