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<br /> y,�,�._ _ " '. ' ' _ _—_"
<br /> l�'. " __-.. ' _ . _ _ . :�._.' --._--_—__.
<br /> _ — �_...�.�._...�_�._��.—.�..—.._.a.�—.i.
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<br /> 'aL t�10 O[�OQ C�`�i011dOrs 1�fYlO[fa�6 ffMlCapOQ COYC[�/C�1II�E Sfl101n���OC�10 ppll0d�Tr0lidCr!�j{�Of�.. _ . .
<br /> • `.����'11!11�I�.�pLOVOd�T.OIIdOf'�Ut�OdOf�aM�l�t��1t O��IrO�.�CHOII������0 Qf*R11U11lS' ;
<br /> , tOQq1['Od iD 111ilnhlII�t0!!��1l1�11061t1 l�ON'.0�.�0 p[OYtib s�fE�Oflla t1Rtt�1�10 l�OQ111TOfM1EAL�f AIO[trl0`
<br /> . !fl�fl00 lfl�LA iDC�OCO Mi�l itl�IftIt001t�OOf110fl�L bOt1IQ0l1�OffOMlt!�j�011d01'Of��Ct�O�N. .
<br /> - 4.Iupeetias.L�derariti�eat ansY m�ias e+eror�abta enviasnQan aod inepei.Kiarod the Pro�erty.I�eod��bit!�
<br /> : pve Borto�ec a�tioe at tl�atit�e d a prioe to m tripectioo�p�ecit�rintreMOtwble c�we for the irrpec�iar. , .
<br /> , . 10`Coad�aurNo�.T6a ptd.'aeds tl[at�t a�td ot d�itn Io��ms�ee.direct o�cone�equeatiay.IA aoanectian�vitd
<br /> `any c�a�detinaatio�or otAec t�lriuuj d ucy Pd't d tbe Piopaty.or for aonveyaaoe in liai ot oor�demnasion.are hee+eb�r
<br /> ' �aeitned and ah�'J bc.pId to L�eoder: ` � � � � , ' ,
<br /> _ ' in tbe.er!a►t o!.a wtat tal�ibj ai tbe pr�perty:tbe penceeds ah�ll he ap�ied to tbe m��aecured thu 5ecurity
<br /> m� �y
<br /> i�etrwtte�t.wliether a twt then due.![ith uiy e�ees paid to Borcoirer:Ia thc event ot a prt�d takin�ot t�e Propaty�in
<br /> , . wtich she t�ir maetet value o!th�Ptopaty iminalittely 6dora tire tsti�is a�l to or�eatar tdn the amaa4s ot tse :
<br /> enms sec�red by tbia Securiry 7aewmeat immediatdy be[aa the h1u�unle�Borrower aad I�ender otLerMise a;rae -
<br /> ia�rritir�.the aua�s sect�red by'this Secwity Irettumeat ehstl be teduoed bq tbe siaonat ot tl�pro�ceede mdtipiied by
<br /> t1�e idlo�rin j itaction:(s)tht tos�l amovnt oi tLe sums eec�nnd immediatedy bdore�e tatia�,divided by Ib)the fair .
<br /> mark�ett Fa1ue at the Property imme�atdy bdora the t�tnn�.AaY b�lan4e sh�U be pdd ta Hono�rer.Ia ttre eva�t ot s �
<br /> . p�rtid t�tia�ot the Property in which•tlx fair marlcat valae o!the Property immediatdp before tha tatua�ia lees ffian
<br /> tbe araouat of the suaas aecimed i�amediatdy 6doro tt�tatin�,unlesg Horro�rer and I�ender othenrisc ag�+ee in�rritir�
<br /> ot valeds appliabie fa�r otherwise peovides� tha pcoc�eeds sl�all ba applied to the sttms aecurad by thia Secttcisy
<br /> I�stnm�entxhe���osnottbesiimsu+etbmdua. •
<br /> 1[tha Pmpetty ia ab�ndExyed hy Botz+oirer,or if,�tu notix by Leadet to Bonniva�tAat the wademnor oHers w
<br /> m�ce aa apud or aettle a claisn fot da�na�m,Bormxer f�i1s to reapond to I.ender�vithin 3Q dsys aiter tlye d�u the
<br /> mpioc is given,I.eader ia authari�ed w coqect md apply tl�e proceeds.at its option,dth�e to nsWration or t+epair of the .
<br /> Plcopa�tg or to tbe sums eecuced bp thia Security Ins�trument.�aether nr not then duc
<br /> � . Un1e�Lsnder aad Bocrowa otherNis��ae ia pritiit�,�n:tY�icatioa oi pinoeeda to principal shalt not e=tend or
<br /> . . por�pcx�e the dua dsu a[the monthlY P�Yments neierc�d ta;ia prra�raphs 1 anc� 2 or chang�the uaount of sue6
<br /> .p�xeteats. . ,. �. �
<br /> � .. .!t.Horra�eei Not�ekaeed;Forbaranoa By L,eades Not s Wsiver.�an o#tbe time foc�cpirient or .
<br /> raa�iCcation oi amortiution of the anrms exurad by tbis SeCurity Inswment�r-,�by Leoder ta a�ig�:r;tu�oe�or in
<br /> interest oi Borra�ver ehali not opecate t��relea� the liability of tfse origi� E���or,Borm�ret���.ict�sors
<br /> in
<br /> - � intaresi,Lender ehall aot bo requi�d t�d�nietue P{�ASS���Y��s��iiir"�ti;�:�?;us"e tb estend
<br /> tiiiae for paymeat or otUa�rise modify sm+ictitation ot;ha sums sbei�tod by t�s Secnrity Ir,stti�,�c�t&�t�sua of anY. -
<br /> dem�nd mde by the ori�uwl Botroper a�r.$ortowe�s�ors in interest,��fforbearanc����x e�srcising -
<br /> any ri�ht or t+emedy sh�ll not be s�raiver i�air.preclude.'riie eierciae ot my rig�,t,a��amcdy. , 'r�:,.• �`` `
<br /> 12.Saccessors aad Aasi=as Bovu�.:��aint sad Several Lia�itity;C���er�.Tke c�a:�aa�a��.�_�.� � � _
<br /> ot this Secu�ity Instnimait shsll biud�iad�+enefit the succr�socs�d`c�sigtLS t�f�nder aac��wer,r��t���e'�`._ .::<
<br /> pruvisia�a oi qra�rsPh 17.Borroxar'saa��isants ar�d agceements siti��e ioint a�several.Ahg Bon+a�►+er��aaacs�ga5- -
<br /> this 3ocnrity lnsttument but doas not e*ecute the Note: (s)is co-sipiiing tAis Securtty In9irument only t�v teioitg;i�e, _
<br /> � �rant and canvey that Borro�vveds interest ia tha Property under the terms o€shis Security Iastcomen�(b) is not
<br /> pason�lly obli�ted to pay the eums socurnd by this Security Insttumen�aad(a)�Srxa tLat Lender a.nd my ather
<br /> Borruxer may�to e:tend.modify,forbar or milc�any acoommodstions with regard to the terms o[this Savrity
<br /> Instrumentor the Note Rithoutthat BorraMer's consen� =
<br /> 13.Losa C6ujes.8 the loan aeeored by this Soewity Instrument is snbject to a law which stts muimum loan -
<br /> chtt�es,snd thst 1aa is finilly interpr�tod sn that the intertst or other loan charges colteeted or to be collectod in :
<br /> conaecdon�vith tbe lo�n e=aeed the permitud limits,then:(a)any such loan chergo shall be roduced by the amount
<br /> naxatsry to t+eduoe the cMr$e to tlre permitted timi� and (b) ar►y sums already oollectod from Bomoker Mhicb °
<br /> e:eeeded permitted l�mits kill be ntundal to Borroxer, l,ender may choose to mske this refund by reducin�the �
<br /> principl oMed under the Note or by maicin�a direct p�yment to I3orroxer.If s refund reduces princip�l.the reduction -
<br /> Nill be trated ss a p�rciaJ pnp�yment Withnut any p�+epayment charge under the Note. `
<br /> 14.Notioes.Any rat�a ta BorroWer provided ior in this Security Instrumc�tshall be given by delivering it ar by _
<br /> ,:, mailin�it by Crst ciass mail unless appl�cabte taW requins use oi another nnethad:The notice stui)be din�+eted to the -
<br /> Ptopercy Addr�eas or sny ottier address Horro�ver desienates by notioe w Len�kr.Any notice to Lender shail be given by °
<br /> first cl�mail to Lender's Wdre�stated henin or any ott�er address Lender designates by notioe ta Bortoxer.Any
<br /> notia provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be damed to hs�e bxn given to Borroxer or Lendec Nhen�ven -
<br /> �s p+avided ia this p�rs�raph. • , _
<br /> 1S.Govetains Lsw;Sevenbility.This Security Instrument sAt11 be gov�tn,,�d by federsl laM and the tap oi the ...
<br /> jurisdiction in Nhich tt�e Property is laxted.ln the event that any provision or cl�itse of this Se�vrity 1nst�vment or the -
<br /> Note oontlicts�rith spptipNe 1sv,such eonftict shsll not atiect other provisions ot ti►is Socurity tmtrutneat or the I1�ote �
<br />� �rluch dn be�ven etfect�rithout the conflicting provision.To this rnd the provisions ot this Secuaty lnstrument and
<br /> the Nou ane declat+ed w be severtble. � .
<br /> i��I�2/ !/!� _
<br /> , �w1M�cs�es�.o� . ay...e s -
<br /> InitlNt
<br /> . - � Y � � a -
<br /> - ��^.�.,.�.-�.-.�..�,:-�_''�'"i�_. _=.:,1 _.-._
<br /> -_--_— �._.•-�=�+.x�.:i� - •
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