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<br /> . - ��.�Ol'lO�Nt�-�[:�lD�fO[�1 bOd�►e4�40�OMli0f�40P�
<br /> � �•;° -17k�Tnwd�t r�t d►s��P��nop�trtl a,s H�ici�t�1 I�t�ewt ir porcow+er.Ii att a.�aJ►P�rt ot si►t cra�
<br /> � � istae�at ia'it' s�oi�a' 4��at if a bemeGcial inwn�t if►8or�ar4c is dd Q Vmtared ard Hat!!o�►a�i�trat i •
<br /> �penow�j withoi�t Imde�a priar�rFit�en ooneat,I�eader�aa�.�t i�t��;t+equire immed'iits p�naK ia iuii at�_
<br /> aU atun�•�ectred b�r d3�3ec�rlt�Iir�sunant I1ow�ater,this optio�t rh1l eot t+e aiier�,by I�end�r it�e!ai�e is
<br /> . prol►ibited6?fedar�ltawasattbedntaottl�irSecuritYiaswmeut • .. �
<br /> It Irender e�tlen�ises this Ladrr ah�U yve Borrower notia oi�sooeieratiou.The aottce�hdl pe+ovida a pxiad� .
<br /> of not lem than 30 dtys froen�te tLa oatice is ddiverod or�suu'ted�►ithin�rltidt Boa�nwet tnut py all enrms�ecured .
<br /> . by tUisSeciu�ty Inetr�mar�.It$aiowdr fu�a w p�y t3ieeeeumepnor to triee�adon o!ttis period.L�er may invote` .
<br /> Y� . .
<br /> - aayteinedieep�emittedyy thisSec�uit�rlmRr�meat�vithoutiurthers�oticaor�deiaandoaBoeroxer.
<br /> . ta..Bn�mwsr's ltii j�t w lteia=tate.If Aormxe�mats ceraia oonditinm+,8ono�re,r ahaU hsv�the ' .t w I�ave
<br /> t
<br /> en[otament o[tl�is Secun In�rumalt disooettirilbd at m�titne prior to t�e artier o�(s)S days(o�euct► t�ecIod
<br /> aa icable la�v msY.�y fa ranat�n«►t�bdoe+�sle ot tbe �wnt to any er of e�te cont�ined in
<br /> �r p� �conditionp ae+c t6at
<br /> ` t1,;s� ty iffiwmm�or iby easqr oi s "�d�nau eniorcin�this ty Icmtrumen� �
<br /> Borrowa:(a)pYs I�eader a11 ar�s which�1xu woutA 6e due undec this.Secutity Inetrumeat and thc Note.ae if no
<br /> aooeteratian h�d axairrad:(b)cunes an;Y ddanit atany otliar cova�n�or s�eme�(cI P�7s aIl e:pa�ee incunnd in
<br /> ' enfac�ng tUis Sec�uity Instrument,includja�.but aot�'tmited to.re�eunaWe attonreys'ta'��nd(d)Wcea i�uch ictian�s
<br /> I,endec miy iraeoosbly tequire to aeetn�e that the liea qt tlns Sec�xity�stru�aa►t,I,endec'a ri�1►ta in the Propaty sn�
<br /> � Horm�rer'sobligttiontop�r theeunfseec�nedby�thisSecutityltdWmeatetvllooatinveuncbm�ed.Upa►ranstateinent
<br /> byBomo+rer.tlusSeoucity�Insttummtaadthcobli�,ttioASeec�nedherebyahallremainiullye�eetiveasitno�cvderatiai :
<br /> � had oxiured.HoMeva,thie rigAt to reinstateshsll not y in the cbc of aooelerati�oa wider pan�ph ly�
<br /> t9.Sala ot Note;C6aa=e o!Laa Servicer.Tha�ot s p+rtial inter�est iA the Note(to�er Mitb tbis Securitir
<br /> laswmeat)naag be eold one or man timrs Mitho�rt priat notive to Borm�rer.A sate i�ay result m s chan�e in the'antitg
<br /> (tnoMn as the"L�n Servicer")that oollocta monthly p�xnoats due under the Note u�d this Secwity Instsumea�There
<br /> atso msy be oae or more cbaages oi the Lwn Suviar u�u�elital w a eale of tb�e l�ote.lf tha+e ia s chaa�e of t1f�Lom
<br /> Secviar.Bormeer�rill be given writua na�ice of the cina�e ia adeordanx pitL►�n�raplt 14 sbave sad spplicable lar.
<br /> The notioe tvilt state the awme aad addres�oi tbe n�w►Loan Servicer sad tlie sddnes'w Mbich p�y:neats shwitd be msde.
<br /> Tbe Aoha�rill aiso vantain any otherinformstion reqaired bp appiiatble b�v.. -
<br /> 20.Hszudous Substadoes.Borroxa sbaU Aat cauee orp�n it the preaeisce�upe.di�o�1.stora�e,a rdasc of `
<br /> ` any Ha�rdous Substances on or in tbe Prn�ecty.Ron+n�va shsll not do,nor a11ow�nyone elae w do.anYthtn�a![ectin�
<br /> the Propercq thst is in vialstion oi sny Envimameata�L�v.The prxedin t�ro senter�xs shall not app1y to the pt+esena.
<br /> ux. or stora�e on the Pro�ercy oi small qwntities at Haurdous Su� tt�t are �enenlly nootniz«i t� bc
<br /> - a o�e atatot►�malresident�'- ta u�eaand.mmaiAUniacaofthePropercy. ' -
<br /> - - - �BorroWee shalt promptly give Lender written imtice of aay inveatigation,claim,demmd.laMSUit ot othec actioa by
<br /> - my govammentai or �swry s�ency'or p�ivau p�rty involviag the Propecty and an Hsutdous Subsquce o�
<br /> -- - Envisobmentsl Law oi w3iich Barrower h�s actusl knowledge.lf Bocrower learns,or is noti�ed bp any governmeata}or
<br /> -=�� ngulatory authority.that sny removal or other nmediation of any Hazerdo� Substance aitectin�the Property is
<br /> ===z�;, necrssary,Borrower shall prompti�►take ait n�ry temcdial actions�n iccwr�dance with Environmental Ua.
<br /> ---=� Aa u�ed ia ttais P�*�S�Ph Z0. Hazardons Substsncea"are tIIase substances defiAed as touc or hsutdoua subst�noe�
<br /> — by Environme�txl LM and the toltoWing substa�psotine.lcea+aea�e,other flsmmable or toric peiroleum pendvct�,:
<br /> =.���c�-�{r.;:;,�
<br /> -:_�, toxic �esticides.�nd herbicides, voluile solvents, {naurials c�ining asbe.staB or formaldehyde. and tadioscri�...
<br /> _- --� matert�YLs.As v'sod in this graph 20,"�uuvitonmentsl I..nw"meana fedecal 1a�s and laws ot the junsdiction wher�e t'?�;;_��:
<br /> � Pc�:r�erty;s locsted that n ate to health,safety ot enviraccmental prauction. ','`�`;
<br /> =M•=.�:�� . �iON-tJN1FORMCOVBNAN'TS.BorrowerasuSdenderturthercovenaatsndagxagfollow� . . .
<br /> - ''""�''" • R e m e d i e s. L e e�d e t s L s ll s ive notioe to Bonower ptior to acceleratioa followia�
<br />.'..-��::; .•�. . ' 21. Acceteatioa; L
<br />.__._..�+..y!".2'..'� � f
<br /> ,.;,.�.z� Borro�vcr s b�acb of aay covensnt�s=reemeat in this Secutity lnatroment(but not prior tv acce eratian
<br /> -�;��,,,�-"�;;..� uader para�raph 17 unleas spplicsbtoF.s�v provides othetwiae).The not�ce shall specity:(a)the def�ult:(b)tha
<br /> �';' � • sction roqoired to cure the default; �e)s date. not less thaa 30 dsys irom the date the aotice is siven to
<br />-='�`��,°�:' Borro�ver.by RhicL the default must be cured;snd(d)thst faibre to cure the default on or beiore the date
<br /> �"-. :_°�r"W� apecified in the aotice msy resutt ia acceleratioa of the sums aecured by this Security Yastrument and sale of
<br />-_-,:,i_<L,`.-' �. the Property..The notice shdl furtber intorm Boreower of the ri�Lt to reinstste siter acceleration sad the
<br />��±�_�: -.-� risht to brinr s court action to�ssett tha aon-e:isteace of s detault ar aa other defense of Borrower tsa
<br /> h
<br />`��`"°.�'�=�' � scteleration a�d sale.If tha deiault is mot cured aa or beiore the dste speai ed in tAe noiice,Lender.at its __
<br /> � � option, maysequtre immediste ps5mrnent in fult ot sll su�na secared hy this 5ecwity lastrumrnt withaot �__
<br /> � . =' 6casther dsmaad and msy invoko tk¢s power of ssle aad say othes remedies pesmitted by a�P�csble law_ � =
<br /> _,. , ,. �. � ��er shall be aatitled.to collect att expeases incurred in purauip=the remedies pravided in Q�[�s�srs=rsph`
<br />- � ,` �t;iacivdin�but aoi limite dto.reascsns b le attoraeys'fees sn d co s t a o f t i t le e vi d e n c e: •'r�.
<br />`-'�_", :�-�::J;' Yf tbc �ver of ssle is involced.�iEUStee shsll record s notice of default in each c���� in�rbicb any psri o!
<br /> . _ P� , y �_:���
<br /> -- ' ��r the.l'roperty rs locsted sad ehall�]copies ot sucb notico in tte manaer�rescri6ed by spplicable law to
<br /> °'=" `' ' Borrot�er and to the other personsprescribed by applicable Inv.After tho time required by appItqble Isw.
<br />__'..�':.7 t.,'',; '
<br /> � -�°'•'"�• Trosteo ahsU'=ive public aotice of ssle to thepersoas and ia the msnner prescribed 6y s plicabk law_Truateo. �'_':;_�'
<br /> �:�+#�."�:� .:
<br /> . �=L,,.., without dennsnd oa Hoaower,ahsll aell the Property at public suction to tbe bishest idder it tha time sad �;'�-:
<br /> -- �`� '� lace aad un�les the terma desipisted in the notiGe of sste im oae or more parcets and in any order Trustee _�.rL
<br /> °��__ - � p
<br /> ="�•;�� �� determines.'�rc�stee msy postpoae ssle of stl ot sny psrce6 ctf the Property by publtc aanouncemeat st tha �::-
<br />_�:�:,. ` time and p�aoe ut any previoqsl���eduted ssle. Londer mff its desi=nee rnay purctoase the Property at amg
<br />�.;:�;.:,.,;� ss1e. , . f� ..
<br /> �_-�=�.,. ..�' � .
<br /> =�
<br /> _-_�r,
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