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<br /> � �,�d�p�p�y��,g��r��ai1�:the impravanaess�w�r�or hec�tter esected aa
<br /> � . tbe peopa�t!i�ned api�st 1o�c bi►�.ln�stds iticluded wltlua the temn'�ae+ded ooven�e'aid sny otl�es hu�edr, �. . ,
<br /> inclu�it�noods a��Iaodifi�,fo'+rhtct���aider�aquite�i�This it�txsaca aMil be�inwiaed itt tIte��enauad
<br /> sad for the patods tinat Lender requirer.'lbe�ae��nnoe cKeia providi t8e inuranoe�11 be cAa�►by BoKOwa� ,.
<br /> � subjxt t�Gade�a appe+nvd whicA ei�a11 not be w�ro�eo�bly�rithhdd 1f�*►ee fails w rnsintain vovera,e de�cn'6ed
<br /> � sbove,Irauler�ay.at I.cede�s optlon.obtain ooven�e to protecc�.etder's d�hts in the Properiy ia�000rd�noe�rith
<br /> P�+Ph� � , ' � , , , , . .
<br /> All ine�n�anoe puliciea and rene�rata eha11 be aoap�table tio l.endet u�d el�atl inctude s�E�rxLrd mortp�e cIaueed ,
<br /> � adali have the ri�►t to dold the policias and taieusls. It t.aWet requit+et. Borrower ab�ll Pc'omptlY jive to
<br /> �dl re�apt�at patd pcemiwna and rmewsi t�odoca b�ttia avent of ta�BorroMer eh�ll�ive pcampt satiae to the -
<br /> i�uraaos Cirrier and Lader:l�ender msy mske proot oi taes ii no�aisda P�P�Y�Y��p�r. � -
<br /> Untess La�der sAd Borrower atLeswise s�ree ia.writas�.�p��a�eeds eha�l be apptied to rast�catioa or repair
<br /> of tbe Ptopaty damaied.if the reatorationor np�ir ie econofnicaUy fs�e+'bie and I.a�de�s aecucity u not teeeet�.Iithe'
<br /> reator�tion or repair is not a�onomictliy fe�ble or Lender'a sxurity wonld be teaBened.the ir�caaoa proi�eeds ehalt be �
<br /> appiied ta the siu�ns sec�md by thia Sec�nity i�sttument��r�atl�er nr not thai d�.�rith any eioees paid w Borioxer.If -
<br /> Borrower:b�ndon.s tlre Pmperty.or does not ansWet within 30 dsys a notioe imm I�etder thst the iasuranx wrcia h�s
<br /> ogeaed ta settle�claim,then I.tndes msy collect tTw irs�ranoe prooeeds.Landee msy nse the proceeds to repair or
<br /> restore the Praputy or to pay aums aeeured by thia Security Iastrument,M►t�ether or not then dne TLe�30 dsY Pa'iod xitl
<br /> begin�vhett the nbtioe is�iven. ' � '
<br /> . Udr�Ixnder sid BorroRer other�iae s�eee in vritia�.any appiication of pcocoeds to principat'sbslt not estend or
<br /> postpone the due dau of the monthlY P�7meats referred to in p�n�raphs I and�or ch�aPc the smo�taf th�pyaiisats. ,
<br /> N undet peta�raPli 21 the Property is aoqaired bq l.eader, Borro+vej''s right to any i�suntxx policces and ptuaeeda
<br /> — zrsultin�fmm dams�a ta the Pmpertq piia to the aaqviaitioa shaU p�s w I�ender to the e=tent of thasums socuiea by
<br /> this Sec�uitq Inswmentimmedistety prior to t�aoqucsiUOn. '
<br /> 6�ocupancy,Ptescrvstion,'Maiateamce md Protoctius of tha Property:Borru�ror's Loan Applicstion:
<br /> I.ea�e'itatda.Borrowa stall oc�cnpy,establish,snd u�tha Pcopecty is Boc�n�rer"s pniwipEl cesiden�sittiin sistg dtys
<br /> • atur ti�e�zecution d tlus Seciirity Inswmeat and s1►�Il eonrinoe to oocopy the P'roperty, as Bo�:u�+er's principal
<br /> i�eside�ce ior at 2ast ora sear afurtlse dsu of oc�up�ncy,urtleas I,enBer otha�risa a�cees in writia��hich oonxnt sball
<br /> — not be unraso�bly aritbadd,or ant�s e=ten�stin�cir+eumatancese=ist wluctt as+e bayond Borro�ec*s a�ntrnl.$arm�a
<br /> - sh�11 not destroY.darns�e or imp�ir the Pt+nperty.sllo�v the Property ta deterioate.or commit w��n the Property.
<br />- _ - Botro�va shall be iri defintt if aqs forfdtune'sction oc proccediag.wheduccivil or criminal.is beYu:s.thst in Lender,s
<br />°� good faith jodgment could rrsuIt ua forte►ture of the Property or otherwiae materially impsir the lien crated by this
<br /> =� Security ttLStrument or Lencter"s aocurity.interest.�Borroxet m�y cute such s detault aad reinstate,as pmvidod in
<br /> P�&�Ph la by cau�sinY th� acti0a or pcoceediag`to b� dismis9ed �ith a ruling that, in l.eudet's gnod f=ith
<br />�� � - --- - - -
<br /> deter&mination.precIudes forfcitore of the Borrowe�s interest in the Fmpecty or other maurial impaitment oi the lien
<br /> crested Sp ttus Savrity lnswmm�c,iG�,ander's axurity interest.Borro�+ec st�11 aLso be in default if BorraWex.during
<br /> � `the Io�s�prcation proae�,�ve"i�*.atiJiy false or ins�itt�'oraaation or scstsenients w I.ender(or farfed to
<br /> provi�e'L,a�der aith any maurial.ccd�rmatioa)in eonnceqvex a�'it$a�:e taase evideencod!�.the Note,inctuding,.&�aot
<br /> rs;:Y timited a�,.tepre�eatations concxrr�irt�'Sorrower's accupmc�r,��ihe�g is s pnncigail residence.Ii tbis S�oaisity
<br /> s�-• Iiistrument is on s Ieasehold.Borm;c�c sl�all compiq with alt�e psovi�aQS�'f tt►�lease Ii Borrower.acquires t'ee title to
<br /> =_=�'s the Pmperty.the leasehold and the�utle shall not metge tintess l,ender agre�s to the mager in writing. '
<br /> 7.Pru.teetton o!Lender's lt��[ts in tbe Property.IE L�orrower fails to perform the covenants and agreeaernts
<br /> = contained iA this Secucity Instrume;'�ot there is s legsl gmceading thst may sigmCcsntly sffect Lender's rights cn the
<br /> -- property (such as s procoeaing in bsnkruptcy. prob�te. tor condemnation or for[eituce or to eaforce laws or =
<br />::I`� tegulations),then Lender msy do and pay for wAatevet is nece�ary to protxt the value of the Property and Lender's
<br />--_� rigtitis in the Property.Lender's sctions msy include paying any sums sxured by a lien which has prioritq over this =
<br />- Security Instivment,appearing in court.pying rasonable suorneys'fas and enteting on the Property w make t�epains. _
<br />-.:"� Although L,�nder may take action ccc:�x this pus�sph 7.Lduier.does not havo to do so.
<br /> - Aa�aicounts disbureed by�.eades under this peragraph 7�all bccoma additional debt of Borrower sccure�.�y 4his
<br /> Security[c�uumcn�Unless Borroarer and Leadet a$rea ta a�tec�rts cr�.'na►Yment,these amounts shall bear interest
<br /> from the data of disbursement at t�e Nou rate Wnii�.all be{JZ�a��e,a-i�11,i�.,'r�st,upon notice ftom T�c�t to Bornower -
<br /> � �4��Psymen� � � . , : �, ... . , ". ,. . .
<br /> ' 8.Mott=a=e lnaurance.If Lender required.enc,�s'�`in��irance as a condition of rnaYing th�i�ext�b�thia
<br /> Securitq Ya3trument,Borrower shall pey the prerttiactss requir+�Co maintain the mortga�e insurance c�ef�ect.[f.:E�c�ny
<br />:� nason,the mor'tg,age insurance coverege t�quii�►i hy tx:�fspsGS or ceases to be ic�.ffect.Ba�x�rsr sha11'�rt�the
<br /> premivms required to�abtain cover�ge substantir:tiy oquiyalent w tne mortgsgainsuraace previQV�'�s'z3 eEfect,st s�aost
<br />.�Y` subetantially equivai�nt.to the cqst to Borro�trr'�f the mortg�ge insuranca previonsly in effe��rom an slumste
<br /> _- , mortg�ge iasurer approvod by Lender. If suli�ntially e�aivaltnt mortgage insutance coverAge is not svailable;
<br /> -�':' Borroxer shall p�y to Lendor e�ch mot►th a sucrc cqusl to an�-twe(fth of the yearly rnortgage insurance premiv.�t'.bei�
<br />- i� pid by Borro�rer N1kn the insursnce coverzge Gapsed or a�d to be in effect..fi e�.der aiq accept,use and 'retsia ttiese
<br />,•�-.. p�yments as a to� reserve in lie� of marrg�z�nsurence. Loes reserve paynieaLs may no Lunger be rtqniced. �
<br /> — . �� � ��
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