<br /> ��� ' � . . .. '
<br /> • - ���-=� � � . . ,� � � -
<br /> - 'f�.+' {' . ,ti. . ��_[AA. �
<br /> ..� . . ' ` ...__
<br /> : _� ��- .�� - _"_____� � — -
<br /> :�i.'_.. .._- `�� � � l_ i - - '� . . . � . . ��� � . .� ,
<br /> i ��.�ffIEOR�R'i��r•�Off01e0�f���=tVOdO�0000t0l111Od�Rq�ONOtEifl�O�t�11s►�OCt1f�ty tQd'Li'ptRb11� =
<br /> " 17.Ttwt�e ct tLe Prop�ct oe a Hea�ticiil Lterett is$oerower. ti�11 or any.pet ot t�l�e I'rapertr oo a�y
<br /> � in�ereu in�t i��otd or traa[ecrad�ae ii i ba�etkid intecat�n Ha�ro�rer i��otd nr tranrEared and Borroner�s not a
<br /> natu[a1 pa�)Nlthoatt,aKle�a.pnor Mrlt�enoonent.LeiWer msy�at idopqon.require immadiate psrment ia tuil ot
<br /> �Il sume s�oexri tl�s Sec�tty Inwmeet..I�iOwreve�. this option �1(n�1���!► �i!e�i�u, .
<br /> t
<br /> pe�ot�tbited by i ta�r ot t1�s d�te o!this SecuritY I�trpment. �
<br /> ti i.eRder e�roi�thisopttop.L�d�d�tl�ive Ho�rOxer aotim ot aooetaaUoa.The natia sh�lt provide a pa iad
<br /> ofi not lar ttfsn 30 da�s trom tliadate tAe aotice�s detivavd oe msiled�vithin wrhieh 8oeeoMer rnueR pry v!auana eecuced =
<br /> bq tl�S 5ecwit�r ts�man�U BoeroMer bita W pY,tf�eee eu����p ration ot ehie period.Letider may involce
<br /> any nmadias pecn�ittedby thisSecw�tty 1�atrumaitMisbut dasnand on Boce+oMer.
<br /> �S.Barrawss's iti=ht to 1telaslata�Botc��er meets ceetaia oonditian�Bon+awec sh�il hsv�the rip,ht to tuve
<br /> entorcenia►t d this Sec�uit�i IudruR►eat d'esoontinued at aay dme prior to ti�e arlier ot:(a}S days tor euch otherFeriod '
<br />- �s �p1i•pble ti�r m�y spec�fy fa rett�abtementl 6efare eate ot the �nsuirt w my.�oka of sde wmm�ed in
<br /> = thia_Se�ritp I�trumen�a (b) entry.oi s�d�ment entacir�tlu�ty In�uumen�17wx conditions are tbat=
<br /> gorrowq; (i�p�ys I.enda�dl sama�rhich then Mouid be due wx�eF this Savrity I�drument snd th�Nau�1n� i�t no
<br />- acceteratton lwl occoste�(b)c�utY de[ault of sny othet ouvemnts or a�roements(c)P�YS��P���
<br /> enforcin�this Security Itt�ment,includin�,but ant Lmited io.saeonsble s 'fas;and(d)taYes such action as
<br /> Lender may reu�anabtq tequite to a�ure that the tien oi tlus SeciuitX ts�stri�men�'s rigbts in the PropertY�nd
<br /> u
<br /> � Bormrva's obti�tion W py tbesuma exuned by t1�iaSavrity Ir�sttutneata1�11 coatinue anchan�ed.Upon r�ei�mtausnent
<br />-- by HorroRer.tius Secunty Insttumentand the o6li�atioas axured hereby st�ail remun fultg elfectiveas�f no acoeteratioa
<br /> hsd a�c�uned.FTcs�vaver.this ri$ht to reinststesball irot appl�►iA the use of avataraiion nnder Ptrs�rsPh��
<br /> h ro
<br />_--- 19_Sde ot Not�;C6sare ot Loan Servicer.-'flte Note ot R partial interest in t1�e Note(togctiter With thisSecuritJ� .
<br />- Itistrument�ms be eold one or moredmes without prior not�ve to Borrower.A sale msy resutt in s changa ia theentity
<br /> (irno�va�s tha•�Savicer")that collects mohthly ptyments due uader the Nou and thisSocurity Insuumen�.Tbere
<br /> - ---- ai;��ay{�e one or neoro changes oi�tha Losn S�avicer�rateLted to a s�le oi tha Note,It't�ere is a change oi the Laan
<br /> � �cl,aer;Borro�rer e;ll be ghron�vatten noticz oi the chsnPe in sccordanca with p�apT414 above and appiica6le Isw.
<br /> - The u�i�ve tvill etsu the�uae aad address oi tbe new►Loan 5etvicer and the address to wliich paymer�s stiovld be made.. _-_--
<br /> Thenotixwilidsocvntsiau►yotl�eriniocrostionroquiradbyapplicaMelaw. � :'� - �,
<br />- 20.�'saudo�is Sabstsnas.BorroRer shall not csuse or it the pre�eaa.�ctisposa{,stoss�,or r��Q! _
<br /> --- --- aay Hsar''.r�s Substanves on or in t�he Propercy.Bonoxes not do:aor allow any^aa�else to do.a�Snivag a►�e�i�g .... �.� =
<br /> � • r the Pro p e�-*,�ast is ia vialatian oi any finv�ronmentat Law.The procodin g t R O aenteac��i a 1 1 not a ' p<to the pce�4�. ' . �,`�:_---
<br />�`_ ,� ,,,�,;:�:=� ,;- tme, oc stacage an the Property of small qusatities o f H a z a r d ous Su b s t s ncas t h a t::a�e, ��;r e e c�g n:z e d s o B e . . '*'---
<br />'�' �` Q�"`x -a �op��tatonosmsiresidentiatusrsandtomrintenaticeofthePropercy_. . . . . � . ���:.
<br /> `�:.�s'-�� �,;�> �Borrower sh�ll prnmgtiY�►ve Leader writtzn notice of eny iavesti�teaa:�asm,d�$•.'��ai�s-s�ftr orSiei actioA by' � -. �-+�'�-
<br /> - '�; �'`=�"._.' ar►y governmentat orreg�latory ag�ea..^y or private perty involviag the�Propertq a...+�'a�Y��t��'.� SubstaIICe or - ��'� �_,
<br /> a:- �E:?=�
<br /> ��`r;c
<br /> . � - EnvironmeaUl La�r of xtnch Borroper h�s�canl icnoxtedge.�u.�'c[O1PCt IC3ff1S�Ot IS�M1�^��STIf SOVCfJ111L�7tf�OT r �-
<br /> �``� ' '° tegulatory authority. ttu�t any removal or other remediatiocz�`� Hazardo�Subs�.�ce�fzctin the �s -
<br /> � g FmPe�S`, . � ' , �� _
<br /> �n � aa�ary,�onoWer st�alt promptl�take all noceseary remodial aFtions in acoordana witfr Fa►vironmental I.aw. .
<br /> � �;' ,.-.
<br /> ::�N``�-�' `�• t�s use�ia ihis ra�ry^h Zl1 Hazasdous Suhstanas"are those substa�cea deGnod as toxic or hazardous substances [�yy -
<br /> � 1�.:;_�'',:.3-:�: :�z ..J'....: ...:. . � �T/' f � li'{Il�_.+..�•.
<br /> .�.'��� .. ...,::; � by Environmenttl Law and the lollowing sul�nee�gisoune,kerosene.other flsmmable or toxic petrolwm�. �:_
<br /> � � � toxic �ie,ydes and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde� and r�dioactive t- -r
<br />.. �:.�;iPe...:�• . `-.f}r.,.;. ��'_t7+d:,t•�,'
<br /> �,:,^n:=: `^,.::�' mstenais..�+is u�ed in this tagrnph 2��"EnvitonmenUl Law"rnesas feder�l iaws a�►d laws of the iuriadiction xhere the �� �. �_
<br /> ' Praperty is lucated thstre ate to healtb; � � '�
<br /> :fi.s.,T';, . , . safety or environmen�t protoction. � �'
<br /> - '•�-'• - NON-UIVIFORMCOVENANfS.Borrower and La►dec iurther covenant and agcce as follow� � -'�`
<br /> �:-:4-r- � - -.
<br /> ' � � 21. Acalentioa; ltemedies. Leader ahsU pve nottce to Borrower pnor to acceleration foltowin= , �-
<br /> �'� . Hoaowee'a breach o!sny covenant or a=reement�a this Security Instroment(but aot prior to acc�lttatlon ��
<br /> _ •- under p�ragaph 17 unfeas sppliwbte isw provides otherwise�.T6e notice shsll specify:(a)tAe delsult:(b)the 4' .
<br /> `'� ,�: . �. action required to cure the default: (c�s date. not leas than 30 days ltom thc dste the nottct i�Siven to �
<br /> :�,...� ;,M�,. Barrower.by �vhic6 the det�ult must 6e cund:snd(d)thst[ailure to cure the detault oa or beiore the date ;
<br /> _ ,, '� ;
<br /> `;�°;.::. ._;: ;, ap�f�ed ia the notia msy result ia acceleration ot the aums socured by thia Security Instrument and as2e at ; _, ,
<br /> ;;;:,.:�_ ',. t6e Property. Tbe notice sLall iurther iafor�n Bonower of the ri=ht to reinstste sites scc�lerstiaa aad the .
<br /> •� ' ' ri�Lt to brins s couct actlon to aasert t6e aoa�iistence o!s defanit or sny other detense oi Borrower to ��
<br /> ' ' ' ' sccelesatian aad asle.If the detault is not cuted oa or 6efore the date speciiied in tbe notice,Lender.at its f � _
<br /> � .°�:, ` optioa.msy require immediste pa ment io tult of slt soms secured by this Security lastrumeat without ;. ..
<br /> � furtber dem�ad and may invoka t�c po�ver of eale aad any other remedies permitted by applicabl�law. :
<br /> � �'� ` ' Leader aha11 be entitled to coltect aU eYpeascs incurred in pursuin=the remedies prov�ded in this paa=rap6 ' �
<br /> -+�-�.�.F � � 21.iacludin�,but not limited to.ressonable attoraeys'tees snd costs oi titte evideace. i
<br /> ��'°:�;.::� _ ':.. .� if the power of s�le is invoked.Trustee shsll record a nottce of default;n each county in wbich a�y part of , ,. � �
<br /> ihe Fruperty�s tocsted aad sball msii ropies o!sucb notice ia the msnner Qrescribed by applicsble law to
<br /> '� crt
<br /> � Bon�d�ke�and to tho other persoas prescribed by appliESble ls�v.Atter the t�mo required by spplicable Isw. �. . , _
<br /> =- :;.��:s;.��.�rr`: . `��Trusooc i�s11 pve publie notice of aale to the ona sa�ia the mmner prescribed by spplicab�e law.Trustee. , : : :
<br /> � Y � '`'ti' �,a�itbo�t,�emand on Bonower.s�all seU the roperty at public auction to the hi=hest bidder at the time and ?' ,
<br /> -_',=, �:',;.$i:� • � . . .
<br /> w��:_ :��.$,� �.itsce sad vnder the terma deai=nsteQ in the aotica of ssle ia oae or more parcels snd in any order Trustee
<br /> ��'- � �'� � �' '' '�eterasi�ses.Trustee msy postpoae sale ot s11 or�ny psrcel of tbe Propefty by publlc aanouncement st tbe i ,
<br /> _ _ :.� .�,,,;''r� '� ' time am.d pl�ce of any proviorts��sc'#�ee�utcd sale.Lender or its desi=nee may purcbase t�e Property�tsny i . � -
<br /> � ;��` aale. ' .
<br /> �_'��� .� :t, , . , � , . �
<br /> . a -;,.= . . .
<br /> " ' ' ' • � Fww �t� l/J� t �. • '
<br /> ��tffo3tot hp�e�s MitNta: ; ' .
<br /> "� _ ; , .:.
<br /> T� . . . . ` ..----..._
<br /> —.�_ ,
<br /> -- . . .
<br /> '•-•`a b.�'�'y �, , , - . . . , ` ;-.�~-i�� e-,»`ti ' '.. � . . ` ..' . • .
<br /> — 5,,, � . • { 'y�.-, '.a ) �` . ,
<br /> �fqK-...z��"'�i. . ' ' � �_ � ::� �'o- ; , ii f';��t(i"'��1, . �
<br /> — .L;._ . . .�-. ..�. _..... .__ e _s_,....i.a._ 1- .Y�'Y155�1lP..• '.__, .
<br /> .7::-.rX�w�'_ T , . , . . . . . . ' ' . f i!d _.
<br /> .s. � . � ' . . . "t'�'��t�r'.:5� .
<br /> �' . . . . - . . .. ' ' , - .. '. . :� . �. ' " . . ..ri.rS,i; ' .
<br /> ~�,w�`•." y�. .. - .. .. . - G'le�.'M. � '.rr ..'_ ' ' '1" - _ _"
<br /> -kR41L_ _ ' � . .I ' '7u�.r]4:•� - ; � � • . .
<br /> _ Ti_Yf.-+�� :- .� i •Y rt'�i -:t'_ -•" �3�+�.f�!l.._:t . , . .
<br /> - �—`ry `����: _>'{ -%�� -+- ` �. .� . . , .
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