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<br /> �YI��'!II 111Mtlf�Or�Qpf"�1fMd��+a11d0��11 b0001110�sY#Iji���IN O��1bOd.HOfrOw�l'���i�l0 p(OfINUl11� ' `.
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<br /> � � 9.Ii�pectiw.Lender a�ts a�ent fnay m�1�p t+aronble aiuias upon snd tnepec,�ar ot the P�rap�rty.Iwnder'ai�1
<br />� ` pva Borm�ra mRia at th�e ti�e d o�priuc t�m itipeCtton rpedh►int ra�o�wbi�s atse for tl�e inpectiqn. .
<br /> � � � 10 Coadaeaatloe.Tl�..prncaedsot my�Matd ot cisim.ipt dwa�,dErect or co�rieduentiat,it�tooanectian Mith ,
<br /> anyoond�emtwtion oe other t�kin�oi a�y p�rt ot tAe Propatg.or ior-carveysnce�n tieu ot oondeannation,ae�a!►eraby .
<br /> aseip�ed aad siall be paid to i.�dars. ' � � .
<br /> ' Iu_t�ev�i ot a�total�qiain�of the_pt+oQer�y,the`ptooeed�elull 6o applied to t1�e aums�ecureQ by thts�ecorltp ,
<br /> . Inauueleat,�►hetha or not tljen due.with any e:oeee paid w$ormNer.?n the event o!�p�rti�},qkins ot t1ie.ProPa*tY�n �
<br /> `. �Iuch ti�e�air msrlcet v�tue ot tbe Ptopietty itninediatdy befar�e�he taiciu�ie eqwi to or peate�thaa the ansount otthe <
<br /> siims aeauc+ed bp thia Sacuur�ty I�trument immediately bdore tbe uti�.unlees BorroNer ar�d L�nder other�riee�tae .
<br /> in�rritiag.the enms sec�x+ed by this Secwity Insttu�nent s�ll 6e reduced by the amow►t o!tt�e proceeae muiti�tiod by .
<br /> the folloRing iraction:l��the total amount of the auims sec�med i�medisuly befoc+e tha tdcinY,divided by(b?tt�c�air . ..
<br /> muket v�tve ot tb�,Pmperty imntadiatdy betore the Wcin�.Aay b�laiix shsll be ptid to Boct+n�rer.IA tl�e event ot a .
<br /> partiaf nYin�ot the Propertq in wbiclr tlx fair m�rtet value ot the Propert}�immediatelY beiae the t�lcin�ia less than
<br /> ' the amovnt oi the sums secor�ed immediatety bafora the taT�ir�g,unle�Hormwer uid Lender utha�vix sYrx in pritiAg
<br /> � or uaIess applicable la� otheraix prnvides. tLs p�oeeds s1W1 be applied to the sums sxured by,this Socurity .
<br /> .' InsMiment�►hCthec or not the s�tns str�tben due.
<br /> U tbe Praperty is abandoned by Bore+nxec,.or if,aftdc natiCe by Lender w Borro�rer that the condomnor offers to
<br /> mske art s�rud or ecttte s claim for d�m�l�ea,Borenka f�n7s��o respoad to I.ender Mithin 30 days after the dste the
<br /> � notix is�iven,�I,endec ia suthosized to colleat�ad spp1Y�the proceed�,:tits optioa,eitLer to restotation or tepir of the ,
<br /> .Pmperty or to the suma sec�md by thia Security Instrument�•Wheti�et ot aat thea due
<br /> Unleas I.ender and Borto�rer otheiMi�e s;rce in aritin�;any appliaation pf pmceeds to princ'spsl`shall not wctend or ,
<br /> . ' post�oae ttie due dste of the monthl9 paYments r�eferred to in paragaplLS 1 utd 2.or clisnge the amount o!sucA
<br /> m
<br /> �y I1$orrower Not Relessed;Forbaraace Bq Len�er Not a�Viiver. Ettenffion of tQe time,�or psyment or
<br /> modificatioa of amartiution of the sums eecirrod by this Sxurity Instrument gcanted by Lender ta any successor in
<br /> _ . iaterest oi Barra�er.s�hill aot operate to rele�s the liability oi tAe original Bonoxqr or Bomn�rei''s�ncceseors in
<br /> � intenst_Letider sdsail not be required to cortimence proceedinp a�ainst any succe�sor in intereat or refuse to extend . `:. .`
<br /> time for payment or otherwise modify amortization oi the suma secured by this Socurity Instrument by reason of an�r �
<br /> . demand made bq the origiml BornaNa oe Bonowet"s s�ccessots in intettist.Aay forbearance by Lender in aier�ssing, ..
<br /> . aay ri�ht or remedy sbalf not be a waiver of or preclnde the e:erciae of sny right ar remedy. � �.
<br /> ' 12.Successora sad Asalsns Hoand;Jaiat aad Several Lisbilitg;Co-si=aeta.The covenants and agreemta�s
<br /> af thisSe�rity Insteument sha11 bind and bea�t the succ�ssors and assigns oi I.ender and BorroweT,s�b2eca ao the
<br /> ptovisia��mf peragraph 17.Borrowa's covenants md sgreenLents shall be jo�nt and several.Any Borrower kha a;c�ssgas
<br /> thia Socurityr ls�stntment but does not ezecuu the Note: (a�is.co sigaing this Security Instrument oaty t�r�g�gage,
<br /> , � �snt and eonvey that Borrowe�s interest in the Prnpert,��srder the te;ms ot this Security ln�m��b� 1�not
<br /> pe�onally obligated to:pay the sums socured by ttus Savrity Instrumen�and (o� sgra.a thet I.e:�der and any other
<br /> � Borrower msy agtee t�r eatiend,modify,torbear ar make sny acr.ommodations with ng��rd to the terrf�s of this Seczuity ,
<br /> lnstrumentor the Nou aithautti�at Borrower's cansen� ' .
<br /> 13. Lasu C6sr=es.,If Yhe�a�secured by ttus Security Instrument is subjoct ta a law which sets masimurn loan �
<br /> ct�arges, and thst law is,finally.�^terpreted so ti�at the interest or other loan charges cullected or to l�e colfe�ued in
<br /> connxtion with the toan excaed the permitud limits,then:(i�)any such loan charge shsll be reduc�-by the amount
<br /> naxss�ry to. reduce tfie ch�tge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums �lready collected fro��3artower which
<br /> e:caded permittod timits w�11 be refundod to Borrower. Lender msy choose to matce this refacus�y reducing the
<br /> ' principl owed under the Note or isy mticing a direct payment to Bonower.If s tefund reduces princip�l,tha reduction
<br /> aiU ba ueated aa a partial prepayment witbout any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. AIotiees.My notico to Borrower pravided for in this Security Instrument shall be g'�ven bg delivering it or by
<br /> maiting it by fitst classesail unless applieabla law requirea use oi another method.TAe notica shai!be directed to the _
<br /> Property Addtess or aas other sddress Borrowet designaus by notice to bende:.Any notice to Lendet shall bc given by
<br /> rist clas�s mail ta Lender's addn�s stated herein or any other address I.ender des�gnates by nbtice to Borrower. Any
<br /> � notice provided for in this Seciniay Instrumerit shall be damed to hsve bcen g�iven to Borrower oc Lender when g'�ven
<br /> . as provided in this paragraph. . '' �
<br /> 15. Goverains I.�w;Severability.This Security Instrument shall be govetned by fedetal la�°aad the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Pmpercy is located.In the event that any provision or clause o�tfi3s Secvai�Instrument or the
<br /> Note conilicta Nith appticsble law,such conflict shslt not sffoct other provisions af this Security Iasriument ot t�ie Note
<br /> � Mhich a�be�ven etfect without the wnflicting provision.To this end tha provisions af this Security Instrument and
<br /> therar�aa+edeclaredwbe�severable. . �
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